Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Come Get A Slave

Xander had to act fast. The girl took care of herself, the rouge Jedi was simply being arrogant. So it turned out he might be outnumbered, but then others came in. It seemed to be more even now, and Xander had to get out. The Sith Lord had threatened to make him pay. Xander rolled his eyes. This was not their territory and they had no jurisdiction here. There was more than one way to see someone liberated, and another way to capture an apprentice. Xander had hoped to help her move.

The slaver activated the shock collars. He could hear the screams, and Xander pressed the force to his legs and sped away to where the Mirilan's cage was. He wasn't leaving until he could pay for the the slave. He could steal her, but not as long as the shock collar was on her. Xander looked to the slaver. It was then someone showed up with an Ysalimir. The feeling of the force drained from the monarch.

"[member="Cadan Tazi"], how much you want for the Mirilan in the middle of all this. The Ysalimir has suppressed my force use, but I'm more than force user."

Xander pulled out his energy bow.

"I'm not going anywhere until we reach a deal."

[member="Chevu Visz"]
Ka-Avers jaw dropped. Alot of stuff was happening real fast. This was a good catch that was about to be destroyed by those force using, light saber wielding types. The large weequay shifted his two handed vibro glaive from right to left, shifting his stance slightly. Positioned about two meters behind [member="Cadan Tazi"] he knew he had to protect the duros or the hutts would have his hide. Cadan was an important man to the cartel. Ka-Aver was only important as long as he could stay in the good graces of such people.
And if there was a motivator beoynd credits, honor and all that it was to avoid getting the hutts wrath spewed upon one self. At least thats how Ka-Aver reasoned.

"uh... Bozz, youz need to get outz of here... thiz iz going crazy hot and them ziths are freakin hard to deal with youz know..."
Never the less the weequay moved to place himself in front of [member="Cadan Tazi"] and thus in the way for anyone who might try to charge or shoot at the duros.

[member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Adekos"] [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Jemima Armandé"] [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] [member="Abraxas"] [member="Katya Shorn"] [member="Lucien Cordel"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
Tmoxin really didn't care about the slavers. Nor the practice of slavery itself.

She had owned slaves before and had turned them into soldiers, some of them still with her in her Morpho Security Division. She had even used a slave as a decoy once who she left to the clutches of [member="Darth Carach"]. The Maker only knew what happened to poor Marta after ending up with the infamous Sith Lord (with no doubt that she ended up in his bed first).

But the travesty here was the fact that these Hutts plopped down on Tatooine and began to operate in Techno Union space without the proper licenses. The disorderliness of it all!

The gunship beeped a warning that there was an incoming attack, so Tmoxin and her pilot banked, but the Acturus was hit by [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]'s missiles. The ship rocked with the impact and another booming explosion could be heard by all on the ground.

"Bring that ship down!" Tmoxin growled, and the gunship fired back, both top and front laser cannons. But her vessel was now listing from the attack, and the pilot quickly titled and headed towards the desert to make an emergency landing. The Hapan CEO strapped in, and the Acturus landed abruptly in a deserted sand bank quite far from the slave auction.

From her seat, she called in more reinforcements. "TU Patrols, this is the Blood Monarch. Please send dropships with droids and let [member="Adekos"] know they are on the way."

With that she unstrapped from her seat and made her way to the exit hatch. It would be a hike, but with her damaged ship, there wasn't much that Tmoxin could do in the air. If the Jedi who shot her down, wanted a fight, Tmoxin was happy to give it to her, and as she climbed down the ramp, she shielded her eyes from the sun, looking for her opponent's ship to see if the Jedi had decided to follow by air.
Tulkas remains still in the cage watching the immanent battle zone. He turns to look towards Lucein helping his child, he seeming to be the only good looking person. Looking back to the action tulkas wonders who are more vicious animals, the slavers and pirates or these people.

Grabbing at the collar he grunts pulling at it to try and take it off. But it does seem hopeless. "Kark!"

