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Staff Submit Summaries for the Next Timeline Update

We are in the process of preparing for the next timeline update. At this time, any faction, Major or Minor may submit significant story progress writeups in preparation for the update. This is your chance to show off your faction's stories to the rest of the site.

The TIme Period

This Timeline will cover the 2 IC years from 874 ABY to 876 ABY. This will cover the IRL period from Jan 2022 to 31 Oct 2022.

The Submissions

Anyone may submit a timeline update.
2. Anyone may submit multiple updates.
3. Timeline updates must be in response to this thread only.
4. Timeline updates must be 1 paragraph in length.
5. Timeline updates must be focused on a single event. For example, Invasions may be grouped as "a war", ie The Second Great Hyperspace War may briefly cover all Invasions under it's umbrella. Dominions may be grouped as "an expansion". However, events may be narrowed down to individual Invasions, Dominions, conflicts.
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I am Apollyon. And I bring war.
Death of the Betrayer:

"The Mandalorian Enclave's quest for vengeance against the Sith-Loyalist splinted cell of Death Watch responsible for the collapse of the Mandalorian Union finally ends with the death of Apollyon the Betrayer at the hands of Kranak Vizsla, slaying The Betrayer with the newly reclaimed Darksaber from within The Nether"

(The thread for this is finishing soon but I thought it'd help showcase how far Mandalorians have come since operation hammerfall and it'd be nice to wrap up some previous history on past timeline updates. could be included in whatever the rest of the enclave decides to record too)
House Io

After participating in the defense of Tython, a battle which cost House Io a great deal and seemingly worked against its interests in their ongoing war against the Jedi, Matriarch Laertia Io Laertia Io 's leadership (and perhaps even her sanity) is called into question. To appease her critics, Laertia launches a ruthless campaign against the Silver Jedi. A conspiracy to assassinate one of Laertia's most controversial advisors is hatched within the upper echelons of the House.
Nar Shaddaa Reemerges
[ ]
The Hutt Space Consortium was able to wrest control of the infamous Smuggler's Moon from the beneficent Silver Jedi Concord through a covert political operation that saw thirty years of Jedi oversight erased in an evening. A critical Correllian Sector representative that challenged the Concord's hold of the system was, unknown to all but the conspirators, the beneficiary of multiple manipulated votes. The result was a short lived victory for secessionists and pro-independent denizens who would then come to realize that not only were they no longer part of the Concord but they had become an integral part of the clandestine Consortium. With inclusion of Nar Shaddaa and Nal Hutta the leading syndicates of the Consortium were able to solidify their legitimacy among rival conglomerates in Hutt Space.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Return of the Sith

After years spent hiding in the shadows and recovering their strength, the Sith Order has risen from their own ashes and in a blindingly fast conquest has reestablished themselves in the area of space once belonging to the ancient Chagras Hegemony. From their new capital of Jutrand, the Sith Triumvirate and their delicate balance of power between one another and their warlords has formed, the Sith have returned to make their mark on the galaxy once more. Already they have contacted and struck out with and against other factions vying for control of the Outer Rim.
Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
The Rise of The Family

