Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cloud breaking and Map clearing idea

Would the community like to see Established Minir factions ne able to break Major Faction clouds.

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My answer, to all of this at this current time, is that it is not the right time for Staff to consider this.

We have other more pressing matters than re-introducing concepts we attempted to introduce - with the help of the community - in the not-so-distant past.

However, we're not close-minded, and this particular topic remains on the table.
My only beef with this is that minors have nothing to lose. The whole reason wh they are a minor faction is that they do not have enough members to project power, similarly it doesn't make sense that they can project power militarily on the same scale as a major faction.

A loss that would be standard for a major faction should be devastating for a minor one to keep things realistic. Furthermore major allies should be restricted in what kind of support they can provide. Sending a warship could easily be viewed as an escalation of the conflict,
Well-Known Member
I recognize that this discussion is shelved for another date.

However, I would like to say that a three month standing for a minor faction quite the hefty price to the point where they should probably consider going major, and I'm almost positive 90% of the minor factions out there would be cut off from the test bed that would hypothetically open if these rules were to be emplaced.

But perhaps there could be a more define road to major that would distinguish what is established, and what is not. Perhaps Minor factions should undergo Three "tests" set a month apart that would make them gradually more established. So for instance, we could say that a Minor Faction that has passed its first test would not be eligible to partake in these rebellions. But a Minor faction that has completed its second test is "established". A minor faction to complete its third test (among the other Major requirements) has the option of going all the way to the big leagues.

These tests could be predefined objectives (i.e., Test One: Faction must engage in a Faction Thread at least 75 posts long, Test Two: Faction must engage in a military operation with a significant force, Test Three: Must engage in some political clash with a Major power), and during the Monthly Check In (for minor factions), they could declare along with their name what test they are on.

For example:

"Checking in for Fatty's Gang: Test Two"

At first I could see how this might seem daunting and Staff intensive... it really isn't! Factions looking to go major these days seems to require some Archive of roleplay threads done as a faction anyway, it would probably be good for them to have benchmarks to look forward to and plan for, possibly increasing their shot at survival. It also dictates a long term goal for a Minor faction, and what does Staff have to do? Nothing different than they do now, except have whatever finalized version of this system would be mentioned in the rules, and take note what Test a minor is on if an issue arrises.

Does that make sense?


Well-Known Member

I had a thought how it could work

1: The minor faction must do a reverse dominion thread, of a minimum of 100 posts
2: Only character that take part in that thread, may try to cause the rebellion. Minimum of 5 post to take part in the main event.
3: Also in that thread, they can only use equipment they used in that thread.
4: That thread has to be given to the major faction, for reference material
5: Major faction starts with the same number characters, how ever they can added one per 20 posts.

This gives the advantage to major faction, also it makes the minor faction have to commit to a thread to be allowed to do this.

Know feel free to shoot me down in flames, as I am having good day.

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