Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Crusades there, crusades here, crusades everywhere! (RTL Council + Town Hall)


Yumfla, Susefvi
Merchant-Marine Academy Community Hall

Mya massaged her temples slowly as the crowds slowly filtered into the massive room and holoprojectors flickered to life with representatives from the other member-systems of the League who couldn't make it. Some were official planetary government delegations, others were local municipalities, and some were just community gatherings in their homes with friends and family. Nothing was ever easy in the Outer Rim. But that was made the work worthwhile. Sure, it would be easier and more efficient to have a closed council meeting and make a decision there, but that was no different from any of the oligarchs or juntas from the past. It wasn't the League's way. Many found the League form of government to be chaotic, inefficient, and messy.

But that was the point: decentralizing the authority and power among the people of the Outer Rim would be inefficient and chaotic, but that was the definition of relinquishing power. Besides, efficiency was for droids. And the situation facing them was pointing many towards military action- which would affect everyone in the League. Not only would Joint Strategic Command send defense force units to fight and die elsewhere, but funding would have to be reallocated, taxes potentially increased, and shipping and transport resources redirected to military use. And with the Sith both in the Core and on their border, it put all their worlds at risk of attack. Let alone whatever the Mandalorians were up to.

Everyone had been invited to attend and speak at this meeting- from the Council, the Advisory boards, the Joint Strategic Command, independent citizens and inhabitants, the Jedi Coalition and League of Light, traders and merchants who had recently been in the Core and to Rishii. They'd even sent an invitation to the leadership of the Enclave to sort out the truth and try to resolve any uncertainty. As the time approached, she tapped lightly on the microphone, suppressing a small grin at the sight of the tech people cringing. It wouldn't hurt it any- she hadn't tapped it that hard.

"Hello, everyone, and thank you for both coming and participating in this town hall meeting. Most of you know I am Mya Jesel, chair of the League Council and president of the Suarbi System Republic, at least for the remainder of this term. We have invited you all here today to discuss the situations facing us from around the galaxy in an open, honest, and respectful forum. There have been unsettling rumors and unconfirmed reports about what has been happening on Rishii and Kashyyyk, regarding the Mandalorian Enclave, as well as a developing situation in the Stygian Caldera region of the Core involving the Galactic Alliance and Sith Order."

She paused to let the murmurs die down. "We, of course, have had multiple skirmishes with the Sith raiding across our borders and the Sith-worshippers of the Final Dawn holding Sesweena hostage with their shipyard. Nor do we recognize the legitimacy of the Sith Order's military annexation and occupation of many of our neighboring systems- and fully recognize the rights of the original inhabitants of these worlds to use the means they consider necessary to reclaim their freedom and self-governance. But that creates the conundrum of the Caldera situation- the Ashlans, to the best of our knowledge and awareness, militarily annexed and occupied the Stygian Caldera, dispossessing its inhabitants and driving them into exile, some of which eventually reappeared at Jutrand as the Sith Order." Mya frowned, considering the implications of those words themselves. "Which means that by maintaining the legitimacy of our operations and actions in opposition to the Sith Order in the Outer Rim and their temporarily occupied systems, we cannot also support the Ashlans and Galactic Alliance in maintaining a system occupied by military force."

"This leads us directly to the Rishi discussion," Mya squinted into the crowd, trying to see any familiar faces or the dull gleam of beskar. "What has been happening there? Do we have eyewitnesses who can speak to what happened or representatives from the Enclave? Rumors and gossip are the banes of modern societies, so let us put all the facts on the table and discuss them as equal peers before we make any proclamations regarding the actions on Rishi as a military occupation or a coerced annexation."
Runi Kuryida, Shaman, Philosopher, and Speaker of the Mandokarla sat in the crowd wearing a healthy amount of leathers, feathers, and various plates of beskar that did not stand out as boldly as many warriors. She sat quietly with a few nods and greetings to those in the nearby area as decorum required. Quietly as the meeting got under way and the Chair of the League Council sought to bring matters to order. Ultimately culminating in a desire that someone representing the Mandalorians stepped forward. None seemed to try taking advantage of her chosen delay; perhaps the agent provocateurs were biding their time.

Slowly, Runi stood to her feet as Mya seemed inclined to having someone speak to matters on Rishi. "The Jorhaa'ir of the Mandokarla stands present, Chair of the League Council and President of the Surabi System Republic. I stood on the soil of Rishi in representation of the Enclave when events you describe occurred."

With her credentials Manda-fully established, Runi continued, "As the Enclave met with Rishi's ruling body in an effort to re-establish trade between our worlds, reports of unsanctioned hostilities surfaced. The tense situation between our representatives was quickly diffused, trade negotiations concluded, and Mandalorian warriors moved swiftly to aid the Rishi in containing and investigating the disturbance."

