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Approved Tech NZ IEPC.4700 Ionized Electromagnetic Plasma Cannon "Damocles"

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  • Intent: To create a large, capital ship and ground vehicle weapon
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  • Classification: Ionized electromagnetic plasma canon
  • Size:Large
    [*]Weight: Heavy
    [*]Ammunition Type: gas canister [power cells when not used on board ships]
    [*]Ammunition Capacity: Average 8 Tibanna gas cannisters [and 2 powercells] per singular canon
    [*]Effective Range: Battlefield
    [*]Rate of Fire: Low
    [*]Stopping Power: Extreme
    [*]Recoil: Very High

  • Draws power for it's Ionization from a ship's reactor when placed as capital ship weaponry.
  • Integrated targeting system
  • Carbonite coated barrels lower friction and overheating
  • Fast Cannister Eject system to prevent jamming while reloadingor firing.
  • Extreme power: The Ionized Electromagenetic Plasma canon has such extreme destructive power that it is to be considered the top of the field among contemporary weapons at the moment. It also deserves this extreme stopping power rating due to the fact that the extremely heated and ionized particles which form the plasma for each blast also allow for continuous penetration rather than dispersion of force.
  • Electric resonance: Each shot will cause an electronic resonance, which means that arcs of electricity may bounce off of the intended target and do minimal colleteral damage to anything closeby the impact.
  • Penetration power: The penetration power of this weapon is at such a high calibre that it is very much capable of posing a threat to any kind of reinforced material used for building hulls or armorplating on ships and vehicles.
  • Shield drain: Due to it's electomagnetic properties, even when it's not hitting a ship, just hitting the shields is already a hassle on its own, as it forcefully makes shields output more energy just to stop each blast in its track, thus decreasing the time a shield can hold up and increasing the risk of shields on opposing vehicles, buildings or ships to run out of juice much faster than anticipated.
  • Incredible range: With immense stopping power and penetration power, comes the added danger of the weapon's blasts being able to travel across the entire battlefield, making this the antimaterial rifle of the capital ship weapons.
  • Massive recoil: The recoil of this weapon is so large that it is impossible for lighter, smaller vehicles and ships to perfectly remainon course when a volley is fired from this weapon. Even larger star destroyer class ships are known to veer off corse if corrections aren't made when a few batteries of these fire off a volley.
  • Slow Reloading: Due to the Size and weight of the Tibana gas cannisters needed for this weapon, it takes at least two men to load and prep this weapon, though on board a ship this can be mitigated by the use of automatic systems and droids, in comparison it will still be slower than turbolasers or regular heavy ion cannons due to the overall capacity.
  • Cumbersome size and weight: The weapon is considered heavy in it's class and quite large, making it a bit unwieldy on smaller vessels and in need of reinforcement when placed on anything smaller than a cruiser.
  • Heat Displacement: Precautions must be made against serious excess heat build up, meaning that people are unable to stay close to the weapon after a few volleys of repeated fire unless extra precautions such as heat resistant coating, bodysuits, etc are being used. It also makes the placements of these weapons dangerous targets for enemy fire, as the packed up heat and pressure can result in damaging explosions when hit by especially Ion charged weaponry.
  • Highly succeptible to EMP: due to it's own electromagnetic use, EMP-based weaponry can really mess with this weapon's functions, with a full system reboot and recalibration not out of the ordinary in these cases,which may cost the user valuable time and resources during combat or anyother engagement.
Designed with the capacity of the company's own Repulse ion arc reactor in mind, the IEPC.4700 Damocles was to be the companies most destructive and efficient capital ship weapon placement and would effectively supercede the Taurus Heavy Ion pulse canons. The idea was to use old technological designs from the umbaran people, but to push it into the newest generation of weaponbuilding, adding both security and efficiency to the weapon systems and upping the destructive capacity of the old technology. Considered to be the strongest non-railgun or laser based weapon on the market according to its designers, the IEPC.4700 is in a class of its own thanks to very long range capacity, which aided with an extreme destructive stopping power and integrated targeting systems, is expected to become the bane of many a lesser ship.
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Credius Credius

Electric resonance: Each shot will cause an electronic resonance, which means that arcs of electricity may bounce off of the intended target and do minimal colleteral damage to anything closeby the impact.
While there is minimal electrical discharge that can be affected, there is still a chance in doing so. Please reflect this in the weaknesses.

Penetration power: The penetration power of this weapon is at such a high calibre that it is estimated to be able to cleanly shoot through two meter thick reinforced Durasteel hulls with relative ease.
The wording of this particular part of the submission will need to be relaxed. As damage taken by the one at the barrel end, is determined by the writer. Not by predetermined settings, or by the writer inflicting the damage. An example that you could instead use is that it just has an extremely high chance of penetrating through armored enforcement, or emplacements.
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