Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Look Into the Future | Tython Aftermath | EE & Friends/Allies



Tython stands; the Eternal Empire was also there to protect the planet thanks to the Tython Accord and achieved good results there. Of course, there were deaths, self-sacrifices, but in the end, every effort paid off and the victory was in the hands of the Tython Accord. It was for these reasons that there was reason to celebrate and pay tribute to those who lost their lives in that historic event.

Because of this, there was a large-scale ceremony in Wulfngard for the Imperial Army, civilians, invited allies and friends. Because of the venue and the participants, it was a perfect opportunity for those present to meet new people, strengthen alliances, and form new alliances; or just to relax from the fatigue of the war, or to invent new plans, war plans. Or to remember the fallen.

Behind the scenes, of course, not everyone was happy; members of the Wardens of the Shroud who know that the ultimate goal is to destroy the Force, hoped that Maw would succeed, in which case three Nexus would have been destroyed. But life is cruel and no one can be completely satisfied.

But today, however, is about celebration, planning, and remembrance.


OOC information:
  • There are no objectives, as this thread is about making everyone come up with plans after the big thread/event, making new acquaintances, as there are quite a few characters who have never met each other before. Great for new players who haven't played with us yet, or to the old ones as well.
  • Wulfngard is the centre of the Imperial bureaucracy and government, so no one needs a reason to be here. Ally, friend, loyalist (soldier, agent, Warden, etc.), anyone can be here. Even the rebels, if they want; no one will recognize them.
  • Feel free to plan, get to know each other, and have fun.

Relevant links:



Location: Wulfngard
Objective: Observe Eternal Crusade Parade
Tags: OPEN

Admiral's Sabre
Ashlan Rosary
Kaldrweave military uniform
Personal guard of Ashlan Praetorian droids
Overseer Biochip OPBC-01a
Diamond snowflake necklade

Personal Diplomatic Transport -
Bucephalus Class Fast Diplomat

Prime Minister Isla Draellix had gladly accepted the invite from the Eternal Empire to come to Wulfngard for today's event, it gave her mind something else to do other than dwell on the losses at Tython, even though the primary focus of this event was dealing with its aftermath, but at least here she was a guest and could relax slightly. She needed to remember that for all the Phyrric nature of the victory at Tython, it was still a victory.

Looking out over the military parade she was glad to be able to honor her allies, the Imperial warmachine was impressive and its hardware was formidable. Isla enjoyed military parades, the miiitary was in her blood and it stirred up her passions feeling the beat in the air of thousands of marching soldiers. She took a sip of her drink and marvelled at a model of tank she had not seen before trundled past. Most of the other diplomats in the well appointed gallery she watched from were talking amongst themselves and missing the spectacle, which was a shame, but it was their loss. She turned to a young man who had been appointed as her escort for the evening, and politely asked for him to refresh her glass and find her something sweet to eat. He happily obliged, leaving her temporarily alone with her thoughts.
1st post



Lord-Regent of the Galactic Empire
Grand-Triumvir of the Tarkinist Administration


Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim



Throne Room, Fort Imperator,
Ravelin, Bastion (Midwinter of 877 ABY)

Dia, why must you make this throne room so damn lonely when it's empty?

I can feel it in the breaths I draw in here.

Whilst most of the city slumbered the night through, Ravelin would hold no such restfulness for the old Woad this time, no such time for his well-guarded nightwalks to the Great Imperial Library, no such peace to dwell on his past, present and future alike - not in the dutybound talks and interactions that were expected of the Lord-Regent in these troubling times.

Can't help but wonder how Rurik handled moments like these.

Sitting on the central of three seats placed twenty yards in front of Rurik's Imperial throne, the Lord-Regent would stare at the Holomeeting-terminal as other tags steadily rolled in, though the host was yet to arrive; this time being the ruler of the Eternal Empire, though at Lord Erskine's preemptive request, owed to the fact he would still be the newest addition to the geopolitical caste at the time. Dark would be the old Woad's expression, though in enough softness that he could get away with it without putting too many contributors off in the process, but Barran knew that the grief and vengeful rage would be difficult to wipe away as it was to do so in his short time away drinking on Kestri; but it was still enough to flash an endearing smirk on occasion, enough for his first Holomeeting as de-facto ruler of a bereaved Empire, enough to give the right impression going forward.

'Miserable is the life of a stalwart, is that how it is? Sod it.'

Lighting a Dunwallers Silver, the old Woad would make a point of smoking in silence as he listened to the whisperings and hushed tones of the other callers waiting on the host as he was, checking if any voices among them could be recognised as Lord Erskine leaned back into his seat, then let the backlit-blue background of the Holomeeting's waiting-lobby illuminate Fort Imperator's throne room in the strangest glowing hue. Highlighting the blue of his irises, the bagginess of his eyelids, for all who would be able to see him, would give the strangest feel of the mood in both the man and the throne-room itself, the Woad-Blue in deathly, morbid effervescence.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Politics and more politics.
Location: Library, Halls of the Emperor, Wulfngard
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Closed
[ Rise of Evil ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

For a ruler or military leader, the day was never over, even if she still did not like to be called a ruler. Fifteen years; she ruled the Empire for fifteen years by now, of which the first two years as Empress Regent occurred and then the thirteen years as Empress. She still couldn’t get used to the weight of the crown and still didn’t like it. If she had been able to hate, she would have hated. But since Ingrid suppressed such negative emotions almost immediately that would have affected her sober judgement, the woman felt no hatred or anger. It almost always remained rational and cold. And since Adrian's death, she didn't let her feelings control her either.

Much has changed in the galaxy in recent years, including in the Eternal Empire. She promised to her children and her husband to go home soon, but she still had a very important meeting with the new leader of the former NIO, now the Galactic Empire. The Empress had to wait nearly a decade for the previous one, this one happened sooner. She was just heading to Tacitus' former library to arrange the meeting from there. Perhaps the throne room would have been more ideal, but the woman preferred to consider herself a soldier and disliked formal ruling traditions. Maybe she was the ruler, but she still considered herself as a loyal subject of the Empire.

~ The discussion will begin in five minutes. ~ MANIAC warned her.

~ I know, two minutes and I'll be there. ~ she told him.

She soon arrived at the right place. From outside, the light of the fireworks lit up the archaic library. That is why she chose this place; Ingrid also loved archaic books more than modern ones. There was an inexplicable miracle in the physical books…

Nearly twenty years passed, thanks to her new species and her shape-shifting abilities, she didn’t age a minute. She was nearly three hundred and fifty years old, though she was only born forty-seven years ago and looked roughly twenty-five. She wasn't vain many times, but she always took care of her appearance.

And the call was soon made when she saw the new leader of the NIO, now the Galactic Empire, nodded respectfully to him.

"Lord Regent! I'm Ingrid L'lerim of the Eternal Empire. Nice to meet you. I've been waiting a long time to get to know you. Your reputation has preceded you long ago. Allow me to express my condolences for your loss and congratulations for your new position." she told him.

