Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Boost War on the Senate | ATTN Galactic Alliance | Hutt Space Consortium


A Senate Divided.

Divided between values and agendas; morals and sin; principles and greed; righteousness and corruption. The Corporatist majority were shocked and upset in a critical debate of legislature, regarding the current events on Denon as protesters were silenced with use of lethal force by local security agencies controlled by the elite Corporatists. Corporatist who govern all of Denon with little opposition, though their ways of life could change drastically if they did not take drastic measures in regaining control of the Senate. Their goal now is to take aim against Senators belonging to the Free Alliance Coalition; a group of Senators from Imperials to Populist, setting aside their political ideals to take a stand against the Corporatist controlled Senate. After the success of a particular bill passing the Senate floor, there have been multiple attempts on the lives of these targeted individuals.

Bold and daring, Auteme Auteme takes action in her own hands as she has called the Senate to address these assassination attempts and remark the resolutions of the FAC.

In the shadows, a team of Bounty Hunters have been contracted to silence the former Jedi and cause terror, warning those who have taken sides with the FAC and those who have sympathy towards them.

All the data was given to the Kyuzo and Mandalorian, then shared to their fellow, selected peers of Bounty Hunters. The designs of the Senate, the seating of all the Senators, the rotations of the Senate Guard, everything and anything was handed over to increase their chances of success. It was urgent they silence Senator Auteme, before committing to any other acts of scum and villainy. They all had their own ambitions, maybe other Senators would be captured or killed to fulfill bounties posted by COMPNOR; or maybe they would just scram after the success of this mission, not wanting to risk imprisonment if captured.

Everyone was debriefed of the plan, everyone had their roles in this assignment. It all had to be done with delicacy, any mistake and they would lose their chance.

A shuttle carried all six Bounty Hunters, in which they were to give their clearance code to land without alerting the Senate Guard and other federal agents. Stealth was the name of the game, but also they needed to be in position to sabotage the defenses in order to hinder the Guard and maximize their chances of escape.

"Ready your disguises," he ordered in Kyuzo to his fellow Hunters, all of them having a holographic device to alter their appearance; sell an illusion for easy access.

Time to make business with the Senate.

Voice for the voiceless
Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Sskayrr Brussk Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Faith Organa Faith Organa Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto Arage Bao Arage Bao Annasari Annasari Maesr Elastren Maesr Elastren Seto Du Couteau Seto Du Couteau Aiko Hayata Aiko Hayata Isar Isar Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Brama Tagge Brama Tagge Alban Roble Alban Roble and all others...

Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix was still missing. Many were beginning to presume the worst. The Free Alliance Coalition had issued a large reward for the capture of the notorious bounty hunter who had abducted her, the Mandalorian known as Koda Fett Koda Fett , as well as a sum of credits for any information on Kobitana's whereabouts that lead to her recovery. Still, it had been weeks now, and the SIA had made very little headway in the investigation. The odds of her survival continued to plummet with every passing day, and The Arbiter had stepped up and assumed her role until further notice within the Senate.

However, with in the Free Alliance Coalition, such had not been the case. Auteme Auteme had done her best to assert herself into a power position within it, and tensions within the group continued to rise due to the unsettled nature of internal dynamics within the coalition as well as with the growing concern for Kobitana's whereabouts. The Arbiter feared that Auteme Auteme was taking control for her own political advancement and not for the best interests of the Coalition, which would follow the theme as of late. But The Arbiter had very little influence within the Coalition… the best she could do was make sure the members were safe with significant security increases sponsored by the Lujian Special Forces.

The Arbiter walked out onto her pod a few minutes before the scheduled meeting was to take place. Her expression was one of stoicism as she stood at her pod's controls, hey eyes glowing a subtle white as her cybernetics communicated and received a myriad of information between her and a variety of others, including communications between herself and certain members of the Coalition that she trusted emphatically.

Obviously their time table needed to be quickened significantly. The Coalition needed to rise into a power position before it was too late... before more members were targeted by their enemies.
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if they're watching anyways

"That which unites us... mm... credits should be no motivation..."

