Zambrano the Starweird
The Black Prophet of Balagoth

"We... are but friendsss..." - Zambrano the Hutt
| Basic Information |
Original Name: Harma Chael
Past Name(s): Darth Durablis, Titus Zambrano
Current Name: Krando Ramesh Gorra
Alias/Moniker(s): Zambrano the Hutt, Zambrano the Diseased, Zambrano the Vile
Former Alias/Moniker(s): "Sickness of the Valley"
Former Titles: Jedi Master/Lord Chael, Darth/Lord Durablis
Title(s): Warlord of the Primeval
Homeworld: Not Available
Current Residence: Aboard The Thorn.
Sexuality: Currently as a Hermaphrodite, no preference if any.
Marital Status: N/a
Force Sensitive: Yes, and holds an unnaturally impressive presence within it, though this is not indicative of power.
Force Rank: Sith Knight
Force Alignment: Bogan
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil (Sometimes Neutral Evil)
Species: Non-Human
Race: Hutt
Gender: Hermaphrodite (Masculine)
Physical Age: 200 Standard Years
Height: 3.3 Meters
Weight: 550 kilograms
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: N/a
Skin Color: Greyish/Ash
Markings: Black Sith Tattoos, various scars, occasionally welts.
Original Species: Human
Past Species: Epicanthix, Sithspawn, others...
Original Gender: Male
Past Genders: Male, Female, others...
Spiritual Age: 435 Standard Years
Current experience: 20 Years as a Hutt
- The One Sith: Through meeting [member="Matsu Xiangu"], Zambrano the Hutt discovered the One Sith. Shortly thereafter he gained a Master to train him to control the darkness within him... though this lasted a very short time before said Master vanished, and the rogue psychopath was as always, left to his own devices. However, at a later point in time the Hutt while in a blinded state of weakness, was placed into a training regiment with [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] (Then known, as the Malevolent), which skyrocketed the slugs competency in the force. Recently, he has joined a sub-organization known as the Legion Yun'do, and is benefitting from their treasured flesh alternatives to technology. However, this relationship is in possible jeopardy due to his antagonistic relationship with [member="Sage Bane"] (A Hand of the Dark Lord), and his insistence to fight him whilst the construction of the Temple of Pain was ongoing, with at least another Voice of the Dark Lord could paint him in the light of a traitor or usurper. In truth though, he held no allegiance to the Dark Lord to begin with, and was essentially a maverick within their ranks that held stronger allegiances to the close One Sith Ally in the Primeval.
- The Primeval: Through meeting Bleeding Sun Agent [member="Catalys Maijora"] during the Massacre of Urooter's Shadowport Station, Zambrano the Hutt discovered the Primeval. Shortly thereafter, he gained enough respect through the curiosity of his peers to witness his brutality, he was given a Fleet to act as Warlord over, mostly because the Hutt found the faction to be useful in supplying the most beautiful ship he had ever witnessed, to bring into the "Battle of Midway" (Invasion of Helska). Since then, the Warlord has proven to become an invaluable tool to the Host Lord and her Marches through the galaxy, as a brutal force especially effective at dispatching hostiles, even more so whilst in the technical control of the Directory puppeteering all of his strategic movements.
- The Hutt Cartel: Evidentally as a Hutt by race, the Primeval Warlord Sith Knight was no exception to the clutches of the criminal empire, when it came to collect its owed drop of blood from him. He posed as a key player in supporting the Cartel in it's time of need during the Red Raven take over of Nal Hutta, bringing along the request Primeval Support for his supposed "Homeworld", thus paving the way towards a more official relationship between the two galactic entities. When a summit between the two was placed on Telos however, the Warlord was noticably absent from the assembly due to his abhorrent hatred of that particular Jedi world. However, a member of the Directory, Commodore Vun, played a critical role in solidifying a mutual defensive and militant support treaty between the two galactic powers, in his place... for good reason as well, given that the Warlords mental state was most likely not up to the task of acting as liason and negotiator. Nonetheless, the Hutt now provides regular support for the Cartel as mandated by his Directory, and the Primeval.
- Parents: Unnamed Parents, Unnamed Zambrano Parents, Unnamed Hutt Parent
- Siblings: Ramese Zambrano, Viktoria Zambrano, Servelus Zambrano(?)