As always, she was still in military uniform, with no coats of arms, no honours; she never boasted about them. Her red hair was in a bun. However, her blue eyes were strict and it was her radiance that betrayed that she was a strict and authoritative military leader and ruler. And her voice was interesting, Barran could already hear the same voice from the woman's daughter, though Eina's voice was kind and emotional, Ingrid's cold and military.

Objective: Politics and more politics.
Location: Warden Stronghold, Wulfngard
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Rolin Doan Rolin Doan | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Open to Wardens of the Shroud members
[ Rise of Evil ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid was one of those people who wasn't really happy that Tython hadn't perished. She was officially happy with Maw's defeat, of course, but she would have been more happy if all three Nexus had been destroyed. However, her friend and lover, who was even her ally, survived. After all, Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood 's goals were the same as those of the Wardens of the Shroud. To destroy the Force itself.

The red-haired woman, on the other hand, could at least rejoice that Zachariel had survived, as did the heir to the throne of the Eternal Empire; although it would have been actually timely now to appoint Eyjolf as heir to the empire instead of Eina. But she wanted to protect the thirteen-year-old son to some degree. He was still in the crosshairs as Ingrid's son, but as heir to the Empire's throne, he would be in even greater danger. But now it doesn't have that much significance.

She did not have such a political meeting today. Some Wardens of the Shroud members requested an appointment. Ingrid was the only one, to whom all of the Wardens knew was a member of the order and their leader. It was something that could not be hidden, since Tacitus had established order and the woman was a disciple of the man. She wondered what they wanted from her today. She had some ideas, of course, but not all Warden knew about the final plan.

The red-haired woman, meanwhile, reached the appropriate part of the Warden Stronghold, where she had to meet the other Wardens. She was the first; so she had no choice but to wait in the room for those who wanted to talk to her to arrive.


Rolin Doan

Initiate of The Wardens Of The Shroud, 3rd in line of the minor house of Doan

Objective: To not make a fool of himself to the most important people in both the Wardens and the Empire.

Location: Warden stronghold, Wulfngard

Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


Rolin Doan, to put it simply, was in a mad panic. Only inwardly mind you, he has taken much pride to hide emotions in a mask of either stoicism, if he could manage it, or boyish charm. But yes, inside he was a bundle of nerves, making sure that his uniform was in tip-top shape, his hair was perfectly combed, his teeth recently whitened, and so on. For this was not just a formal meeting, to him at least. This is where he may potentially meet allies, as well as find a proper master, to finally advance in his teachings. To become stronger, and maybe to finally understand what in the worlds his dreams really mean, having read what he was able to in the libraries but coming up short. It was beginning to drive him mad. Of events repeating themselves again and again. Though the people, factions, and planets may have been different, they were the same. He needed to know what it meant.

The young man walked to the stronghold, deep in these thoughts, until he reached it, his face would have hit the door if it did not automatically open just in time. Hoping that no one saw that, Rolin continued on his march, careful to glance at his comlink to make sure he was indeed going the right way.

When he finally made it, he was surprised that the area was empty. Was he the first one here, or was he in the wrong spot? He knew he was right on time. But then he noticed a woman standing alone in the meeting place and his worries ebbed away, only to come crashing back as he realized that that woman was Empress Ingrid. Rolin knew that his father would have had a heart attack at that moment if he were here.

Rolin nervously gulped, making his way to not only his Empress but also the Lord Commander of the order, this being the first time he actually would trade words with the woman.

Almost in reflex, without truly meaning to, kneeled, bowing his head. "Your Imperial Majesty, it is an honor to meet you face to face." He said, somehow able to keep the nervous tremor out of his voice.
Baron of Tygeria

Hi'los Krai
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Field Marshal of the Eternal Army | Baron of Tygeria
The Undying


Location: Warden Stronghold, Wulfngard
Objective: Politics
Equipment: Hersir Imperial Uniform (Armour plating underneath) | Shroudsabers (Hidden) | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Rolin Doan Rolin Doan | Open


Lord Commander Hi'los Krai entered the Warden Stronghold, stepping off the shuttle onto the stone floor. It had certainly been quite some time since his last visit, and he hoped it wouldn't end poorly. He had been one of the Wardens to request the appointment, and frankly, he wasn't sure it was a good idea. Not only could it be seen as diminishing confidence in their leader, but also arrogance. Though from his previous encounters with the Empress, hopefully she wouldn't see it that way.

Wardens nodded in respect towards him as he passed, with him returning the gesture. New faces roamed the halls, and quite a refreshing sight it was. More souls to assist in the Warden's journey, their end game, if you would. He was unsure who else would be attending the meeting, maybe a few more Lord Commander's, or even just regular Wardens. Either way, this meeting was bound to be interesting.

The towering Gen'Dai quickly approached the meeting place, not wanting to keep the Empress waiting, or any other attendees for that matter. He entered the room, and pleased to see he wasn't late. Only the Empress and what appeared to be an Initiate had arrived. Why an Initiate was part of the meeting, he didn't understand. Now, to greet the Empress.

2nd post



Lord-Regent of the Galactic Empire
Grand-Triumvir of the Tarkinist Administration


Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim



Throne Room, Fort Imperator,
Ravelin, Bastion (Midwinter of 877 ABY)

'My thanks, Martin. You can clock off now if you wish - I'll be fine for now.'

The little lies we tell....

With a coffee-pot brought to the throne-room, Lord Erskine would be permitted more waking coherence in the moments leading up to the Holomeeting transmission, and within the span of time it took to take a few sips, the digital waiting lobby opened up for live communication - with the first face to appear being that of the Eternal Empire's long-reigning leader.

There she is.

Photogenic though Empress Ingrid undoubtedly was, Lord-Regent Erskine's heart never swayed from thoughts on Lady Carla in moments like these, as Goidelic women were always known to remind their men of their duty, as they were always known to remind their men of the professionalism they took out into the galaxy with them. And yet, a similar professionalism could be seen emanating from the dress-code, posture and set facial expression, a leader and stateswoman in every sense of the word, one of whom Barran (even though there was a passing respect already) was already beginning to respect in a more personal manner. After all, this was the sort of leaders and experts in statecraft that set a standard the old Woad would need to strive to embodying in whatever was needed most to survive such a steep learning-curve.

Wily and indomitable though the Steward of Imperium had been in the run up to his own ascension, and with twenty years or more of the Woad's reign to match anything close to that of the Eternal Empress by then, Barran knew with absolute certainty that it would be little more than an old man's pipe-dream to even have a hope of coming close to such extensive duty to realm and people alike. It was one thing offering lifelong duty to governance over all the Goidelic clans, and entirely another in coordinating the Empire's land armies to peak effectiveness, but to think one could survive such a wild ambition in regency would be where the highest-ascending Woad would draw the line. Much and more was at stake for Lord Erskine, for the fate of Imperial succession and that of Empire in it's entirety, as favourable as his position was in comparison to most, would require the level-headedness expected of a man of his naturally-aged years.

'Lord Regent! I'm Ingrid L'lerim of the Eternal Empire. Nice to meet you.'

Bowing his head with an appreciative smirk given, it was obvious the tone and sound of Ingrid's voice hadn't registered as that of a specific other yet, as it had been somewhat shrouded by the proper, mannerly delivery of the Empress in a rather business-like level of amiable approachability. He wasn't ready for what came next, and late to kick in though this realisation would be, fate alone would know how heavy the blow would be as soon as it landed, impacting the old Woad's soul with a force that would surprise most. For none could possibly know, and none would ever learn of the specifics of the moments following the death of Lord Erskine's greatest rival in life, none but the Saints and deities who oversaw every last step the old Woad would take from sprinting, charging soldiery to the slow, strolling walk of dominion.

'I've been waiting a long time to get to know you. Your reputation has preceded you long ago. Allow me to express my condolences for your loss and congratulations for your new position.'

With head bowing more solemnly than before, Barran warmly replied,'Thank you, but - if I can be honest.... My mind is still trying to get there, in good time tho-', trailing off as his mind finally recognised the tone of the Saint in L'Ierim's voice. The Lord-Regent's eyes would widen as his pupils turned pinpoint in traumatic recollection, with gaze no doubt looking deep into the eyes of the Empress with a confused reverence, the purest, deepest respect for one who agreed to ferry his soul to the Netherworld in the moments following his own demise - much like that of Asher.

The only opponent who ever truly understood who he really was, what sort of warrior the old man was destined to become, what sort of leader the Empire would expect him to embody in the event of his ascension. Knowing what they'd reshape the old Woad into, being physically present in the moments Lord Erskine's dreams were turned to dry, dusty embers. The Ashlan saint had understood who the Mongrel truly was, and in the old man's gesture of friendship towards a man who'd been his enemy from the offset, Eina had accepted Erskine's request to be there in the moments following the Lord-Regent's death. And despite the profound nature of the encounter, there was no way for anyone to know what transpired after it, but in the dewy-eyed, visibly hyperventilating response to the similarities of their voices, there was a chance that Ingrid would understand something of the sudden reaction.

'One moment please, I may have a question to ask you, but - I need a minute to-'

Cutting himself off, Barran clenched his jaw and stood up to walk out of frame, getting a grip on his decorum and emotions for as much the sake of the Holomeeting's host as it was for his own, feeling the pain of every last part of the fact life would only get more complicated for as long as he held the Imperial realm together in relative unity. Gulping all that emotion down with slow, nasal breathing to keep it all under control, Lord Erskine would make his peace with it once and for all as he sat back down to ask,'My apologies for asking, but is there any chance you can tell me what you know of the Ashlan Saint?', reaching for his cigarettes in anticipation of a crazy answer to an even-crazier opening question.


Equipment: Powered Wheelchair, Enviroweave Blanket, Haywire I Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi
Objective: Meet and Greet
Location: Wuflngard, Watching the Parade
Tag: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

Iridescent green eyes stared out onto the scene before prying themselves free. Wide and yet not nearly as awe struck as they appeared to be. The twisting path of her mind lending her sight beyond what was before her. The wheels of her gliding seat moved seemingly on their own accord as she trundled along.

For once using the clout of a name that had taken her under its wing.

The foot of some young fellow nearly having the misfortune of finding itself squashed beneath the goal driven girl. There was an itch in the back of her mind. Something that drove her forward since she had arrived. A new face? Perhaps. One that she had seen in passing or maybe with her mother? Near her? Or was it sister lightside she'd seen-

The grumble of her Droid escort pulled her from the musings as the stuffy nosed snobs turned to look at the not so well dressed adopted daughter of their host. Emerald eyes flared at those staring, flashing the impressive set of canines that didn't quite fit the young and sweet face she had.

"What?" Fel spoke sharply as they cleared their throats and moved back to their own conversations with sneaky glances her way.

The sigh from her wolf escort something he likely learned from the more meatbaggy escorts that she usually had around her. She scanned the seating before settling on that ever so familiar yet couldn't put a name to the face woman she gave the AHA face to. The wheelchair moving with alarming ease as she wheeled herself up to Isla.

"You're the big brass of the Crusaders aren't you? Ila. No that's not right either." Came the curious and excited chatterbox. "OH. Wait. I'm Felmorante DeWin-no. Flemorante L'lerim. Well I was Felmorante DeWinter. Once. Still? Am. I am Felmorante DeWinter. And Felmorante L'lerim. Felmorante DeWinter-L'lerim. That's a mouthful. High! Oh hey! Sweets?" The plate of mismatched sweets on her lap had been precariously teetering through her entire rambling session of figuring out her own introduction.

An eclectic gathering of things that were on display at the buffet line. Along with several select items that appeared to have been pulled from a private refrigerator in the back.

"Your eyes must be really good. I like the front row seats of the parades best. You can always see which ones were overly excited and mismatched their boot polishes last minute." The chipper tone of the young girl seemed to never end, pointing down to the marching line below.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Politics and more politics.
Location: Library, Halls of the Emperor, Wulfngard
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Closed
[ Rise of Evil ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid always considered herself a soldier when the ruling topic came around. The truth, however, was that she would remain a spy, agent, and assassin forever. And, as the excellent cultivator of this work, she still watched primarily how the Lord-Regent reacted. Tiny facial expressions, tiny gestures, anything that just reveals what kind of person he was. Such were the eyes, or just how the man wore his uniform, or how he combed his hair, cut off his beard.

Of course, she read countless files about the man and the battles he was involved in. They came from a partly similar culture, though the woman's was perhaps more militant. But both were based on clans, or tribes, and were northern. Only on different planets…

Ingrid was always polite, so she just wanted to smile at the man's words and was ready to say she understood that; she herself had been in this position for nearly a decade and a half and still couldn’t get used to it, she still didn’t like it. And she just did her duty. However, the man's words got stuck and his pupils dilated. That look was like a glimmer of recognition. However, the red-haired woman knew they had never met. At least not in person.

She wondered what triggered this reaction. The Empress looked at the Lord-Regent questioningly. She could read in this reaction that someone or something had made a deep impression on the man. Someone who reminded him... oh!

"Of course, I'll be here." she told him.

The red-haired woman waited patiently, motionless, for the man to come back again and ask the question. After the question, a slight smile appeared on her cool and stern face. A smile full of parental pride. Thus it was already clear to the woman why the Lord-Regent had reacted in this way. He recognized the similarities.

"Lady Eina is my eldest child; Lord Adrian Vandiir, aka Darth Prospero, is her father. She is also the heiress of the Eternal Empire." she answered, then continued; she did not lie, the following information was very well known to the members of Ashlan Crusade. "She was born during the Byss invasion in the Netherworld when I tried to resurrect Lord Vandiir. Ashla formed and created her from the souls of the two of us, only the best, the most selfless feelings. Thus it may be that an entity from the soul of a former Sith Lord, a "child," walks the path of light and is now Ashla's Avatar, and not corrupted."

There was also a very small maternal pride in her voice, in addition to the cold military tone.

