Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wishing an Rper well - an RP or public event thoughts/ideas

Why don't ya PM me or what not, we'll figure something out. Coming up with subs is probably the area I lack in the most coming up with the right inspiration and then getting it all out and looking shiny.
@[member="Balaya Zambrano"]
By all means, you would be just as welcome as everyone else that has chimed in here @[member="Lucien Cordel"]

Seems Master of, will need to be finished as the intro to the jedi and others who will learn of the evil, and the reality and desperation of the situation and then I think we will have some kind of artifact to chase, alchemy to look at, dark healing and any of many combinations of possibilities, as well as opposition, those racing to the artifact. Or ... *taps chin for a moment*

Heck could even have some Sith foresee a vision of a powerful darksider coming out of this one who could shape the galaxy and wish to foster such and do all they can to stop those trying to help the tiny Jedi. I'm game for anything. Master of, seems to just be the very beginning!

*said writer rolls over going back to sleep*
Well this previous week at work got me thinking... It would be our version of RTX. We can do a four day event, the location will obviously be discussed, and we can do a panel thing.

For the panels I was thinking we do two, one on the two first days. So the first panel will be for the Admins, not RPJ's but Admins, and Founders. It's a time where we can all ask them questions about admining and talk about any future events within the community. It also gives us a chance as a community to discuss things that can be changed or improved.

The second panel on day two will feature the RPJ's. Discussions with them on their responsibilities and any questions you might have.

Along with the two panels we could offer a assortment of games and activities. Maybe screen Star Wars (original trilogy of course), have a give-away of some cool items, and, my personal favorite, have a nerd test to see who is the biggest Star Wars nerd among us.

Another great thing we should do, on the final day to close the event, is LARP a role-play we did here on the board. So, an example could be LARPing the final battle of The Dark Harvest Event. I think it would be cool to give our characters voices and stuff. LUL. Nerd alert....

Anyways that's my idea. Of course it's something that would need to be discussed and improved upon but that's what I got.
And our vague and mysterious item is out ... let the rumors swirl as to what it does. It was written to be vague for a reason and much thanks to @[member="Balaya Zambrano"] for making it. While it is being hunted down, the longer it takes the worse things will get for the little jedi. Being darksided and sentient, I'm certain the darker forces of the galaxy would sense such an item, such as is the possibility for the lightsided one's and even your average person just stumbling upon it in their travels since it is being pulled into the galaxy and all through mysterious means.

Kind of think Lord of the rings in a way, it's looking to find Coryth, to destroy her and is doing everything in it's power to find her as she soon will be doing everything she can to find it herself believing it to be the cure for what ails her.

So, whoever wishes to join, just likely a few posts away (maybe a day or two) from moving out of Master of, and into the second thread to allow everything to happen.

So if you folks are still in, and interested, pop in and let me know. That way I'll have an idea how to move forward, whether just pushing through in the same thread and moving onwards, or starting fresh and collectively to gather the rest of the folks in as well. And it's up to you folks this could just be kept in the same thread and make it one hell of a large one, or would you prefer a fresh start thread to make sure all have a chance to get in? Cause I feel a new thread gives all a shot at getting in. Thoughts?

@[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Hevana Martin"] @[member="Anaya Fen"] @[member="Ordo"] @[member="Scarlet Faith"] @[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Snowflame"] @[member="JerrickShado"] @[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Syn"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"]
Do you have to fall to the Dark Side? maybe there is a chance that this little 16 year old could give you a different view of who you are? Ether way, I would like to be a part of this.
Xander Carrick said:
Do you have to fall to the Dark Side? maybe there is a chance that this little 16 year old could give you a different view of who you are? Ether way, I would like to be a part of this.
Whether Coryth falls to the darkside, or ultimately succumbs to the illness festering in her body, or she overcomes every last thing standing in her way, is entirely up to how the story plays out. I have no plans for how this will go. However I do know the object will drive her to at least the brink of what she can take, and maybe possible pull her beyond that to the brink of insanity or worse. We will see how it all plays out. Given the interest and how many are wishing to be out and about and I'll be happy to have have all of you in the thread in whatever regard you wish. For Coryth will not be staying on Coruscant for long.

I'm going to push Master of to end soon, soon as I possibly can, will write tonight a post, let folks respond and then will do a new thread to clear for a fresh beginning as perhaps Coryth starts following her visions of this box whether the Jedi let her leave in her condition or not. That is the current plan. <3 you guys so much for joining along!

@[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Hevana Martin"] @[member="Anaya Fen"] @[member="Ordo"] @[member="Scarlet Faith"] @[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Snowflame"] @[member="JerrickShado"] @[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Syn"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"] @[member="Xander Carrick"]

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