Auteme mumbled her practice, scrolling through her speech one last time. She knew the words intimately -- she'd memorized this speech two days ago, yet for whatever reason she found herself drawn back to read it again and again.

This was a critical time. They were under attack. They needed to respond.

"We've got all the major outlets here today, right?" She looked to her aide, Kirie. Auteme had had to leverage some considerable favours to make this special session happen; it wouldn't do to waste the exposure, even if the content of the meeting was what she was really there for. Declining the many comments asked of her in the Grand Concourse by the ever-swarming reporters had been... difficult. Still, she'd hate for them to miss out entirely.

She returned to her breath, finding that ever-present calm. That low hum of the Force seemed a tone higher than usual. The tension in the Senate was palpable; between the conflicts already there and the kidnapping of Senator Kotibana, feelings were running high in every corner of the Senate Chamber.

Towards the center, the Vice Chancellor opened the proceedings, beginning with a few words. Auteme moved into her pod, standing straight. Soon enough she was called on; a few presses and her pod floated to the center, and she began to speak.

"My fellow Senators..."

A special session to address the recent events with Senator Kobitana's disappearance and whatever else this coalition of Senators that Auteme was trying to corral in the absence of Tiresh. How many favors had that cost the young Senator stepping up to speak used to get the support needed to call it? It had likely cost her plenty of political capital, but her and her allies needed to head off any signs of weakness in their group.

There were multiple interests at play, and while nothing concrete could be made, the involvement, the public involvement of Koda Fett Koda Fett indicated someone with very deep pockets had financed the kidnapping. She knew the man from before; Kaine had always called him the best in the modern galaxy and she could attest that he had always returned results. It wasn't a secret in the higher echelons of the collapsed Sith Empire that he would take jobs from them. Her gaze turned to the central column, mind calculating.

It wouldn't be too far of a reach that... someone would reach out to an old contact in response to the coalition. Senate politics, it was turning out, could just be as cutthroat as internal Sith politics.

Settling back in her seat, Soraya on one side and her daughter on the other, she looked forward to the speech and no doubt debate to come.



The Coalition had not made his life easier. His return to the bowels of Coruscant had not been without the need for caution, the reward for his own head now had ensured shooters sat in the shadows and awaited their chance. His name had been able to deter most, but a brash few tried to test their limits to no avail. Yet the same Coalition had failed to account for his abundance of connections, the criminal elements had been content to harbour the Mandalorian in their own territories for a time. It cost him a favour, of course, but the reward for the hit on the Senate itself was worth one favour in the meantime.

His own war on the Senate had made access more difficult but various debts cleared, bribes offered, and more had lessened the scare once it was said he was seen off-world, somewhere in the outer-rim. Back beneath the service of a Hutt, or in the midst of some celebrations as a result of his rewards.

He affixed the device to his armoured torso inside the shuttle, the electronics fizzled a blue haze over his form untli he vanished behind it. He was a Mandalorian no more, and instead a Sullustan that sauntered with considerable heft; the finest of all attire had covered his new form, seen on him once he disembarked the shuttle and motioned towards the Senate Hall. To breathe further life into the lie, countless fabricated documents had ensured this 'Sullustan' was as real as Fett himself.

It was with these starless void-coloured orbs that he saw an alert that flashed on the side of a skybound structure; his own 'face' as it were broadcasted on the side, the list of his crimes, the reward on his head, and the few details known of the Bounty Hunter that had seen to the abuction of Tiresh, and all that unfolded at the Kobitana fundraiser. He held back a smirk.

In no time at all, he moved inside and milled about the masses.

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It was just one job, just one more job. Joy would never forgive him when she found out, he'd sworn off the life, tried to support her career on the force, even lend a hand when he could. But their little girl was sick, something she'd gotten from the radiation of some Sith weapon on her homeworld. The boys held her hand, Mickey curled up atop her, he and Joy both worked their hands to the bone trying to afford treatment, but it wasn't enough. Cadmon's daughter was going to die.