"Where did you meet her, Lord Regent?" she asked him.

Objective: Politics and more politics.
Location: Warden Stronghold, Wulfngard
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Rolin Doan Rolin Doan | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Open to Wardens of the Shroud members
[ Rise of Evil ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

<"My Lord. My address is, "My Lord", not Imperial Majesty!"> she said in an ice-cold, military voice.

It had been her address within the Empire for at least twenty years. Ever since she became a disciple of Tacitus. She never considered herself an empress, she preferred to be seen simply as a military leader. She was. The outsiders were not expected to understand this, so in their case she never corrected them after they called her an imperial majesty, or mentioned such royal titles. But at home, within the Empire, yes. She always remarked to them, and corrected them.

Will she live once to make sure her own people don’t make a mistake in this? she pondered this many times.

Soon another acquaintance arrived. She had known him before, nodding to Hi'los. At first, she thought it was necessary to evaluate what happened on Tython. Ingrid wondered how others had seen the events there. After all, not everyday things happen. Especially here she thought about how reality broke. True, what Solipsis wanted or what Zachariel expected didn’t happen. But still…

<"I’d want to hear your thoughts and opinion on what they think of what happened on Tython. About the ritual and its consequences."> she told them.


Rolin Doan

Initiate of The Wardens Of The Shroud, 3rd in line of the minor house of Doan

Objective: To not make a fool of himself to the most important people in both the Wardens and the Empire.

Location: Warden stronghold, Wulfngard

Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim / Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai


Rolin visibly cringed at the Lord Commanders reply, not expecting the anger and bitterness in her cold tone. Rolin was quick to duck his head, and offer an apology.
"My apologies y- er, my Lord. I meant no disrespect." In fact, he meant the complete opposite, but he did not dare utter such. Judging by her earlier words, he suspected that too much groveling would lead to an early grave, or at the very least a maiming. It may just be better for his health to drop it.

Oh, look! A change of subject! Perfect!

Rolin cleared his throat, rising from his kneeling position, doing his best to pretend he did not have a small blush of embarrassment at being reprimanded for his very first sentence to the woman. He was confused as to why she would ask him of all people of his opinion on Tython, he wasn't there after all, and an initiate at that. He supposed that the question was mainly for the new arrival who…wasn't the prettiest man Rolin has ever met. Or at least, he hopes it's a man, for their species' sake if nothing else.

But regardless, his…Lord asked him a question, and so he shall answer to the best of his ability.

"Well, my lord…as you know I was not there. But I did feel it…like a hole being torn open by a ravenous beast…it felt…sickening, really. Like an abomination was born. Thankfully it was ended but…well. My dreams have been somewhat even more eventful after that whole debacle. Speaking of which, if you so permit, I would like to speak upon them later once we are done with the proper proceedings. If you have the time, of course." This time, Rolin was unable to keep the nervous tremor out of his voice.
Last edited:


Location: Wulfngard
Objective: Observe Eternal Crusade Parade
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

Admiral's Sabre
Ashlan Rosary
Kaldrweave military uniform
Personal guard of Ashlan Praetorian droids
Overseer Biochip OPBC-01a
Diamond snowflake necklade

Personal Diplomatic Transport -
Bucephalus Class Fast Diplomat

Isla quietly watched until she was aware of a whirring noise of the approaching chair of a young woman, Isla recognised the face as one the Imperial Royal family but her biochip also immediately flagged the woman up as a VIP and gave Isla the important information. She turned to greet the approach of Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

"You're the big brass of the Crusaders aren't you? Ila. No that's not right either."

"Its Isla, and yes I'm the Ashlan Prime Minister" she smiled to herself, this wasn't the first time someone had mispronounced her name "Its wonderful to meet Felmorante, I suppose that makes you Eina's little sister then?" she looked as the girl seemed flustered and suddenly distracted by her tray of sweets, she found it hard not to eye up what the young woman had, her own sweet tooth was calling to her, she was relieved when her escort reappeared and handed her a small selection of sweet products to enjoy herself.

"I like the view from a bit further back, it gives you a better view of the wider army, I suppose the soldier in me sees us all as little parts of a larger organism." she let out a small laugh "the soldier in me would also probably prefer not to have the daughter of my commander in chief getting as close as possible to check whether I used the right boot polish today."

She glanced at one of Felmorante's selection, a small pink one, a style that was conspicuously absent from her own plate. She might need to investigate. The woman in front of her was very different to her mother or sister, she tried to picture the three of them together, but family was different, she knew Ingrid to be a loving mother to Eina and had no doubt her cold public exterior was very different to her family life.

She watched Felmorante as she observed the precession. "This next vehicle is a favourite of mine, there's an old saying that soldiers win battles and logistics win wars, that boxy vehicle with the giant roller at the front is a cutting edge logistical command vehicle." It felt strange seeing an Ashlan designed vehicle in Imperial military colours, but a particular general had grown fond of the design during joint exercises and had requested to purchase a pair of them.

3rd post



Lord-Regent of the Galactic Empire
Grand-Triumvir of the Tarkinist Administration


Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim



Throne Room, Fort Imperator,
Ravelin, Bastion (Midwinter of 877 ABY)

'Lady Eina is my eldest child; Lord Adrian Vandiir, aka Darth Prospero, is her father. She is also the heiress of the Eternal Empire.'

A being of the purest light I have ever known....

Born of a Darksider's issue?

A name had been given, and as a result, a giant proverbial puzzle-piece had landed into place with a resounding, ground-shaking thump in his mind. Her name was Eina, and with her mother already known to be a legend in her own right, the assumption of great power in the Saint's father would follow with great ease, knowing from experience exactly how powerful Darths were capable of being. And though the Light/Dark side disparity somewhat confused the old Woad, he knew well enough that anything was possible in this Galaxy, able to prove that much stranger things had occurred in his years at war, and in reference to events that Barran was still struggling to believe by then. Some of these happenings had proven baffling in times of war, proven baffling in times of peace, (short-lived though they ultimately were) and and yet a few still had managed to prove baffling in settings as quiet as the Great Imperial Library on Bastion, but the Saint was different - and her mother would be the one to name her.

Awakening Erskine's heart, mind and soul in a way that sent blood coursing through his veins.

There must be more to this....

But now the Saint has a name,
I know my damnation stays it's hand in this discovery.

Great power flowed freely through the Ashlan Saint, and to an extent that even the likes of the Lord-Regent could feel it to a near-tangible extreme, and in that partial understanding of what made Eina so powerful, Lord Erskine would gain a small nugget of wisdom - a little revelation within one that was much grander in scale. Though to some, that little would be life-changing, and to an extent that rested far beyond one's humbly miniscule grasp of the magnitudinous, and in this truth, Barran knew he was far from exclusion on the matter. It was always the little things that defined the greatnesses of his own and of his peers' design, the tiny little details that turned tides when it seemed that all would drown in poor flow with the ever-changing face of warfare, life, love and death alike, and in the omnipresent understanding of this, the old Woad knew he would be nowhere without the smallest of catalysts every time.