After years of quietly gathering strength following a near-total eradication from the Galaxy, the Coruscanti Mafia - also known as The Family - has begun seizing portions of the Galactic Underworld for itself. Owing its speedy progress to the dedication of its members and the skillful leadership of The Black Oak (the nickname given to the highest ranking members of The Syndicate), The Family has begun to lay roots on worlds such as Denon, Chandrila, and - most recently - The Epica System. From the Syndicate's headquarters on Coruscant, The Donna herself leads from the shadows while her Caporegime direct daily affairs... Their numbers have swelled to nearly 1000 members across the Galaxy.
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With the heroic sacrifice of EMPEROR RURIK FEL during the Battle of Tython, the Empire has been thrown into a state of widespread strife and disarray. With Erskine Barran at its head as Lord Regent; Erskine Barran, Willan Tal and Carlyle Rausegeber have come together to provisionally form a TRIUMVIRATE meant to rule the Empire in the stead of the heir apparent - LUCIEN DOOKU. It would be under this regency that the EMPIRE would see some of the hardest tests to its survival - from the Chiss Crisis, the developing cold war against the Galactic Alliance, and an unopposed descent into factionalism that threatens to rip the brainchild of Irveric Tavlar asunder. Despite the challenges set before it, the EMPIRE looms over the rest of the galaxy as it stands poised to exert its influence far and wide - as evidenced by the fateful confrontation between itself and the Galactic Alliance on Ilum. Strife gave birth to the New Imperial Order, which in turn brought the Empire into being. What is fated to follow remains to be seen, and many fear it could spell an uncertain future for the galaxy.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Twilight of the Gods
In a long, multi-year campaign, the Eternal Empire and the Ashlan Crusade set out to eradicate Sith returning to Eternal Empire territory. As it turned out, the centre of these was the already rebellious Pacanth Reach. Finally, on the verge of victory, the Maw arrived in this area to plunder it, a group of Sith who connected to the Maw turned Panatha into a Dark Side Nexus, and shortly after, Kyrel Ren destroyed all life on the planet and forced the Eternal Empire to destroy the planet.

The Age of Expansion
During the past two years, the Eternal Empire continued to enjoy its golden age and continued to expand in the Unknown Region and the Outer Rim, where it had acquired quite a lot of new territory during this past period.

Second Great Hyperspace War
The Eternal Empire also participated in countless battles against the Maw, for them the war was perhaps more significant and important on the diplomatic side. They remained in close alliance with the Ashlan Crusade, and a closer relationship has been forged with the Empire, and with the events of Tython, it seems that even with the Galactic Alliance, their joint old grievances may finally begin to be settled.
Narrator of The Galactic Alliance
Allies throughout the galaxy converged over Tython to defend the ancient Jedi homeworld in a climactic struggle between The Light and The Dark. Throughout the conflict, the greatest the galaxy has ever seen, Tython itself responded to the dark ritual with violent, Force-born storms that tore the earth and skies asunder.

In a hard-fought end, The Galactic Alliance, New Jedi Order, and allies, triumphed against The Brotherhood of The Maw and successfully saved Tython from Annihilation.

Fixed with resolve for a fresh, stronger start, Auteme Auteme as the Alliance’s new Chancellor and Valery Noble Valery Noble as The New Jedi Order's new Sword of the Jedi take the helm and focus on closing the Maw Corridor into the Core, and strengthening their worlds against threats from both The Imperials of The Empire and The Brotherhood of The Maw. The first target in this new Campaign was Empress Teta, and after a long battle over the Ecumenopolis, its liberation marked the beginning of a new era.

Now, after repelling a Maw counter-attack at Metellos, and with a Wayfinder retrieved to navigate Maw space, the final push to free the core and rid the Galaxy of their evil begins
Growth of the League

After the Lux Astra Corporate Authority attempted to turn the Five Veils Route into its own corporate fiefdom, the Rimward Trade League mustered its forces to break the siege at Vergesso Station, breaking the corporate fleet and seizing the bulk of its fleet. With the effectiveness of cooperation and individual strengths now demonstrated, worlds such as Praesitlyn, Shadda-Bi-Boran, Tantra, and Denab petitioned for membership within the League, especially after the arrival of reptilian pirate-cultists along the Rimma Trade Route.
The Road to Tython

The Brotherhood of the Maw unleashes a bloody swathe of carnage towards the very heart of the Alliance. Notable campaigns include Selvaris, and Empress Teta led by the DARK LORD DARTH SOLIPSiS. The Maw barbarians tear through everything in its path, overwhelming Alliance forces and testing the resolve of the New Jedi Order. A long and hard fought campaign across the Core leads the Maw straight to the ancestral home world of the Jedi Order Tython.

