Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Enemy of my Enemy

TAG: Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Daisy Americus Daisy Americus

Life among the Mandalorian peoples was stirring once more. Kaden had done his best to keep his nose clean of it all, but there were so many different factions popping up that he could not ignore what that would mean for the galaxy as a whole. He sighed as a calloused hand rubbed at his temples. The former Warmaster could not read what came across his news feed without remembering everything that had taken place from his time as a child and beyond.​
Kaden was unnatural. A child raised to know nothing but war and unrest among the Mando'ade could only see the new factions as another brewing civil war, or worse. Would another claim the title of Mand'alor, would several attempt it? He had been there the day those claimed that Yasha had tried to. Her fatal mistake had been two-fold, sitting in Ra's throne, and refusing to listen to her riduur. Kaden had tried to steer her straight, to be the example of what a Mand'alor should have been, but in the end she was too much like her grandfather Darth Carnifex to listen.​
Childhood infatuation had never been love, and why Kaden had ever thought that was beyond him. He had been foolish, young, and stupid. His death should have been the end, but it was not. Somehow he found a way back, a tether, unintentional.​
Dark eyes shifted to the room just off to his left. Daisy Americus Daisy Americus had never asked for him to haunt her, nor had he ever intended to latch onto her as an anchor. It had simply happened, until one day he woke and was among the living again. Elyria had done it, Selene, his "mother." Kaden had not sensed her in some time. Something was wrong, she had woken too soon. Everything had changed, and yet, Kaden had found happiness. The blonde mandalorian shown him what love truly was, and Kaden had learned what it meant to truly care for another. He may have shown it in odd ways, but Kaden was not normal. There relationship certainly wasn't either.​
The farmstead was quiet in the morning, the haven Kaden had built for them, but it would not be for long. Kaden was expecting someone. If he could not ignore the events which were about to happen in the galaxy, he could at least prepare for them. Today was the first step in doing so. Haseria had always been a refuge for those that the Mandalorian Empire had displaced, and there were those of that faction which still roamed the galaxy at large. There was one in particular Kaden wanted to see brought to justice, and the man he would meet today wanted the same. Kaden was determined to at least hear the man out.​

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


Kaden Farr. now that was a name that Shuklaar hadn't heard in a while. Not since he'd read the initial threat assessment reports conducted by Strill Securities oh so many years ago. It had been a while since. Truth be told, Shuklaar didn't even think that the man was alive. Yet, here he was. Narudar didn't quite describe the situation quite accurately. He, like everyone else in Breshig blamed the chaakare in the Mandalore system for their current state of affairs, but if his information was up to date, then the only thing he could blame the man he was about to meet for was not putting a bullet in Yasha when he could've.​
They were all haunted by their pasts in one way or another. Everyone made mistakes that they struggled to leave behind. Those who claimed they didn't were either liars, or some of the luckiest shabuire in the entire shabla galaxy. Kaden and he shared one thing in common, however, and that was that they both wanted the head of that shabuire Australis. Shuklaar had given the man enough chances to prove that he wasn't the di'kutla chaakare he knew him to be. He was prepared to give him his cin vhetin. On Wayland he'd almost fooled him, but when he launched two invasions against the CIS instead of preparing for the fight against the only real enemy of the Mandalorian people, Shuklaar knew that he the only step forward was to kill the shabuire.​
Haseria was supposed to be a refuge for those force sensitive Mandalorians not keen on giving up their abilities. He knew he was going to have to make the trip at some point, and now he had a real reason to. Shuklaar had wanted to fly himself, but Nyles had insisted that he take Beroya 1-1 and Ver'gebuir squadron with him. He'd been tempted to countermand that order, but decided not to insult his old friend. So he did, but he also ordered the escorting fighters to stay in orbit instead of following the gunship down to the surface.​
As he glanced at the outside camera feeds from the privacy of his helmet, Shuklaar couldn't help but admire the home his fellow Mando'ade had found for themselves. He was told that parts of Manda'yaim were still like this when he was very young. He'd only really ever visited Keldabe, and even it had been in his youth. Now of course, the world was a shabla mess, and that was putting it politely. It was nice to see a part of the Mandalorian future that, by Mandalorian standards, wasn't already drenched in blood. Conflict and senseless bloodshed were two very different things after all. That distinction was the first place the similarities between their outlook on life and that of the dar'jetii ended.​
"On final approach, alor," informed Beroya 1-1's pilot over the intercom. Shuklaar undid the safety restraints and stood to his feet, reflexively maglocking his boots in place. Shuklaar stood where he was until he felt the all familiar vibrations associated with Merdit Kote's skill for smooth landings. Without waiting for the crew to open the doors, Shuklaar hit the manual release for the exit ramp.​
As he waited briefly for the ramp to extend and the doors to open, he turned to face Jare'la, "You're staying right here. I'll call if I need you, Jar'ika." If he could, the droid would disobey that direct command, never wanting to stay far from his side. Sometimes he was tempted to shut the droid down at times like this, but he could never bring himself to do that. As much as Jare'la tended to be...Jare'la, the droid had been his constant companion for too long now for him to see him as 'just another droid'.​
The momentary distraction aside, Shuklaar walked down the ramp. He'd considered coming scarcely armed, but wisely reconsidered. There was nothing worse than implying to another Mandalorian that you didn't think they'd be a worthy adversary. As a sign of respect, however, he left behind his ysalamiri birikad. Especially given the reason those on this planet had fled Mandalorian space. Knowing that beyond scant details of his past and their mutual hatred for the shabuir Australis he knew nothing of the man, Shuklaar approached only somewhat deliberately.​
TAG: Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Daisy Americus Daisy Americus

