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Company Modifications [V2]

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Well-Known Member
Company: Chandrila Group
Modification Made: Ownership Change // Name Change ---> Merr-Sonn Agriculture Co.
Rationale: New company so i need to make changes

Pertient Development Threads:
[ x ] - Valashu gained ownership

New Submission: Same, just name change to Merr-Sonn Agriculture Co. and the owner account to Valashu
Company: Chandrila DataTech
Modification Made: Adding new owner also history on acquisition.
Rationale: Ileris recently took ownership in the majority stock involved with Chandrila DataTech and this is to explain this as well as update the company page.

Pertinent Development Threads:

[*]-Ileris Purchases Chandrila DataTech

New Submission:
Chandrila DataTech


Corporation Name: Chandrila Datatech
Headquarters: Hanna City
Locations: Chandrila
▪ Development of new and existing technologies to modern standards
▪ Creation / Invention of new technology
▪ Retail of technological products on Chandrila
Rationale: Chandrila DataTech was founded by the Drey family in 811 ABY, following their move to Chandrila from Eriadu. A standard thirty six years later, Alicia Drey inherited the company from her late father after his sudden demise at the hands his daughter and the machinations of a Sith Lord. Recently the company was purchased by the Sonn Family.

Tier: 3

Description: Chandrilla DataTech is a technological creator and developer company founded on Chandrila, in it's capital city: Hanna City. Founded by the Drey family, the company was started up following their move to Chandrila from Eriadu. Seeking to building on the Chandrilian lust for new technology, the Dreys set up shop in Hanna City and the company has been there ever since.

In 837 ABY, the company was inherited by Alicia Drey, the last surviving heir to the Drey name following the sudden demise all of it's members. In public records, the cause of death was due to a tragic car accident in Hanna City, during which all occupants of both vehicle were killed. In reality, the cause behind these deaths were the machinations of Darth Pandeima, a Sith Lord who sought to recruit Alicia as her Sith Apprentice. As a final act of turning Alicia to the dark side, Pandeima coerced her into committing an act of emancipation, so that she would be all hers.

Under Pandeima's guidance, the company suffered a massive loss a year later. Falling in debt to the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Alicia was forced to liquidate her assets in DataTech, with Taeli Rae becoming the majority shareholder of the corporation until 844 ABY, when it was bought back. Alicia became the majority shareholder of the company once again, with Taeli remaining a significant stake, Chandrila DataTech is set to fulfill the potential that Alicia's late father initially saw.

The Drey’s 65% holding and Ownership of DataTech was placed up for auction shortly after the revival of the company by Alicia, it was purchased by Moff @Ileris Sonn of the Sonn Family and pulled into the services of the First Order and the Sonn’s personal projects. Naturally Taeli Rae still maintains a 35% hold over assets.

Anax Arms (Tier 1)
Distribution of shares:
▪ @Ileris Sonn (CEO) (65%)
▪ @Taeli Rae (35%)
Primary Source:
Company: Century Technological Advancement Enterprises
Modification Made: Fixing a spelling error. Relocating back to Tatooine.
Rationale: Primarily a spelling error. Also, getting closer to a supply of crystals.

Pertient Development Threads:
  • Not needed

New Submission:

This company was made by Warren Century when he realized that the One Sith were nearly unbeatable. Determined to do something about it, Warren reforged his company anew. This company will do private productions of items, but will heavily screen the people they sell to and perform background checks. The One Sith are a group that this company will never start selling to. Furthermore they prefer to sell to light-sided Factions, but will sell to anyone who can pass the background checks and buy the droids, save for the One SIth. The Company is one priding itself on construction of well made battle droids, blasters and lightsabers as well as other weapons and products. The company has recently relocated from Carida back to Tatooine.
Company: Aurora Industries
Modification Made: Changing of operations
Rationale: Decided to drop exo-skeleton operations for cybernetics, and adding Rhinnal as a location for bio-engineering

Pertinent Development Threads (cybernetics) expansion)

New Submission

Corporation Name: Aurora Industries

Headquarters: Erilnar

+ Sev Tok
+ Saleucami
+ Rishi
+ Iskalon
+ Kesh
+ Valc VII
+ Nubia
+ Nickel One (Roche Asteroids)
+ Hast
+ Attahox
+ Scillal