- Spouses: Unnamed Former Spouse, Unnamed Former Spouse 2
- Children: Unnamed Child, Darth Calapsus
- Grandchildren: Unnamed Grandson, Darth Voracitos
- Uncles: N/a
- Aunts: N/a
- Cousins: N/a
- Ancestors: Magnus Zambrano, Solomon Zambrano
- Nephews: Kaine Zambrano, Mordecai Zambrano
- Great Nephews: Montross Zambrano, Slade Zambrano, Dinah Winters, Erebos Zambrano, Alexsandr Idruin
- Nieces: N/a
- Great Nieces: Evelynn Zambrano, Elani Zambrano
Personality - Zambrano the Hutt should be considered by all on every degree as clinically insane, though one must take this with a grain of salt considering he has lived countless lives and not one of them lived pleasantly. It is difficult to remain non-psychopathic when one has died countless times over the course of 435 years, whilst having numerous families kill him. Currently, the slimy Hutt is a jackal not to be trusted, that seeks to make everyone feel pain, friend or foe. It isn't anything personal really, he just sickly enjoys the destruction of living flesh… most probably because after 400+ years of dying it has become “neat” to him since it doesn't particularly matter for him if he is physically damaged, being as that in the next few years or decades he’ll have new flesh entirely. So he has become desensitized to death and injury, and doesn't understand any more that others are disturbed by this.
All in all, the Hutt is out to improve his current life, and relearn the force in order to properly engage in his gory rituals he failed to practice in his previous incarnation. The Hutt might be inclined to start a family, a familiar pattern he has experienced in lives. Besides, he’s due to start a family according to his pattern: his first life fathered a family, his second life he was recluse, his third true “life”, fathered a family, and his fourth life was merely part of a family. From these, we can tell that the Spirit of Harma Chael goes through a constant cycle of happiness and depression, trust and distrust.
Although the Hutt cannot be trusted, the Hutt will certainly trust you.
Appearance - Earlier in the Hutts life, one could say that there is not much one can do to effectively describe Zambrano the Hutt as anything unique, as he'd been a slimy slug-like stubby armed grey colored Hutt with Red eyes, differing only slightly in that he has black Sith markings etched into his leathery skin all throughout his body. Beyond that, he had just been the ordinary disgusting slime that is his entire species.
But now the monster had grown both in power and in appearance, with the diseases ridden through his rotten flesh becoming more prominent and pronounced the closer he comes to fully attuning his flesh with the spiritual darkness locked inside of him like a prison. His once ruby eyes were stolen from him, and his hands removed from their place in a duel. These though were temporary weaknesses, as the Directory had hired a man to hunt for a Vong Surgeon, who upon capture grafted <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href=""href="" it"="">Maa'its and Dalek Hands upon the creature, so that his mood changing eyes would reflect the various flavors of the Hutt's malignant desires. Meanwhile his hands would become cancerous like his soul, ravenous like his desires, and acidic like malevolent presence he exuded.
| Powers and Abilities |
Lightsaber Combat - Untrained, however he experiences more and more memories of Force combat, granting him sudden bouts of coherent understanding in how to utilize a lightsaber blade in combat, though these bouts are sudden and unpredictable.
Force Abilities - Zambrano holds significant prowess with certain mentalist abilities for someone with no formal training in that field (at least in this life). Psychometry seems to be a power that occurs frequently for the Hutt, despite no racial deposition to the ability. It may be possible that it was inherited from a past life. Basic mind tricks, and especially Beast Taming, whether Zambrano intends to use them or not, are also quite potent.
Whether or not this should be considered an ability that derives from the force or not, Zambrano has an extremely intimate knowledge of biological bodies from a variety… perhaps infinite number of species. It seems that the Hutt knows intuitively the species of other individuals (despite similar appearing races, or members that pose as a different race than they actually are), and knows many of their strengths, and some of their inherent weaknesses.
In the past, Zambrano has demonstrated some limited use of telekinetic abilities, most notably Force Choke, and moving objects around a short and often sudden distance.
Zambrano's growing most intensively understood and intuitive ability however, is the ability to inflict and amplify one's experience of pain. Though direct touch is required for him to employ this ability, he supplements it with the ability to cause nausea and terror within individuals. However, his ability to cause nausea and terror can be done without the use of the force, he can use the force to cause these effects in individuals not normally effected by his terrifyingly digusting nature, or even amplify these feelings if they are pre-existing within an individual.
Strengths - Zambrano's ability in the force deceives all that he meets. For one, a Hutt's ability to use the force is in of itself almost unheard of. However, beneath the folds of lard there lives a Wolf in Sheepskin, a powerful a Dark Side entity that has lived hundreds of years. Though this deranged and pained spirit, the Hutt has gained some manner of relation to the infamous Darth Vornskr and his Zambrano family, as well as the long forgotten Darth Voracitos and his Boke family. Moderately attuned Force Users are capable of sensing this strange abnormality within the Hutt, but due to his Hutt physiology of nigh-impregnable mental endurance his thoughts cannot be penetrated to find out the source of this strangeness. Additionally his physiology protects him from nearly all forms of illusions, given that he can see past them normally without effort.