An outcry, a rallying roar around a blood-red lion banner, the dead Sith and Imperial troopers huddled up as brothers in their final moments, one small error of an opponent in one of the most important duels of the 9th Century ABY. Lord Erskine was a stranger to none of it, forever fated to spot it as if he were seeking and somehow finding a ghost in a living crowd every time.

'She was born during the Byss invasion in the Netherworld when I tried to resurrect Lord Vandiir. Ashla formed and created her from the souls of the two of us, only the best, the most selfless feelings. Thus it may be that an entity from the soul of a former Sith Lord, a "child," walks the path of light and is now Ashla's Avatar, and not corrupted.'

The purest of Ashlan Light, forged from the strongest love,
That which can be found in the deepest, darkest depths.

If Dia can be found in the crucible, the divine can be felt in the pain.

Like a lash at his back, the sting of his scars from surviving the bombing-assassination of Irveric Tavlar awoke the old Woad a little, reminding Barran of the excruciatingly-painful healing-crystal procedure just weeks after the fact, and of every last part of his faith that kept the former-Stormchaser from falling in his fight for survival. It was the faith he found again after faltering in his ways as leader of the Noble Exiles PMC, living life as a foul-mouthed, bitter-hearted mercenary, but the Galidraani Free-State changed him, made him greater and gave him means to believe again. Seeing the eternal in what he saw and endeavoured, feeling it in his agonies once more, as without that faith in his heart, the very concept of the Netherworld would have no doubt still have been considered outlandish as demonic - especially in the face of actual eternals.

Making it all the easier to embrace as a concept when it mattered most.

And in recalling what he had read on the Invasion of Byss and how some had recalled otherwise conflicting anomalies and happenings alike, Barran understood it as yet another interesting episode in the Galaxy's already-strange history, one such that facilitated a war of mortal power on the dead realms, declaring an invasion on a domain where the old Woad assumed all his friends and his son were waiting - a place Lord Erskine expected to end up in the event of his own demise.

'Where did you meet her, Lord Regent?'

Pausing momentarily, the Steward of Imperium briefly considered his answer, as a vast majority of the Galaxy's many peoples knew nothing of how the duel of swords ended, and even fewer still knew of what transpired in the moments that followed the Mongrel's demise, but there were parts of the encounter that he was still certainly willing to reveal. Depressing as it was, there was an aspect to Barran's time on Tython that wouldn't bring him down to a blubbering mess, and in recalling particular memories from the soul-destroying majority, the moment Lord Erskine met Eina would be plucked from all the darkest moments in his life to cast a light on the mystery. Much like the Saint, the one who promised to ferry the Old Woad to the Netherworld personally, a mystery of light and wonder - born of darkness and power.

'I - I met her on Tython of all places.... In an encounter I still have trouble believing, still as surreal to my mind as it was when your Eina first appeared.'

Inhaling through his nostrils as his eyes closed to recall it, the eyelids opened on exhalation to reveal a state of newfound calm, involuntarily showing the impact it had left upon him as the silence between them continued, letting go of his grief - even if only for a little while.

'She dragged me out of my darkest thoughts, healed my soul as much as time allowed.... And accepted my offer to ferry me to the Nether when my time comes.'
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Equipment: Powered Wheelchair, Enviroweave Blanket, Haywire I Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi
Objective: Meet and Greet
Location: Wuflngard, Watching the Parade
Tag: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

A frown appeared when corrected on her pronunciation of the woman's name. She usually was better about that. Perhaps a loss of her counterparts had been the source of that discrepancy, but those were thoughts for another time. The correlation between Eina and herself bringing a bright smile to her face.

"Mhm. Light sister is the elder of us. Haven't seen her much of late but I've been run-wheeling around so." The smile twitched at the correction, joy dimming just a bit before the conversation moved onward.

"Oh I don't have to look to hard. Discrepancy is easy to notice among a larger swatch of colors. But I suppose that's one way of looking at it. Part of a larger thing. No one making a particular difference but also capable of making the difference." She examined the view once more, taking in the numbers and picking out certain ones that seemed a bit better put together.

"Oh that is a shared one? Those are hard to get into. Though the Missile systems are pretty advanced. The aerosol counter missiles are pretty neat though the dispersion patterns are kind of small from what I saw on the projections. The other missiles are pretty neat though. Countering artillery rounds seems a pretty tall order. But I suppose that's why it's a Frontline logistic and troop support vehicle." The girl revealing quietly that she had in fact snuck aboard at some point and played around inside the machine. Stated matter of factually as she took a chocolate from her tray and popped it into her mouth, staring at the vehicle in question.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Politics and more politics.
Location: Library, Halls of the Emperor, Wulfngard
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Closed
[ Rise of Evil ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid wasn't bothered at all by the man's long silence and apparently thinking about something. In the rushed everyday life of the world, she loved having a few quiet minutes or maybe an hour or more. Especially for her, Realspace was too quick, against the infinity of Netherworld. It was already difficult for the red-haired woman to see the world as she had seen it before. What Onrai did to her, it changed her forever.

The Sith woman said it was a blessing that Ingrid had become a goddess. The red-haired woman did not think of herself as a divine being at all, and she also thought of the gift as a curse. Onrai took away a significant portion of her humanity and made something else out of her; a monster. Someone who will be forced to watch everyone she loves grow old and die while she won’t grow old not even a single minute. Because of this, it was possible that although she was born forty-seven years ago, she was already living for more than three hundred and fifty years, thanks to the time she spent in the Netherworld.

"If my intelligence data doesn't lie, you killed The Mongrel on Tython." she said cautiously.

She was silent for a moment, the Nite files revealed who were present that day. The woman already understood why The Mongrel went to the Sith Intelligence building in person at the Battle of Dromund Kaas for one of the Nite agents fighting the Blackwatch agents. The same agent was there on Tython with him and the Old Woad. The same young but very talented Nite agentess.

"Don't worry, I didn't use the Eternal Imperial Intelligence agency to gain this information, and I'm not going to tell the Empire or anyone else until you or the Empire reveal this information.." she told him.

It didn’t really matter and it couldn’t even be used for extortion. Last but not least, Ingrid had heard that her daughter had accompanied the soul of The Mongrel. She didn't know the reasons yet, she hadn't talked to Eina about it yet. But her daughter won't talk about it anyway, so she'll have to get the right information from her agents in the Netherworld.

The Empress smiled at Old Woad's words; there was a sincere smile on her lips.

"Yes, that’s what she used to do, trying to heal anyone who wants to or let her to do so. In this case, you may be an extraordinary person, Lord-Regent. She doesn't usually promise that to anyone." she told him, honestly.

She paused for a moment to feel the weight of her words, then she continued.

"I'm starting to understand why. You’re the second most pleasant person from the Empire I’ve been talking to since NIO was formed. The other person is the late Lord Hans Rennagen." she smiled again.