Droid Production:
+ Galantos
+ Saleucami
+ Jabiim
+ Hypori

Weapon Production:
+ Saleucami
+ Jabiim
+ Kesh

Bioengineering Sites:
+ Jen'asha Station
+ Rhinnal

Cybernetic Augmentations:
+ Druckenwell
+ Fondor
+ Geonosis
+ Nar Shaddaa
+ Tatooine

Research Sites (various tie-ins to production)
+ Galantos
+ Saleucami
+ Jabiim
+ Hypori
+ Kesh
+ Styx
+ Jen'asha Station
+ Valc VII
+ Nubia
+ Druckenwell
+ Fondor
+ Nar Shaddaa
+ Geonosis
+ Rhinnal

Sianium mining and refinement facilities (secret)
+ Togoria (mining)
+ Melida/Daan (mining)
+ Taris (mining)
+ Galidraan (refinement)
+ Hosrel XI (refinement, not on map)
+ Iego (synthetic Sianium production)

Operations: Shipbuilding, Anti-Matter research and development, Droid production and research, Weapon research and development, bioengineering, cybernetic research and production, Sianium production and refinement
Company: The Primeval Fleet
Modification Made: A change of ownership.
Rationale: Was given it.

Pertient Development Threads:

New Submission: Just add this line to the rationale: "After Anja Aj'Rou's death Catalys assumed control over the holdings of the Primeval Fleet. After carefully maneuvering through several governments Catalys was approached by Cerita for an experimental opportunity. Now Catalys works as Cerita's right hand in her plans for stability and progress."

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Company: Star Tours
Modifications made:
Rationale: Expansion and improvement of business

Pertinent development threads:

Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction OR a Tier-V+ company.
Make an additional four mass-production products. (Since Star Tours is a service company, codex entries are used instead)
Complete four miscellaneous threads.
  • Allez-vous En (Star Tours discusses the First Order's transportation infrastructure)
  • Hear. me. Roar (Star Tours launches the maiden Cademimu-Lanteeb flight; posts #22, 49, 59, 71, 82, 88, 97, 103, 113, 120, 125, 141)
  • Just a Nail (Star Tours ferries seismic charges to Hosnian Prime)
  • The Morellia Damotite Massacre (Star Tours ferries 242 containers of damotite to Morellia for genocidal ends)
Successfully complete a project of sizeable proportions. (100+ posts; expand the First Order's bread-and-circuses, 102 posts)
New submission:


Corporation Name: Star Tours

Headquarters: Spaceport THX1138 (JanFathal)

Locations: Spaceport THX1138 (JanFathal), Tomorrowland Spaceport (Eriadu), Ringo Vinda, Nar Shaddaa, Lanever Villecham Starport(Hosnian Prime), Bant'ena Fhernan Starport (Lanteeb), Flashpoint Spaceport (Cademimu), Spaceport Derretowa (Morellia)

Operations: Interplanetary travel

Rationale: Using the proceeds of a moneylaundering scheme involving a sizeable number of nova crystals, Dunames purchased a fleet of ships and then proceeded to hire pilots and make a schedule of routes for interplanetary travel

Tier: 4

Description: Star Tours operates space flights from their six bases, Spaceport THX1138, Tomorrowland Spaceport, Nar Shaddaa, Hosnian Prime, Lanteeb and Ringo Vinda using a fleet made up of over one hundred ships, which they use for regular passenger services as well as for vacation packages. They also offer two levels of cargo services: some clients are content with using Star Tours as they would any other space shipping company, while others would desire, at a premium, which includes a security deposit, to have their cargo delivered safe from prying eyes and paying another layer of extra as security deposit if they need to schedule a stop due to the cargo necessitating a rush delivery. For this reason, some have been known to use Star Tours as a means of smuggling cargo and/or laundering money.

Cargo services have since expanded to include interplanetary travel of bulk freight, as well as of luxury cruises, with the advent of the Maersk-class bulk freighter in Star Tours service. As with its main supplier of starships, Star Tours swears to operate only using ships capable of landing on planets. In addition, Star Tours has been voted Most Improved Spaceline in 845 ABY by Hyperspace Traveler thanks to all seats being outfitted with holotrays for in-flight entertainment, meals designed from traditional cuisine at the endpoints of each flight, as well as a wide selection of in-flight duty-free shops. Its weekly in-flight magazine, Taking Off on a Star Tour, also covers the implication of the main galactic events on either their own activities or tourism at large, in addition to covering highlights of select destinations. Due to its involvement in the First Order's bread-and-circuses, Star Tours is nowadays more closely associated to the First Order especially since it systematically sponsors podraces in First Order space, and even deployed a ski resort on Mount Ison. Most importantly, it is one of the many sponsors of the Galactic Games.