Zambrano also expertly deceives those who meet him due to his randomly uncanny skill in seemingly meager skills that the Hutt has never expressed before these strange bouts. This is having to do with his exceptionally long existence, having many varying skills that the spirit possesses that Zambrano has at his disposal. These increases in proficiency, come at inconsistently random times with random skills, which appear to come at times where the Hutt is not even aware that he is completing something abnormal in the moment.
As a Hutt, he has a minorly increased resistance to toxins.
Despite his dreaded fear of spiders, gaining this personality quirk has actually expanded and broadened his focus and control over the force. Within his mind, he is capable of returning himself into a state in which he is blind, where his mind actively imagines everything to be personified by the dreadful arachnids, sending him into a fearful frenzy of murdeorous paranoia. However, when he descends his mind into this "Arachnisphere", he is able to tap into his own rampant fear and rage to increase and expand his focus and control over the force surrounding him, allowing him to accomplish advanced tasks through the force much easier.
Weaknesses - Not even to mention his species low mobility, and despite his species normally strong immune system, Zambrano the Hutt has had to fight countless diseases since day one and these illness continue to persist. These diseases act to drain his stamina, constitution, strength, and his overall focus, and there is little that Zambrano can actually do physically on his own. At least, Zambrano's mental faculties are strong enough to power through the degenerative focus inherent in his diseased body, but it requires immense effort that will later result in physical pain. It also, severely limits his lifespan as a Hutt by around 300 years. Despite this though, becoming every day more and more in tune with his force connection and thus his tainted soul, his increasing proficiency in the force is a double edge sword. Although now he can use the force to further the use of his body despite it's protest, and it is also gradually corrupting it and worsening the diseased flesh, shortening its effective lifespan for when its depedence on the force is removed.
The pain however, does not bother the Hutt very much, mostly because of his pain loving addiction. He isn't really a masochist typically, but he is very much a Sadistic Addict. Most likely a learned behavior from his life as Titus Zambrano, who essentially worshipped the gory rituals learned by Darth Durablis, Zambrano the Hutt is hopelessly attached to the pleasure of causing pain in others to the point it becomes a severe distraction. Zambrano will go out of his way in a given situation to find some manner in which torture or some manner of dismemberment upon others can be had, even if it is counter productive to his own goals. His love for others pain, goes beyond the normal sadist who gains base satisfaction and pleasure from the act, as it has become a drug from him. If keeps himself restrained (under immense mental effort which in of itself is a huge colossal distraction), he eventually exhibits withdrawal symptoms until someone is dismembered, killed, or otherwise maimed.
Additionally, after his duel with Yvette Dusong, he has lost one eye and become blind in the other. Due to this almost fatal wound and permanent reminder, along with the fact for half the duel he was under hallucinogens that made it seem she was a spider, he had gained a dreaded fear of spiders (Arachnophobia).
| Possessions |
Paralytic Barbed Whip: A 6 meter long whip with poisoned barbs, capable of rending flesh into shreds, and lacing the wounds with a quick acting paralytic drug that relaxes the muscles for increased damage upon subsequent lashes, without numbing the pain. Often seen dirty with chunks of flesh and dry coagulated blood coating it. Immediate effects of the poison affects only the lacerated area, but will spread quickly throughout the radius given several moments, especially if close to major arteries.
Lovey!: A Vapaad acquired on Sarapin that has developed a force induced hyper attraction towards the Hutt in undying companionship. It is too quick for him to hurt, and is highly susceptible to his will indirectly.
Zambrano's Chariot (Seltiss-2 Caravel "Hutt Chariot", Modified with Hyperdrive) - Status: Inactive (Destroyed)
The Thorn (Skrii-Ro'ik Cruiser Analog) - Status: Active
| Confirmed Kills |
| Captives Collected |
[member="Sage Bane"]: Captured during the Massacre of Urooter's Shadowport Station, transported and dropped off to [member="Matsu Xiangu"] for the payment of a favor.
Harma Chael was born as a human in 400 ABY, and was taken to become a Jedi. He became one of the Order's better known healers at the age of 24 at the height of civilization. Before he could reach full Masterdom however Terrorist Zero unleashed the virus that would wipe out millions, and become the Gulag Plague. With his original Padawan falling to the disease, the grief stricken Knight dedicated the rest of his life to fighting the plague. Eventually, all communications beyond the world he was stationed on were cut off, leaving the world abandoned and in need of leadership. As one of the few remaining Jedi on the planet, he was the most obvious choice to become the Lord and Justice of the land. For the next century, the venerable 126 year old Harma had served his world faithfully as a Masterfully renowned healer, and became founder of a new global government that involved the leadership of a Jedi acting as the sole protector of the land. His own son being too old at this point to lead the world, Master Chael dictated that his Grandson at the age of 44 would be the one to succeed him as his Heir. Once it was clear that his training was complete, Master Chael became one with the force, yet retaining his identity as a Force Spirit in the year 526 ABY.For 14 years he remained as a Spirit, watching out for his Grandson as he lead and guided the isolated world in his stead. However, it was upon the 14 year that the Grandson was attacked by a Dark Cult, overwhelmed, and forcibly converted to the Darkside, throwing the whole world into turmoil. Desperate to save his lineage from the dark side taint and restore balance to his world, the Spirit of Chael used what spectral powers he had to fight the Cult, and more importantly to restore his Grandson. After three years it was clear they were not enough, and the grief was overwhelming... his own Grandson well aware of Chael's increasingly faint existence, confronted him and attempted to perform a ritual he had learned that would allow him to absorb spirits for power. Chael was absorbed but it was not long after that the spirit originally at peace with the force converted into a specter of the dark side as it gave in to the grief of losing the Son of his Son to the Darkside. In a torrent of pain, the Spirit shattered the mind of his fallen grandson, wherein he inherited his body.