And that was, as they said, that. If the Council expected her to go on about every nuance and trivial detail they'd have to try coaxing it out of her. Runi was many things, and was perceived as a more 'diplomatic' Mandalorian, but she was still Mandalorian. Unnecessary detail need not be expressed. Internal matters were handled internally. And what the galactic population thought of them did not matter in the slightest degree; so if they thought to embarrass or otherwise compel the Enclave to be held to account they had their work cut out for themselves.

"The Enclave's warriors would also be available to any world currently in conflict with any Sith force."
Mya had mentioned the Council and the region were grappling with such difficult opponents. Why not remind people that the Mandalorians were there to aid in their fight? They would find the Enclave a more active, galactic partner soon enough.

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida

Never let it be said that Mandalorians didn't get straight to the point. It established the official perspective even if it was not particularly detailed or informative. She let out a small breath and nodded as the Johaa'ir spoke.

"Unsanctioned hostilities are always concerning," Mya replied after a few moments of thought. "But that is far less concerning than the rumors that have been going through space- of civilian massacres." She interlaced her fingers and pursed her lips in thought.

"What chances do you think there are of these unsanctioned operators striking again- and where do you think they might go?" Mya rested her elbows on a small table, gazing through the crowd at the speaker for the Enclave. "The League is always interested in mutually beneficial. relationships, especially in terms of trade relations. And as you point out, the warriors of the Mando'ade are strong allies against the Sith- who are our gravest concern."

That was the problem that sparked this meeting- the Sith return to the Stygian Caldera. The great irony was that, in this case, the League would normally have supported the Sith in reclaiming their home systems from military occupiers. From what she had heard, that may have been causing some friction with the members of the Rimward Jedi Coalition who took a more militant stance. The great irony was that the League had been clear from the front that they were a secular state with no interest in religious crusades. If holding a consistent ethic meant some would want to leave, they were free to do so.

"But our greatest concern when it comes to focusing on the Sith against our borders is that to do so will leave us undefended and vulnerable to... unsanctioned hostilities. I'm sure you can understand our concern if people we thought were friends turned out to be less friendly than expected."
Mya Jesel Mya Jesel Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida


Director Tevv's jeweled scepter of office echoed throughout the chamber. He was an unimposing little alien clothed in luxurious silks and precious stones. Empty black eyes scrutinized both the Enclave shaman and President Jesel. On behalf of the Sullustan Council this frail bureaucrat represented considerable economic power. A nearby protocol droid translated his native sullustese into basic.

"I would also like to know more about the nature of these...unsanctioned hostilities."

Miel frowned. He was clearly troubled by this meeting. Conflict disrupted trade and trade was his people's lifeblood. After years of galactic conflict, the fragile peace loomed on verge of collapse.

"We agree the Sith are a grave concern. More systems fall under their tyrannical sway while the League debates proportional response."
Wearing: Interceptor Gear

Armed With: Nothing

Nathan had maintained a low rank in any organization he was part of, and never sought out promotion. He'd been low level for years.

He rarely spoke, and never smiled. He did as he was ordered to. It seemed reasonable to him, given the vicious crusade against The Cult of The Brain Demon he engaged in.

But for a man with such low rank in his respective organizations, he had developed an unsettlingly long reach.

Bacta-Works of Epica had spread it's tendrils across League space, selling the miracle healing fluid cheaper and producing it faster than most of its competition. On those two facts alone he had managed to become the dominant seller on multiple league worlds, and, if he played his cards right, he stood a reasonable shot of possibly becoming the dominant Bacta supplier to the League military.

You couldn't pin it on him, of course. He was much too paranoid, even during the era when he was genuinely a Jedi, to have his name publicly associated with ownership of a corporation. Only the most obscure, hidden away legal documents (all controlled and in his possession) named him as the owner. He conducted his business with the company and it's subsidiaries anonymously, through proxy agents. Moya had been given the responsibility of overseeing day to day operations. But he was still very much in charge of the grand design.

How did he use the profit? He had no use for money personally beyond necessities, so the excess had been reinvested into the company further, to let it develop other businesses to control.

How did he use the power? Not for much. It was mainly a means to open that which might have otherwise remained closed. He was building his own network of spies in League Space, so there was that. All to feth over the Sith Lords of course, because pissing off Sith and ruining their day was pretty much his passion project. He was supplying Bacta, Guns, Explosives, Starfighters, and now money to the League. It was safe to say he had some stakes in this debate.

He rose up, his pitch black biker leathers seemingly swallowing the light around him. His eternally frozen grim expression unlike the pleasant, gentle faces his contemporaries often sported.

"The Sith Empire is ultimately still outnumbered by governments completely hostile to their existence. To fault the Galactic Alliance or..."

