Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beyond the Veil

"I'd like that."

Returning to sit down next to him, Jairdain laid her head on his shoulder as Dopi spoke of his birthday tradition. One of her arms laid across him. Chuckling a little at his reply, she just rested in this position for a few minutes.

"C'mon lets go to bed. In the morning, we'll have a mess to clean up outside and put the delivery away when it gets here."

She stood up, stretching and headed into the bedroom. He would follow her, she knew.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
He followed her to the bedroom, and got right in bed. He knew what [member="Jairdain"] was wanting to do, and so was he. His heart was racing in anticipation as he couldn't wait to do this again. He just enjoyed this too much; He never wanted to leave Jair's side, not after all the time and things they've done together. He Loved her, and the both of them knew it. It was only how she felt, and if she loved him the same way that would determine what or how the pair would do or work together in the future.
When she had entered the bedroom, Jairdain had started removing her clothes and putting them away. This way, they didn't wind up in a mess like the ones she had worn yesterday did. She didn't hear Dopi get undressed and raised an eyebrow when she heard him climb right into bed.

"May want to at least take your shoes off. Less grit in the bed that way."

​After brushing her hair, Jairdain climbed into the bed with him and if he hadn't removed anything would proceed to do just that. Keeping each other warm that night and every night that followed. They settled into a routine of a life together and time passed quickly.

Iridonia was a desert world, but even it had seasons and the next season began. With this one, Jardain had to work at harvesting what plants they had gotten to survive on the land. There was also a change within her, but she didn't know what it was.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
As time went by, Dopi helped [member="Jairdain"] around the house how ever he could. Either with tending to the crops, to going with her to the market, this became a routine schedule for the two of them up until the next season. This season seemed to hold something of a peaceful time in the house, and decided to meditate in the middle of the crops. He decided to practice his ability of levitation with his Light Pike underneath him while he was meditating, as so then he has his weapon nearby him when he needs it. In this midst of this, he was sensing something...more of a person or two. He couldn't tell where, as the only person he knew where they were was Jair, and she was off behind him somewhere. He kept an eye on the two signatures, as he continued to meditate while practising Levitation at the same time.
The knight finished working on the small area she had been in and stood up. Behind her Dopi was doing his own thing meditating. Not wanting to disturb him, she took the basket she carried inside. Putting the food on the counter, she sat down on the couch suddenly feeling way more tired than she should be.

Kicking her shoes off, she laid down there to take a nap since her chores were done for the day. Her last thought before falling asleep was that she hoped he would be able cook dinner for the both of them.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
As he kept an eye on her impact through the force, he saw the two others go right along with her. It seemed like they were...inside of her. Parasites maybe? Some form or disease? He couldn't tell and didn't want to panic her, so he waited until she asked if he knew anything about it...or that would of been what he done if the other things hadn't move and squirm when she laid down. He stopped what he was doing, and went over to the house. "Um...Jair, did you feel any different today? any sicknesses or problems?" This is what he asked when he went inside and saw through the force that [member="Jairdain"] was laying on the couch, the other two entities that were sensed by him.

It felt like only a short time later that Dopi came into the house and woke her up. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Jairdain thought on his question before answering.

"Nothing other than being very tired. Enough I felt like I needed a nap. That's not something that has happened to me since I had to recover from my times of captivity. Why do you ask?"

She sat up and there would be a clear invitation for him to join her on the couch.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
I...There are two things I'm sensing through the force besides you..." He went over to the couch and sat down next to her, placing his hand right on her stomach. "Right here...There are two smaller forms that I'm sensing and I don't know what they are." He was absolutely perplexed unto what they were, and he was showing true concern, expecting the worst unto what they were. If they were something that was a parasite or a disease, He would want to help [member="Jairdain"] cure it or remove the parasite...but He didn't want to go off of those, but keep him mind open unto what these two small forms were inside of her stomach.
What he said sounded odd, but when she focused on herself, she felt them as well. Little lives inside of her. When he sat down and placed one of his hands on her, there was a stirring within her. As if those little beings knew they were being felt. However, she felt nothing moving within her.

"I don't think it's anything bad, but perhaps a visit to town tomorrow is in order to get check by the doctor there. Unless you know of a way to figure out what they are."

Placing her hand on top of his, she thought she knew. Nothing could be better in her opinion.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"I....I think I'm sensing something else..." His jaw dropped before he finished his sentence. He sensed something else with these two, and as he tosses the idea of parasites out the window, and only one thing could be there. "I'm sensing beating...a smaller pair of heartbeats above yours." He couldn't believe it...Was she carrying children? If she was, This would be the best thing in the world for him. He never thought this would happen with him and [member="Jairdain"] having children, because He still didn't know about her feelings towards him. He did love her, through out whatever she did, but He didn't know if she loved him back...Hopefully, she did.
His diagnosis was what she was thinking as well. When he said he sensed two additional heartbeats, Jairdain nodded.

"I'm not that well in tune with what is within myself to sense them. What do they feel like?"

​The months they had been spending together had opened her up, but she still wasn't sure if she loved Dopi. In a way she did or she wouldn't have allowed the relationship to continue. Now they had created together a testament of that love, she couldn't help herself. While it didn't happen like it had in his vision of them in a field, she placed her hand on the side of his face and looked at him through the Force.

"I do love you."

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"They feel...soft. Faint. Wonderful." He answered her question about what they felt like with the true assumption that they were children. He was so happy, even before she told him how she did love him. When [member="Jairdain"] told him she loved him though, his heart began to race. He was dreaming. He had to be dreaming. There was no way that everything was going this well for him. The woman that he has loved to the fullest ability of his heart not only closing his doubts on her feeling towards him, but also bearing a true statement of their love, was absolutely amazing. "Jair...I love you...So much."

