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Dunames Lopez - money laundromat

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours

Dunames' so-called "standard form"

Image source:

NAME: Dunames Lopez
FACTION: First Order
RANK: CEO, Star Tours
SPECIES: Polydroxol
AGE: 28
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 200 kg (but that's a function of Polydroxols being much denser than normal sentients)
EYES: Varies according to form (but in her "standard" form, blue)
HAIR: Varies according to form (but in her "standard" form, purple)
SKIN: Varies according to form (but in her "standard" form, fair-skinned)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Shape-shifting
+ Can survive without oxygen
+ Can easily put money values on items
+ Elite-level capital ship pilot
+ Quick recovery of injuries due to her denantium body

- Vulnerable to EMP weaponry (such as a taser)
- Vain (can purchase fashion accessories almost on a whim)
- When shape-shifting, can feel intense pain doing it
- Megalomaniac
- Near-complete lack of common sense

Born on Sevetta to a smuggler family, Dunames Lopez was introduced early to the world of crime and piracy. She was noted as a teenager for her disposition towards money laundering when she worked as a bank teller, since she was very adept at handling money, and she also made a living appraising various items. While her parents lived, she was a tremendous asset for selling stolen merchandise from her parents' pirate raids. As a teenager, she was nicknamed Dark Witch due to her bravery in the pirates' combat training.

But all of this changed when her parents were after a Plexgrove Combine courier ship, carrying nova crystals. After this spectacular heist, which saw her parents die, she had a stash of five hundred crates full of nova crystals that was quickly traded in for her latest money-laundering scheme. At the same time, she realized that she couldn't continue money-laundering with her current methods, and she knew she needed a front to pursue moneylaundering activities, while at the same time having a service to offer so that the front could be maintained. She thus rebuilt Star Tours, marking its rebirth after centuries of inactivity. Also, as soon as she began service to First Order territory, Star Tours applied for an IOB pass.

As of late, Dunames was involved in several schemes: the intoxication of Thakwaa via damotite, and the Morellia Damotite Massacre, and indirectly in the Kuat raid. She also began to take up podracing as a result of her travel trip on Cademimu, where she was exposed to podracing for the first time. She was victorious in the Lanteeb Grand Prix and, with it, she contributed much of the bread and circuses infrastructure of the First Order.

  • A MR-74 semi-automatic rifle with infrared sniper sighting device
  • A taser pistol for close-quarters combat (an EMP pistol that can also stun organics)
The Bowser, a modified AT-AT barge, with the lower deck for outsize cargo (up to one MTT or two AT-ATs, legs retracted) and the upper deck for passengers in bucket-seat configuration or, alternatively, the Pullman of Teth, a Pullman-class light freighter in Star Tours service

For podracing, she uses a Gyaban 787 outfitted with two FWMB-10 repeating blasters.






Milk run delivery
The Flying Whiskey Fountain
Deathsticks, deathsticks and more deathsticks!
First Order of Business
Too crazy to be true?
Lipstick Express
More hypermatter than sense?
Allez-vous En
The Morellia Damotite Massacre
Just another Nail
Side by side... by side (Anoat hex dominion)
Operation Noah's Ark, phase 1
Coruscant: Please, take my money!
Among the Dead (Vortusa/Dead Nebula dominion)
Second Contact (Resu hex dominion)
Make the Best Use of Frequent Flyer Miles
The Gospel and Testaments of Ardgal Raxis
Progenies of Asymmetric Warfare (Zarnathea Hex dominion)
The Red Curtain (Quintas dominion)
Year-round Halloween
A trip down history lane
TKO: Hyperspace Highway
Strength Through Joy (Trenwyth Hex dominion)
Taking Off on a Star Tour Episode 1: Dark Side of the Force
Taking Off on a Star Tour Episode 2: Light Side of the Force
Go forth, and fear no darkness!


Das Kno' W're
Arkuhn Charity Raffle
First Order Economic & Commerce Summit
Masquerade at Grand Theatre
In a World Where Kings Are Employers (Thakwaa hex dominion)
Empire Day
Hear. me. Roar (Cademimu hex dominion)
Lanteeb Grand Prix
The Galactic Premiere of Dead Fantasy 2
First Annual Galactic Games
First Order: All Hallow's Eve (Dominion of Gehenna and Red Nebula)
Celebration, Day Three: The Podrace

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