He almost choked on saying the name of the Ashlans out loud.

"... anyone else, for aggressively driving back that other Sith Empire, guilty of all the things this current one we are facing is, seems like it's just splitting hairs. No Sith Empire ever crumbled without direct action against it. Is Rishi really such a problem?" he asked Mya Jesel Mya Jesel

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida

Miel Tevv Miel Tevv

Corbin had thus far kept silent during the proceedings. Technically, he represented several factions here. He had a stake in all of it. He was Mandalorian, he was Jensaarai, and he was a prominent business owner. He absolutely hated politics, but it seemed as if politics were inevitable. He listened as Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida gave the Enclave's piece on the Rishi ordeal. She had left out some minor details, but she was the Speaker. He would defer to her experience and expertise and say she probably knew what she was doing. Though, there seemed to be one area where they had apposing beliefs. The Speaker didn't seem to care about the reputation of the Mando'ade, but Corbin considered their reputation to be important to how well their culture thrived. Still, he respected the woman. She had taught him a good bit about being a Shaman of the Mandokarla.

He did, however, not a complete lack of her mentioning anything about Kashyyyk. Corbin himself was curious. He had heard nothing of any Enclave dealings on the Wookiee homeworld, so what was going on? Did ORION have some intelligence he had not heard yet? He would have thought they would come to him directly to ask. Speaker Runi wouldn't show it, but Corbin guess she probably knew nothing of it herself but didn't care if anyone thought she was hiding information.

Then Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl spoke up. Odd from such a quiet man, but he seemed a decent enough guy to Corbin, from the few dealings they'd had. Corbin supposed now would be as good a time as any to put in his two Credits' worth. "I believe the issue Madam Mya Jesel Mya Jesel is raising is that it would be hypocritical to hold that against them, even if they are Sith. Honestly, that point of view from a politician is rather refreshing. As far as Rishi: no, it is not a problem. Yes, there were civilian deaths, but most were warriors who were actively retaliating instead of surrendering, which honestly would have been the smart thing to do. I'm not condoning what happened, and that matter is being settled," though Corbin honestly had no idea how it was to be settled. That would be decided by the higherups later. He didn't see it important to point out that most of it had escalated from the actions of one individual. That might cause an unnecessary headache of demands to know exactly who it was. "But I have personally been working with Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki and Nadira Banu to provide reparations to the families of the victims. Even the Council there agrees the matter to be settled. As far as Kashyyyk, I have no information on that. Are you certain the Enclave has any involvement there? Far as I know, there is none. Perhaps you can share what you have heard, Madam President?"
Miel Tevv Miel Tevv Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida

"There is little debate on proportional response," Mya replied to Miel, "The proportionate response is open warfare to end the Sith occupation of the Rim and the restoration of the system's elected governments. Plans are already in motion, but we cannot discuss those in this environment." Especially since only one of those plans was officially a League plan. The rest were... volunteer efforts. "But illegally occupying worlds in the Outer Rim, deposing their government, and instituting a despotic theocracy is an entirely separate issue from attempting to reclaim their homeworlds from a different theocracy."

The League had never been shy about the point that they viewed the Ashlans in the same category as the Sith Empire. Religiously motivated imperialism was religiously motivated imperialism, regardless of the color of the lightsaber. So, there was some more information to be pried out about Rishi as well- not nearly as cut and dry as it was originally described as. "Reparations for the deaths of the Rishi is a good start- you suggest they would have been better off to surrender, but did they have orders from a recognizably legitimate Rishi governing body to surrender? And you say they were retaliating, which does not exactly sync with the idea of unsanctioned hostilities. Were they defending themselves from an unknown attacker? Or had the Rishi warriors known what had happened and made the premeditated decision to retaliate without official sanction?"

"All I can say regarding our information on Kashyyyk is that we have reports of Mandalorians allying themselves with Trandoshans on one of the customary raids." She leaned her elbows on the desk thoughtfully. "Problem being of course is that there are thousands of Mandalorians in the galaxy- most of whom wear beskar, and most outsiders are unfamiliar with the many sects and groups. So if anyone has further information that can clear this up- I don't doubt the galaxy will be deeply relieved."
Mya Jesel Mya Jesel Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

"I did not condone the Ashlan's brutal methods, Madame President," the protocol droid translated for Director Tevv, "But the Caldera crisis is more complex than a matter of sovereignty. Bloodscrawl speaks wisdom. Left in isolation these worlds will breed more Sith extremists and state sponsored terror. There is no clear path to peace. Joint Strategic Command's efforts to secure the League's own borders are admirable. On this matter you have our Home Guard's full support."

Black doll eyes turned to scrutinize the mandalorian envoys. Despite his unintimidating stature Miel radiated a confidence borne of familiarity with such formal political gatherings.

