Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beyond the Veil

Knowing what she was going to need, when Dopi said he was going to look around a bit on his own, she just nodded. Still getting used to the fact he was also blind, Jairdain forgot he wouldn't see it. Purchasing the food she wanted for them, she turned to find him looking at scarves and masks. The vendor was asking him what he wanted when she got over to them.

She listened to the conversation and picked for him a simple black scarf that would match hers and then waited to see if he wanted anything else.

"I've picked up everything needed for now."

[member="Mr. Bones"]
Once he approached the vendor, he felt around the scarfs and masks, feeling one that seems to be made of metal, but didn't have as many grooves as the last one he felt. He enjoyed the feeling of it, and since he couldn't tell what it looked like, He bought it right away, as [member="Jairdain"] bought something as well, a scarf. "Fantastic, as do I. I'm ready to go whenever you are, my dear."

"Are you sure you don't need anything while you're here?"

While Jairdain knew what she needed, there was always the chance he wanted to look around to find what the small market offered. Dopi had only visited the one vendor. She didn't know what the mask looked like either. Some time they would have to figure out a way to view it.

"Maybe something that isn't quite to hot as your robes? This is a desert and savannah planet, you're not going to need the extra insulation yours currently offers. I certainly changed what I wore after I got settled here."

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"Well...I could need a new pair of robes...Know anyone that sells robes like this, Jair?" He looked over to her direction after buying him a mask, not knowing where the main clothing vendors were. [member="Jairdain"] knew this town and their vendors more than he did, so He'd let her show them around for some new clothes.
Chuckling as he agreed with her suggestion, Jairdain placed his arm within hers and lead him to the vendor where she had found her clothing that she used on Iridonia. It would have simple garb and maybe not fully what Dopi was wanting, this place wasn't one to offer Jedi clothing. They were made for a desert climate and were light weight and layered. It still got chilly at night and that's where the layering came in.

"Hope you can find something you like."

Fingering a few of the clothes, she would try to imagine what they looked like.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
He was pulled and escorted over to the clothes by [member="Jairdain"], as she looked through them. He felt the material of each piece of clothing, before picking one out that was...interesting in nature. It felt soft, but there was something about the outfit he sensed, but didn't know what it was. He took it to the vendor, and bought it for a cheap price. "I'll go and put this on, anything you want to buy and try, go right ahead." Dopi made his way over to what was meant to be a changing booth, which seemed big enough to fit two people...may of even been purposely made for two people.
Waving Dopi off so he could put on the new clothes, Jairdain wandered around the shop and made small chatter with the vendor. She didn't need any new clothes today and none of her others were worn out yet.

She waited for him to finish putting his new clothes on, but didn't buy anything for herself. Stepping outside for a moment, she thought on if there was anything else they might need. Nothing came to mind and Jairdain walked back to see if he was ready to go.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
He finished putting on the new clothes, and stepped out, ready to go. The new clothes made him feel a bit...different about his situation here. He couldn't tell unto how or in what way, but he just ignored it for now. He walked up to [member="Jairdain"], and tapped her shoulder. "I'm ready to head back home, Jair. Whenever you're ready."
Somehow him putting on the natural garb of a zabrak changed Dopi. Maybe he was getting more in touch with his roots, she didn't know. His top was soft to the touch when Jairdain reached out to take a hold of his arm again.

"I like it. I'm sure it looks great."

Not knowing what it looked like, she would feel it on him when they got home. It felt odd to think of her home as their home now, but somehow it was natural.

"I'm ready now. The supplies will be delivered by the end of the day. Got a bit more than what we can carry."

[member="Mr. Bones"]
The garb was almost the same colours as his old robes, but with several feathers attached to the main part of it. He walked out of the store with [member="Jairdain"] as they made their way back to her home. Like the way to the market, the way back was filled with small talk about themselves, and many other things. When they got back home, he knew right where the door was and opened it for Jair. "After you, Jair Sweetie."
The walk home was just as pleasant as the one to the market. No windstorm hit them, but in time Jairdain knew one was going to happen. Maybe even by the end of the day. Either way within the next few hours, they were going to get one, her weather sense told her.

"Thank you. We're going to be getting a storm soon. Need to make sure everything is secure. Can you check the windows inside? I'll take care of the stuff outside."

Even though Dopi held the door​, she hesitated to enter after speaking and turned around to make sure everything was put away outside that could blow away.

"If the delivery doesn't happen today, I know why."