Asuming this wIll escalate quickly he sits back into the cage to watch, hopefully safe.
Lucien turned to tulkas upon hearing him stir. "Hang in there young man, It will be over soon" He said with a smile. He watched the collar shock [member="Tulkas"] again. This whole system was vile, the people of this system were vile. He supposed by extension he was vile, Lucien didn't keep slaves but he had bought people. He freed them of course but he funded slavers. He sighed to himself all this deep thinking was making his head hurt. He looked over to the boy again "Do you want me to open the cage and remove your chains? I want let anyone hurt you but you can risk leaving then ... I'm hesitant to mess with your collar though who knows what the slaver has set up in that"

Lucien didn't want to be responsible for having the boys head explode. "Don't worry about the soldiers by the way, they won't lay a hand on you they are here for your kidnapper not you"
[member="Xander Blackmoore"] | [member="Cadan Tazi"] | [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

Adekos did not see by what method the Blackmoore dealt with his lightning, but it suddenly became irrelevant. The pirates were now attempting to respond. Five in particular moved in to engage Adekos, but the Umbaran only grunted in disgust. He pulled his arm back and then flung his ignited lightsaber at the approaching pirates. The rapidly spiraling blade arced through the air in a path guided by the force, hacking apart the five in a clean line before completing the circle and returning to his hand. Two were cleft in twain, one lost a head, and then two more were missing legs. In the background some woman was screeching about how there was no law.

Perhaps there was no law on Tatooine. But there was law in Techno Union space, and the law expressly forbid human trafficking. As in the rest of the civilized galaxy, there were stringent penalties for such behavior. Perhaps they would have raided the slave market next to Cadan's. If there were a slave market next to Cadan's to raid, at any rate. Dealing with most other crimes on Tatooine were a wild Anaxi goose chase, but they could certainly deal with the more horrific, counter-productive crimes that were taking place. Like enslaving people and selling them for profit.

Suddenly more men appeared. He remembered the one leading them. This man- Jaster of Clan Awaud. He remembered him. Jaster worked for the Healer's Guild, had been there during the signing of the accord between all of those governments... Why was he at a slave market defending slavers?


As always, however, things were going to get a lot more nonsensical. How else could this have possibly gone? Jaster threatened to deport him to an unspecified "Sith Nation." Did these people hear themselves when they spoke? Had they checked a map before they had arrived on this rock? It did not matter. The slavers would be dispersed or imprisoned. Suddenly a Ysalamir was whipped out by a protocol droid, and Adekos could feel the living Force get sucked out of the area as Jaster's witless minions showed up. Really, there was hardly a moment's hesitation between the time it took for Adekos to see the Ysalamir, aim his wrist blaster, allow his HUD to help his aim, and fire three shots into the blighted lizard. It died, predictably, a fate everyone not affiliated with the Techno Union would soon share if they didn't resume fleeing.

Adekos now turned to look at Jaster as the Force returned to him in a palpable build up of the Dark Side. Though his expression was hidden behind a mask, venom practically dripped from his words. "You're going to die very slowly, Jaster. I want you to understand that right now, before I have your men slaughtered in front of you."

[member=Adekos] [member="Lucien Cordel"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member=Ka-Aver] [member="Xander Blackmoore"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

By now it seemed that the place was flooded up to the brim with solders. More solders, pirates, slavers, cartel and who knows what had swarmed in. blaster fire echoing all around deflecting from his sabers and the light sabers of the others assumedly as well. He began incorporating his ataru training into his djem so now. flipping and cartwheeling around killing pirates, solders, cartel and whoever else. He wasnt sure which was the cartel side or theres anymore as it seemed everyone had beguyn firing on everyone. He only knew 3 things. One was that the rich girl and him had a similar goal of getting the slaves out of the auction alive. 2nd was that Caden was head of the cartels slave ring by the looks of it. Though he hadn't been able to see if his blast of lightning had collided with cadan or not due to the increase of blaster fire forcing him to dodge and begin killing off the pirates. and 3rd was that he needed to get the slaves out of the area before something extremely bad happened. Bodies of the fallen littering the floor and explosions from above let him know that there had been a fire fight above them. Continuing to spin and flip around he was slashing more and more of the pirates down wail keeping an eye on the slaver and any he assumed were in leiuge or a threat to him. He tried to stay near the younglings cage though to keep most of the threat away from her though and hearing another voice talking about continuing the buying of the green skinned one he blasted another jet of lightning from his hand at him beforee deflecting more lasers at the pirates and staying clear of the lizards bubbble as it seemed to kark the force. He was only going to hang around until he was able to get the slaves out and then he would have to make a retreat as well, If lightsabers didnt burn the wounds shut, h ewould be drenched in blood about now.