Subsidiaries: Taking Off on a Star Tour (media)

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source:

"This is a canon company."
Company: Imperium Forge Works
Modification Made:
* Tier 2 to Tier 3
Rationale: To increase the production and growth of IFW

Pertinent Development Threads:

Sign a contract with two more factions or organizations
* A Profitable Endeavor - Greth sends Lash to broker financing to rebuild the orbital shipyard ring over Rothana.

* Insert Play On words - Greth brokers a trade agreement with Mercenary And Independent Arms

Make an additional three mass-production products.
* ICVr A3 Chariot-class Command Vehicle - Main Line Command Repulsor Tank
* MAVr A7 Broadsword-class Repulsor Tank - Main Line Repulsor Tank
* ISVr A6 Badger-class Support Speeder - Main Line Infantry Support Speeder

Complete three miscellaneous threads.
* Baby Its Cold Outside - Imperiums foundations and assault on Hoth to grab the buried Preator reactor.
* Renewed Conviction - Joran Greth and Kira Corsai leave Gerrenthum in ruin as they move their organization from Imperial Remnant to Fledgling Corporate Superpower
* Writing's on the Wall - Forces from the Imperium and IFW engage Sith Triumvirate forces on Ruusan

New Submission:
Corporation Name: Imperium Forge Works (IFW)

Headquarters: Rothana

Locations: Rothana, Epsom Asteroid Belt, Druckenwell

Operations: Starships, Vehicles, Weapons

Rationale: Seeing a need to internalize the operations and production of the Imperium Joran Greth created the Forge Works to produce the weapons of war the Imperium would use to destroy its enemies.

Tier: Tier 3

Description: After the destruction of Gerrenthum, in the hasty retreat from the world, the ties made with Aurora Industries were broken and the Imperium was left without a primary production source for its starships and vehicles. With the supreme commander AWOL, Joran Greth and Lady Sinistra fled the world moving from location to location before settling in the Rothana System. Here in the outer rim The Imperium was reborn and with it the hunger of war. To sate this appetite the Imperium would need a stable source of weapons, ships, and vehicles. This realization prompted Joran Greth to form the Forge Works and invest what credits he himself had saved and most of the Imperium's balance into the endeavor.

With the formation of the new governmental body and the stabilization of what was left of the Imperium's forces Greth was free to concentrate on the corporation, working out all the needed deals and bribes, the Imperium Forge Works was created to fuel the war machine of the Imperium. The headquarters now being housed on Rothana will be the head of the beast and from it Greth will rebuild the Imperium's fleets and armies and reach out into the galaxy and grab the throats of his and the Imperium's enemies.

With Factories being built surrounding the main headquarters complex, The Imperium will build the vehicles and walkers needed to support its troops. In nearby factories the weapons for the imperium are being produced to enforce the Imperium's will on the populations of its world and the worlds beyond. High above the world of Rothana the Imperium Orbital Command Complex doubles as a factory to produce the small attack craft and assault craft needed to support the fleet and army. In the nearby system of Epsom, a massive shipyard and starbase are being constructed to produce the needed starships to ferry the Imperium's forces into the stars and the leviathans of war to break the back of the enemies fleets.

From the shadows of the Quiberon sector, and throughout the outer rim, the Imperium and its Forge Works will provide the tools needed by the Imperium and all Imperials to spread Order throughout the galaxy.

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source: None

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
Company: Crescentia Industries
Modification: Change from Tier 1 to Tier 2
Justification: Because I wish to advance

Tier I to Tier II
  • Sign a contract with at least one faction or organization (May be NPC).
  • Make at least three minor-production products.

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Crescentia Industries

Headquarters: Phindar

Locations: Phindar, Mandalore

Operations: Augmentations/Cybernetics

Rationale: Used his portion of the sizable inheritance left by his deceased parents to do something more with his life. He has a PhD in Biology and Computer Science. So, why not do something that involves both?