Unless he did this.

The disguise was thorough, Cadmon had never thought he'd pass so well as a Zabrak, but the look combined with the incredibly thorough fabrication of his disguise's life story made it as real as it could get. He didn't like the job, but neither did he like Senators, or politicians of any kind. But his grudges didn't make it any easier, so he simply elected to treat the job as impersonally as possible.

Equipment and the like were worn tight across his person, plating and ceramic clung to him far tighter than he'd have liked, but such was the job. He followed after the Mandalorian, and he did not say a word. Cadmon's mind was too busy with the task at hand for smalltalk.


Location: Senate
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Auteme Auteme | Bounty Hunters

The halls of the senate building were crowded with people from all across the Galaxy — so many had come to listen to Auteme speak, but among them were those with hostile intentions as well. The tension echoed through the Force and while it was impossible to pinpoint where exactly it stemmed from, Valery knew that she'd have to keep her eyes open for suspicious behavior.

That was ultimately the reason for her own visit to the Senate building as well. Hidden in her Cloak, she was here to witness the speech and offer protection from the Shadows. For Auteme's image of now showing fear or backing down under pressure, she had decided against being a visible force of protection, even though she would have preferred her presence alone to be a deterrent.

But this was the next best thing, and Valery's senses were sharp enough to allow her to respond to sudden moves made against the senator. So with all her focus on the woman who was about to dress the entire senate, she waited and watched, ready to move at any given point.

Who would be the first to try something?

Location: Senate
No Weapon
Tags: The Senate | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Cadmon Geller Cadmon Geller | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr

Faith was glued to her seat in the pod her gaze upon Auteme Auteme what was next, and Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix was still missing whispers said horrible things that Faith would not entertain.

The new rules by the Captain of the Senate guard prevented her from bringing in the Alderaan Knights this did not sit well with her. She had issues with entrusting the safety of her staff and herself with people she didn't know well. She upon learning about this change immediately promoted Jax Thio Jax Thio to an Advisor position that would allow him to remain with her. She felt certain that Ikenna Tahj Ikenna Tahj was talking a storm with Draco Vereen Draco Vereen about this rule and what complications could quickly rise from it.

Becca moved closer, "Faith relax you look like something is going to eat you."

She nodded. "Becca did Alicio come to Coruscant, or did he have other plans?" Becca shrugged, "I didn't think to ask." Faith nodded yes, "Ask find out where Alicio Organa Alicio Organa is" She wasn't looking for him to be here she was fretting and worried about him this would be the time now when everything came into the open that presented a danger. In light of what happen to Tiresh Kobitana she knew no one was safe.

She leaned forward and waited.
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Tritum sat in the senate chambers, listening to Auteme’s speech. He wondered what sort of spin the parties would put on the disappearance of Kobitana. Marcus had his own thoughts of course, but he kept those close.

The Brentaal senator’s fingers rapped lightly against his serpent-headed cane and he waited for the speech to go on, though suddenly his eyes closed. An eyebrow went up. And he felt…. Ah.


This would be interesting…
Location: Senate Chamber
Auteme Auteme | Valery Noble Valery Noble @Others nearby

Kirie nodded distractedly at Auteme’s words, taking a seat in the senate pod as it sped out to the centre of the chamber, carrying Auteme forward to deliver her speech to the assembly.

“Everyone will be here. More than usual since Kobitana’s dissapearance.” Kirie had to wade through a sea of reporters to get inside the senate building and make it in time for Auteme’s address. More than usual the Senate was the talk of the town, embroiled as it was in controversies and sinister plots.

It made Kirie sick to her stomach, the lengths that people would go to in order to undermine the Alliance’s democracy. Whichever of their enemies were behind this, they were making sure the Alliance’s leadership destroyed itself from within.

“Make sure you stick to your script, Auteme, lots of eyes on us today. Whether this goes well or not, you will be in the headlines.” Kirie’s eyes flitted to the senate guards patrolling nearby, a noticeable uptick in security since the last time the Senate had convened.