[member="Animus Malgus"]
OOc: seems quite a few arnt smart then, including sakon lol. This has become a slaughter house
[member="Adekos"] [member="Abraxas"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

The Corperate world had made Jaster weaker then he once was, but he still held the skills he was taught when training. Sith or Jedi, Jaster could take either, only a master could beat the man. He trained with the best of the Force Hunters in the Mandalorian Navy, and he would never forget his training, he was also not that dumb.

Jaster looked at the Sith and took off his company clothing, underneath were light armor, and a short sleeved T-Shirt. He continued to say to Cadan, "Get you men out of here, take your product and get back to the cartel," his next speech was directed to the Sith, "I don't know how you know my name, but that was a mistake, you think I'm goin to let you leave here with the knowlage of who I am, and you think that is the only Ysalamir I carry into Tecno Space, you Sith are as dumb as you look,"

Jaster men brought out another two cages of Ysalamir, Jaster was a scientist who studied Genetics, but before that he served as a Field Marshal in the Mandalorian Navy. He stood taller then any human, and even in civilian life Jaster kept his wits about him training every day. Standing 6 feet 5 inches and muscles bulging, he grabbed a Ysalamir from his Security Officers and buckled it behind him. This would keep both of the Sith from killing one of the two more he brought out, he would capture this Sith and wip his memories of him ever being there. From his back Jaster brought out a collapsable Electro-Staff, he was well trained in double ended weapons.

He dropped his weapon and got in a fist fighting stance, the staff would just get in his way.
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

Tenel looked down at the action unfolding below her perch on a nearby building. A small smirk formed on her face as she placed a finger on the communication device in her ear. "You boys need any help?" she said as she cocked the sniper rifle and lined up her shot. As much as she would never admit it, she had missed this. The thrill of the kill, the feeling of a gun in her hand. Even if she didn't particularly care for the people she was working for, she was still going to have fun with this.

She took out a few soldiers on the fringe of the fight while she waited for the go ahead, trigger finger itching for some action. Tenel wanted nothing more than to jump into the fray, but supporting the Cartel so openly in such a public space was bound to bring her illicit activities to the attention of the Silver Jedi higher ups. Something like that could only end in trouble for her, even more than she was already in.
The lightning was drawn to Cadan's armour and it ran through it, zapping him all the way. This caused him to fall to his knees, only in time to see [member="Ka-Aver"] step infront of him to protect him. Then Cadan's comms were filled with all sorts of messages, one offering escape and payment. "We'll be there." The pirate spoke through his com to [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Quickly the pirate pulled himself to his feet and turned to look at Ka-Aver. "Get the slaves. We're leaving." Cadan didn't mean to run down Twi'leks, he meant [member="Tulkas"], [member="Chevu Visz"] and @Emilié Madowki. Cadan cast his eyes around and saw someone bargoning for the price of Chevu and [member="Lucien Cordel"] was still by Tulkas.

Cadan nodded to Jaster. "You'll get a cut of the credits friend!" Cadan shouted back towards the man. Unlike [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"], Cadan stilled needed to refine the art of Sith killing.

The pirate began to run towards Chevu, passing Lucien as he went. He spoke softly to him. "If you want him, follow me." Cadan turned off the collar for Tulkas and began to bring him along. The same thing was happening with Emilié, except a small squad of pirates were doing it.

Cadan and whoever was following, including his pirates who held Emile, now made their way to Chevu. [member="Jemima Armandé"]

Cadan spoke to [member="Xander Blackmoore"] quietly. "If you want the girl, follow me."

The pirate now approached with caution though, he knew this was the slave people wanted. He looked to both Jemima and Ka-Aver. "Be ready." The pirate said.

[member="Tenel Daggoth"] [member="Adekos"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Xander Blackmoore"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"][member="Lucien Cordel"][member="Xander Blackmoore"]

As he dispatched the pirates aroundx him he heard cadan through teh fireing. he turned around making sure he stayed near emalie and pulled both of his sabers out locking onto cadan and the pirates before they managed to get there hands on her and his eyes went from a dark blue to a bright yellow. the color of a full fledged sith. "you wont be getting the victory this time " he said as he suddenly shot back towards the cage blasting a massive ammount of sith lightning from both hands at Cadan. He had no intention of leaving emalie there or the green one. He hit a button on his wrist and said "rich one get over here now, there could be troublew" He then got in a stance preparing for a fight looking at cadan, the sith killer whos name he was unsure of and the 3rd one he made a deal with "i'm sory to say...but your fights with me now...and you may have someone who prefected the art of killing jedi and sith but i am neather one" eh said as he heald his purple saber at an inverted angle and the red normally "so lets see what exactly you can do..." he said as he clearly would not be moving
[member="Tenel Daggoth"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Adekos"] [member="Abraxas"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

Jaster stood their looking at his opponents, he was a skilled worrier in defeating force users when they can no longer attune their skills with the force. Yet he was not immortal, three Force Users and more coming, this would be impossible for him to win, only chance was for him to stale. Even that was becoming a slowly evaporating idea, he only had 20 low skilled security guards, not professional Mandalorian Force Hunters.