Tier: 2

Description: Crescentia Industries focuses in on an area that seems to be rather untouched upon: the field of cybernetics and augmentations. Sure, plenty of people in the universe have them and own this or that tech, but no single company seems to have focused heavily on this seeming gold mine of potential.

Bhaltair intended to change all of that. Originally timid about owning a company, in fear that it would interfere with the bulk of the work he wished to accomplish, he decided that starting this company was something that he really and truly wanted to do.

Company: Coruscant Flower and Funeral Company
Modification Made: Moving headquarters and location to Point Nadir
Rationale: With the recent invasion and win by the Galactic Alliance of Coruscant, it no longer makes sense to host a criminal enterprise within reach of the goody tooshoo do gooders.

Pertinent Development Threads:

New Submission:

Corporation Name: CFFC - Coruscant Flower and Funeral Company

Headquarters: Point Nadir

Locations: Point Nadir, Coruscant - as well as smuggling into adjacent spaces and beyond

Operations: Primarily a service company. We provide all manner of illegal goods, through the face of legal avenues. We even file our taxes and donate to charity, improving the world around the company - as is the purpose of the parent faction, the Coruscant Rotary Club. The sole operation, while malevolent and illegal, is hidden behind the positive impacts that the facilities have on the surrounding community. This is particularly the case when hosting services in areas not part of the headquarters station, Point Nadir.

Rationale: The company was founded through the eventual mutual relationship formed between multiple villains, all with the indirect funding from the One Sith. Bad guys being bad guys. Kranos started his initial collection of properties through work with the coruscant mob bosses, leading to ownership of several distribution centers veiled as Flower Shops. Funeral homes just seemed the natural progression. And as profits improved, so did the expanse of the services, which rendered need for the casino and the community outreach centers. Following the invasion of Coruscant by the Galactic Alliance, necessary moves were made to secure assets out of the reach of the law - though services are still rendered where they are needed.

Tier: Tier 3

Description: The CFFC is primarily a service company in it's initial foundation. Illegal goods through untraceable and legally-rendered means is the name of the game. First and foremost, the company provides for the manufacturing and distribution of drugs via ground service and delivery throughout Point Nadir, Coruscant, and beyond. On top of this, the company specializes in the procurement of illegal goods for the finer tastes in life. The following are examples of services available, beyond drug distribution:
  • Procurement of Organs: For whatever reason, no judgment. The company uses a 'projectile' funeral system (shooting the bodies into space), or closed casket only. The caskets have no one in them and the bodies are used for organ procurement or more devious notions.
  • Slaves: The CFFC has multiple grants and work-for-hire programs. However, these are 9/10 methods for procurement of slaves with the story that the individual has found the life they have always wanted, off planet of course. During this time, they will either be sold off or used for labor.
  • Entertainment: With the right sort of money, you can buy just about anything - and what better way to see it then through the interactions of slaves. You purchase 'em, we'll tell them what to do.
  • Bounties: We can post them, hire out bounty hunters, all without the initial party being involved. Consider it an anonymous bounty.
  • Money Laundering: While our casino is one of our more legitimate operations, we do use it for money laundering and other forms of service hiring.
  • Rare Artifacts: Anonymous procurement of artifacts, along with delivery.
  • Any other illegal activity that requires the prevention of tracking. While we don't smuggle as of yet, we are not beyond that and will consider it on a case by case basis.
  • We will eventually move into the development of new drugs, along with delivery systems. However, for now, we are keeping grounded in services for the time being.
Facilities: Flower Shops (Distribution Centers), Casino/Museum/Opera House (Base of operations, Museum Extension for Rare Artifacts, and point of contact for large contracts), Morgue and Funeral Home (organ procurement), Community outreach centers (slave procurement and charitable contributions). All of which will be used to publicly improve the area around the facilities through charitable donations. And finally, segments of Point Nadir.

Subsidiaries: N/a (yet)

Primary Source: N/a

To Tier 3
Pertinent Development Threads:
- Cream Rises to the Top - Unofficial agreement/contract with One Sith for procurement of information, implied support of company through laundered endorsement.
- A morphine a Day keeps the doctor at bay - Agreement with Coruscant General Hospital to be sole provider of analgesic drugs, plus construction of drug rehab center.