Out of vengeance, he slaughtered the Cult and left into the wild to live a more reclusive life that left the world still in shambles until his second death 27 years later in 570 ABY. For 27 years he fought with the grief of his destroyed family, the guilt of the vengeful murders he committed, despite the justice it served to the evils they had committed to in bringing the world to Chaos. Not even the spirits son could calm Chael down, as his grandson had long already killed his unprepared father as he converted into a creature of the dark. Despite having to cope with grief, there was much he learned much in those 2 odd decades, much he did not know he desired to learn. At first, it was merely dabbling with the dark side as a reactionary result of his turbulent emotions, but slowly built into a curiosity. The desire to learn overcame the emotions he had to deal with, but he denied he would be curious in the dark side having been a staunch Jedi Healer, and he declared that the curiosity must have been inherited from his body. Later however, he gave up on making an excuse for the things he learned and desired to learn to do with the Force. In his second tenure to becoming a Master of the force, (this time of much darker tendency) once again he learned how to retain his identity after death. Before he had attained temporary immortality by becoming as a presence within the force, this time however he attained temporary immortality by becoming the Master of his force of will. Rather than the methods of most Sith Lords that cheat death by a means of assisted technology and arcane rituals, or as merely a phantom easily dismissed by a being unafraid of their aggression, Chael attained the extension of his existence by choosing to die at a moment of time when his mind and presence within the force was in a state of motion beyond his physical form. Thus as he died his mind and influence remained to dictate where his Spirit would wandered for the next 30 years, travelling through space until it found the Ancient Homeworld of the darkside: Korriban.
Darth Durablis
Restless from the long journey, Chael's spirit bound itself to the nearest subject, driving the would-be-sith insane as he wrestled for dominance within his mind for several years at a time until he was driven to death. At this, the famished spirit (an echo and shadow of its former self), would then repeat the process for the next 80 years on countless subjects. Sometimes the spirit was successful and lasted for several years nearly uncontested in a host before causing it to kill itself, or getting it killed through murder, but the spirit remained on Korriban. The "Sickness of the Valley", as Chael had been called by superstitious Sith, would be the bane of Sith Acolytes for decades as a dangerous myth that was erratic in how it struck, and in how it killed you. However, in 680 ABY... a child was born in the fairly modest Boke family. It was near death upon birth, very ill, and weak in the force. The Spirit of Chael happened to be currently residing within the woman giving birth, and at that moment the spirit recognized the child as a possible host.There were a multitude of reasons as to why after all this time, only a child was seen as a truly worthy host, the primary one being that Chael had long since lost his sense of identity after his 80 year long trek through space, before summarily hopping randomly between random bodies. The other may have been, that he had not yet realized that bodies without experiences or memories, were far easier to dominate in totality than bodies with experiences that would much rather retaliate or die then to be subsumed by some crazy spirit. Another possibly likely reason though, was that to some level Chael still remembered being a father, and a grandfather, and felt the slightest remorse for the father who sat beside his body. This small sign of remorse was what led to the immediate death of the female host and the renewed life and resilience of Chael's new body... the Grandfather of Jonathan Boke (Darth Voracitos). With renewed youth, and no contesting spirit to challenge him, Chael regained clarity and purpose, at the expense of countless yet useless memories. He gained new experiences and became the identity of Darth Durablis, Master of Pride. He would ascend to a very powerful and prominent position within Korriban, eventually paving the road of the Boke's Family Pride, before it reached its end years later with Emperor Voracitos' Death. At some point, Durablis felt successful and secure enough to start a family at the age of 55 [735 ABY], to become father to the man who would be known as Darth Calapsus, who would father Darth Voracitos. Darth Durablis would live a fairly long life for a Sith Lord retaining his power and the respect of his peers well into his more vulnerable years, where the aspiring Darth Calapsus would step out of his Father's shadow, by slaying him on his 43rd Birthday. The 98 year old Durablis would endure the politics of Korriban no more.
Titus Zambrano
It was then that the spirit of Durablis inhabited Titus Zambrano in 778 ABY on the nearby planet of Thule. As it happened, upon Titus' birth, he too experienced a struggle for life, but then was saved by the graces of Durablis's spirit. Due to this new upbringing, and his previous life's prominence, Titus would grow up with an air of extreme superiority, and the struggles of his birth would complicate the rest of his life, making him a very annoying younger sibling to his eldest and only brother Rameses. What was more, was that Titus had begun to reclaim memories of his past life as Durablis, and claimed he knew rituals of the Force that Rameses could not hope to know with his dabbling in the dark side. This earned him more than several beatings, but on most occasions Titus let him beat him to some extent, while on the other hand he did not yet realize he had to relearn what he had known in the past. Titus occasionally tried to attempt to perform the feats he had learned from his past life, but alas it was to no use, being so untrained in this life. This caused Titus to appear clinically insane to everyone around, and he would occasionally go through bouts of a sharp turn in personality, expressing many of his past lives, but mostly as Darth Durablis. Despite the hatred his family expressed for him, Titus proclaimed he was the epitome of a Zambrano, and that anyone who tried to say they were superior to him was an insult to his family and heritage.As a Zambrano, Titus was quite similar to his Elder Brother and Sister, in that he had a knack for manipulation, but the source of his power came more from his erratic thinking that caught people off guard. Also, the amount of gore that Titus got his hands in (no pun intended), painted a picture of a fearfully unwell young man who saw everyone as his next sacrifice to some darker power that he wholeheartedly believed in. At some point, he did craft a lightsaber, and for whatever reason made absolute certain it appeared a very specific way; it needed to be what he referred to as "his old saber". No one but himself knew of course, that he had crafted a blade 100% identical to the blade of Darth Durablis light years away on the planet Korriban nearly 70-50 years ago without anything to reference to. Had they known, they might have realized that they had the spirit of a legitimate Sith Lord inhabiting the body of a Zambrano child. Ramese being the brash character he was took the opportunity to try and kill the nuisance that was his brother, by challenging him to a saber duel, expecting the clearly untrained 12 year old to fall to his blade easily. Instead, Titus demonstrated an uncanny proficiency with the weapon that surprised the entire household, as Ramese was disarmed. Titus though was quickly beaten back with Ramese superior control over the force (having had more time in his life to dabble). Titus' blade was summarily destroyed after that, and Ramese saw Titus from then on as more than a mere nuisance, but as a possible threat. Not only was he gorish, insane, and uncontrollable, he could fight back to everyone's surprise.
In the year 800 ABY, it was time for Titus to die. Ramese had been molding his son for his political machinations, but it did not come without complications. Ever since Kaine had been born (followed by Mordecai), Titus had declared it a prophecy that Ramese would die at the hands of his heir, just as Darth Durablis died at the hands of his heir. Although young Titus was without reason, Ramese could not stand or bear to hear the "Zambrano Embarrassment" speak of something so daring. However, Titus had built the reputation as a marvelous torturer, and at the caution of his Sister-Wife, Ramese let him live longer than what he saw due. But then Titus took the prophecy one step too far, and while they ate (Titus, Ramese, Viktoria, Kaine, and Mordecai), he proclaimed in half a decade three fifths of those sitting down would be dead. Ramese beat Titus publically, but refrained from killing him. He ordered "the filth" to scamper away. Knowing that later he would find Titus in the midst of a gorey ritual to "recuperate lost strength from defeat", Ramese prepared a knife he specially forged for Titus. It even had his name on it, as it was submerged into his spinal column through his throat in the middle of a syllable the rituals incantation.
... the shock and surprise of the brutality during the ritual pushed the spirit of Titus Zambrano farther than it had ever gone, almost sending it spiralling into many more decades of lostness... before it encountered a youthful Hutt body just entering death's door. Zambrano however saved it from death and granted it life for the next twenty years.