Harvest was in full swing, and despite the company Kaden was expecting, the former Warmaster that had traded in who he had once been for the life of a farmer had plenty of work to do. Just because he was expecting company, it did not mean the work could wait. A pot of steaming hot caf had been left for Daisy Americus Daisy Americus for when she wanted it. For now, Kaden had a fence to repair, hopefully before his company arrived in some ship that would blow the posts down.​
Tossing on his jacket, the Mandalorian was clearly dressed to work. There were parts of his life on Haseria which had seen him break from wearing his armor all the time. Yes, keeping the resol'nare meant that he should, but how many times had he been betrayed by those who purported to keep it? They had developed their own culture on Haseria. Things were not the same as they had been the other places Kaden had lived. The closest Haseria came to anything Kaden knew had been the refugee compound on Dxun. He missed those days when life had been simpler.​
A wind could be felt, one that kicked up a lot of dust. The only explanation was a ship landing in the vicinity. Kaden looked around until he saw the ship, and the Mandalorian which walked down the ramp, in full armor.​
Kaden sighed. Certainly this one would have ideas about the fact Kaden was not wearing his armor, but in some ways, Kaden did not care. Setting the tools down, the warrior walked over toward the ship and greeted the man as he approached.​
"Su Cuy!"
The baritone of Kaden's voice rang out above the roar of the ships engines. His arm was extended for a greeting as he spoke further.​
"I was just about to repair a fence... would you be offended if I asked you to shed some armor and help a vod out? The beskar gets in the way of some of the more finer parts of farm living."

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


The first thing that stood out to Shuklaar, or really would and should have stood out to anyone who had the gift of sight, was that the other Mandalorian he'd come to meet with wasn't wearing any armor. Given what Shuklaar had seen of the place, he didn't see a reason for him to. Mandalorians were rarely seen around aruetiise without their beskar'gam. Around other Mando'ade, especially around one's aliit, it was common or even expected depending on the local/aliit customs, to be dressed down to kute or shirtsleeves.​
Many Mandalorians believed that life was to be lived in one's armor. Armor was important. A warrior's most treasured possession was their beskar'gam. They were required to wear it, care for it, and fight in it. It was the way things had been done ever since the first Mandalorians made their mark on the galaxy all those millennia ago. That said, there was an old tenet that those who held that belief had clearly forgotten, 'Verd ori'shya beskar'gam'. A warrior is more than his armor.​
As a courtesy to the warrior standing before him without his beskar'gam, he removed his buy'ce before grasping his hand in a perfect demonstration of a traditional Mandalorian handshake, "Su cuy'gar." Both meanings of the phrase held meaning in this case, and Shuklaar meant both. He chuckled in response to the other man's request, "If I need beskar'gam to fix a fence, then I must be getting older faster than I thought." Shuklaar ditched the two shoulder mount weapon systems first, which took a little while for him even though he had done it at least a hundred times before.​
Next to be added to the neat pile of equipment were thigh, knee and shin plates. The chest and back plates stayed on for no other reason than the fact that they concealed the somewhat sensitive electronic systems that made up a significant majority of the subsystems integrated into the armor. He indeed looked far less like he was about to wade into a firefight so pitched you could walk all the way on the incoming to triple zero. Part of Shuklaar envied Kaden that he'd found a place where he wasn't constantly expecting to have to go to war at any moment. The other part of him knew that he'd go stir crazy before long.​
Breshig had been home, but it hadn't felt safe for a long time now. The Sith invasion that forced them to execute their ba'slan shev'la was just the final nail in the coffin. "Nice place to call home. I got a good view on the way down. It's not too quiet out here, is it?"

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