Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cloud breaking and Map clearing idea

Would the community like to see Established Minir factions ne able to break Major Faction clouds.

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So let's say we have a minor faction targeting a major faction. What's stopping the old faction from just throwing a dominion on the planet again?

I mean, I could see some sort of timer would be started if it's successful? X amount of days has to pass before it becomes open for grabs again?


Professor of Alchemy
I'd just like to point out that this has been up for almost two hours and the vote count is currently 21 "Yes", 0 "No" 2 "Shut Up Ordo"(One of which admitted doing it for comedic effect and the other who expressed an opinion "yes" in the thread) and 1 "Explain =/= Complain". The support for this idea all but unanimous.

Oh, and before I forget

Major factions have to do it seems... too much to just recapture a random planet. And maybe the minor faction is in league with another major who intends to slip it away while the original major faction is busy with other things.

[member="Kana Truden"]

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
Hell, I hate PvP and I think this is genius.

Makes minor factions relevant. 5v5, puts in a bubble of no influence. It's awesome.

Outlier question: Could a minor faction break off a tendril of a Major Faction's influence if there's only one planet holding it together?
[member="Qae Shena"]

I'd assume so, following the Cloud Breaking clause of "You loose connection to this area, you loose that area."

Which would allow minor factions with enough people to go major to well. Make room to go major.

This is by far the best solution. A couple of things though.

One was mentioned before. The prevention of Dominions on the planet. My suggestion is either as they said x amount of days.

Or the ability to resist dominion. Like an invasion, but it can only be done on a planet that was recently 'liberated' by a minor faction, and only by that minor faction. And only against that major faction.

  • Minor1 resists Major1 on Planet 1.
  • Major1 launches dom on Planet 1, Minor1 can resist.
  • Major1 chooses to dom planet 2 close by, minor cannot resist.
  • Major2 goes to dom Planet 1. Minor1 cannot resist.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Instead of putting in restrictions and complexities, probably best to just say that the minor faction should definitely pick its moment wisely, so that the major can't just re-dominion it. Maybe another major is ready to dominion it too, or maybe the first major is occupied with other things. That's a matter for strategy and common sense, not extra rules. The proposal's solid as is. At the very least it's worth trying.
I think minor factions should not only be able to break a major factions hold on a world but get to control it. But only 1 until they become major. At that point they can own more. But there is barely a point to kicking out a faction if you don't actually have control over the planet when you win.
Ice said:
I think minor factions should not only be able to break a major factions hold on a world but get to control it. But only 1 until they become major. At that point they can own more. But there is barely a point to kicking out a faction if you don't actually have control over the planet when you win.
Remember, the guiding star here is 'will this increase staff/Tef workload.' Letting minor factions be represented on the map has been proposed and shot down over and over, because it makes map maintenance FAR more complex. The beauty of Ordo's proposed solution is that letting minor factions be able to make a major-faction-owned planet neutral requires nothing more than the occasional map update request, and maybe a new prefix (though the existing Rebellion prefix wouldprobably work fine).
Minor factions won't ever be represented on the map.

Ruins the whole segregation between minor and major. If you want to be on the map, go karking major. Stop whining and do it.

As for this idea, I like it, but right off the bat I have a couple of concerns.

1. Faction Aid.

2. Who accounts for leadership of a Minor Faction/Group of Minor Factions. This would be easy in theory (the group of people choose), but harder in practice (Red Ravens launching Invasions that weren't meant to be launched, lots of miscommunication happens at a Faction Admin level even in organized Major factions.)

3. There are restrictions on movement for Invasions between Major Factions, even though it's been super-buffed in the past. Would any restrictions apply here or is it just a "pick a spot on the map and invade it"?

4. What are the consequences if the Minor Faction loses? This was a HUGE STAFF CONCERN with the first iteration of the Rebellion rules. Major Factions have everything to lose, Minors have... nothing to lose, other than the appreciation of the opposition. There should be consequences to prevent troll-happy members from forming new faction roll-overs and continually attempting to attack.

5. There is a monthly check-in regulating how many members a Major Faction has, therefore (in a sense) automatically approving them to meet the minimum member requirement for invasions. There is no such regulation on minor members. What can we do to stop Minor Factions from just launching invasions and wasting the opposition's time because not enough people stepped up? Think about how easy it is to make a minor faction and how many amateur, trigger happy members are here. From a MFA standpoint, that #@*$ would get annoying. Dealing with that AND other Major Factions?

As if the job wasn't pressure enough.

That's all I got off the cuff, but there were huge concerns during the process that - in the end - I believe ruined our first roll-out of the Rebellion rules.
The reason Major Factions are on the map is because they are more well established and more easily accountable by Staff due to the rule's requirements and their organization (which is inherent due to increased size/resources/manpower.)

Minor Factions are a chaotic mess. How do we increase their accountability while also maintaining the same freedoms we here at Chaos enjoy, without increasing Staff's involvement?

Answer that and we'll have a solid foundation to build on towards Rebellion Rules.


Well-Known Member
The answer may be only allow established minor factions to do this, and only let each minor faction writer be in one at once. FA could easily check this out, and if someone breaks the rules warning be on to them.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!

not the dude proposing this, but some ideas:

1) No Faction Aid. Goes both ways.
2) Leadership of a Minor Faction must be Faction Owner, or other convening authority as approved by Roleplay Judges before the Rebellion is launched.
3) Due to the small and compact nature of a Minor Faction, no - it means that while a Minor can attack any target, they can also be counter-attacked anywhere, leading into...
4) Should a Minor Faction lose, the defending Major Faction will be permitted one engagement on a 'holding' belonging to the Minor Faction. One example would be the Vagrant Fleet (old, but easy to explain) - they attack and lose, the defenders would then attack their deep-space flotilla.
5) Add one simple caveat: To qualify for Rebellion, a Minor Faction must register on a 'rebellion' list; 5 unique writers and one month after registry with staff, a Minor Faction may then engage in Rebellions. This prevents the idea of trigger happy factions just wrecking someone's day on a whim. It also keeps separate the smaller Minor Factions that don't want to engage in warfare.
sabrina said:
and have minimum of 5 writers at checkin
Who runs this check-in? Who decides when it's time to do the check-in? The Faction Admin?

Who holds the Faction Admin accountable? There seems to be very little accountability there, as well as very little regulation.

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