"Native blood was shed on Rishi. It is honorable of your tribe to acknowledge its role no matter the cause. Only united can we oppose this new darkness."
Runi listened patiently as other spoke their minds on the various subject at play. Her countenance changed not an iota as implications or questions alike were levied regarding the Enclave's participation. While she might not be wearing her helmet -- and those in attendance should thank the Manda for that as the Speaker had very specific beliefs about such -- she had weathered countless struggles and negotiations to not need one to mask her inner thoughts.

"It would do the collective well to identify these Mandalorians or whatever Clan they are members of," Runi agreed with Mya's sentiment. "However," her hazel eyes scanned those in attendance, "while the Enclave offers its strength freely in containing the threat of an uncontrolled war of philosophies, especially regarding the Sith, we have not been contracted to police the galaxy for those that claim to the Mandalorian or those that fail to follow the Manda in their hearts." The Enclave was not responsible for the actions of imposters or corrupted souls ambling about the galaxy. "If there are those eager to negotiate our role in reigning in those not of the Enclave that have set themselves upon others..."

"As for the matter of Rishi,"
Runi's lips thinned slightly. "The Enclave did not order the assault that occurred. The matter was settled with the Rishi government in words -- they were not under duress. If there are questions regarding what the Rishi government did or did not order, I suggest you contact them directly. I can no more speak for them as I can independent Mandalorians whose names or clans I do not yet know." That said, they may have applied a little strong arming to the negotiations, but only because there was a member of their government doing the same in opposition to their aims. "The actors in bad faith caused some of the local population to engage Enclave forces, who defended themselves. Once the leadership of both sides became away of the situation, it was dealt with swiftly to avoid any further bloodshed."

"If you contact any errant Mandalorians, tell them they are welcome to Resa on Kestri. The Mandokarla provdes all under the Manda refuge to weigh their own actions and identify corrective action to purge themselves of the wound they did to themselves as they did onto others."
Runi nodded slightly. "Even if that action is to face the justice of another government." Not that such would be guaranteed, but if a person found that was the way to find redemption then that is what must be.

Some would rather shoot such messengers, but then their deaths or incarceration would be on their own heads. Runi helped those that desired it even if they could not find the words to ask for it; the unrepentant would simply have to try better in their next life.

Mya Jesel Mya Jesel | Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher | Miel Tevv Miel Tevv | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl
Miel Tevv Miel Tevv Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida

"We appreciate that," Mya replied, nodding to Miel, "And that is the great debate- principle versus pragmatism, which is something we will have to chart a course through in the future, but I would suspect that many are not too enthusiastic about propping up a military regime."

As Runi spoke, Mya nodded again, leaning forward to listen closer. Something caught her attention. "You say you have not been contracted to rein in rogue Mandalorian raiders? Would the Enclave be interested in such a contract?" It was a long shot, but worth it. It would get the Enclave on their side, at least for the duration of the contract and would remove the need for the League to allocate resources to that. "If not, we will hunt them down and bring them to justice."


How in Haran did The Quartermaster The Quartermaster do this for so long? It was tedious. But the Guildmaster endured it regardless. If Runi could do it, so could he, even though he was wishing for the twin sunset and sands of Tatooine instead of meetings.

He had been silent throughout the talks, opting for Runi to do the more diplomatic kind of talk instead of him and his minced words. He sat silently next to Runi, watching the spectacle of discussion about what had happened on Rishi and Kashyyyk, a frown on his brow after what Corbin said. The kid and his belly were going to be gutted sooner rather than later if he wasn't careful. Runi and Vren were harmless in that regard, but others might not take as kindly to his words.

But Runi handled that easily enough as well. She was a natural.

But when Mya Jesel Mya Jesel spoke again, Vren's dark eyes finally looked at her proper. This was his waters that they were wading into now, and he didn't appreciate strangers meddling in his work. Runi spoke of the more spiritual aspect, but Vren was the lawman in their delegation.
"The Mando'ade govern themselves, ma'am. Always have." he finally spoke up for the first time. "Ultimatums ain't gonna solve any problems for anyone. We'll issue the contract ourselves, find and deal with the lost brethren ourselves. Like we always have." As usual, his voice was friendly and conversational, yet left no room for negotiation. He may be easy-going on some issues, but when it came to upholding the law of his people, he was stalwart. "The Wookiees would get their justice and we'll leave it at that." Still conversational.

As Guildmaster of the Enclave, he already knew who those Mando'ade allying with Trandoshans were.

"There will come a point where our resources stretch thin. Every refugee that flees to us is an advantage to our enemy. Resources spent supporting them are resources spent not fighting Sith or any other threats. Some of you wonder at solutions. We have to consider the possibility of encouraging military enlistment among refugees who flee to our space, and aggressively push for it in fact. I'm not saying a draft should be instituted for all refugees of fighting age, but we should definitely appeal to every refugee in that demographic possible to at least consider enlistment." Nathan added.

