Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beyond the Veil

He chose to remain on the couch so Jairdain went to the kitchen alone. Rummaging around in the cupboards and fridge to find something for them to eat, she realized a trip to town would be needed and more supplies picked up. There was enough for them to eat though and maybe another meal for later.

Getting water boiling, she put some noodles in and combined some fish with cheese on another smaller pot. It didn't take long, but the dinner for the two of them was done and the small table she had in the kitchen was set for them to eat.

"It's not a big table but two can sit here fine."

She wondered for a moment what had happened to Seras. Her companion that had helped her build the house and had stayed with her for a time. The memory of her friend made her smile, but at the same time a feeling of worry came into her. If Dopi asked, she would of course answer.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
He was rather excited about the meal [member="Jairdain"] was cooking, especially since he could smell it from the couch. Once the meals were ready, he got up and made his way to the kitchen table as best he could, and began eating once she sat down with him. "Mmm...This is amazing, Jair. You are a fantastic cook." He kept on eating this delicious meal she made, wolfing it down until there was nothing on his plate at all. He just enjoyed her cooking a lot more than anything he's ever eaten before.
She made a scoffing noise at his compliment, "this is nothing. Just some scraps I found in the cupboard. Going to need to go to town soon for more supplies and food. Are you interested in joining me?"

Jairdain hoped the answer was yes. It would give him a chance to meet more zabrak and learn how to do business with them on Iridonia. Even if he said no, she would go to town when she needed to.

"You realize you don't need to eat so fast. There's more if you're still hungry though."

[member="Mr. Bones"]
He'd finish the meal, looking up at [member="Jairdain"] when she asked if he wanted to go with her to the market to buy some more supplies. "With you, My Dear, I'd go anywhere." He got up and put his plate in the sink, ready to go already with his newly crafted walking Light Pike in hand. He didn't want to leave her side ever again, especially after the trials incident on Ilum. He felt that he needed her just as much as, he hoped, she wanted him. He didn't make for the door just yet, as he waited for Jair to get ready to head out.
Finishing the food, Jairdain cleaned up the plates and items she had used to cook the food. Dopi may have been ready to go, but she always did her best to make sure everything was put away before leaving or doing anything else.

Giving him a smile, he would feel her amusement through the Force, "patience, my dear. Need to clean up first."

Once she was done, Jairdain walked over to him. Pausing a moment, to reach up and lightly caress his face, she looked forward to when they got back from shopping. Leading the way, she placed her scarf over her mouth and nose to prevent the dust and sand from getting into her lungs.

"You may want to look into getting a scarf or something as well to keep this dust out."

[member="Mr. Bones"]
He felt around for a scarf, before finding one and wraping it around his face.He felt good with this, before he felt something else...a Mask. He had no idea [member="Jairdain"] wore nor owned a mask like this. It felt like it was made of metal, with something carved into the face. "Jair, What's this mask you have up on the counter top?" He kept getting a feel for it, as he moved the scarf to keep his lips clear for the moment as he awaited her answer unto what the Mask was.
Of course Jairdain had extra scarves around and Dopi accepted her suggestion to find one for himself. However, the closet he looked in for it also had her old mask. A mask she had almost forgotten about. After he found his scarf, he set the gold mask on counter in the kitchen and asked about it.

"Oh no."

Lowering her own scarf, ​fingered the mask. The familiar markings and metallic filigree slightly rustling under her soft caress.

"It is the mask of a Dread Master."

They were ancient history and he may not know who they were. In her time with the Sith, the knight had learned much about them and had only become one. She had worn that mask into battle in those days. If he asked, she would provide further details both on how she got the mask or who they were if he didn't know.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"A Dread Master? Hmm...That doesn't sound like a title you would usually hold.But I won't bother you with it, if you don't wish to speak of it." It is true he didn't know what a Dread Master was, nor unto how she got the mask, but he could sense it was a tale she would prefer not to speak of. He didn't want to assume anything of her past, nor make her recall something she did not want to talk of, if she stuffed it inside of a closet and most likely forgot it even existed. He found a scarf that was longer than any of the others, and he decided to wrap it around his head like a large bandage. It coved most of his face except his nose so then he could breath properly, and that was it. He could adjust it slightly to cover the nose as well, but he had never dealt with the sand and dust here like [member="Jairdain"] had in the past and in their current situation.
The tone of his voice indicated he hadn't ever heard of the Dread Masters. Jairdain wasn't surprised, but chose to continue on this topic.

