Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galactic Alliance

The idea that if someone does not conform to your interpretation of a certain phenomenon then they deserve to be exterminated sounds pretty fascist to me. As a Sith I take offense at the thought that just because someone chooses to walk the path of the dark side they deserve to be either wiped out or put behind bars. To me being a Sith means being free. Absolute freedom. Freedom from all chains that enslave mortal souls. Freedom from mindless dogma.

But by all means, wipe out all dark siders you encounter or brainwash them to your ideology or put them behind bars, you lot are filling in the Empire's boots quite nicely already.

Vykon Halke

Interim Chief of State
If the Sith attacks the Jedi, the Jedi has a right to apprehend the Sith and defend himself. But what if there was an alternative option? A peaceful one?

This is all really nice.
I've seen it swing back and forth between 'omg u jedi do nothing against sith tyranny1!' to 'omg u jedi are murderers who attack people without trial!1' Sometimes it happens in the same week.
It's like governments and groups in the real world. Someone will always complain. All you can do is press on and choose the best path possible.

Not to mention that the Jedi/Sith distinction doesn't really apply now since the Sith have been openly an Empire and firebombed worlds...unlike with Palpatine who lived in an age who knew of the Sith only as historical curiosities.
Do you even reading comprehension?

If we believe there is a chance to avoid a fight, we won't [fight.] But we only do that if they wish to come back to the right path. The path that isn't the Dark Side.
This is your faction advertisement, however, as someone has reminded me and so I will depart the thread. I suggest this discussion be taken elsewhere as whole ICly it's topical... It has little to do with the OOC faction.
So if a Sith and a Jedi run into each other, the dont know each other and the Sith aint breaking no local laws. There are no chances on going your separate ways? You see a Sith and he has to either submit to be put in chains by your lot or die trying to stay free?

Wouldnt the Jedi be the one actually breaking laws in that case?
Skorn Draclau said:
So if a Sith and a Jedi run into each other, the dont know each other and the Sith aint breaking no local laws. There are no chances on going your separate ways? You see a Sith and he has to either submit to be put in chains by your lot or die trying to stay free?
Wouldnt the Jedi be the one actually breaking laws in that case?
This makes perfect, logical sense to most people OOC.

It would make zero sense to anyone in Star Wars. I recently NoLifed my way through the Clone Wars and it reminded me that Star Wars is about blacks and whites. Not grays. Our problem Is trying to make it Gray.

The Jedi are adored. Loved. Idolized. For the vast majority of the galaxy the Sith are loathed (for good reason.)

I think most people could stand to watch the Clone Wars in its entirety. We've strayed so far from how the universe is portrayed its laughable. The very intellectual idea that Jedi are religious zealots no better than Sith holds weight OOC, but IC holds none. Because this is Star Wars.

A place where there's no doubt who is good and who is evil, because the entire storyline revolves around Good vs Evil - not Slightly Better vs Slightly Worse, or Zealot vs. Criminal.

But I've broken my word once, I won't do so again. PM me if this debate is that important to you
i like this alot. :D
who cares. sith bad jedi good, blaa blaa blaa...
to the galaxy at large the difference between the sith and jedi have always been bleared... i for one say let the politicians do what they do best.... start civil wars!
Siobhan Kerrigan said:
Jedi are damned if they, damned if they don't. If they don't go Sith hunting people accuse them of being weak and not doing anything. If they go fight Sith and darksiders then they're accused of warmongering.
LOVE IT! These people actually exist!

Vykon Halke

Interim Chief of State
Here's our IC reasoning, which I will probably add to the main post tomorrow, unfortunately for the Republic Spies, I edited out the war plans.

IC Reasons

We want peace. And we feel that many actions the Republic and Jedi have taken, most recently at Etti IV, have caused more chaos and done nothing but create war. They are intentionally attempting to force people to attack them. Exactly the opposite of what they should be doing based on their core values. We want to create good, relasting relationships with other factions, not constant fighting.

We desire freedom. Worlds should have the right to govern themselves. Our new system would allow planets to join under their own terms. We are essentially an alliance of planets who have come together for a cause.

Equality and equal distribution of power. We believe that no single man should rule. So we introduced the Triumvirate, a group of three prominent and trustworthy people to decide on all decisions. It's our way of attempting to irradicate the possibility of a Palpatine or someone getting inside and wreaking the havoc that he did.

Neilo Ardik

The Jedi have become nothing but soldiers of the Republic.

@[member="Darth Vornskr"] I think you massacring of the Togorians made them pull a Jaina.
I'll use this opportunity to announce that Avreet has never seen any genocide from the Sith side, never committed any war crimes, never murdered anyone, never took drugs, never hurt a civilian, always wanted to bring peace to the galaxy and saved many innocents. But who cares, he is a Sith. What a monster!
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
i think if starwars teaches us nothing else it is that everything is in gray...
ok so in IV V and VI it is very clear who is good and bad but I II III and the clone wars are intended to show you the grays.... the messy gritty side of starwars, the part were no one is good and no one is bad... the CIS was not Evil, it was no different to the Republic. the clone wars has a few amazing episodes were is shows the war from "non republic" views and the jedi are seen as warmongers... evan by some in the republic... that is exactly what is happening here...

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