Miscellaneous Threads:
- Little Shop of Horrors - Formation of CFFC, under the banner of the Coruscant Rotary Club
- Coruscant Underworld - Introduction of the Tourism Center, the main location used for slave trafficking in the CFFC
- Deus ex Machina - Introduction of the Golden Hour Opera House, a prominent portion of the Cream and the Crop Casino, location used for money laundering and other exploits
- Lost in Happyland - Introduction to the Happyland Funeral Home, the base of operations for the organ black market in the CFFC

- Cactus Poppers - Drug
- Plant Enhancer 2000 (D-Grade) - Drug
- Sharps Syrup - Drug derived from plant species, Sharps Hawthorne
- Toma - The Everyman's drug - Drug
- Papa Yeast - Yeast that produces opiate based drugs
- Nang Juice - Derived from the Selvaris Nangtrap
- LDS - 1 - Organic based drug
Company: Ringovinda StarYards
Modification made: Advancing to tier-4, adding Pergitor to locations
Rationale: Expansion of business

Pertinent development threads:

Sign contracts with an additional three player-run organizations, one of which must be a tier-5+ company or a major faction:
Complete four miscellaneous threads.
Make an additional four mass-produced products.
Successfully complete a project of sizeable proportions. (Build the largest ship in the galaxy capable of landing on planetary surfaces, the Ultima-class bulk freighter)
Total: 126 posts

New submission:


Corporation Name: Ringovinda StarYards

Headquarters: Ringo Vinda

Locations: Ringo Vinda, Soceras, Gyndine, Pergitor

  • Building starships
  • Building Land Vehicles.

Rationale: As a state-run company, Ringovinda StarYards was formerly insolvent. Poor management of company funds, bribery scandals, high salary bonuses to upper management, all of which forced the Ringo Vinda government to hold an emergency meeting regarding the company. It would be decided that the corporation be auctioned off.

Understandably, even though the more conservative fringes of the population would rather let the corporation be purchased by off-worlders (candidates included several "major shipyards") than be incompetently managed at home, a grassroots movement allowed Ringovinda StarYards to remain Ringo Vinda property. It was decided that a lottery would be held and the winner would run the company.

Tier: 4

Description: Ringovinda StarYards is a company that mostly accepts orders for starships from private corporations, although sometimes governments may place orders for their products and also individuals that need more security than normal transport ships can provide for. It also seems to be a pioneer in the use of disabled personnel, making it a point of employing at least 7% of its staff with disabilities. As such, Ringovinda StarYards provides appropriate training for disabled people and the roles they can fill, and often when their disabilities would be used to their advantage. For instance, deaf people can work in the noisiest of environments, smell-impaired people can do sanitation...

It is also strongly committed to the ability of their own products to safely land on planets. Sith-led factions will find it difficult to buy ships from them. Also it has recently began to build mobile, adjustable drydocks for other shipyards in addition of building bombers, land vehicles and bulk freighters among the largest in the galaxy. Lately it sought to diversify its portfolio through the purchase of hitherto Hutt-controlled Pizza Hutt.

Parent corporation: N/A

Primary source: N/A
Company: Independent Military Developers
Modification Made: making small arms and armour
Rationale: new factories built, to facilitate these things

Pertinent Development Threads:
Mass Production Items:

New Submission:

Image: http://www.infernode...y-illustrations
Corporation Name: Independent Military Developers

Headquarters: Serenno

Locations: Serenno Nar shaddaa Valhalla
Operations: Star ships, Vehicles, Droids, Small Arms, Armour, Mining.

Rationale: After Leaving Val Tek behind, Sabine got bored and decide to make her up her own company. To help any dark side faction gain a military task force, as they set up. As the advance of Light side had to kept in check at all costs. So lacking in manpower, she made droid factory, as they did not need to paid or fed. Also this could help keep her home world safe from any advance, of any unwanted intentions.

Tier: Tier 3

Description: The factory has been set up in an industrialized part of the world, using automated manufacturing planets. This way they don't tier out, they don't need a brake. Also they don't need food or pay, that helps keep production costs down. It has it own spaceport to help bring in off world supply's and technical skills, and to export there goods. Inside the factory machines work around the clock, assembling vehicles droids and ships, all to stop the advance of light side of the force.

