Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What causes you to lose your muse?

Being writers, we all hate it when our muse dries up. The cause of this can be literally anything, from real life issues getting in the way, to getting tired of a certain character or even another writer, to simply not knowing what to write. So what kills your muse?
Bunker-level Normal
IRL drama kills it much of the time, lately.

I've struggled to manage obsessions before, with TV shows, video games and books all intervening to sap away my creative muse.
- OOC Attitudes/Drama
- My Xbone
- Workouts
- Cooking [big prep meals]
- Enjoyable Writing Partners Backing Out

- On a serious note, I'm sure everyone gets it but sometimes depression or anxiety strikes and you just feel like what you're writing is utter shite and it kills it for you.
Usually just burning out. Like a lot of things I do, if I do something over and over again without some sort of break in it or something particularly interesting to refresh me, I generally lose my muse to write, usually making me to go write submissionss to give me that break from it and come back with a fresher mind and vice versa. Either that or something about a character I write up sounded like a great idea at the time, but when it came to actually roleplaying them it fell short and just died completely.

I don't usually lose my muse while writing since I keep a very careful eye on the amount of threads I involve myself in at any given time for the sole purpose of not burning me out, but there are times when I see people do something really dumb that make me question why I bother to begin with that make me lose interest just as quickly.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
OOC drama.
Lack of effort or chemistry from/with writing partners.

Traditionally, those are the big three for me. I've exactly zero tolerance for OOC drama, largely because I know how easy it is to get sucked in. I don't want to be that guy, so of I see it, I'm gone. If I start a thread and it doesn't feel like the other person is trying, or it just doesn't feel like we're clicking, posting becomes a lot more difficult. And, of course, when I do start something that's drama free and there's good chemistry, that's usually about the point I find out I'm going to be spending several weeks to a year someplace where posting is difficult. C'est la vie.

Here lately, I've been able to add depression and a few other mental health thingies to the list. Hard to write when you have no motivation for much of anything. Hard to write around others when you're reasonably certain real life experiences will bleed through and traumatize all involved. Or maybe that's the anxiety speaking. Eh, who knows?

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