Turning around, she moved off to secure the shed and the items that went inside​. Once she was done, Jairdain entered the house and hoped he had been able to secure the windows.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"Oh, of course. Wouldn't want a bunch of sand getting everywhere." [member="Jairdain"] had stated that a storm was gonna come soon, and asked him to secure the windows, along with making sure everything was good inside to take the storm. As she went off to take care of a few things outside, Dopi started feeling around for each window, and then closed it as best he can. True, this was a long and gruelling process, but it needed to be done. Dopi took a while to finding and shutting the windows, but by the time Jair came in to check on him, he found and shut the last window. Once he finished that, he sat down at the couch and relaxed, putting his arms behind him, open and resting on the top of the couch, while he waited for Jair to either ask him to assist with something else, or when she spoke to him again.
It was more than just sand she was worried about, but the actual building getting damaged. Taking the time needed, everything was secure by the both of them and when Jairdain returned to the house, she moved into the kitchen to make them food. There wasn't much left now, enough for one more meal.

Same like she had done the night before, Jairdain pieced together something to eat for them both.

"You'll have to learn how to cook sometime. Once those supplies arrive, I'll show you where everything goes in the kitchen and we can cook something together if you want. I think it would be neat."

Bringing the food into the living room, she sat down next to him with both their plates. Not as good as the dinner the night before it was simple bread and a chickpea dip.​ Perfect for the desert world. It was light, but the bread was filling.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
He did enjoy the smell of the bread she made, and when she put it down in front of him, he ate up with as just as much enjoyment as he did with the last meal. [member="Jairdain"] mentioned that when the supplied arrived to their home, that she'd show him how to cook, and where everything was in the kitchen, so then he could cook properly. " something with you would be wonderful...especially with how good of a chef you are already." He felt at home here, like he never had before. He couldn't tell why, but here, he was at peace with everything. The Force, His Emotions, even his loving compassion for Jair was at a balance here in her home. He didn't want to ask her what she saw for the future, as it'd be a very strange and awkward question to ask someone who didn't know how they felt about you. For now, he kept that question to himself, as he and her enjoyed what they had at the moment.
"Do you know how to cook?"

They shared the plate she​ brought out for them. When they were done eating, Jairdain went back into the kitchen to clean up the items she had used. Admittedly there wasn't much, but it was just what she did.

"Do you have any special traditions you follow, Dopi?"

She was the last of her ​people and kept a few traditions from them. He didn't know that about her. Not her whole story at least. Only some of it.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"I only know enough to get me by...and tradition wise, I don't know any that I'd need to follow as one of my own kind. I wasn't raised on this planet, but on Dantooine. To be honest, I believe the main reason why I don't mind what side of the force anyone takes is because of my parents...the ones that adopted me. My mother was a Jedi Master, as my father was a Sith Lord. They both taught me what they knew, and when they passed away,, it was something that I will never forget." Although he didn't want to admit it, this way of being taught the force from two different sides was the main reason why he didn't mind what side of the force [member="Jairdain"] took. He understood both sides of the Force, and knew that he would respect them both, no matter which way she went.
She knew Dopi wasn't born on Iridonia, but had thought he grew up on Dathomir. In hearing it was Dantooine, she found it interesting.

"Must have been an interesting childhood for sure."

Saying with this with a smile, he would hear it in her voice.

"How did they die?"

Keeping quiet on her own childhood, Jairdain would wait until he asked about it before speaking of herself.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"It was interesting, but it was common for Dathomirans came through in the city I was in...And, they died of old their sleep. I miss them dearly, but That is the will of the force if they had to die in their sleep. In such a peaceful manner." He laid back on the couch, a smile on his face as he remembered all the things his parents did with him and his training, along with what they did to help him with his blindness.

It was certainly better than her own parents, but Jairdain kept quiet on that.

"No simple family traditions then? Birthday celebrations or holidays?"

She felt the love he had for them through the Force and joined him in smiling at it. Her own feelings for her parents would be obvious to him as well.

The temperature inside started to drop as the sun went down and Jairdain stood up moving to light a fire, but remembered that storm was going to be coming in. Turning to face Dopi, she looked at him through the Force.

"With that storm coming in, we won't be able to have a fire to keep ourselves warm tonight."

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"Well...we could follow my advice I gave back on Ilum...Cuddle up for warmth...Or did you have something else in mind, Jair?" Once she brought up the cold tempratures the storm would bring, he caught the hint, and took the bait, hook, line, and sinker. "Oh, and regarding traditions, I had sort of a birthday where we'd celebrate the day my parents found me...but enough about that for now...Let's fix that warmth problem, Sweetheart. Whatever she wanted to do, He'd let [member="Jairdain"] take the wheel and lead the way with it, so then he didn't mess this moment up tonight.

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