“Oh, and before you start, there are Marshall investigators sniffing around, they may want to talk to you after we adjourn.”

The speech itself was fairly routine, even if the circumstances surrounding it were grim. Why then did she have such a grave feeling in her gut? Perhaps just the nerves of the day. Auteme stood and began her speech and Kirie sat back, doing her best to relax.
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Mandalorian Armor

Auteme Auteme , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Koda Fett Koda Fett , Kirie Kirie , Faith Organa Faith Organa

Even though Hilal accepted the contract she still felt uneasy.

She had been steeling herself for moments like this ever since she was a kid. Being a Bounty Hunter meant that one shouldn't care about the targets, they're just a pile of credits. and for the most part in Hilal's fledgling career she has stuck to it by the letter. This contract should be easy but this was a leap compared to all of the missions she's done in the past. This time Hilal will be taking on Jedi Masters and elite troopers. Could Hilal actually be ready to take them on.

"Of course, I am," Hilal muttered to herself joining the other bounty hunters her Mandalorian shining bright against the sun. "I'm a Mandalorian taking on a Jedi and killing them is a great honor. It'll show my brethren I AM worthy to be called a Mandalorian. I'm not weak, I won't back down."

That was the mantra Hilal kept repeating over and over again. It was the only thing that kept her grounded, the idea of killing a senator especially when most of them were defenseless goons gave Hilal a bit of pause. Was this right? Killing an unarmed individual? Then again senators were weak people and according to Mandalorian culture, the weak should get crushed. "Yet," Hilal mumbled. "Do they deserve to die?"


Location: Senate
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Faith Organa Faith Organa , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Koda Fett Koda Fett , Cadmon Geller Cadmon Geller , Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr , Auteme Auteme , Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

Jedi Advisor? Now that was a technicality Jax didn't anticipate.

Due to the rules of not allowing Senators to bring their own bodyguards which was something Jax found ridiculous, the Queen of Alderaan "promoted" Jax to be her personal advisor. Though Jax was not a politician and had no interest in politics, he studied it because the Jedi and Senate are intertwined something that irritated Jax. The Senate once again devolved into fat, bloated, individuals who see war as a business. Jax wasn't sure what these other senators who oppose them would do but he had a feeling that they were no different.

"That's because a Senator can't say good morning without lying first," Jax thought.

Jax remained at Faith's side while she was laying out her arguments, tremors of the Force echoed everywhere. He gave Faith a quick nudge as soon as she was done speaking. "I suggest we leave as soon as possible," Jax whispered. "My feelings tell me that we're all in danger."

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The Force had been a beast Fett failed to tame. He could not defeat it, neither wield it for himself. It was accounted for nonetheless, and often had the Mandalorian settled on the belief that his own intellect was a match for most uses of it. Some, however, had no such weaknesses. He noted that much as he sat there beneath the mask of a Sullustan in his own circular extension of the Senate itself - all too aware that a Jedi was a better shield than a footsoldier. If Noble recalled him from the rumble on Nar Shaddaa or the Kobitana Fundraiser, there was the chance she sensed that familiar disturbance in the Force. Even more odd once one considered that he was slated as off-world as of late.

It was too late to find him now.

<Positions.> He ordered into the communication devices of the other mercenaries in a low voice. His 'Sullustan' orbs stared ahead, still, and onto the centre craft as Auteme addressed the Senate. His own was situated beneath most of them, albeit surrounded on all sides, closer to the floor than the roof overhead. Beneath the T-visor, Fett scrambled his actual eyes as various silent commands had been made, and armaments readied.

He had his chosen method of attack sorted. But a few moments more, and it was on.