The ship making part is one part Sabine take most interest in, as she had always liked making ships. As such is has the biggest part of the factory technical skills dedicated to it, and other parts are used to enhance it. This mean ships have droids purpose made to assemble each section of them, as well crew them if need be. Everything was purpose built, down to maintenance droids, to repair and maintain the droids the made the factory work.

She decide to build a couple new factories, one on nar shaddaa, to facilitate building of small arms. This was a useful location, as she could have the weapons tested in the field, via the gang warfare. These factories where small, and dotted all over the moon. This meant they where hard to knock out her production, as each mini factory was self contained.

Also she decide to open a mine on Valhalla, this allowed her to make new armour, as the raw materials came from there. She built an armouring factory, this reduced the transport costs, as the raw materials where produced near by.

If I don't make it to tier 3, can you tell me what I need to list, or thread I may need to do. Never got my head round the rules of tier advancement properly.
Company: Great Leap Forward Inc.
Modification Made:

1. Switching the author of the original submission over to this account with the permission of the original author (Velok now [member="Vesta Rekali"] / [member="Jorus Merrill"] ) if he has no qualms with this.

2. Barring no issues with #1, I'd like to add a line to the end of the description reading:

"In its original inception, GLF Inc. was co-owned by Velok, Dissero, and Valik, the shares and earnings equally split. However, after the deaths of both Velok and Valik, the ownership passed in full to Dissero, who has--of his own volition and funds--spent time investing into the creation of six physical shop locations for GLF Inc. called Marrow & Illskins as well as collecting and creating products to sell within said shops. Dissero has also taken revenue earned through GLF Inc. and partnered with AEI for the creation and support of the up and coming Alchemist's Guild by providing resources and Alchemy ingredients at discounted rates to enrolled students."

Rationale: I was inspired to attempt to wrangle rights to GLF Inc. after learning that both of the other IC owners and contributors are dead. I have permission from [member="Valik"] ( [member="Rekali the Hutt"] ) on his end to claim what was once his character's part in the ownership, I am simply waiting on word from Velok/Jorus as far as where he is concerned. Ultimately I am seeking to expand GLF Inc.'s role in the galaxy and tier up the company itself. If IC development is required, I can link any number of threads connected to Marrow & Illskins as well as several products passed through Factory made specifically for selling through the shops; as well I might be able to scrounge up the threads where both Velok and Valik meet their demise for posterity, however I feel we are well beyond necessitating this as both their deaths are long-for now. Mostly, I'm just waiting on permission from Jorus, and as he's on LOA but still mildly active in Factory, this seemed the best place to petition for it.

Pertient Development Threads:
  • If necessary.

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Great Leap Forward Incorporated

Headquarters: Varunda IX

Locations: Distribution venues change constantly with fluctuating laws and local conditions. GLF Inc. maintains a presence on Coruscant, Roon, Annaj, Mandalore, and Fondor through its hidden Marrow & Illskins Alchemy Shop venues.

Operations: Producing and distributing holocrons, Force artifacts, Alchemy creations as well as ingredients and supplies.

Rationale: After a successful raid which netted every holocron and artifact in the Sith Archives, Velok and Dissero embarked on a project. Two of the galaxy's finest holocron makers would place individual techniques in small, relatively simple holocrons, of the kind used as journals by ancient Jedi like Tharence Wo or the father of Bastila Shan. Velok then recruited Warren Valik, the galaxy's greatest materials alchemist, to help steal holocrons from the Jedi Archives on Tython, and to assist them in producing large numbers of simple holocrons.

Tier: 2

Description: The IC intent of Great Leap Forward is threefold. First, to disseminate long-hoarded secrets and spread understanding, in the tradition of the Blackguard of whom Velok is the last surviving heir. Second, to undermine monopolies on secrets of the Force, held by the Sith Empire and the Jedi Order -- and to humiliate both orders. Third, to spread chaos.

Great Leap Forward operates through mind-tricked, unaware, disposable couriers and reputable, well-guarded third-party auction houses, as well as other distribution venues. Its ownership can be guessed but not, by and large, verified.

GLF's product is high-value but low-volume. Not even three expert makers of holocrons can truly mass-produce them. However, GLF also sells artifacts and numerous holocrons from the Jedi and Sith Archives, from the mundane to the truly unique, as well as the detritus of the GLF founders' private collections. GLF does not take requests, as there is no way to contact GLF. When possible, the name is not used at all; in most cases, holocrons simply surface as anonymously backed lots in auctions across the galaxy. There are times when, at a loss, GLF adopts a 'free to a good home' philosophy; call it corporate charity work.

