Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Valery Noble

    LFG  Story + (free) Art Commission Part 2

    Back again with another LFG of this kind! Last time I did this, I ended up getting a really cool art piece that concluded her story with Shai Maji and also got a piece for a story between Amani Serys and Valery that resulted in this article. I'm wanting to try the same again now that I'm in the...
  2. Erdish Hane

    Public  Wares for the Weary | Free Items For All!

    Port Nowhere | Hangar Bay 07 The Jawa unloaded another vibrocart of containers off of his YT-1300 light freighter. The ship was still fairly new to him, so he had not put much thought into a name quite yet. Something would come eventually though. Regardless, today was a day to make some profit...
  3. Adeline Noctua

    Request  Free use bio templates?

    I plan on giving Adeline's bio a major refresh along with new symbols and bla bla bla, anyone got a pretty bio template I could use? I will of course be sure to link credit to the creator, not fully sure what I want. I would like to take a peak at what people post here and just see what I enjoy...
  4. Lossa Aureus

    Private  Left Hand Free

    Tags: Trextan Voidstalker She'd sent the only person in her circle that might have an understanding about her situation a holo. Standing just short of his own height since their last meeting, she hadn't fully explained the situation about that change given his own experience with the Sith...
  5. Valery Noble

    LFG  Story + (free) Art Commission involvement

    About 2 years ago, I postedthis LFG to find a willing person to write a story with me that included their character being killed, with the fun little extra to it that there would be an art commission of the written scene. The result was a really cool art piece, and a story that created a rivalry...
  6. Wirewolf88

    LFG  Take some free time from my hands

    Was wondering if anyone had time to thread for the last few days before the invasion. My main character is a clone wars era clone force user who is affiliated with the Enclave but I have other characters as well. The thread plot could be preparing defenses on Typhon, receiving a new force lesson...
  7. A

    Private  To Live And Roam Free

    The journey to Tribunal Station had been rather quiet; Asha had wanted to give the boy his space. When her ship docked within the relevant hangar she made her way through Pilgrim and waited by the boarding ramp. When he didn't come out of his room, she pressed a button which linked her up to...
  8. Arcturus Dinn

    Artist  Table Thread Tracker, Free To A Good Home

    After losing my entire list (and having it unearthed again, ty so much Tef) I decided to reformat it. If anyone else wants to spend a crazy amount of time trawling through old threads just to make their list look pretty, then feel free. I'll leave the code below for you! Obviously modify it as...
  9. Nukth Kelga'an

    Approved NPC  1st Anaxsi Free Brigade | HHA

    I • OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify the main Anaxsi assault brigade. Image Credit: 'Shadow Operations' — ukitakumuki (DeviantArt) [x] 'Scouts' — Slim-Charles (DeviantArt) [x] 'I love this job' — Slim-Charles (DeviantArt) [x] 'SWGTCG: Storm Captain' — ukitakumuki (DeviantArt) [x]...
  10. Nukth Kelga'an

    Ready For Judge  1st Anaxsi Free Brigade | HHA

    I • OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify the main Anaxsi assault brigade. Image Credit: 'Shadow Operations' — ukitakumuki (DeviantArt) [x] 'Scouts' — Slim-Charles (DeviantArt) [x] 'I love this job' — Slim-Charles (DeviantArt) [x] 'SWGTCG: Storm Captain' — ukitakumuki (DeviantArt) [x]...
  11. Atsá Vyshraal

    Approved NPC  1006th Stormtrooper Legion "Right Hand of the Free World", Akulhearted Warriors | NIO

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To further the storyline for Shili, the Vyshraal family, and to give a richer variety of Stormtrooper Legions for PCs of the New Imperial Order! Image Credit Phase Three Clone Trooper Phase Three Clone Troopers from the Force Unleashed Togruta Rex, best...
  12. Cuan Kunn

    Public  Wild and Free (Rimward Trade/Outer Rim Folk)

    Before heading back to the Core to regroup with Starchaser and those that he could help run out to the Rim, Cuan felt it was probably worthwhile to run out to the Rimward Trade League. With the Confederates sniffing around his home world, the Sullustan spent just enough to get home, see his...
  13. Krayzen Dratos

    Approved Tech  Eterneva

    Thanks [member="Arisa Yune"] for the help. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a quantum programming language Image Source: N/A Canon Link: n/a Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source:
  14. Condor


    After 1 hour and 3 delicious bean burritos, I've decided that the most logical explanation for Condor to fall off the face of the galaxy because the writer is a bum be missing for an extended period of time is PRISON! When I abandoned like a puppy on the side of the road ditched [member="Jay...
  15. F

    Avatars from Filius

    Hello everybody! So I recently provided a custom avatar for someone, a Pantoran, using my Daz Studio software. I'll put the picture here: It felt so good to make something great for someone, that I am now offering to create avatars in this style for anyone who wants one! If you would like to...
  16. D

    I Have Nothing To Do...

    Tatooine It was dark. Night and cool. Onyx sat there in the bar of Mos Eisley drinking. He was tired. He downed one shot. Then another. He was drinking enough to the point of being drunk but stopped. There was something off about the night. Something felt out of place. He shook his head and...
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