Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Feedback and Criticism on the Entire Staff


Disney's Princess
OOC Account David Tharkosa said:
Pft, you know you aren't ok with this thread, just admit it mister.
Letter of this Forum <---- ----> Spirit of this Forum *naughty*

Haha. Come on man. We're not here to poke the Staff for poking's sake. Just remember the Spirit of the Law is to help make the website better, one day at a time. Not to harass Tef just because we all like harassing Tef. Which, I love. :D


Letter of this Forum ----> <---- Spirit of this Forum *nice*

Help the Staff, help you. *wink* You got this. :D
Jay Scott Clark said:
Letter of this Forum <---- ----> Spirit of this Forum *naughty*

Haha. Come on man. We're not here to poke the Staff for poking's sake. Just remember the Spirit of the Law is to help make the website better, one day at a time. Not to harass Tef just because we all like harassing Tef. Which, I love. :D


Letter of this Forum ----> <---- Spirit of this Forum *nice*

Help the Staff, help you. *wink* You got this. :D
Tis be just a joke mister Clark. -pats your head-

I do wish I could post a gif for points but I actually have something I'd like to add.

In all honestly all you did was not criticize but attempt to point out flaws based on how they were directed to you. It was not helpful for anyone looking from the outside in and proved nothing to anyone. I'm a bit disappointed, really, I have little experience except maybe with a few admins and I was interested in actually getting a critical perspective on the staff. Instead I read through the rambling of someone who called some people out and gave praise to another.

Criticism isn't about pointing out flaws or praising people. It's about giving them something to improve on. That's it. It's not about hard feelings and unless you're Anton Ego from Ratatouille, that's not useful to anyone down the road.

If you want to make a good critical outlook on the staff, I'd be awesome to compile a list of all the things you think they all could improve on individually. I'll give a few examples of my own experiences.

  • You're too vague sometimes, man. It makes me insecure.
  • You reuse the same jokes. I guess that's okay, but new ones would be nice too.
  • You sound like you have a raspy deep voice in my head whenever I read your stuff. Work on that.

Okay. That's it. I'm too lazy to finish.
Anja Aj'Rou said:
You're too vague sometimes, man. It makes me insecure.
I'm vague because my memory is poodoo and one statement out of me could cause an argument that could last for dayyyyys here at SWRP.

Having to be constantly on top of your #%$@ because some little rugrat wants to post a thread up like this one about you gets old, so - if I don't know the facts right off the top of my head - I'm vague.

My favorite response is "Interesting." If I say something's interesting, I'm likely investigating it and getting my poodoo together in preparation for a response.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

I realize this, and looked at other threads they worked on to develop my responses, on those that i was able to also speak personally about. I recognize that a personal opinion is rather small, but im not omnipotent so i can't speak for everyone on how they view staff. Your post in proof enough and when i told them what i thought they did a bit too harshly, it was a suggestion they think about, not saying it for no reason. Thank you for pointing out this fact for me.
Jay Scott Clark said:
If you want the Staff to listen to you. Earn their ear.
Good ideas come from people who have and haven't earned my own personal respect, so I don't really factor that in.

I read like, 95% of the ideas here because you never know where a good one's gonna come from.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]​

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