Nathan paused a moment, trying to choose his words carefully. "Whether the Mandalorians at Rishi and Kashyyyk are acting on their governments orders is frankly irrelevant. Mandalorians are lethal opponents. If you don't kill them in the first thirty seconds, they just keep fighting until they turn you into canned dog food or force you to do the same to them. I always had to resort to ambush or deceit if I wanted to win quickly..."

He stopped himself, blinking back a bad memory.

"I don't like speaking of such things. Much of our options become stomach turning the longer I am forced to consider them. As for governments to help I have been in communication with various humanitarian organizations in league space as the Refugee Crisis has grown. Organizations with...reach...and medical supplies."

He looked around. "I don't know if it would help, of course..."

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida

Mya Jesel Mya Jesel

Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Miel Tevv Miel Tevv

Location: Yumfla, Susefvi, Merchant Marine Hall
Objective: Observe
Tags: Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher | Vren Rook Vren Rook | Mya Jesel Mya Jesel | Miel Tevv Miel Tevv | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

Notable Equipment:
Pyeth's Lightsaber
Pyeth's Spear


This was a sorry state of affairs. He was never so naive as to assume his efforts destabilising the Corporate Authority would not create a vacuum. He had wrongly hoped that the vacuum would be filled with more forward-thinking organisations. Instead, it weakened the planet's defences which had been exploited by Mandolorians to launch raids on Exonium mines across several regions, even as a group tabled a diplomatic solution to their gluttony.

Exonium. He hated it. The damnable resource had fuelled wars for generations of his people, and not once had they seen any true benefit. He prayed, in vainly, Eostre would one day hold them to account. His people had a history with the Mandalorian tribe, and in some respects, they owed their cultural survival to the Rishii. Rishii never attacked them. So why was he now learning of an unsanctioned attack on refineries where Rishi had been injured or killed?

He knew coming here was a mistake. It was fuelled by desperation. Nadira had fallen silent, and Pyeth had no correspondence since the beginning of the cycle despite his repeated attempts to contact her. He eventually resorted to reaching out to the Chieftain of the Banu, only to receive nothing of any tangible value. This white flag operation had been the last sighting. Anxiousness brought him here.

If the Mandolorians were involved, if they hurt them...

"Ah, yes. Mandalorian justice, they'll undoubtedly slap them on the wrist." Said a voice coming up behind him. It was familiar, yet he could not pin a name or face to it. His mind was too clouded to care. Pyeth simply turned and was surprised to see another Rishi coming up behind him.

Despite the feeling of familiarity, he recognised nothing. The Rishii possessed a strange iridescent plumage of black and deep violets, powdered in royal blue, and dressed in decorative garb fitting of local lower nobility. His short soot-coloured beak ended in a point as opposed to the hooked beaks most commonly seen; he could not recall a single tribe that matched this one's description.

"Would we not do the same?" Pyeth said hopelessly.

"I suppose we would, wouldn't we?" He sighed, "I am Rharrk. Might I know your name, nest brother?" He added with a slight bow.

"Pyeth. I had no idea there would be other RIshii here."

"Regretfully, I thought the same. Tis a shame that our people are planet-bound. It has left us exposed to marauders such as these, and try as I might to secure recognised legal protections they are blissfully ignored or conveniently forgotten."

"I trust in my friends, and President Jasel to take action."

"Then you are more hopeful than I." Rharrk mused

"What do you mean?"

"President Jasel is a politician. Her concerns are wholly focused on Rimward, not the Rishi Maze. If any action is to be declared, it will begin with an investigation that would lead nowhere. Vren would see to that."

"And how would you know?" Pyeth challenged, he doubted the stranger's credentials especially as President Jasef had funded his previous investigation into Rishii and the Corporate Authorities activities there.

"Because that is politics." Rharrk answered plainly, "Besides my business in the financial conduct authority I have dedicated much of my time and resources to securing the future of our people. On behalf of our people, I have worked to secure legal protections from planetary governments and reimbursements for Exonium mining, which are invested into our charity dedicated to this cause."

"What charity?" Pyeth asked, "I have never heard of any such organisation."

"Is that surprising? We are but one in millions seeking similar protections, our story is not unique Brother Pyeth. The primary difference is in most cases they are not isolated to a singular world. Tell me, have you visited Rishi recently? I've visited tribes that are dying of ailments unknown, much of this is traced back to mining and the resulting pollution."

"I... yes." He conceded, recalling the ghost plague and the effects it had on the Raffinki. He watched as a woman approached, human and dressed well carrying a data slate in one hand.