He didn't give his next actions any real second thought, or even a long first one, to be perfectly honest. After he told her he loved her too, He went in to her lips, and gave her the most passionate kiss he could, one hand still where he had it before. Even if she wasn't expecting the kiss, it was magical for him...even if he was the one taking the lead on the kiss in the first place.
She smiled at his words on what the hearts felt like. The little lives within her floated and connected, even if she couldn't fully sense them. For the first time in a while, Dopi kissed her, there was no hesitation in what he did. Their months together had taught him what to do and Jairdain returned that kiss to him. She liked he took the lead this time. In the past, he had kept it up to her to make any moves. He was over one hurdle and would hopefully gain more courage to do more than just initiate a kiss.

It wasn't just any kiss though, it was far more passionate than any of their previous ones. Jairdain gave to him all he gave to her. Any thought of food went flying out of her mind and there was now only one thing on it. She would leave it up to him if there was more than just this kiss though. Jairdain wanted to know how far he wanted to take it this night.

"We should consider something..."

Not wanting to fully​ commit, she would allow Dopi to figure out what she meant and see if he agreed.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"If it's what I think it is, My love...then Yes...Absolutely." He could tell by the return of his kiss in the form of another kiss was something she enjoyed. When she stated that they should consider something, He could tell right off the bat what it was, and he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass. Yes, it wasn't like the vision he had of the two of them on a grassy hill lit by a full moon, but he didn't care at this point. Any concern he had for her safety that involved what was inside her transformed into absolute love and affection all over again. He wanted to go and marry her, He wanted to raise the children [member="Jairdain"] had, and he wanted to live out the rest of his life with her.

He placed the hand that was on her stomach onto her leg, as he led the next kiss as well, this one just as passionate as the one before it. He kept the kiss going for a minute before he pulled away, and kept a large smile on his face. "Jair...I love you. I always want to be with you, through everything that you choose to do or what happens that affects us. I don't care if you choose to be a Jedi, a Sith, or a Gray Jedi...I will always love you for being the woman who first introduced me to the temple on Voss. The woman who helped me find my lightsaber crystal. And even the woman who gave me the best times of my life, and will be the best thing I've ever had in my life. I hope that when these two children are born, that we give let them choose what they wish to do...Wither they wish to be Jedi or Sith."
She couldn't help but give a little laugh at his answer before another kiss happened. When it ended, there was another kiss waiting. They were both gentle, loving, but full of passion. That initial fire she had felt was still there burning hotter than ever. A combination now of love and passion.

"What do you think the consideration I'm thinking of is?"

It was said with a smile​, Jairdain wanted to hear it from him. In addition to what he said, she really felt loved and special at the moment.

"The future may part us and we go our separate ways. You're a master and can come and go freely. I still have knight duties to attend to."

It was the first time she brought up the difference in rank since she learned it. It was still the case with her and she wondered what it would mean ​within the Jedi for this affair to be known.

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"I was thinking mainly...Marriage. And I will say Yes." When she brought up the difference of rank, he had to think of a minute. He was so happy with her, and was happy about all of this, that he completely forgot that He was a Master, and she was a Knight. "Well...I don't know that they'll have a problem with us being together, but with whatever duty you have as a Knight, I will be absolutely happy and honoured to help you in these missions." He wanted to stay with her, even to help her with her duties as a Knight, as he felt like if they separated for anything, even a mission, they wouldn't be able to concentrate on the matter at have, and be worrying more about the other person. Of course, this was all in fear that the Silver Jedi Order wouldn't be too happy that in the months the two were gone from Kashyyyk or anything involving the Order resulted in their relationship and emotions growing to the point of causing two children to be born and a possible bonding in marriage.

Their minds and thoughts were in alignment in this and Jairdain smiled. The happiness she felt would be obvious through the Force to him.

"I say yes as well, Dopi Bones."

Now they would need to make plans and arrangements for this. However, she felt it should be kept secret for now. Not involving the Silvers or anybody else in this. He said he would gladly help with her duties, but the need for them hadn't been called so they had stayed on Iridonia in peace.

"I'm not sure if our training is similar enough where we would be working together like that. Rather maybe we are too much alike and wouldn't be on the same mission."

Falling silent, she gave it a thought, but it didn't matter. Things would work out either way. For now, she wanted to enjoy the peace they had together.

"Let's get something to eat, I'm starving. Can you fix dinner? I'm just too tired to think about cooking."

[member="Mr. Bones"]
Once she asked for dinner, he jumped up and made his way to the kitchen. "Of course I'll cook...It won't be much though." When he got into the kitchen, he knew right where everything was for him to cook something he made before; A simple meal of bread, noodles and some kind of meat, in this case, it being chicken. It took a few minutes to prepare two dishes of the meal, as he took the two and placed them on the living room table for [member="Jairdain"] to enjoy
It wasn't often he had cooked for them, but Dopi did know where everything belonged so Jairdain had no fear the kitchen would be out of order when she went to cook again. She fell back to sleep while he cooked and woke up when he brought the dinner out. Before taking the plate he offered an odd feeling went through her. A sudden chill, but it wasn't anything she had felt before. It wasn't a vision or anything, just a chill. Shaking it off, she sat up and took the plate from the table.

"Thank you, my dear. I'm sure it will be good."

Not one to eat fast, Jairdain took her time eating it.

"We'll have to go to town tomorrow and find out for sure."

[member="Mr. Bones"]
"I completely agree...Its best to check if what is going on is true."

Once he finished his statement and sat down, a familiar chill went up his body...a chill he hadn't felt since he was on Ilum. This was highly unusual for the time of day it was, as it was around the after noon and won't cool down for several hours. He kept this in mind as he ate his meal, and thought about all of the things the two of them would do together from this point forward.


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