Karjr with a Blaster
Valiens Nantaris
Enough was enough…
The Galactic Alliance and their Jedi counterparts have been warned to stay away from the Enclave's reclamation of old territories, but they didn't listen...
Now alliances will come to an end.
Ryloth had been the final nail in the coffin for the Enclave's friendship with the Galactic Alliance. Now, a new message will be given - Total War. Enclave has had enough of their interference and have declared war on their one-time allies.
They would have to reflect on their actions.
A major operation had been planned and was now being executed in full force. True to Mandalorian custom, the assault was unconventional, multi-pronged. The Enclave attacked their old allies with precision and with a single purpose - hit them where it would hurt and give enough warning to stay out of Enclave business for good or suffer a worse fate. Economically significant planets along the Rimma Trade Route and the Corellian Trade Spine were targeted by the Enclave to drive the point home.
The attack had come like a thief in the night, but it came hard. Once the Alliance realised what happened, however, they defended their territory with vehemence and have drawn out the fight for days now…
Suggested for Groundpounders and Duels
A dense, barren planet full of a species instrumental to the economy of the Alliance - the Givin.
In theory, the attack should have been swift. But Dodecapolis, the capital city of Yag'Dhul, was better fortified than originally anticipated.
The siege has been ongoing for days and once again, the dreaded night on the dense planet was falling, throwing everything into an ominous darkness within the vacuum outside the dome.
By now, however, Enclave has realised that the dark made some things easier…
Following a directive coming from Kranak Vizsla himself, launch a renewed assault on the city in the dead of night in order to take it and interrupt any economical aid as well as trade from the planet. The headquarters to the shipyards are also within the city - which could hold key information - get to it.
Or meet the Mandalorians on the battlefield to stem the oncoming assault if you dare to brave the vacuum.
But all should be wary of things going bump in the night…
Suggested for Special Forces and Duels
A lightning planet on the Trade Routes with a great amount of energy.
A more recent and much more covert assault than the one on Yag'Dhul, this one didn't take too long to breach city defences and dominate it.
Enclave had then managed to cut the power to the city by sabotaging the power generators of its grid.
Now, in the dark city, the Mando'ade could start heading toward their main objectives - both the main energy storage facility as well as the trading headquarters and cripple them.
But the Alliance and NJO had learned of the Enclave's presence on the world and their arrival was swift.
Beat them to the designated areas in the dark, urban jungle and finish what we came here to do. The directive to this covert group had been clear - no quarter.
Or intercept the Mandalorians on the way to their goals and make sure they don't complete the objectives of disrupting the economy.
But other forces are also at work that could hamper both sides…
Suggested for Fleeters and Boarders/Duels
One more key planet in the Enclave's sights.
The main Enclave fleet was en route to the Bacta planet in order to blockade and seize it and its economical importance.
But in a stroke of brilliance, the Alliance fleet managed to intercept the Enclave within No Man's Land just before they could reach their destination.
Dispense of the enemy fleet in order to make a jump toward the planet - there are few things more important.
Or eviscerate the Enclave fleet and make sure they can't do more harm within Alliance space. Too many worlds were already under assault. Don't let them add one more.
But everyone should keep an eye on the sky…
Suggested for Duels
An agricultural and wealthy planet
Wealth and food that could fund the Reclamation effort and destabilise the Alliance some more. What is more, according to Enclave Intelligence, the world held significance to some Jedi, which could add impact to the invasion. Toppling the capital city would be a significant step in the right direction…
It was a swift and silent attack from the Enclave, dropping silently from the night air into the city. It would have been successful without a hitch…
…had it not been for a traitor.
The SIA had received an anonymous tip of the raid and the Alliance and NJO appeared on the scene far too quickly.
Get them out of the way and complete the now-compromised objective of destroying the seat of power. Whoever the traitor was, could be investigated later.
Or stop the few Mando'ade that had infiltrated before they can do real harm to innocent people on the planet.
Other suggested planets for story: