Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where Are You From - December 2014 Edition

Where Do You Live?

  • Total voters
Quite simple, vote where in the world you, the writer, live.

Obviously it's not mandatory etc etc. Just a bit of fun so we can see where our members are from.

Naturally I am Australian.

Now, I must go, my kangaroo is getting my shrimps on the barbie ready....
West Coast is the best* coast!
*of the USA, that is. This is also a semi-joking opinion of the writer known as Ven'Rain Sekairo, and is, in fact, not an actual fact.

Now if you excuse me, I must go rescue my Moose friends who are stuck in this horrible rainstorm.
Also, my coffee is ready.


The Red Necked Mando
[member="sabrina"] which party (Scotland, North Ireland, Wales, England)

I'm from Scotland, not too far from the border, me mum was welsh

Stephanie Swail

UK here - just 40 minutes outside of London.

Now excuse me, I need to go watch a James Bond movie with a cucumber sandwich and cup of tea, before going to play cricket and then followed by fish and chips and a pint of bitter.


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