"They were six ancient and power sith lords. Lived for centuries until they were beaten on Oricon. They used devices called Phobis Devices. Only people with extreme mental fortitude could even get close to one without going insane from the Dark Side that emanated from them."

She was one of them that​ could and she knew it. Having one in her possession, but never used had told her that. She kept it hidden on Voss within the Nightmare Lands there.

"One lived through that battle and surrendered himself to the then Republic...If the technology is there, he may still be alive."

A small sense of fear crept into her at the thought of that.

"One of the zabrak sith that captured and corrupted me, was king of Iridonia and gave me a Phobis Device and this plot of land to live on. So I stayed and lived here as a sith."

[member="Mr. Bones"]
He stopped for a minute, listening to [member="Jairdain"] explain what the Dread Masters were, and that she had been in this area as a Sith, due to a device and a Sith Lord that let her be here. He turned to face her, with a smile on his face that, for the topic at hand, seemed a bit strange to do at the moment. "Jair...I don't care if you were, will be, or are a Sith. I don't care what side of the force you choose to go down, or what you do on either side." He picked up the mask and held it up. "I don't even care if you were a Dread Master, this Powerful Sith entity you've described to me." He put the mask down and got close to her, placing one of his hands on her cheek, the smile on his face still glowing as bright as ever. "As long as I'm able to be by your side, and be able to care for you like I do...I will respect any choice you make. Either with your Alignment of the Force, or...or how you feel about me. I will respect it, with the upmost care and respect for you." He went up and gave her a hug, placing the mask back on the counter before he did. He didn't have any negative opinion about her past, as his opinion of her, nor his feelings towards her, changed from the piece of her past she told him.
"So many people have wanted me to be one or the other. Light or dark. The middle path was what I started on and while I ally with the Silver's I am no Jedi anymore. I am on the path of my people."

His words brought her some form of comfort and he touched her she was granted a vision. This time she could clearly see herself in it. She wasn't with Dopi, but with another man. They walked behind a form she couldn't see clearly, but he was dark, evil and sith. She and this other man were partnered up, but maybe not lovers. That wasn't part of the vision, but she knew she would meet this man soon and go down the same path he did.

"What if the choice isn't left up to me and is instead forced on me like before? Dopi, I was brainwashed before. Lied to and my mind shattered by Krest. Would you try to bring me back, follow me? What if I try to kill you?"

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"If the Force deems that my fate is to die by the hands of the woman I...Love, then so be it. I will not attempt to 'redeem' you in any manner, as to do so would be placing my beliefs unto you, and that is something I do not want to do. I will do what I have striven to do for many teach them the best I can." As he spoke, he had a vision at the same time she did, but this he didn't know of. It was of him, and [member="Jairdain"] standing side by side...He could tell the person she was with was him, with out a doubt. She and him appeared to be on the planet of Korriban, as he was apparently either showing or being shown the Valley of the Dark Lords, a series of tombs that held the bodies of ancient Sith Lords. The both of them were holding hands through this journey, and it appeared both he and her were wearing....rings. The two of them were wearing rings, as if they had married on another. It seemed that the both of them had aged considerably as well, a good 30-40 years perhaps, as both he and her looked very much older. Behind them was a group of people that were a bit...blurry. judging by their height and the behaviour he could make out, this was a group of younglings. The vision soon ended there, with Dopi realizing he moved his hands down to her waist as he spoke.
When he spoke, there as one word that struck Jairdain to the core.

"You love me?"

Her eyes would have locked with his, but couldn't. Face turned up to look at him, through the Force he had her full attention. Their visions came and Jairdain shook her head to clear her mind.

When it ended, his hands were on her waist and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"What's going to happen?"

