Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Attack Inside the Dome

Under Foot Under Foot - Well done! No edits required at the moment.

FYI, the distribution warehouse will be guarded of course, ha ha! However the tech won't be advanced. Liin has been working and succeeding on gaining contracts to have them brought up to speed. The work there just hasn't been completed yet, ha ha!

The biomolecules themselves tend to be packaged inside of cannisters that are inside of crates. Other biomolecule products are also kept in crates or shipping containers, depending on the size of the product.

I hope that helps!

Aculia Voland

Protecting her children from the shadows.
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

Kek like I explained to Liin we had a bit of a misunderstanding over how big the dome was and the city etc it wasn't like a strategic size thing just meant to collapse the entrance but the city is much smaller apparently so feel free to go ahead and shoot it down I was just gonna edit it down the idea wasn't to blow up the whole city just the entrance.

Apologies if that scared anyone!!!
Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

Yeah. Nuclear weapons/WMDs of any kind on Chaos (even low-yield ones) make a lot of people nervous. Chaos has a history of people going overboard. One of the great 'horror stories' from a few years back involved an individual who shall remain nameless, who detonated a nuclear weapon in a large city on Exegol, I believe, to keep an invading faction from winning the planet. Millions dead, city uninhabitable, etc.

There is the whole part about the dome being glass. I understand wanting to solve the problem of a horde flooding in, but... maybe a low-yield tactical weapon isn't the best solution ;) Especially for Liin, who has plans for New Cov. I think everyone can agree, the thread is moving along nicely and the narrative is entertaining enough. Thank you for understanding.
Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

Yeah. Nuclear weapons/WMDs of any kind on Chaos (even low-yield ones) make a lot of people nervous. Chaos has a history of people going overboard. One of the great 'horror stories' from a few years back involved an individual who shall remain nameless, who detonated a nuclear weapon in a large city on Exegol, I believe, to keep an invading faction from winning the planet. Millions dead, city uninhabitable, etc.

There is the whole part about the dome being glass. I understand wanting to solve the problem of a horde flooding in, but... maybe a low-yield tactical weapon isn't the best solution ;) Especially for Liin, who has plans for New Cov. I think everyone can agree, the thread is moving along nicely and the narrative is entertaining enough. Thank you for understanding.
A ginger can be classed as a nuclear weapon right?
Just letting everyone know feel free to call shots as you feel on the creatures that are near the warehouses if you want engage in them. I don't mind they exist to make more difficulty but also more action if people want them

Same goes for you Junko Ike Junko Ike , call whatever hits you want on the darksiders pretending to be civilians, they are there as fodder and to create a storyline for sylas of him being hunted by something
@everyone - It is Friday so I had unexpected visitors, ha ha! Friends of mine dropped by and took me out for dinner. I have squeezed in a reply! I hope that it is suitable!

Squeeb Squeeb - I am sorry that your kitty opponent did not arrive. But your replies are so very entertaining! I shall like to run into your character trying to steal from my apartment! I believe it shall be a fun story, ha ha!

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