Zambrano the Hutt
Ever since its birth in 635 ABY, Krando Ramesh Gorra had incredible difficulties in terms of health. Disease was a constant companion for the many decades of the creatures childhood, and spent most of its time within its parent's brood pouch. Krando remained within its parent pouch two decades overdue, being a 70 year old Huttlet with no experience in life. Finally, when Krando was forced out to experience the world, it was characterized by slothfulness, and a lack of attention span. Suffice to say, Krando was very weak willed, despite his small sensitivity to the Force, and did not experience much thanks to the amount of time it spent recovering from illnesses. Another 60 years pass, and the 130 year old Huttlet is getting on its parent's nerves as a possibly inept heir. The Huttlet is left behind to run the Palace while the parent leaves to operate elsewhere for a long time period, as a lesson to the Huttlet. Unfortunately the Huttlet didn't really know what it was doing, and so for the next 40 years the Palace was basically in shambles, and the parent beat Krando as punishment for doing such a horrid job. Krando however essentially still carried the conscious of a very young human child, probably no more mature than ten year old despite its age. It did not take the beatings well physically or mentally, and as the Hutt broke down its health dropped over the course of a decade until it finally died at age 180 in in the year 800 ABY...... Which is exactly where the Spirit of Chael/Durablis/Titus Zambrano picked up the pieces, and revived the force sensitive Huttlet. The exceptionally weak mind was blasted with the hundreds of years of experiences collected over the course of the spirit's existence, seemingly gaining more clarity over every incarnation after Durablis. Having been shocked into the body, Titus Zambrano awoke within the slimy flesh of a Huttlet, rather than awakening as a new individual. His memories of Darth Durablis only grew stronger within this latest incarnation, and began to connect the pieces together that Darth Durablis must have discovered how to transfer his essence to other bodies... however, he had yet to remember the nature of the technique that created for such erratic body jumps across the Galaxy. He also began to remember vaguely of a time before Durablis, but it was full of haze, and Zambrano doubted it.
Obviously this sudden burst of erratic personality within the Huttlet alarmed its parent enough to throw it out on its own. Titus, having not learned his body's own name, decided he would remain as a Zambrano, having no desire to create new loyalties to new families... especially with the current track record of familicide. Despite being kicked out, there were a number of former servants to the Krando's parent that had a bone to pick, and decided to assist Zambrano live long enough to face them. They told Zambrano his former name, and planted in his head the idea that he needed to kill his parent and take the mantel of Crime Lord.
Having uncanny powers over thought, the Huttlet quickly surpassed the intellectual ability of its parent (skills likely inherited from the most recently prominent Darth Durablis, or possibly an original character trait of Harma Chael), and it was not long until the the newly christened "Zambrano the Hutt, Diseased, and Vile" claimed the throne as a Crime Lord.
For twenty years the Hutt remained as nothing but a petty Crime Lord trying to learn his way to the top, eventually succumbing to his more sociopathic desires for pain. Quickly, he became a prominent buyer of slaves, whilst being a frequent seller of meat products, among other things. Eventually the Hutt saved enough to effectively modify his Hutt Chariot, a Seltiss-2 Caravel he inherited from his dead parent, into a hyperspace capable starship.
He took off to personally meet a contact, known as Urooter, but little did he know that Urooter would betray him and put the station on high security alert upon his surprise appearance. The name Zambrano meant many things, but it always meant extreme danger, even if Urooter did not know the great and powerful Darth Vornskr, a Voice of the One Sith. He knew that the Hutt would be something to worry about.
And thus is how the tale of Zambrano the Hutt began...
| Role-play History |
Role-play Narrative:
It all started on an unnamed Shadow Port, presumably under the control of a lowly glitterstim dealer known as Urooter. The slimy Hutt first emerged from the Zambrano's Chariot, bringing Gamorrean guards and a Throne of Horrors to strike paralysing fear into the inept guards of the station sent against, allowing the aged Spirit to demonstrate his dark prowess and his penchant for blood. As he progressed through the station, he was confronted by a Jedi (one of many on the station most for the same mission) Padawan, who was foolish enough to stand before him. Encircling Sage Bane with guards, he whipped the saber totting padawan into unconsciousness. A fellow padawan, assisted by a Togorian Sith Knight, attempted to stop the Hutt's kidnapping of the Padawan, along with another Padawan simply trying to stop the Hutt from committing any more heinous atrocities. Recognizing he was quickly becoming more and more outmatched, the Acolyte utilized his strength in mind trick to cause half a dozen denizens of the station to assist him and his Gamorreans... with the added benefit of accidentally convincing the Togorian to attack a padawan. Meanwhile, an innocent standbyer freed all the slaves present on his Sail Barge, and a Jedi Master arrived though did not get the chance to react. In the background, a Primeval agent saved the Hutt from an attack by Sage Bane's back up with a well placed stun shot, who later joined with the Hutt as he made his escape.
Before he could leave however, the mind trick was quickly thwarted, and the Sith Knight enraged by his manipulation, sprinted at break-neck speeds towards the Hutt. Zambrano despite his efforts, was impaled, but not killed, before the Togorian ran off, not wanting to get involved with the Jedi Master he sensed, or wanting to deal with the paralytic poison that entered his veins via Zambrano's whip. The exhausted Hutt abandoned the station, carrying a new slave, and what remained of his Gamorrean guard.
The Hutt rested for the next two days whilst in Hyperspace, speaking to the Primeval Agent, who was able to find a way off the Sailbarge before Zambrano could get too friendly, and thus being introduced and recruited to Warlords of the Primeval. When his prisoner awoke, he faced the horrible reality that was Zambrano the Hutt. Unspeakable things were done to the injured padawan, who had to deal with massive infections, malnourishment, severe nearly debilitating physical abuse, disease, force fed rotten Gamorrean meat, and the psychological reality that he was likely to become one of the many corpses he was daily forced to rest with. About around the second real day of capture, the Hutt was contacted by Matsu Xiangu, looking for a force sensitive, to which he responded that he had one within his custody, a Jedi Padawan. A deal was made that Sage Bane would be brought to the Final Beast, but it would take two more days, and the Hutts idea of a "shower" for Sage Bane.
Upon the second day, Sage Bane was drugged to sleep prior to meeting Matsu Xiangu, and before landing was viciously injected with a serum that would awake him, and keep him awake for hours while also debilitating his stamina to stay awake, the paradoxical behaviors creating a debilitating state of existence. A disgusted Matsu accepted the Padawan, and was forced to meet with the Hutt to discuss the "favor" the Hutt asked out of the Dark Lady. Nothing definite could be pulled out of the Hutt however, yet in a bid to get rid of the Hutt Matsu hinted at the presence of the One Sith to the Hutt, thus introducing him masters of the Dark side.
A collection of RP threads:
(To be Updated when I want. Additions are in order of start Date)
One Sith Thread Tracker
It all started on an unnamed Shadow Port, presumably under the control of a lowly glitterstim dealer known as Urooter. The slimy Hutt first emerged from the Zambrano's Chariot, bringing Gamorrean guards and a Throne of Horrors to strike paralysing fear into the inept guards of the station sent against, allowing the aged Spirit to demonstrate his dark prowess and his penchant for blood. As he progressed through the station, he was confronted by a Jedi (one of many on the station most for the same mission) Padawan, who was foolish enough to stand before him. Encircling Sage Bane with guards, he whipped the saber totting padawan into unconsciousness. A fellow padawan, assisted by a Togorian Sith Knight, attempted to stop the Hutt's kidnapping of the Padawan, along with another Padawan simply trying to stop the Hutt from committing any more heinous atrocities. Recognizing he was quickly becoming more and more outmatched, the Acolyte utilized his strength in mind trick to cause half a dozen denizens of the station to assist him and his Gamorreans... with the added benefit of accidentally convincing the Togorian to attack a padawan. Meanwhile, an innocent standbyer freed all the slaves present on his Sail Barge, and a Jedi Master arrived though did not get the chance to react. In the background, a Primeval agent saved the Hutt from an attack by Sage Bane's back up with a well placed stun shot, who later joined with the Hutt as he made his escape.
Before he could leave however, the mind trick was quickly thwarted, and the Sith Knight enraged by his manipulation, sprinted at break-neck speeds towards the Hutt. Zambrano despite his efforts, was impaled, but not killed, before the Togorian ran off, not wanting to get involved with the Jedi Master he sensed, or wanting to deal with the paralytic poison that entered his veins via Zambrano's whip. The exhausted Hutt abandoned the station, carrying a new slave, and what remained of his Gamorrean guard.
The Hutt rested for the next two days whilst in Hyperspace, speaking to the Primeval Agent, who was able to find a way off the Sailbarge before Zambrano could get too friendly, and thus being introduced and recruited to Warlords of the Primeval. When his prisoner awoke, he faced the horrible reality that was Zambrano the Hutt. Unspeakable things were done to the injured padawan, who had to deal with massive infections, malnourishment, severe nearly debilitating physical abuse, disease, force fed rotten Gamorrean meat, and the psychological reality that he was likely to become one of the many corpses he was daily forced to rest with. About around the second real day of capture, the Hutt was contacted by Matsu Xiangu, looking for a force sensitive, to which he responded that he had one within his custody, a Jedi Padawan. A deal was made that Sage Bane would be brought to the Final Beast, but it would take two more days, and the Hutts idea of a "shower" for Sage Bane.
Upon the second day, Sage Bane was drugged to sleep prior to meeting Matsu Xiangu, and before landing was viciously injected with a serum that would awake him, and keep him awake for hours while also debilitating his stamina to stay awake, the paradoxical behaviors creating a debilitating state of existence. A disgusted Matsu accepted the Padawan, and was forced to meet with the Hutt to discuss the "favor" the Hutt asked out of the Dark Lady. Nothing definite could be pulled out of the Hutt however, yet in a bid to get rid of the Hutt Matsu hinted at the presence of the One Sith to the Hutt, thus introducing him masters of the Dark side.
