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Approved Starship Avalon Class Orbital Defense Platform

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  • Intent: To Create an Orbital defense platform
  • Image Source: [X]
  • Canon Link: N/A
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  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Holonet Transeivers
  • Automated Hangar bay
  • Automated Repair facilities
  • Standard Encryption and Decryption packages and modules
  • Base Fusial engines
  • Thrusterlifts
  • Full Automization: Requiring absolutely zero on board personal, each and any of these orbital defense platforms can be remotely controlled from either the surface of the protectedplanet or via a authorised link patchedthrough to any ship given the properclearances and codes.
  • Immense armament: A flexible and most overwhelming variety of weapons is installed upon each of these defense platforms to provide the outmost security a planet could ever desire.
  • Immense defenses: Alongside the impressive arsenal of weapons that each of these orbital defense platforms can boast, they also posses an impressive array of defensive meassures, going from actual shielding to the more intricate anti slicing protocols, packages and systems installed.
  • Full automization: As with all fully automated systems, with the shields down, this orbital defense platform is extremely vulnerable to both EMP and Ion based weaponry, which can fry its circuits and mess up its systems, leading to the necessity of a full reboot, in case a reboot is still possible.
  • Stuck: The Avalon Orbital Defense Platform is only equipped with a small engine enough to propel it to it's designated location, but when it has reached said destination, all which would remain for any semblance of maneuvrability are the sidemounted trusters to aid in its aiming and correcting of targets.
  • Threat of slicing: Despite all efforts to safeguard the entire system of the Avalon class with many cyber security packages and the very fact that the integrated ZEUS droid brain isn't easy to slice from the get-go, it still remains a legitimate concern, for should these defense platforms be sliced, they pose a veritable risk to whomever they are supposed to defend.
As part of the rapid militarization of the Eriadu system and under careful scrutiny of its viceroy, Marquis Credius Nargath, plans had been drawn up for a better and more collective defensive array for the populated planets within the system. One of the first ideas was to employ a massive planetary shield, yet through inquiries and calculations, it was found that a planetary shield may compromise commerce and tourism due to the limitations on accessibility for the populated planets within the system. Thus the secondary plan was brought into motion: of building a large number of relatively large orbital satellites wich would be fully automated and could be remote controlled planet-side or from any location with the correct clearances and protocol.

Designs were drawn up by N&Z umbrella corporation's finest engineers and architects, contacts were made with L&K mechanics for the supply of the various cyber security packages and additional shielding and weaponry placements beyond Nargath Holding's own initial production capacity. The end goal was to have these satellites be launched into the orbit of their respective planets and to lose any primary engine functions when reaching their destination, at which point their maneuvrability would be solely dependant on their trusters. In case of transport to further planets, the decision was made to simply have them be towed by a combination of available cruisers and star destroyers to ensure the product's safety upon arrival.

These orbital defense platforms were named the Avalon class after initial testing and would be set up in a grid around a planet with a total of five hundred for each planet in order to have a tight defensive parameter without infringing upon the accessibility of those planets. Additional fundings has already been secured for possible extra series of these satellites for other interested parties.
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