"I don't wish to fight someone who holds no grudge with me, but if you done step down, the Techies will arrest you after their done with me."
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

He watched them carfully still not backing down an inch from the fight. He would not let them get the slaves. Not wail he was still alive "Nor do i" h esaid watching the taller more muscular man carfully as he gripped his sabers harder "but i will not stand idle wail he drags these girls off to another auction or re-sale" he said to him "which means if thats what he and you desire then i will do my best to strike you both down before my back up arrives" he said as he seemd to ajust his hands slightly. He had moved them over a black button on his saber hilts which he had seemingly taken care this hole fight to avoid using. Although now this would be changing quite soon "the choice is yours...let them go now or i will slaughter you both and your entire squad, my bloodlust wont stay in check to much longer" eh warned. This was not a threat eather, he was starting to have problems controlling the natural desire to slaughter them
Lucien didn't have chance to free tulkas sadly. Before he'd had chance the slaver had made his way over, it seemed he and his entire sordid operation were turning tail and fleeing. Lucien was not about to let them run with the boy but for now he just nodded, he had his son to save first. So while [member="Cadan Tazi"] set about preparing [member="Tulkas"] Lucien set about awaking his son. A simple matter, His son rose slowly in a groggy state.Lucien rubbed his son's back and leant down to whisper to his son "Darien you need to run now, straight to our soilders, keep running don't stop until you reach them ... go now" His heart sank as he watched his son weave through the legs of the crowd. Then Lucien Picked up his cane and it moulded into its raw state as a rapier, alongside his data pad a transaction for 500,000 already on screen. Then with a gulp he moved over to the slaver and his rabble.

"Mr. Tazi the boy is going to remain here with me " He feigned confidence but he knew he would likely be killed, although to kill him they would have to risk capture ... so perhaps he would live "There are two ways that that can go down ..." He slid the data pad across the floor to rest between them " ... On that screen is a transfer of 1/2 a million it requires only a button press and a voice command give me the boy and that's yours " he gestured his head to his sword "Or I can fight you, You'll likely kill me but in the time it takes the soldiers of the union will be on top of you, the choise good sir is yours" Lucien rather hoped the slaver would opt for option one he really didn't want to die.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Sakon Xarabia"] Ξ [member="Cadan Tazi"] Ξ [member="Chevu Visz"] Ξ [member="tulkas"]

Sanya patched into the com's of cadan and the other whom contact on the frequency. "Once your both out with who ever you have and the green one, head straight to your left and stay close to the wall. Once I see you both I'll lower the ramp and drop down enough. Oh and watch the entrance and cover your heads a moment." The gunships flew around in view of the entrance to the building. She fired one of the concussion missiles just out side the door, close enough to tare a hole open in the way and sending anyone close enough flying across the room.
Still shriveled up in the back of her cage, Chevu tried in vain to stand, but her body was still uncooperative. Twitches danced up and down her limbs and extremities. Her brain felt like jelly. Worst of all, she was terrified of a second round of shocks. Her fingers rose and clawed up at her neck like the legs of an insect, jerking, feeling around for a way to extract the collar somehow.

The Duros drew closer with a human man in a large black top hat, his face shadowed by the brim. The way the human moved was unreal. Top Hat raced to her cage, his legs moving in a blur. Somehow, Top Hat's movements were enhanced, and Chevu gathered that he was using the Force. Was she the only person in this blasted place that was not touched with its gifts?

Behind them, was a hellish scene. Bodies lay across sand, their blood already dried from the relentless sun. A plethora of different colored plasma blades swung through the air, parrying shots. A few came too close for comfort. Chevu interlaced her fingers over her head, and kissed the ground. Then there was a deafening explosion and a quake. Were those missiles? She whimpered quietly, then chanced a peek.

The Duros and Top Hat were still there, next to her cage, bartering for her life. Finally, her anger began surface, unearthed by her severe durress. The Mirialan's dark eyes became those of a cornered wildcat's. Her petite body became tightly wound, muscles tensing, fingers clenching into claws.