A collection of RP threads:
(To be Updated when I want. Additions are in order of start Date)
One Sith Thread Tracker
- Date: Feb 20, 2015 [Public] The Rising Blood, Falling Flesh, and Enduring Soul (COMPLETED)
- Date: Feb 22, 2015 [Private] Your Wings Might Melt (COMPLETED)
- Date: Feb 24, 2015 [Invasion: Primeval] Battle of Midway (ENEMY OOC SURRENDER)
- Date: March 1, 2015 [Dominion: Primeval] A New Bastion (COMPLETED)
- Date: March 2, 2015 [Dominion: Primeval] The Gathering Storm (COMPLETED)
- Date: March 3, 2015 [Dominion: One Sith] I Want To Hold Your Land (COMPLETED)
- Date: March 11, 2015 [Private] The Vile Investigation (ABANDONED)
- Date: March 11, 2015 [Private] A Bleeding Sun Warlord (COMPLETED)
- Date: March 11, 2015 [Dominion: One Sith] Aint No Terrapin On Sarapin (COMPLETED)
- Date: March 14, 2015 [Dominion: Primeval] Telos the Truth (COMPLETED)
- Date: March 15, 2015 [Dominion: Primeval] Where the Dark Lords Reign (COMPLETED)
- Date: March 15, 2015 [Dominion: Primeval] A New, New Order (COMPLETED)
- Date: March 19, 2015 [Faction: One Sith] What Do You Have For Us, Korriban? (COMPLETED)
- Date: March 21, 2015 [Private] Those Who Aren't Human (ABANDONED)
- Date: March 23, 2015 [Duel] Match #3: Duel on Adumar (Zambrano the Hutt vs. Yvette Dusong) (COMPLETED), Result: Victory
- Date: April 1, 2015 [Dev Thread] Plasma, Pirates, and Time Dilation: Subjugation of the Chiloon Rift (COMPLETED)
- Date: April 1, 2015 [Training Grounds] New Times, New Sith [ Mass Teaching ] (COMPLETED)
- Date: April 6, 2015 [Dominion: Primeval] Am I Dreaming? (COMPLETED)
- Date: April 6, 2015 [Duel] Round 2: Are You Afraid of the Dark? [ Zambrano the Hutt vs Simon Kellar vs Vi'kas Mirtis ] (COMPLETED) Result: Defeat
- Date: April 13, 2015 [Private] The Warlord, the Fool, and the Sparrow (ABANDONED)
- Date: May 14, 2015 [Dominion: Opposition] Curiosity Killed the Raven (COMPLETED)
- Date: May 28, 2015 [Faction: Primeval] Dark Lords and Sleeping Kings (COMPLETED)
- Date: May 29, 2015 [Public] An Eye for an Eye will Cost you an Arm and a Leg (COMPLETED)
- Date: June 21, 2015 [Private] The beauty and the beast (COMPLETED)
- Date: June 26, 2015 [Invasion: Primeval] The Magnificent Probably More Than Seven (COMPLETED)
- Date: July 14, 2015 [Dominion: Primeval] All That's Far From Us (COMPLETED)
- Date: July 18, 2015 [Faction: Primeval] We Are The Primeval (COMPLETED)
- Date: July 19, 2015 [Dominion: Primeval] Cults and Cathedrals (COMPLETED)
- Date: July 20, 2015 [Private] Where We Stand May Change Forever (COMPLETED)
- Date: July 24, 2015 [Faction: One Sith] A day for Yun-Ne'Shel (Legion Yun'do) (ONGOING)
- Date: July 26, 2015 [Dominion: Hutt Cartel] Border Control (COMPLETED)
- Date: July 27, 2015 [Training Grounds] "Dearest" (ONGOING)
- Date: July 31, 2015 [Faction: One Sith] Prelude to Pain (COMPLETED)
- Date: August 3, 2015 [Invasion: Primeval] Z is for Ziost! (COMPLETED) Result: Victory
- Date: August 10, 2015 [Faction: Primeval] The subjugation of Echoy'la: Chapter 1 (ONGOING)
- Date: August 29, 2015 [Faction: Primeval] Uneasy Lies the Head That Wears a Crown (ONGOING)
- Date: August 29, 2015 [Duel: NPC] Gods and Faith (ONGOING) Result: N/a
- Date: August 29, 2015 [Faction: Primeval] We Are Here [Primeval Post-Invasion] (ONGOING)
- Date: September 2, 2015 [Skirmish: Primeval] Raid on Echoy'la [Mando/Gr vs Prime 10v10] (ONGOING)
- Date: September 3, 2015 [Skirmish: Primeval] Sound of Iron Shot [Rebels and allies vs Prime and allies] (ONGOING)
- Date: September 6, 2015 [Training Grounds] Bound by Blood (ONGOING)
- Date: September 9, 2015 [Faction: One Sith] Stygium for All (ONGOING)
| Notes |
[member="Mrrew"], you will soon come to regret this statementMrrew said:One step closer to making a Hutt Zambrano..
[member="Darth Vornskr"], I am so so sorry, lol