Amun Amun | The Arbiter The Arbiter | Auteme Auteme | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Cadmon Geller Cadmon Geller | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Isar Isar | Kirie Kirie | Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla | Jax Thio Jax Thio
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Senate Chamber
Allies: Amun Amun Koda Fett Koda Fett Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Cadmon Geller Cadmon Geller
Enemies: Jax Thio Jax Thio Kirie Kirie Isar Isar Faith Organa Faith Organa Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Auteme Auteme The Arbiter The Arbiter

When the opportunity for the job presented itself, Lirka jumped on it almost immediately. This was what she needed, while the pay was good, this offered something so much greater. Infamy. It had been long since Lirka had walked the life of scum, and in those many years the fairly meager reputation she had scrounged up in her sliver of space had withered away and died, the blood of the senate would give new life to her restarted career.

And besides, if all of this went well she may have gotten the chance to share some very...choice words with the Chancellor.

The rush of the coming crimes sent a surge through her decaying flesh, she allowed herself a rare childish moment of excitement while the gang of hunters made their way to the senate hall on the shuttle: though the armor that surrounded her never let it be shown. As they neared, she followed suit to the rest and activated the holographic design, Lirka Ka disappeared and in her place stood a particularly large Kel Dor in flowing robes. An impressive piece of tech, she had to admit. Hidden away in the Kel Dor's large "robes" sat her weapons, her blade now broken down and mag-locked away, and feeling like a particularly foreign tool this time around was a blaster, the senate was a big place and alas, slicing and dicing her way through just wasn't practical.

Hearing Fett's command in her ears, Lirka took up her spot for the carnage to come. She stayed close enough to the other mercenaries, a healthy berth between them: she knew that, ultimately, the shot wasn't her's to take. But when the Senator's lackeys and the Jedi trash came running, her blades were ready for the dance.

The moment approached, the anticipation burning within her. It could not come soon enough.

Susanna Sorrows



Coruscant Senate Chambers
Equipment: DC-04 sidearm, B-11 combat boots
ATTN: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix | Koda Fett Koda Fett | @Bounty Hunters & others (Open)

I - The Beginning of the End


Susanna leaned her head against the wall, fighting a wave of dizziness that made the corridor spin around her. She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, waiting for the nausea to subside. Once the world around her had stopped moving she stood up straight, ignoring the curious glances from the crowd gathered around the entrance to the Senate.

Back to work.

"Marshall Sorrows. I'm here to conduct interviews after the session."

Flashing her credentials to the gaggle of Senate guards at the door, Susanna slipped into the Senate Chambers. Susanna checked her Holo again. There were three or four Senators whose pods docked on this side of the chamber. If she stuck by this entrance she'd likely be able to catch them, or more likely a staffer, as they left the building. No doubt a few would kick up a fuss at being publicly harried by a Marshall, but if she could get a meeting or even a few questions for her investigation now it would save a headache or two down the line. Alliances Senators were notoriously difficult to get a hold of, no doubt by design.

The case as it stood went like this: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix , Senator of Lujo, had been attacked during an acquisition meeting on Fondor alongside another Senator, Donovan Arturo. What had seemed like an assassination attempt was narrowly avoided thanks to the intervention of Senate guards, and a warrant was issued for one of the confirmed perpetrators, a Mandalorian bounty hunter named Koda Fett Koda Fett . The Senate had been left shaken, but it seemed like the plot had been thwarted.

Then, while attending a campaign event for Marcus Tritum on Brentaal IV, Tiresh was again attacked by Fett, abducted and taken to an unknown location. Leads as to the pair's whereabouts on Brentaal had dried up after a week, and it was assumed that Fett had retreated off-world with his quarry. With Kobitana and Fett seemingly gone without a trace, Susanna had been brought on to locate the Senator and if possible trace the payment to Fett back to its source.

At the moment, both tasks were proving fruitless, which was why she had dragged herself to the Senate Chamber to conduct interviews. The usual sources of unrest had been circulated in the press, from New Imperial state assets to a sinister plot by the Maw. But, given Kobitana’s political position as the leader of an opposition party, Susanna and her superiors were more inclined towards the theory that the attack had been ordered from an interested party within the Alliance itself. Besides, Susanna had no doubt the SIA were already all over the foriegn operative angles

Time was running out to find Kobitana, and they had few leads and a chief suspect who could rely on deeply embedded underworld connections to evade capture. The pressure on the investigation to break some ground was already mounting, and with her ailing health, Susanna’s work was weighing on her.