Hans might have been weird for he was the one, to whom Ingrid surrendered to, after which she was the GA and NIO's prisoner of war for a year during the Third Civil War, where both sides tortured her on a daily basis, and then Rausgeber tried to blackmail and kill her…

"I think it will be easier to talk and negotiate with you about the problems and issues concerning our empires, than it was with your predecessors."

Objective: Politics and more politics.
Location: Warden Stronghold, Wulfngard
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Rolin Doan Rolin Doan | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Open to Wardens of the Shroud members
[ Rise of Evil ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The young man could not even hear the anger and bitterness in the woman's voice, for the cold voice was emotionless. It's always emotionless. There were very few who could hear any emotion from her, or even a different tone than the cold, military voice. That is, the truth is that anger was probably only heard by her husband or family maybe her lovers, no one else. Just because the red-haired woman suppressed all of the negative emotions almost immediately, so they can not affect her.

This way she could always make rational and objective decisions on any issue.

<"I know you didn't want to be disrespectful. At the first encounter, almost everyone forgets the right address."> she told him.

Her voice remained the same cold now, and her gaze was cold too, intersecting, as were her eyes. Probably this did not help the young man's situation either. But Ingrid couldn't be kind to the soldiers, the Wardens. She always had to remain the distant, cold ruler and soldier. Darth Tacitus once said of her that Ingrid and her behaviour is the perfect role model, ideal for all Eternal Imperial citizens. And she was, always.

The answer was quite strange, what the young man had told her. To tell the truth, Ingrid didn't expect that. And the end is interesting. She raised an eyebrow for a moment; this usually indicates a high level of interest from the woman, as most of the time - almost always - nothing can be read from her face.

<"Please tell me now. I'm curious about it."> she asked him.




Location: Wulfngard
Objective: Observe Eternal Crusade Parade
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

Admiral's Sabre
Ashlan Rosary
Kaldrweave military uniform
Personal guard of Ashlan Praetorian droids
Overseer Biochip OPBC-01a
Diamond snowflake necklade

Personal Diplomatic Transport -
Bucephalus Class Fast Diplomat

The Ashlan smiled broadly as Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim Commented on the characteristics of the vehicle, she was right on a number of factors, she supposed being an Imperial princess had its advantages if you wanted to pry around. "You know your military tech, I'm impressed, I was a lot like that when I was your age, sitting with a pile of manuals in front of me on my bed." she grinned "I didnt have a powerful family to get me access to the more juicy stuff."

She popped some chocolate in her mouth and had another thought, she looked at the young woman and supposed she wasn't yet in active service, but with an interest in the military and living in a society such as the Eternal Empire she may head that route.

"Here's a thought, if you were interested in a military career I assume you would be offered the pick of commands? What do you think you would go for? Navy? Army? Perhaps intelligence division?"

As she spoke she was partially defened by several high powered jets that passed low over head, they must have bypassed the supressors on those things for even more noise. The fighters peeled up vertically before spreading in a starburst formation trailing black and red smoke to mimic the three pointed emblem of the Eternal Empire. She wondered if there was any way of going something similar with the Ashlan Phoenix.

Objective: To not make a fool of himself to the most important people in both the Wardens and the Empire.
Location: Warden stronghold, Wulfngard
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai

Rolins eyes widened slightly in surprise at his lord's order. Honestly, he was not too confident that he would be taken seriously at all, but she seemed to be interested, at the very least, if her raised brow was any indicator. And he had a feeling she wasn't one to humor others simply to be polite. Rolin bowed his head, in both appreciation and respect.

"Of course my lord, thank you." Rolin cleared his throat, much like how his grandfather would, whenever he was about to say something he felt was important.

"Well, to put it simply, I have had dreams ever since I was a boy. The first was on my ninth birthday. I saw flashes of different scenes, be they a duel between two force wielders, mass armies converging on one another, someone being trained, lovers…uniting, and other such scenes. They are far too real and intricate to be simple dreams. But the main source of my worries is that…well, it's almost like events just…keep repeating themselves, over and over again. Some kid is chosen to be trained, is incredibly gifted, a war happens, they fall in love, betray those they considered family, a planet blows up, a chosen one rises and saves the day, and so on. It doesn't always happen in that order, but…" Rolin clears his throat once again, feeling nervous with his lord's eyes on him, staring at him like some apex predator.

"It's just…I simply don't know what to make of it. The same things happen, over and over again, but with different people and worlds. It sounds crazy I know, but, I figured in anyone would be able to figure out what it all means, it would be you. Er, my Lord." He said, bowing his head once more.
4th post



Lord-Regent of the Galactic Empire
Grand-Triumvir of the Tarkinist Administration


Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim



Throne Room, Fort Imperator,
Ravelin, Bastion (Midwinter of 877 ABY)

'If my intelligence data doesn't lie, you killed The Mongrel on Tython.'

Of all she could have revealed, this would be the easiest part of the entire endeavour to admit, confirming the truth of Ingrid's statement with a kindly, warmly-smirking bow of the head as the Eternal Empress continued; what L'lerim had stated was certainly true, and though this information had been kept under lock and key within the Empire's borders, Barran had sensed for a while that the news of the Mongrel's passing would no doubt make it to surface-level. No amount of secrecy, redacting or hush-credits would ever change this fact, and especially not with the Mongrel's abilities taken into consideration, but what Lord Erskine would keep to himself with absolute prejudice was the fact he named the Scar Hounds' wildest Warlord a friend in the moment the killing blow was struck.

No offence to any and all who would would both want and have a right to know....

But that stays between myself - and the Ashlan Saint.
The one who will take me to that friend when I die.

'Don't worry, I didn't use the Eternal Imperial Intelligence agency to gain this information, and I'm not going to tell the Empire or anyone else until you or the Empire reveal this information.'

Another gracious nod followed, expressing relief at the visible urge to give the right impression, though much to the relief of Erskine himself, he was receptive enough to express that no offence would be taken where none in fact been given. And with the acts of the Empress' daughter considered, there was no way for any offence to be taken from her words to begin with, especially not after keeping the old man from circling the drain so dangerously, words of which Ingrid was dwelling on in particular. The sincere smile that crossed the lips of the Empress, especially in the moments the Lord-Regent recalled his encounter with Eina, expressed plenty that would lend credence to this; especially in seeing the same look he knew all too well, a wholesome pride - that which was often seen expressed by the hearts of loving parents.

'Yes, that's what she used to do, trying to heal anyone who wants to or let her to do so. In this case, you may be an extraordinary person, Lord-Regent. She doesn't usually promise that to anyone.'

To this extent, there was absolutely no way for Erskine to know how fortunate he had been to meet such a celestial wonder in such a tumultuous point in his life, absolutely no way to understand exactly how much of an impact the former-Stormchaser had on those fighting, dying, healing and killing around him. But in hearing the words of the Eternal Empress, the Steward of Imperium who remained knew these words, like all the others Ingrid had spoken to him before, to be the rare, insightful truths of the likes he would find nowhere else. Such attributes were always personally laid at the feet of his contemporaries, thinking that all things extraordinary were there to see and interact with accordingly, when in reality that same attribute should have been realised long before he ever set foot on Tython.

