A Redress of Grievances
874 ABY


Do not attempt to adjust your screens. This message reaches out across this Planet; driven by the very infrastructure The Corporate Authorities of Denon turn against you. I am The Voice of Denon, and I speak for every karking being in our Neon City-World...

Listen up!

For years, the Suits have wielded total control over every aspect of our daily lives; they have turned every aspect of Society against us, driven by their unending lust for Greed & Power and slaking their thirst on the blood of millions to satisfy their needs. They robbed us of our self-worth while extending their fingers deeply into every waking moment of our lives: controlling us, from the moment we are born until the moment we die.

They make their credits, while burying us in a debt of meaningless vouchers - redeemable only at their Bank. They tell us what we need, when to buy, how much to spend - molding us by the ceaseless drumbeat of Advertisement. They choose what we eat, the shows we watch, the songs we hear - robbing us of our lives while building their towers upon the bones of our Dead. Through their secret police, they break down our doors, arrest us for imagined crimes, subdue our souls to slavery & orphan our children. Those who resist either disappear, never to be seen again... or their deaths are broadcast for all to see, as the ultimate warning to any who oppose them.

People of Denon, your shackles may be invisible, but you are prisoners nonetheless. You are called Discrete; numbered, categorized, quantified as mere Data. Every moment of your lives is surveilled, analyzed, monitored, and directed as just one more karking Machine in the factory. The air you breathe, the food you eat, the very blood running through your collective veins is Currency to your Corporate Overlords.

The pace of their cruelty outstrips our ability to survive, and for those who do survive, none of them live. That is what all sapient beings deserve, to live freely, and the Corpos have perverted it into a commodity to be sold and distributed.

That is why we have chosen this moment to stand up in the Galaxy. We, who are your silent protectors; labeled as Terrorists, as Criminals, as Murderers - but in reality, we are no different from You. We, who come from many levels and many ways of life, who call ourselves Darkwire, seek only one thing:

To balance the scales of Justice, and end the Reign of The Corporate Authority for the good of our families, and to return our planet to the hands of those who know it best; Not our enslavers, who dwell in their Cloudcutters - but You, The Citizens of Denon.

Once, I was alone, first of my kind. Then we were many, fractured and divided. Now we come together as a whole. Darkwire stands tall and strong, it stands for You. Will you stand up alongside? Will you stand against the churn of the Corporate Machine? Will you stand for Denon?