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"Whatever you wish to happen. Yes, I do love you. If you do or do not feel the same way, I will respect that, along with whatever you want to happen between us. The Choice, [member="Jairdain"] Ismer, is yours." She had rested her head on his shoulder as she was taken aback by him admitting that he loved her. It was a feeling he had to get off his chest, although this wasn't exactly the best choice of time do it it, he still had to. The emotions he had for her were beyond comprehension, and with what he had already been through with her in the amount of time they have been together, He felt like he wouldn't know what to do if she went with someone else or worse...died. But he realized while thinking about things like 'What is she doesn't feel the same?' or 'What if she goes for another man?' that these were all dependent on her choice, and that no matter what she chose, He'd keep to his word, and respect her decision through thick and thin.
He answered that she was in control basically and she tilted her head slightly up in his direction. One of her hands rested on his hip and her other, she brought up to his face.

"I may not love you yet, but I'm not going to resist if it happens. What I do know is desire and passion. I don't think we're going to make it to the market today as the afternoon is passing quickly. Stay with me for a while here, teach me what you know and I will teach you what I know."

When she finished speaking, her hand guided his mouth to hers and she kissed him again. It wasn't the hurried kind like it had been on the shuttle. This one was slow, full of the passion.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
He listened to her, and smiled to her statement, listening to every word as if his life depended on them. "I completely agree...100%" What he wasn't expecting though, was the kiss. He went with it, even if it made his heart race, his mind follow through, and his desire flaring up. He kept the kiss going into a near full make out session for a few minutes, before holding her hand and leading her to the bedroom, where he shit the blinds, closed the door, and went for his desire.

They did it all night...what they did, He'd never forget. By the time they finished and went to sleep, it was already the first hour or so of the morning hours. They woke up serveral hours later...or rather Dopi woke up first. The both of them were in bed, their clothes and items scattered across the floor, and [member="Jairdain"] was under his arm, cuddling up to him in her sleep. He chose not to wake her up just yet, as so then he didn't seem rude and like he had better places to be; Because he obviously didn't.
Like they had on the shuttle, they gave into their desires and passions for each other. The night passed in a blur, but every detail of the encounter was implanted into her memory. There was a heat between them that would only grow.

Jairdain had never been one to sleep in due to her life as a child of merchants in a small farming town at home. So within moments of Dopi waking up, her eyes opened and she knew he was awake as well.

Remembering the night, she caressed his flesh and had to stamp down the new wave of desire that flared. They needed to go to town for supplies. No matter what she wanted right now, those were needed.

"Good morning, Dopi."

She almost said something​ else, but Jairdain wasn't positive yet.

"We need to go to town today."

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"Oh of course. I nearly forgot about the trip we needed to make. I'll begin getting dressed, and I'll be ready whenever you are, Jair." The night before went like clockwork. The heat and passion between the two grew more and more that night, like it hadn't ever done before. But right now, as much as Dopi didn't really want to, He got up and began getting dressed to go off to the town for supplies. His robes were rather easy to get on, and his staff was by the bedroom door. He stood by the bedroom door, awaiting when she said she was ready to go, as he get a scarf across his face like it was a bandage, coving his whole face.

They got dressed at the same time. Hers weren't robes though, her days with the sith had changed what she wore. Even if he couldn't see them, she wore something similar to when they met. Instead of the dark shirt though, she wore a white one and those ever present feathers were on her vest. She had told Dopi why she wore them when they met.

Before they left to go to town, Jairdain reached up to check his scarf. Trying not to laugh, but giggling a little, she shook her head.

"It isn't custom here to fully cover like that. Here, let me fix it. Besides unless the wind is blowing out there, you probably won't need one."

She then deftly rearranged the scarf he had picked so that it was like hers. At first he may, so if he covered his mouth, she wasn't going to stop him. Leading the way to town, the walk was filled with small talk and was one of the most pleasant times she had since building her home.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
The walk into town with [member="Jairdain"] was amazing. They talked all the way there about themselves, and many of the things he and her had done while they were separated after meeting on Voss. They kept talking all the way into the town market place, and he stayed with her until he heard something he could need later. He heard a vendor selling metal face masks and helmets, something he could use in place of a scarf for windy desert planets or other terrain. "Jair, I'll be right back. I'm going go buy myself something while we're here." He walked off and began heading over to the vendor in question, ready to buy one of the masks he had in store.

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