The process of transferring information from original holocrons to duplicates is time-consuming, requiring the holocron makers as a means of verbal and energy-construct-based transition. The resulting gatekeepers are sketchy duplicates of the originals in personality and image. The resulting holocrons vary somewhat in terms of physical durability; in any case, one should be careful with anything made of crystal. Most of those holocrons contain information on only one Force power.

In its original inception, GLF Inc. was co-owned by Velok, Dissero, and Valik, the shares and earnings equally split. However, after the deaths of both Velok and Valik, the ownership passed in full to Dissero, who has--of his own volition and funds--spent time investing into the creation of six physical shop locations for GLF Inc. called Marrow & Illskins as well as collecting and creating products to sell within said shops. Dissero has also taken revenue earned through GLF Inc. and partnered with AEI for the creation and support of the up and coming Alchemist's Guild by providing resources and Alchemy ingredients at discounted rates to enrolled students.

Rekali the Hutt

I feel it funny I'm "The Hutt guy" now. Anyways, just wanted to say that I'm completely cool with Dissero's absorption of Valik's stock.
Titan Kryze said:
Complete three miscellaneous threads. Infinite Knowledge Hanging Out - Undin Jaii Hanging Out - Undin Jaii(~40 Posts) - [Titan and @ Undin Jaii go to Illum in search of an old holocron and find an ancient Jedi temple with a small built in factory.](Adding Illum as a location and Weapons and Technology operations)
These must be three separate threads. Do you have a third thread that could be used for this?

Gir Quee said:
Major Project: Hephaestus-class Factory Ship (116 posts of development behind project)
Please link me all the development threads for this project.

Ensure that they are not being used to fulfill any other Tier up qualifier ( Contracts or misc threads)

Valashu Elahad said:
Modification Made: Merging All Manufacturing Subsidiaries with Parental Company Adding Organic Starships to Operation Adding a restaurant chain
May I please have the link to the company submissions of the subsidiaries you are merging into your parent company?

Ugohr Poof said:
Make an additional three mass-produced items. (Since IGR Brokerage is a service company, Codex entries will be used instead) IGR Datacenter - its datacenter on Malastare Malastare Narrows Business Park - its headquarters are located inside the park Lady Kyros' Hidden Sanctuary - its first property sold in the Marketplace
Lady Kyros property is not a codex item created by your company. Do you have another?

Charzon Loulan said:
Company: Pizza Hutt
I need the company submission link

[member="Titan Kryze"]

Only a tier 3 may have subsidiaries. Titan Indusries is not a Tier 3 company yet.

[member="Warren Century"]

Do you have a development thread for your HQ location change

William Kerkov said:
Modification Made: Change in operations done by company Rationale: To improve and expand business
Do you have a development thread for the additional operation?

Dunames Lopez said:
Successfully complete a project of sizeable proportions. (100+ posts; expand the First Order's bread-and-circuses, 102 posts) First Annual Galactic Games - Avalonia (Star Tours sponsors and provides live holo coverage of the Galactic Games; 102 posts)
This thread was created by the faction staff for the members. It was not created nor headed by Star Tours.

Do you have a major project that is headed by Star Tours explicitly?

[member="Darth Banshee"]

For tier 3, you need the following:

Tier II to Tier III
  • Sign a contract with two more factions or organizations. (May be NPC).
  1. .
  2. .
  • Make an additional three mass-production products.
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .

  • Complete three miscellaneous threads.
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .

[member="Kami Meran"]

To increase to tier 2, the following must be completed

Tier I to Tier II
  • Sign a contract with at least one faction or organization (May be NPC).
  1. ​,
  • Make at least three minor-production products.
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .

  • Complete two miscellaneous threads.
  1. .
  2. .
[member="Charzon Loulan"] in the process of reviewing

[member="Dissero"] I'll wait for verification from the other writer.

All others updated.
[member="Kami Meran"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Dunames Lopez"] @William Kerkov @Warren Century [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Ugohr Poof"] [member="Titan Kryze"] [member="Gir Quee"]

This Modification thread will now be closed.

For all future Modifications, please see this thread.

If I sent you an inquiry on here requesting more information or changes, please post the full updated modification in the new thread.
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