"Rharrk, I have received word that the secretariats will speak with you now. Shall I inform them of your arrival?"

The Rishii sighed, and looked once more at Pyeth, "If you wish to become involved, please do not hesitate to contact me, perhaps with the reputation of a Jedi, we can oil the wheels or take more direct action. After all, life is sacred."

Pyeth stood silent, accepting the holocard given to him, he inspected it for a moment and then put it into the pocket of his robe hoping Rharrk was wrong. Something had to be done, they couldn't alone leave it to the Mandolorians and he needed to find Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher , and learn what he knew about Nadira.

' ' - Mimicry

Separators by Lossa Darcuhl

Runi glanced over at Vren Rook Vren Rook before she looked back to Mya Jesel Mya Jesel . "Let us be clear on this matter. The Enclave is a government of Mandalorian Clans. Not all Mandalorians answer to the authority of the Enclave. It does no one benefit to assume that actions of any Mandalorian or their Clan reflects the intent or desire of the Enclave, except when we confirm they were sanctioned actions."

Her hazel eyes panned over those in attendance. "You can be sure that the Enclave will take responsibility for its actions. Mandalorians do not fear reprisal for what they deemed necessary action. We do not skulk in the shadows. We hunt those that prowl in the dark places of the galaxy no matter their proclaimed philosophies."

A moment later the hazel eyes narrowed slightly as they passed by Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki before they widened once more. "Rishi." It aggravated to be put in this position. Runi hated politics. Not the governance and people management, but the backstabbing and whispers that led to conflict and ruin. "Rishi joined the Enclave as allies several years ago, and they have resumed their trade once more after our negotiations were concluded. Perhaps, in time, they will choose to join us as more than a trade partner again."

"It would be our hope that the League could also be a trading partner. In military matters, certainly, but,"
Runi glanced over at Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , "also in humanitarian matters. The Mandokarla would welcome efforts to distribute medical supplies. To your worlds, and our own. Perhaps there are materials for such supplies in our sphere as well."

Miel Tevv Miel Tevv | Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher
Vren Rook Vren Rook Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Miel Tevv Miel Tevv Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki

Posturing. Assertions. This was the weeds of any negotiation or discussion that appeared. She saw Pyeth as he entered, to be addressed by a Rishi she was unfamiliar with. One had to get their hands dirty to sort through a mire like this. Mya glanced around the room, considering. Who she had really hoped would be here was Master Kortun. He was a soothing, peaceful type but also quite keen-minded and not easily deceived. Or any of the League of Light, perhaps, at least ones who didn't also have connections to the Mandalorians. But the Saaraai-Kaar of the Jensaarai was notoriously elusive in regard to public events.

She studied Vren, studying him thoughtfully. That was honest, direct words. Speech she much preferred, having grown up brawling in back alleys and hauling cargo and fuel receptacles around the docks. "People say a lot about Mandalorian honor. But as the Jorhaa'ir has said- not all Mandalorians answer to the authority of your Enclave. Is saying you will handle the manner something you're willing to stake the honor of the Enclave on, to bring the slave raiders to justice, wherever or whomever they may be? That's something I must trust you with. Not only to protect the Wookiees but to ensure that such raids do not strike the League? Or any more unfortunate incidents on Rishi?" Mya pondered her words carefully. "I've lived too long to give trust easily, Karjr Rook. Am I correct in that's who you are?"

That was always the question. How much could a government gamble on before losing its appearance of authority or legitimacy? It was an ever-fluctuating tide. Shifting ever backward and forwards, moving in the shadows and sacrificing something somewhere to focus on a bigger, broader strategy.

"On the contrary," Mya said, glancing over at Nathan. "Refugees are not a drain on resources. Credits, we have plenty of. More material resources as well. Economics are booming and there are many ways refugees can establish their own future- either through getting a job or starting a business. If they choose to settle in a League world until their homes are liberated, they are entitled to all the rights and privileges. If not, they still have the same right to work, right to a basic income, and right to League-provided healthcare, just as every other inhabitant. Those credits flow back into the League economy, growing rather than shrinking it. We do not hoard wealth or resources here. There are numerous options for inhabitants of local occupied worlds to join a military- either a defense force of the system they're living in, or one of the several government-in-exile forces representing worlds such as Kal'shebbol, Terminus or Demonsgate, to name a few, as well as the many volunteer units and contractors we have on retainer."

The idea of pushing for enlistment in refugee populations sickened her to the stomach. They had already given up everything and while some say those who had nothing to lose fought harder, she doubted it. While she couldn't speak for the defense forces of the other systems, Suarbi would never take recruits through conscription or if they were desperate individuals with no other choice, as that was hardly better than conscription. Nothing suggested they would later choose to serve when they were most needed either, which meant all the time and credits in their training was wasted.

