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Cadmon Geller

"The world needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door."
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//Accessing Galactic Alliance Fugitive Database...//

Physical Traits and General Information

GADF ID: Fugitive #59302

Name: Geller, Cadmon

Height: 6'2

Weight: 103 Kilograms

Age: 31

Species: Epicanthix-Human

Force Sensitivity: Y/[N]

Former Allegiances

- Sith Empire Stormtrooper Corps
- One Sith Stormtrooper Corps
- One Sith Special Force
- Blackblade Guard
- Ragmar's Raiders (mercenary group)


Geller's background is unknown, but records indicate he was a native of Dromund Kaas who was brought up largely in an Imperial Military Academy before being brought into the Stormtrooper Corps at a very young age, and quickly worked his way into special forces, eventually becoming one of the infamous Black Blades. After the fall of the One Sith, Geller disappeared and took up arms in a mercenary outfit known as Ragmar's Raiders which frequently operated on the behalf of Alliance fringe settlements as security Hutt Cartels. Attempts were made to coerce his former squadmate Prisoner #542571 ([member=Karsan Calnov"]) into revealing any possible information on Geller, but were completely unsuccessful, and the questioning officer received a broken nose in the process.

During an attack on the group's headquarters (who were taken down based off baseless evidence whilst providing security for outlying Alliance settlements simply because of their member's past allegiances Addendum: Taken down for terrorizing settlments, any other story is Sith Propaganda, do not continue any investigations into this matter), Geller managed to escape despite efforts from GADF special forces and [member="Kole Harper"], and remains at large.

Several weeks after arriving on Coruscant to chase down leads on Calnov, Geller became aware of and began to investigate a mysterious vigilante, who from what he could gather had once been Calnov before another, much darker individual took over the mantle. Before he could further investigate, a CSF detective attempted to bring him in, only for the two to end up working together to save bystanders caught in the crossfire of one of the vigilante's attacks. Shortly thereafter the two encountered each other once again and after some rather hectic events, decided to work together to bring town the shadowy attacker.

Notable Aspects/Skills

- Cadmon like most Black Blades is highly capable in most areas of combat, but has a preference towards close quarters, especially the use of knives and hanguns
- Cadmon avoids piloting at all costs, likely due to lack of proficiency
- Cadmon's Sith Empire and One Sith disciplinary records indicate he is quick to anger, altercations litter his record. Notably, no instances of insubordination are logged.
- Cadmon has high pain tolerance, and is incredibly difficult to put down
- Cadmon is notably intelligent and perceptive
- Cadmon is an alcoholic
- Cadmon likely suffers from PTSD, Sith Happens



[member=Karsan Calnov"]

Former squadmate, and the closest thing Cadmon has left to family, Geller holds former Prisoner #542571 in high regard. Knowing full and well he would've been detained long ago if Karsan had ever spilled information on him, Cadmon's primary mission has become to locate his brother-in-arms, though this has become muddled as he spends more and more time with the following entry.

[member="Joy Erantes-do-Nascimento"]
"It's you."
"It's me."

A more complicated dynamic then one would expect between a purported Sith Murder Machine and the detective sent to bring him in, Erantes-do Nascimento and Geller have put aside their differences to pursue a mutual enemy. Between the sharp tongued back and forth, and a possible mutual attraction, it has become a more complex situation than initially expected. Despite CSF IA sticking its nose into the two's off-the-books operation in the form of Kole Harper, their relationship managed to grow, with the two's rapport beginning to resemble something along the lines of a friendship or more, regardless Geller has developed a genuine interest in the detective's well-being

[member="Kole Harper"]
"This is personal."

Despite his aggressive and violent nature, Geller's discipline is usually more than enough to keep himself under control regardless of the situation, such is not the case with Kole Harper. Harper, being one of the last survivors of the operation which saw the death of all of Ragmar's Raiders spare Cadmon, is the object of intense and unrelenting hatred from the former Blackblade. With Geller being suspect in the murders of many of the Strike Force's survivors, his intentions with Harper are certainly lethal. Or they were, after the two were forced to work together pulling security for a worthless arms dealer in lieu of Kole's fall from grace, Geller feels more indifferent towards him than anything.


Badass Longcoat, Badass Normal, Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life, Elite Mook (formerly), The Dreaded (formerly), Shell-Shocked Veteran, The Alcoholic, Combat Pragmatist, Close Range Combatant (predominantly)
Formatting By Cullen Rooker

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