Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breaking the Unions (ACA Invasion of Rebel Geonosis OOC)

So it's:

60 X-Wings??
60 Matchbox Bombers
84 Corvus Interceptors
12 Gunships

Versus :

Bolo-class gunboats 40
Raptors: 168/210
TIE Rapier 24
Droid interceptor 60/120
Droid Bomber: 90

2 Dirk-class escorts.

My middle section of last post is directly at you Thane then
[member="Irys Arist'lar"]

Did you manage to keep an entire armada of fighters behind your ship? Or are you counting all the ships from the fighter screen as well as the ones by your capital ship. From what I was able to ascertain from your prior posts, you had sent fighters out and held a few back. Or am i wrong?
Thane Drexel said:
[member="Irys Arist'lar"]

Did you manage to keep an entire armada of fighters behind your ship? Or are you counting all the ships from the fighter screen as well as the ones by your capital ship. From what I was able to ascertain from your prior posts, you had sent fighters out and held a few back. Or am i wrong?

Other way around sorry, kept nearly all back, and sent a few out: :)

Right, I want a squadron of droid fighters and bombers to move on a high arc to threaten circling their main force and hitting those retreating frigates, see if they can pull off some of their fighter escort. Open fire.”

lone group of fighters and bombers carried on their wide arc, but overshot the mark by some distance. Keeping out of weapons range, they lingered menacingly a short distance from the Shield-class carriers behind the Rebel front lines.

Those figures aren't 100% but there is still a fair amount of cover still left with the main body of my fleet and a few with the Tambor. Happy for you to edit if this wasn't what you were expecting accordingly :) (Though retcon with a new post may make life easier. You've got a good chance at them with skilled pilots (I might have time to write an NPC pilot to oppose, but the fleet battle is fairly taxing) but it's not wide open
Hion the Herglic is now on the allies list.

We've discussed and RA may do similar soon.

I'd like to remind everyone of this:

Raziel said:

1) Talk to your opponent and try and resolve issues in a friendly or at least polite manner.

2) Elevate an issue to your faction admin who can talk with the other faction and try and resolve issues amicably without having to bother staff.

3) Report a post.

4) Be respectful to staff and accept their decision

It's fine to discuss and suggest what someone else writes, but please don't demand. If I hear about people Threatening to report people if they don't change their post I'm going to have a serious sense of humour failure.

Keep unpleasantness out of this thread!
Please, please please try and find middle ground with another writer. Better to make a minor concession each and carry on writing than be stubborn and stop having fun!

Please elevate to your own Faction admin. Not the other side's faction admins, your faction admins. We have a good dialogue and can help you resolve issues.

If you have to report, get on with it. Let FA's know, but no need to queen about it, bring too much attention to it, and certainly don't threaten it. If anyone threatens to report a post again, the faction admins of both sides have agreed there will be repercussions.

Now get on with enjoying this! :D
[member="Triam Akovin"]

Nope. They've been in the trenches since before we started to engage eachother. That's how they managed to survive Hion's two men and his haum. They were hunkered down to keep from getting outmatched.

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