"And we are always interested in trade partnerships," Mya added after considering. "We have some tariffs on importing from out of the League, but that only gives us room to negotiate." She gave half a smile. "If you would like to prepare a proposition, we will begin looking at our affairs and evaluating what sort of relationship might benefit us both and the independent worlds between us. Perhaps we can even create a multilateral trade agreement between us, Rishi, and the worlds along the Mara Corridor and Corellian Run."

She made a note to remind herself of that, discussing possible ideas and another note for the Joint Strategic Command. Strill Securities was always looking for work, and it would be good to have them on standby in case further digging is required.
"You speak of the refugees situation as though they were in an ideal position with the League. They are not in an ideal position. All the points you've made about the League's economy does not survive the reality of when the Sith or the Mandalorians or whoever really takes the fight to you. The Economy has not yet truly begun to feel the crushing weight of two different, very dangerous enemies. " Nathan replied to Mya Jesel Mya Jesel . "Maybe you're right. I hope you are, certainly. But I, for one, will not hold my breath on the idea that you might be right. The League is not the Alliance. The League does not have the same military strength or anywhere near the economic power of the Alliance. You do not have anywhere close to the same level of territory the Alliance does. Why do you think everything near your territory is starting to get the brunt of it? They're focusing on the weaker opponent first. Conquering us is a springboard."

He looked around the room. He spoke bluntly.

"The Mandalorians are among the most dangerous enemies anyone could possibly face, and they won't care how good your economy is. They've smashed bigger. The Sith don't care about anything as long as they win in the end. Things are going ok for everyone right now. Let's see if that's still true a year from now."

He then addressed Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida .

"I'd be interested in discussing such an arrangement..." he said, face not having lost it's grim, perpetually unhappy expression the entire time he had been speaking. Most things about this era didn't make sense to him (And to be honest, he didn't really care beyond the essential plot points, as the Gulag Era had permanently rendered him a hardened cynic/pessimist), so he had no idea what Runi was, just that he sensed the Force about her. Oh well. Discovery!

Then he looked at the rest of the room.

"Whatever this council is eventually decides...prepare for the worst case scenarios. Don't take it on faith that you will continue to do well just because your resources are not stretched to capacity. The Sith want what you have, and they are more than capable of taking it from you when they put their minds to it. You have to be more than capable of holding onto it."

In any case, the response Mya Jesel Mya Jesel had given him confirmed that it would be necessary to take matters into his own hands. Nathan could do nothing more, for he perceived an overconfidence in her statement, and a repugnance at the idea of utilizing untapped resources pouring over their borders (He thought nothing of this absolutely cold blooded assessment of the refugees. He had seen what happened when people do nothing but flee and not fight back.) It was a weakness her enemies would not share.

Fortunately, Nathan lacked this weakness also.

Nathan stepped back from the Podium. It was time to start planning a recruitment drive.

The largest recruitment drive in League Space...

"I bid everyone in this chamber good luck. You'll need it."

Nathan left the chamber.

Miel Tevv Miel Tevv

Vren Rook Vren Rook

Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki

As Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl got up to leave, Corbin spoke to him. "The Enclave is not the League's enemy, Nathan. However, such words might cause some people to believe that you wish to make enemies of the Enclave. I certainly hope that is not the case. I rather like you, personally. But I will not be able to interfere if you insult my people. And honestly, war can be good for the economy, if you look at the positives. Sure, there are a lot of negatives, but there's also the potential for full employment, higher economic growth, increased rate of innovation, and a change in social attitudes. And you talk about the Alliance, but we are not as old as the Alliance. Nor are we as corrupt. But we are every bit as capable, as has been proven by Vergesso. Size doesn't matter, because the League has quality. But I suppose I can understand your view. It's not entirely unreasonable."

Corbin went silent, having said his piece. His mind drifted to the strange dark-feathered Rishii that had spoken to Pyeth. He had a strange Aura, but Corbin couldn't pinpoint exactly what was strange about it. He would have to talk to Pyeth later. He had an uncomfortable feeling. Still, it could be nothing. Corbin was not exactly blessed with Precognition or Future Sight. Still, a little warning and discussion with Pyeth couldn't hurt.

Before Nathan could fully leave the chamber, he was stopped by Corbin, a Jensaarai like he was.

"I speak only from experience." Nathan replied to Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher . "I have faced Mandalorians in battle, and they are among the most dangerous warriors in the Galaxy. Have had to hide in mud, in corpses, to evade your people's artillery, your search teams with the latest sensors in their helmets. Felt the bite of Bes'kads as they severed my tendons. Swatted away crushgaunts before they could turn my esophagus to powder--*

Nathan's head snapped around quickly, breathing hard, having clearly heard a blaster shot that wasn't there. He looked completely alarmed. When he realized only he had heard it, he did his best to not look too rattled. But he was failing miserably at it for a few seconds, until he got his breathing under control.

