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War, What is it good for? Absolutely Nothing! (Invasion of The Silken Asteroids) [Crusade + Horde] O

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Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] I said Dreadlord, then when you updated the list to account for fleet size, it was removed, so I went with the Tango instead. It was a minor change; Talith and I have been saying Tango.. so Flak Frigate it is.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
HK-36, aboard the Siege-Tower with his troops, and captured Ordo and Aedan Miles, Horde mercenaries. The frigate is currently firing from its anti-starfighter turrets at some coralskippers sent by @Enigma.

Meanwhile, the stealth ship Knight of the Eclipse has been sent for extraction of Sol and Zoey while the coralskippers were distracted and now an organic pilot and one of HK's guards is taking them away, in stealth, towards the outer rim of battle.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
By the way, I'm going to be going in an hour or two to work for about 24 hours, :p It's a whole mess where they're driving us from Indiana to Wisconsin because they don't have enough security guards there for an event tomorrow, so I signed up to be part of the "reinforcements" and get paid extra.

So, if you'll post to me in the thread, please be patient, I'll be able to respond around this time tomorrow or early Sunday.

And sorry for double-posting!
[member=Anaudius] the final paragraph of this post will hopefully be read in the conditional tense, to demonstrate what would occur if the Dominate Mind was successful. Although that is not traditionally what I associate with trying to control someone, I wrote it as more literal "I can control your mind and this is what I can make you feel." I didn't want to write it and leave it with no explanation just in case you (or others who may read the post) consider it godmod - in the sense that I've determined the actions of your character before you've even had a chance to reply.
Also is anyone from the Moross Crusade capable of giving me a list of what ships are currently in 'orbit' of the asteroid field and which ones have been damaged. Fleet positioning would also be nice, if there is one.

Thanks ye. x
[member="Vascious Relens"]
Hey there Hanna Barbara, you might want to rethink your stuff. There are 3 Moross PCs on the flag ship so you might want to edit your post or come to a consensus that ramming your ship into the horde ship would kill them along with most others on that ship. So unless the Moross people leave I'd highly recommend you change your game plan
[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

Negative ghost rider the pattern is full.

Anyway no worries for you there since I'm on a 20 meter ship. They wouldn't literally ram it into the hull of your capital ship. You're taking my char's banter much to literally. We plan to board your ship and kill you.

Anyway thanks for letting me know I had forces there. I didn't realize that. What Moross PC's are currently on the horde flagship?
[member="Vascious Relens"]
Is it a stealth transport? If its not that's going to be a short trip, there are two flak frigates next to the Dread Lord and they will destroy it before it gets in. If its a stealth transport then yeah go for it but if not there's no way in the nine divine they are getting close to it.
[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

No way in the nine divines huh?

I like your enthusiasm. We'll be by to collect you in a little while. Be sure to put on your nice Sunday clothes.
[member="Vascious Relens"] No I'm being serious, unless it has stealth capacity I will report your post. Because a 20 meter ship just walking up to a star destroyer does not happen. So I'm asking you very nicely, please do not write yourself boarding the star destroyer that has nothing engaging it at this present time and one operational flak frigate and another damaged but still semi functional flak frigate with a 20 meter ship that has no stealth capabilities. I will report you.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
[member="Vascious Relens"] What is being asked is for the battle to have a bit of logic and atmosphere of a real naval engagement. Yes this is an RP fight where story should always take precedence, but a twenty meter ship boarding a Star Destroyer that is not engaged is not going to happen without the twenty meter ship having stealth abilities or... well... exploding before it gets close to the Destroyer.

Board actions, in most sci-fi space battles, happen when said ships are already engaged with other ships that way they can't divert all their attention to annihilating the boarder ships and pods. Not to mention Flak Frigates only job are to stop small ships from doing what you are trying to do. They protect larger ships from fighters, bombers, and other small ships.

While the main point of this is PvP, you should still have the battle, itself, in your mind. I understand your desire to board the enemy leaders ship and engage him in awesome combat, but if you want to do that, do so in a way that has a better flow. For instance, have the Crusade ships start to truly engage the Horde fleet, and by making a large push, force the Dread Lord to come forward to offer fire support. With most of it's weapons targeting your larger ships, you can then attempt to board by sending your ship along with several fighter wings for support.
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