As if to punctuate the thought, another wave of dizziness struck her, and she gripped the handrail in front of her, trying to distract herself with the Senate proceedings, which were just now beginning.

"I'm going to need a lie down after this." Susanna murmured to herself. And probably a drink.

Voice for the voiceless
She listened to Auteme Auteme 's speech, but her gaze drifted across the room, observing all of those in attendance. While the Lujian Special forces were not allowed inside the senate building, they were stationed and ready to rush to the rescue if anything did go wrong. Not to mention that she herself, being a cybernetic, was a walking weapon… a fact that had been quite an upset with the senate guards when she first attempted to enter the chambers. Realizing that they could not ask for her to dismember herself entirely, they had come to an adequate compromise… one that ensured that her weaponized systems could not be activated while inside the Senate building. Overriding those protocols and activating such systems would be a severe violation and likely end with her being banned from the building, so it was not something she was quick to consider. However, if it came down to it, she would surely protect herself and the other senators in a heartbeat.

Location: Senate landing pad
Objective: hopefully not die
Tags: Amun Amun The Arbiter The Arbiter Auteme Auteme Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Jax Thio Jax Thio Isar Isar Koda Fett Koda Fett Susanna Sorrows Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Faith Organa Faith Organa and anyone i may have missed.

Xasha was running a little later than planned as she strolled off of the ramp of her shuttle and walked towards the Senate building her, the thick fur kept her warm underneath was a very stylish Kaldrweave pant suite. She was suprised how comfortable and soft the armoured fabric was. She had taken to wearing whenever she went to public engagements, it was sad that Senators were no longer safe to go about their business without these precautions. The assassination attempts on Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix and now her disappearance had also somehow led to a reduction in security within the Senate?

All personal guards banned, all personal defence banned. Xasha was a soldier, she was trained an licenced to carry a firearm and had done so before with no questions, but now she almost felt naked. The Senate guard, she was sure they meant the best, but she had little faith in their abilities, and there was no trust when they answered directly to the man who was suspected to be orchestrating the assassination attempts. Oh, better be careful thinking things like that out here, parliamentary privilege didn't start until she passed through the scanner, the little telepath was well aware that even treasonous thoughts might be considered enough to let her enemies remove her from office. She did worry that as a member if the FAC, she had made herself a target, but if she could deal with militant anti-environmentalists, she could deal with them, at least she always had her blaster pistol... except not any more.

She spoke to her advisor, "I assume Auteme Auteme Speech is still ongoing? Anything surprising or the same old self promotion." she would read the transcript later, she cared about the contents of the speech, but was kind of done with listening to that woman talk about herself for a while.

The advisors handed her an envelope and she pulled a letter opener out of her pocket to open it. It was the proofs from her latest Blaster and Ammo, she was a patron of the Galactic Rifle Association, and they were very keen to get her back in to speak about the new edicts from the guard captain. She pulled the out and her eyes widened as she looked at it.


"Oh force! What have they done with my eyebrows?" she laughed, stroking her real eyebrows as if to check they were still there. "Tell the GRA the cover looks great and I love the makeup but the eyebrows need fixing please"

She slid the pages back into the envelope and continued further along the walkway where another senatorial shuttle had just touched down.



The maze of skyscrapers, congested streets, and millions of people crammed in lines headed for all possible directions bore semblance to the unbridled chaos crowding his mind. A thousand scenarios, a million different outcomes each drifting further and further away from his control and into the hands of agents he held no trust in - namely, the Senate. All had begun with his failure to subdue, or rather mitigate, the protest-turned-riots on Denon; the ecumenopolis over which he served in an official capacity as the Jedi Watchman, and unofficially as its silent guardian through his secret alter-ego - the masked vigilante Nightshrike.