"What I said wasn't an insult, but an assessment based on first hand encounters. How can I be asked to not observe a precedent?"

Nathan did not react to his assessment that war could be good for business.

"If you only knew how deeply I understand that..." was all he could say in reply.

"Like I said to Mya...we will see if The League's strengths hold true a year from now. The Alliance is corrupt. But it will also be one of the only places to flee to if the the League falls to its enemies, simply because of its sheer girth. But if you disregard everything I say, believe at least this: There is no one in this chamber, not even you or Mya, who wants me to be wrong about our situation more than I do. All I have said to them were simply the measures I myself have had to resort to."

With that, he continued his exit. He needed to call a meeting.

Corbin was right about war bringing opportunity, and Nathan's stomach twisted into horrid, guilty knots about the opportunity he was forming...
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

Hilal tried her best not to get too involved into politics, it was just too complex to understand not to mention boring. It was easier to work on tech stuff and focus on working contracts than watching multiple people negotiate a tax dispute. But when Hilal heard that the Mandalorian Enclave was conducting business with the Rimward Trade League, her curiosity piqued. The Mandalorians did have good relations with the Trade League helping them fend off attackers in the Outer Rim thanks in part of The Quartermaster's excellent negation skills. It was through her that Mandalorians like Hilal managed to get consistent contracts with the Trade League, contracts with great payouts. The Bounty Hunter was taking a break on Susefoi restocking and making repairs to her armor before deciding to participate in the town hall.

She entered the Merchant Marine Community Hall and her eyes lit up seeing so many Mandalorian representatives. "Holy chit," Hilal whispered slowly stepping into the Hall. "These are the best of the best Mandalorians here!"

Hilal was not worthy to be in their presence even though she is a Forgemaster. She still lacked the experience as a warrior to even come remotely close to their level. To actually see these them up close was a great honor, it reminded Hilal of meeting The Quartermaster The Quartermaster for the first time a year ago: Her idol and her inspiration.

"I miss you so much Quartermaster." Hilal thought as she sat down a couple of seats away from Vren Rook Vren Rook . It was best to remain silent and listen to the debates that were taking place. What was going on? Are the Sith on the Rimward's doorstep? So many questions.

Mya Jesel Mya Jesel
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Runi nodded slightly in Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl 's direction. The needs of the many shaped the actions of those in charge. It was often the case as any ruling body had to keep the masses from openly revolting. How they did that varied at scales large and small. Some were looked upon more favorably than others. "I would enjoy that." Establishing partnerships to sate the needs of the people brought far more satisfaction than justifying the actions of warriors that sought to bring order -- justice -- to a galaxy constantly at war to tear itself apart.

Her hazel eyes slid back to Mya Jesel Mya Jesel then. "Chairman Jesel, the Enclave does not ignore a Mandalorian that commits a crime because they are Mandalorian, nor do we turn a blind eye to injustice committed by others. You can trust that a Mandalorian that holds to the Creed and their Honor to do what it right. If, however, you desire to know in advance what that will be, my advice would be to establish a formal contract between us on such matters. To negotiate particulars. You may not get the specificity you desire in all things, but you may find some reassurances in others." The Shaman shrugged slightly. "Otherwise we will conduct ourselves honorably, but whether you understand the decision may be left for vigorous debate."

A contract was a contract with terms and conditions clearly laid out. Otherwise, Runi hoped the League would have someone well versed in Mandalorian culture at hand at all times. Not every decision could be understood by outsiders. Then again, the same could be said for every group people looked to for help in times of need... a romanticized ideal could be a dangerous thing that quickly turns a people against their own protectors. Mandalorians didn't try living up to being some ideal protector. They did what they did because it needed doing.

Though there were some that didn't seem to listen closely enough growing up. Ah, to be so young.

As for a pact of non-aggression or however they wished to describe it... Well, Nathan's fears might be justified if such a pact did not exist. Runi could not say the Enclave would never turn in the League's direction. She did not see any need for them to do so now, but then circumstances could change. If the League became a threat to the galaxy then the Mandalorians might have no choice. A pact would help both sides know when the line was crossed; otherwise, once again, it would be left up to interpretation. Great misunderstandings had been known to lead to war.

Personally, Runi hoped interstellar war would not be necessary. Mandalorians may train and be adept at warfare, but their blades were not of a single edge and they often suffered spiritual wounds on the battlefield. Thus the sanctuary that Resa afforded to help such warriors find themselves and return back to the community they had fought so hard to protect.

Vren Rook Vren Rook | Miel Tevv Miel Tevv | Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher | Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki

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