Shatterpoint the Annihilation of Tython

Following the Maw's destructive onslaught towards the Alliance Core Worlds. The Maw finally reaches Tython led by Darth Solipsis and aided by Darth Mori. The New Sith Order tried to bend the fabric of time and space, ultimately causing much destruction on the world from Force Storms to volcanic eruptions. A hard fought battle between Alliance and Maw forces. Ultimately the battle would end with the Alliance victorious, and the death of their DARK VOICE SOLIPSIS. By the battle's end the Maw would be forced on the defensive and in a worse shape leaving than it had arriving.

Operation Shadowhand

Following the disastrous defeat at Tython, and with only half the strength they had compared to the beginning of the campaign. The Maw quickly had to reorganize led by the new DARK VOICE MORI, and the Warmaster KYREL REN, the Maw take a page from Imperial tactics and like it's name sake launch a renewed assault on the Core Worlds. This campaign was met with countless defeats with the Maw forced to attack to raid for new supplies. With battles being waged on Empress Teta, and Metellos turning to be crushing defeats for the Maw. The Maw found themselves being pushed from the foothold they had gained in the Core only to be driven back closer to the Unknown.
Threads referenced: Our Soles Laid Bare, Welcome to the Revolution
Blogs referenced: RIOT! ON DENON, Live from Denon: Corporate Succession Assured, Darkwire Declared Terrorist Organization
After Darkwire dealt a deadly blow to the Direx Board, many thought it would be their time to lay out their grievances and be heard by the weakened corporate state. But as thousands walked barefoot in peaceful protest to the ruling system of Denon, unseen pawns moved to sabotage the movement into a brutal riot put down by a strong and forceful CorpSec. Declared as terrorists by new leadership in the Corporate Authorities of Denon, elements of Darkwire gathered in an emergency virtual meeting, becoming starkly divided. Some remained stuck in their roots and split with the changing organization, with the rest either vowed to continue resisting covertly, or radicalized to increase the scope of their resistance and deliver on the title of Shadowrunner with a proud new stain...​

Threads referenced: The Radio Star, Fate of Denon: Attention, All Residents
Blogs referenced: Live frŏ̷͈m̸̼̏ D̶̄͒ẻ̴͠n̷͒̈ó͎͡n҉: A Redress of Grievances
Desperate for their message of corporate corruption and abuses to be heard, hot-blooded elements of Darkwire resolved to hijack the media by force and deliver their manifesto to Denon and beyond. With sympathizers scarce in an apathetic galaxy, Darkwire makes an an effort to demonstrate Denon won't abide by Corpo colluders any longer. In a daring plot they attempt an assassination of the Sword of the Jedi, en-route to meet with the corporate government. It proves to be a costly misstep, leading to widespread property damage and teaching the freedom fighters a harsh lesson: that the Corpos would stop at nothing to recover the living Galactic Alliance legend and polish a tarnished reputation. A ruthless CAD locked down District 7, a hot bed of Darkwire activity, and threw in every available resource to hunt and down and destroy the influence of the shadowy organization and restore order on Denon.​
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Rise of the Lilaste order.

With the awakening of Laphisto from carbonite, his quest sent him to find a purpose. Seeing the chaos and carnage of the galaxy, he took his teachings to heart to find a "true" balance. Disgusted with the hatred both Jedi and sith seemed to have for one another, noting to himself and the rest of his companions that every conflict that's happened in the galaxy for the last several millennia has been the direct or indirect cause of sith and Jedi Conflict.

And so, with the help of Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy , Bambietta Scifer Bambietta Scifer , and Tilly Tilly , the Lilaste order was formed to find a proper balance for the galaxy. Seeing the horror that is the Brotherhood of the maw and finding the rest of the galaxy's unwillingness to unify to put an end to a threat that has already destroyed two planets, the Lilaste order set up operations in the Kalinda system, building warships and war machines, training soldiers and setting up trade routes to gather enough force to show themselves as a galactic contender. With the sole goal of unification through diplomatic means or force.

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