For not only could the Ashlan Saint see it, but the Eternal Empress could see it too.

'I'm starting to understand why. You're the second most pleasant person from the Empire I've been talking to since NIO was formed. The other person is the late Lord Hans Rennagen.'

A name the Lord-Regent felt he had not heard in an age, almost as if a few of his salt-and-pepper greys had momentarily vanished in the memory, the pleasantly-surprised recall of a knight he once viewed as a shining example to all who would wield Kyber for the NIO in it's times of greatest uncertainty; and though Barran never had the honour of meeting Rennagen in life, much and more of the public archives on Lord Hans had been scoured in his spare time, only managing to learn about the man behind the legend with the clearances that increased with the growing powers of archival-access over the years. Serving in the field with valorous distinction in a time when being an Imperial Force-user put him at odds with Sith and Jedi alike for merely trying to survive, in a time when it seemed the entire Galaxy was out for Imperial blood, there would be no wonder as to why the Lord-Regent respected such a man for so long.

'I think it will be easier to talk and negotiate with you about the problems and issues concerning our empires, than it was with your predecessors.'

Fortunately for all involved, Erskine had been kind enough to consider the change in the Eternals' leadership, wise enough to consider the fact the first to withdraw from the Zambranos' accords against the NIO were in fact the Eternals. Proving their own wisdom eventually, though still long before the silly Silver Jedi Concord came to their senses, and in noting their fervent Anti-Mawite commitments that were rivalling those made by the likes of the Galactic Alliance at the time, it was beginning to look a lot like another budding empire had been growing the entire time after all.

The Eternals had come a long way since, more determined than ever to hold their borders and get stuck into the thickest of fighting against the hordes of Archetypal Chaos. 'I never had the honour of meeting Lord Hans sadly, but I have learned much and more of the Knight who handled your arrest. I'm glad of it to entirely new degrees now though, honestly.', Barran began, taking a moment to light a cigarra and to finish his cup of (still very warm) coffee, as he weighed his wording on how best to start the proper diplomatic process that should have began years before the fact. Not taking long in this endeavour, Lord Erskine would exhale, flick ash and then return his gaze to Empress Ingrid as he continued,'Safe to say it would've been handy to have him here for this anyway, another valuable insight that has been lost to war.', with a last little flashback of the snowy wooded clearing getting in the way for an instant or two.

'We have much to discuss in the future, I can see this now. But know this, diplomacy will be much easier for the Eternals than it will be for others.... An' though we have a policy I would adhere to, there is no reason for me to believe that this cannot be worked around. Exemptions of exception can certainly be achieved by a deft custodian of Imperium - guaranteed at this stage by a sitting ruler personally.'

Turning the cam on his end towards the throne-room's left side, Erskine remotely switched on the lights in the area, revealing a ceiling-tall, laddered book-case with a dual-port archive hub sitting off to one side, revealing how far into Barran's work his habits had followed him before turning the cam back onto himself. Lifting the cigarra from his ashtray, Barran took one last drag before concluding,'Always a way, Empress. Always a way.', as he stubbed it out and set the ashtray on it's side-table once more.
Last edited:
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Politics and more politics.
Location: Library, Halls of the Emperor, Wulfngard
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Closed
[ Rise of Evil ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Something immediately appeared to her, she didn't even have to be an agent. It would have occurred to anyone if one had spoken and met the man's two predecessors. Erskine Barran was much more humane than Tavlar or Fel. I mean, in the sense that he wasn’t afraid to show any emotion. It was much easier to read in it than in previous leaders. She also found this interesting because most of the Empire's officers - formerly NIO - were all similar to the woman, or just Tavlar.

In a leadership position, few could afford the kind of behaviour Barran was showing now. The leader of an empire always had to set an example for their people and others. Therefore, everyone could always see only perfect, cold, brittle and distant behaviour from them. Nothing else. This, for most, may have been tiring. At least for those who weren’t like that outside the office. That's exactly what Ingrid was like. This was the reason for her, why it wasn’t, because she’s always been so distant. With almost everyone.

As for the long "exile" from the galactic "playground", she didn't regret it. Except one part, perhaps, that she should have had more confidence in what Tavlar said was that there really was an agreement between the NIO and EE. Although there was no written evidence of this. If they had worked together all along, they wouldn’t have had to struggle for nearly a decade to be trusted again.

"I kept in touch with him years later. I promised him we would destroy the Bryn'adûl. They destroyed his planet. Unfortunately, by the time we were able to do that, he was already dead." she told him.

Now Ingrid nodded; she could only agree with old Woad on this. The red-haired woman would have been happy if the Imperial Knight were still alive. She raised an eyebrow at the man's words for a moment. Will it be easier for the Eternal Empire than for others? Based on previous years, this was a rather strange and sharp shift. Maybe Eina would have had such a big impact on the man after all? It was something that made her feel weird.

"If you think so because of Lady Eina, please don't." she asked him. "She is too pure for this world, she does not understand diplomacy, intrigue. I don’t want to involve her in any political game."

Ashlan Crusade knew that, too, and they accepted it. This was also the reason why Ingrid did not invite her daughter to a diplomatic meeting over Dromund Kaas. She smiled at the sight of the books and nodded appreciatively.

"One who loves old, archaic books cannot be a bad person, Lord-Regent. Unfortunately, I can’t show you my own library, I’m in Wulfngard, not my own home, but once I get the chance, I’ll show you. Hopefully in person." it was at the same time an invitation, though she expected the man would not accept it; the two empires had not yet had such a good relationship with each other.

She waited for a few moments and then continued, this time with a formal case again.

"I have to ask that, because it's a pretty important matter. I think well, and the Empire still wants to keep its military base on the planet Odessen?" she asked.

Objective: Politics and more politics.
Location: Warden Stronghold, Wulfngard
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Rolin Doan Rolin Doan | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Open to Wardens of the Shroud members
[ Rise of Evil ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid listened intently through the story the young man told. It was actually interesting, most like some old, archaic romantic holo-novel. Most things were pretty general, actually, based on how big the galaxy, these could happen on any planet. However, one part was interesting, that part where the young boy mentioned the planet is exploding. This did not happen so often. In fact, the chances are very few. And the planets usually exploded in really big fights. Alderaan didn't matter, there was no battle.

<"I understand. Do you think you are one of the characters? Or are these memories of one of your past lives?"> she inquired.

The red-haired woman, personally, did not believe in reincarnation, though she knew it was possible and could happen. But she wondered how the young man would think about all this. However, as a Lord Commander, there was something else she had to mention.

<"It’s important to remember, the Force wants to control us like a puppet. We must not let it. That’s why you also need to learn not to fall under the influence of these dreams."> she warned him.

It wasn’t a scolding, the woman’s voice was much more like an instructor teaching the younger ones. That's why Ingrid was the one who never listened to the Force. True, it was easy for her, as become a Force user at the age of twenty-five, it was easy to teach her to accept and live by the views of the Warden…

<"Was there a place or planet you recognised?"> she asked him again.