Electrocuted or not, if either of those men touched her, Chevu would find the will to fight.

[member="Xander Blackmoore"] [member="Adekos"] [member="Lucien Cordel"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Ka-Aver"] [member="Tulkas"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Tenel Daggoth"] [member="Jemima Armandé"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]

"I'll come with you, and help you get the rest out of here. I'm not one to usually help slavers as I hate your kind, but this Mirilan is more valuable than my hatred of slavers. It seems we will be doing business. Might I suggest my ship though, it is designed for stealth, and is virtually untraceable. It's cloaked, and not far from here."

The difficult part was going to be getting the slaves to follow them. Some of them couldn't move, and others seemed upset the Mirilan seemed to be one of them. Blue eyes settled on her as he removed the top hat to make his face visible. It was handsome in appearance, and not threatening. His eyes were not threatening, as he motuoned for her to joint them.

"Come with us if you wish to live. I'm negotiating your freedom from that shock collar, but the Duros won't bargain unless you leave."

[member="Chevu Visz"]
Ka-Aver cursed under his breath as he moved along with [member="Cadan Tazi"] and his customer, [member="Xander Black"]more

He was certain others had called out to buy slaves but he really did not care. People had spoken against opening a market on Techno ground but Cadan had moved in anyway. A bad move it seemed as Techno ships and reinforcement were being pulled in. The sith character was trouble enough but he also seemed to be a techno man. Ka-Aver shook his head, who knows who is who these days. There was certainly alot of double morals around here and from where Ka-Aver was watching this Mirilan seemed to be of interest to alot of people.

"Bozz...thiz iz going to hellz... Put a bullet through the zlaves foot and explain that if they juzt let uz leave she wont get one in between her eyez az well. cut the lozzez and letz be on our wayz. The Hutt would eat me alive if you dont get off this freakin zand bucket in one piece."

[member="Xander Blackmoore"] [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Lucien Cordel"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Tenel Daggoth"] [member="Adekos"] [member="Lucien Cordel"] [member="Tulkas"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"]

This situation was beginning to become quite chaotic indeed. But that was only stating the obvious. What needed more attention was how these worms conducted themselves in the presence of Sith; the proper authority figures of this planet, this system, and its economy. It was quite courageous for these low-lives to think themselves above the law, but that is where fate would stop their charades and weak desires of only the lowest of aspirations. These people should have remained scared little citizens of whatever backwater world they came from; however, the galaxy waits for no one and sheds not a single tear for the stupid. That is where death was called in to ferry away the wasted souls that should have never been. In short, these pirates would have been better off never being born. Bad decisions must be hereditary in their case.

As Abraxas' cleave seemed to miss the mid-section of [member="Jemima Armandé"] completely, she dared to point a gun at him. A most terrible, regrettable choice on her part. The creation would grab her arm with his inhumane strength and attempt to break it. No scum would be threatening the might of the Sith with ugly, useless firearms. After this he would also attempt to grasp her body through the Force, trying to cast her aside into whatever object or solid surface there was, uncaring for her condition since she appeared to be of the defending party for this slave auction. Another poor, silly idea thought to be justified for credits.

However, it appeared that some reinforcements had arrived to aid the pirates and other scum. This truly was quite the spectacle, and mostly expected from this sort of crowd. Being the monster he was, Abraxas held little regard to the oncoming targets. Through the Force, he grabbed one of them by the throat and slammed their body into another. Such impact and ferocity would surely break bones if not definitely bring on major internal injuries. The next few were just as fluidly dispatched by the blade work of the monstrosity, his crimson lightsaber tearing through them in quite the grotesque and brutal fashion. Their corpses littered the area like trash on the streets of the underworld.

Abraxas felt [member="Adekos"] through the Force and connected to the death that he too wrought upon these laughable subjects. However, he then felt the pestilence that was the idiocy of the man he confronted. Hell, Abraxas could see it. No behemoth of ignorance could ever hope to thwart the Sith or the Techno Union. They could only gravel and whine. Feeling equally as irritated, the creation felt it necessary to aid his kindred of the Force by putting this [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] down like the dog he was. A dumb dog at that.

Silent but cautious, The Butcher King's genetic spawn amassed the power of the Dark Side, standing among the superior. Those that wished to die would do well to step up now or accept detainment like anyone with a brain would do.

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