It hadn't taken long before his old friend Auteme Auteme had come to meet him, looking for more 'guns' to aim at the Corporatists through their interests in the Corporate Authority of Denon (CAD). He'd agreed to provide the aid on the stipulation that Denon didn't simply become a victim in a war for electoral votes between million credit champagne-drinking, power-hungry politicians looking to make a buck at others' expense. No. What help he could provide was only for the sake of seeing a positive change on Denon as his duty as a Jedi dictated.

After pushing further into his own investigations against CAD, he'd come across a communique between corporate executives detailing a hit on none other than Auteme. Right here. Right in the heart of civilization. A crystal clear statement.

Just like with everything else recently, he was running late. A no-fly zone set up around the Senate due to the recent assassination attempts had him soaring through the rooftops on foot - a much familiar sight dating back to his time as a kid padawan crime-fighting across the rises and slums of Coruscant. Arthur, his AI companion, frantically attempted to reach out to Auteme but there was no response. Whether she was simply not answering or a jamming device was in place remained unknown. All he had was the wind beating against his chest and the Force surging through his feet.


"Nothing, Sir. Miss Durren is currently unreachable."

"...damn it, Auteme -- talking these days more than listening." he was one to speak.

A race against time.

A race to foil a tragedy, a catastrophe in the making.

"You see that, Arthur?"

"Yes, Master Kaze. It seems to be a human male but I cannot distinguish any weapons on them."

"Yeah, well, that's a real odd place to be at right now."

"I assume you are to check it, Sir?"


His eyes had caught faint movement on the Senate building's railings a few rooftops away, subtly moving enough not to attract attention. Suspicious enough to send Dagon into a force-enhanced leap that left the concrete beneath his feet shattered and reach the walkway the man ( Corin Trenor Corin Trenor ) had been on.
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War on the Senate
No Weapons
Accompanied by Jax Thio Jax Thio
Tags: Other Senators | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Kirie Kirie | Isar Isar | @
Enemies: Bounty Hunters Lirka Ka Lirka Ka | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Amun Amun | Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla | Cadmon Geller Cadmon Geller

Faith leaned over to Jax and whispered, "We will hear all of Auteme Auteme speech it is important. And then..we wait for the reaction...then we decide if we leave or not. This is a pivitol moment Jax I can't abandon my friends now."

Friends, coworkers, those that shared the view of the future. She wished that Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix was here to be part of this, she looked for Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce , Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn , Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe and Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto

Jax felt there was a danger but from where would the danger come she thought once inside the Senate there would be safety, but maybe not? Could, or would the Corporatists go so far as to attack here in the Senate? Surely not surely their ability to negotiate had not devolved so far that a need for violence would not come into this room.

She looked back for Becca wanting to be sure Alicio was safe and not here not mixed up into this, or would they have made the association and figured it out. A message would need to be sent once they knew where he was.

Her heart beat faster as she considered the possibilities of what could happen.

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

Politics. It seemed to become an interest of the Padawan's as of late, even if his own criticisms continued to rain over the Senate in his mind - the idea that it was far too cumbersome and arduous. He often soured at the realisation the self-interested often held their own, if one could believe it, interests over those in which the lot of them had sworn to serve instead. Corin had taken a moment to consider if that intrusive notion had been too cynical for someone in his role, to which he scrunched his features and blew out a huff of hot air.

He tread with near-silent footfalls if not for the metal beneath him, but the faint clink was inaudible to those so far below. Corin turned to this method of attendance out of his own bitter frustration, he refused to realise, his motion to enter had been denied from the armoured soldiers. He was a Jedi, his entrance was sure to be allowed, but it seemed an unmonitered Padawan was to be refused entrance. More Jedi the better, he mused, what with all the recent attacks.

But whatever ideas that ran amok in his mind had been lost in an instant, as if the hairs on the back of his neck had risen. Yet before the cause of it had been able to be determined, the thud from behind startled him far too much. He clutched the rails on either side and stiffened, as if he hardened to that sole stance as his face contorted into an all too embarassed expression.

"It isn't what it looks like."
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