Objective: To not make a fool of himself to the most important people in both the Wardens and the Empire.
Location: Warden stronghold, Wulfngard
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai

Rolin listened intently to his lord's words, a frown forming on his face, not of annoyance, he wouldn't dare. But a thoughtful frown. He has asked himself all of these questions before, of course, and did much research on the matter. But being asked by an actual expert on the matter made him pause and think, though he found his answers to still be the same.

"…No, I am positive I am none of these people. I felt no connection whatsoever, no familial or romantic feelings, hate or rage, nothing like that. It really is like just watching holo drama. But what really bothers me is js just how similar each conflict is…like a cycle of conflict." He said with a sigh. It really would be simpler if that were the case, really.

Rolin then stiffened at Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim 's next words, having to resist a salute. "Of course, my lord. I know of those dangers. It is why these dreams bother me so much, and why I brought it to your attention. Despite the fact I don't really know many of the others in the orders identities to ask, you are, well…" He hesitated, almost about to say what he shall dub the 'E' word. "…the leader of the order. If anyone could tell what was wrong with me, it would be you." He finished lamely.

Rolin then shook his head. "Not really. There are so many desert and ice worlds it is difficult to tell without any notable landmarks, which from what I saw, there weren't many. Everything, including the people, was usually a bit fuzzy."
5th post



Lord-Regent of the Galactic Empire
Grand-Triumvir of the Tarkinist Administration


Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim



Throne Room, Fort Imperator,
Ravelin, Bastion (Midwinter of 877 ABY)

'I kept in touch with him years later. I promised him we would destroy the Bryn'adûl. They destroyed his planet. Unfortunately, by the time we were able to do that, he was already dead.'

Oh, Rennagen....

How my party has sullied your good work, a disdain on your good name.

A real Imperial was Lord Hans, a real knight in every sense of the word in Lord Erskine's mind, and in seeing the praise in the way the 13th Count of Raxulon had acquitted himself, especially in the reports of how he handled the arrest of Empress Ingrid in particular. The key words that stood out in description of the procedure from start to finish were those of patience, honour and kindness, with professionalism providing the perfect backbone of a man the Lord-Regent had shared multiple battlefields with, but never getting around to meeting on account of the old Woad's low officer's rank at the time. And back then, with little and less to go on, the rising military-powerhouse only had tales and hearsay of the Imperial-Knight's exploits on planets like Thyrsus and Serenno as emboldening points of reference, though Lord Hans was no doubt providing a beacon of light in his own supreme way back then.

The Eternal Empress was somewhat drawn to the subject of diplomatic favour over other factions, though it had drawn a sense of concern for her daughter from it as a result, and as L'lerim calmly requested,'If you think so because of Lady Eina, please don't.', Barran took sympathetic note of this and kept his mouth shut as an opener to his intended reassurances. Understanding such concerns from a parental point of view, Lord Erskine thought on how his own wife would react in Empress Ingrid's shoes, holding back comical thoughts of keeping words of murder from reaching the Lady-Regnant's lips as Empress Ingrid continued,'She is too pure for this world, she does not understand diplomacy, intrigue. I don't want to involve her in any political game.', still beseeching as any mother would - despite the contrast to the violent protectiveness Lady Carla was once known for.

'One who loves old, archaic books cannot be a bad person, Lord-Regent. Unfortunately, I can't show you my own library, I'm in Wulfngard, not my own home, but once I get the chance, I'll show you. Hopefully in person.'

Lord Erskine expressed silent appreciation for the offer, as there would have been many and more reading materials the old Woad would never have access to on his side of the Galaxy, though any Imperial leader worth their salt would always finds means of obtaining such books and research anthologies by other means, and suchlike access to the Black Market of which Barran was not at all ashamed of utilising from time to time. Though they both knew that the nature of that visit, if the Steward of Imperium were to accept, would consist mostly of talks of a contrastingly foreboding nature; the Maw were growing increasingly bold in their attempts to stretch out across the Galaxy, and with both the Empire and the Galactic Alliance taking beatings and dishing many out in their own right, the old Woad could only hope the dominion-worlds of his new acquaintance would be ready when the Maw's focus eventually turned south-westward.

Though it wouldn't be all, and fortunately for the likes of the Eternal Empress, the rest of Lord-Regent's visit was just as likely to be a relaxing, conversationalist's outing that both leaders could use as means to take their minds off the war. After all, there would be much in the way of culinary, alcoholic and scenic delights to experience as means of punching through talks of the growing Mawite threat, and especially so with Lord Erskine's easy-going nature considered, ever prone to enjoy the simpler, more-palatable aspects to life until dice or fight-bookies were involved. And there wouldn't be much of that in the company of a host as prestigious as Empress Ingrid, so the laddish behaviours would remain firmly in the proverbial pocket, even with excesses of alcoholic nature considered - one of the many things that kept up the facade of the law-abiding Woad for as long as Lord Erskine could remember.

'I have to ask that, because it's a pretty important matter. I think well, and the Empire still wants to keep its military base on the planet Odessen?'


I haven't considered the Distant Garrisons since the Nirauan Reconquest.

'Heh! Fair question, though if I can be perfectly honest, it was no doubt one I was in no way prepared for.', Lord Erskine replied, pursing his lips slightly as he considered the best course of action, realising there would be much and more to address with the outpost, let alone the garrison still manning it after so long. However, as pressing as this matter no doubt was for Barran and L'lerim, the former felt it more pertinent to cover the other matters first, continuing,'But first, I dare-say assurances, and from parental perspectives in particular, would be best to get out the way before proceeding with the garrison issues. My apologies.', with sympathy there to see in his near-instinctive need to put Empress Ingrid's concerns to rest. Ever the one to have every matter covered in politics and in command, the soldier's habit within would translate well into the Lord-Regent's gestures of sincerity, and notably well in his discussion with the Eternal Empress.

'Much though your daughter had helped in my darkest hour, you can rest assured there is no way Eina could ever have been factored into the formation of my political views. It is exactly as you said, she is too pure for this world, much too pure for any o' that caper.... In other words, not for as long as charlatans refer to my beloved faction as an Imperial splinter, an' not for as long as the Galactic Alliance continues to feign Imperial betrayal..'

Leaning forward in his seat, Lord Erskine then nodded further kindly assurance in Empress Ingrid's direction, though interlocking fingers in earnest anticipation of the regular statecraft he was about to engage in before drawling,'Now, as for Odessen.... I think it would be for the best if the garrison was swapped out, with exceptions, like re-contracting and offers of honourable-discharge for those with families considered, and- wait a minute.... Is that - an Imperial garrison on-?.', in a mask of working-focus akin to the few custodial experts who ruled before him. His attention had been diverted to yet another Eternal planet with a garrisoned outpost, but he couldn't quite believe it enough to articulate what he was seeing, though it was enough to reduce him to a wheezing mess for a moment or two. Nothing was ever this easy, not in Barran's life at least, but the strangest turns of fate more often than not turned out to be those that suddenly veered in the direction of confusingly fortunate.

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