Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This is Getting Out of Hand, Now There are Three of Them! | Imperial Invasion of Alliance-controlled

Enemies: GA and Co.
Allies: GE

Dagobah orbit to atmosphere

[SIZE=11pt]Helion adjusted the strap to his neck brace as the pod spiraled through space. He was uncomfortable in the chair but was confident he’d at least make the landing. The One cast Helion a doubtful stare beneath his helmet and grabbed hold of the neck belt, adjusting it to the correct dimensions. ST-1111 wanted to shake his head at the poor rookie, but knew it would only dishearten the young man. Best to let him believe that the things would be just like the simulations.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Thanks,” Helion said as his helmeted gaze shifted to The One.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The One simply nodded. Helion stared out the Drop pod’s viewport and watched the fleet battle in awe. Turbolasers streaked across the sky leaving incandescent trails of wisp. Helion thought he could hear the screams of the filthy alliance dogs as the lasers hit their mark and blasted shields and hull to smithereens. He smiled at the thought of the enemy perishing so. But, just as the battle seemed to turn in the Imperial’s favor the alliance unleashed a terrible weapon.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Helion stared out of the Viewport as one of the enemy ships began to glow a fervid green. Even with his polarized lens he had to avert his gaze. The great weapon fired and a huge salvo of plasma was unleashed upon the Imperials. Hundreds of drop pods were destroyed as the laser cut through their ranks like the scythe through chaff. Helion braved the blinding light and witnessed the utter destruction as he saw countless of his comrades die in less than a minute. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“By the force!” The One swore as the laser struck the Imperial fleet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Even he had never seen a weapon of such magnitude. Of course they had all heard rumors of the Empire owning such a thing, but never had any of them imagined the untold destruction such a mechanical monstrosity could reap. Never had any of them imagined being on the opposite end of such a lethal device. Yet here they were. Helion inwardly cursed the alliance and promised to avenge everyone of his comrades deaths. He would never forget such a display of destruction…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Regardless it wore on him and Helion found himself becoming scared again. He decided it would be best to leave this part out of his stories when he got back home. Slowly the fleets began to grow smaller as the pod drifted ever closer to Dagobah’s atmosphere. They became like toys, but Helion was not fooled for a moment. He had seen what these ships could do and now knew not to doubt their power, no matter how far away they were.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The pod began to quake violently as it entered the upper atmosphere. Not a word was said among the jump troopers as they began their final descent. Nothing needed to be said. They would stop the Alliance and its super weapon no matter the cost. For such a thing in any hands but the Empire’s was sure to bring doom upon the galaxy.[/SIZE]
Location: Dagobah
Objective: Watch and wait
Enemies: GE and [member="Koda Fett"]
Allies: GA and allies

He approached the cave and Jairdain slowed down in her walk. She knew something was going to happen to him and these was nothing she could do stop it and she didn't want to. While he couldn't use the Force, that didn't mean it couldn't speak to him. What he was about to go through would be enlightening and probably unexpected. All Jairdain could do was wait. If he thought an encounter like this was going to deter her...though he probably didn't even have a clue, he was mistaken and she would be here when he was done.

Knowing what these could be like, she didn't know if he would even live. The best she could do for him was make sure no creature harmed him. Following the path he had taken, she noticed the life around her fade away. His signature, even through the Force dissipated and finally disappeared totally. She was positive he wasn't dead, but yet he was gone.

Stopping in her tracks, she halted just before she would have entered the cavern he had gone into. This was his vision, his test. Jairdain had a couple of options to her. Leave him to his fate, wait for him to come out or enter in after him and maybe face a test of vision of her own. Shaking her head, she choose to wait outside for him. She felt confident this was the only way into the cave, Jairdain sat down.

The ground under her was wet from the mist, but not muddy. Making herself comfortable, she reached out through the Force to attempt to find him. Being lost, at least for now, she did not find Koda.


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Dagobah, Sluis Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Allies: Himself
Enemies: Himself
Interacting With: [member="Jairdain"]
The imagery was daunting, confronting and forceful. Entering his life as abruptly as it departed. The voice of a long dead man echoing throughout his mind, the words lingering still as he made his way to depart the cavern. His head held firmly ahead, yet glancing left and right to see the reaching figures of Mandalorian Warriors of the past reaching out to him, growling, snarling and being generally aggressive in nature. Their armour ranged from several time periods, evident in the design. Koda kept moving forwards, standing directly within the middle of the path, just out of their reach. He bore no look of fear beneath the helmet, merely another blank face that read nothing.

Eventually he would emerge from the cave, reappearing on the other side of the fog. The sounds of the harsh jungle coming back to him, flooding him at once as he spotted Jairdain sitting, whether it be within the mud or not. His head pivoted on his shoulders for a brief moment, from the trees to the swamps themselves. His gaze, however, ultimately rested upon Jairdain. In which Fett spoke with his regular tone of determination, "Where's the nearest ship?" It was vague, but it was enough.

As a Jedi or whatever she may be, Jairdain could certainly sense a conflict within him. Definitely different from when he entered. It wasn't often that he was conflicted, usually Koda knew exactly what to do, but now all he could do was heed the words of a deadman. Thoughts of Jango came to him, his pseudo father who each other never knew, but in a way he was his son. So he asked himself, How do you make a dead man proud?


Allies: Galactic Alliance | Confederacy | Mandalorians | Etc.
Enemies: Galactic Empire
Location: Near the Dark Side Caverns, Dagobah
Team: Blue Team (relevant to CIS)

He could see the cave before him dark and eerie as always the source of why some jedi chose to hide here because of this place's dark side power although the mystery as to why it is so strong will still remain as one of its many secrets, He heard the loud sound and something shined in the distance earlier it had caused him to be more sharp in his senses from now on he turned around to the sound of someone talking to him when he turned to see who it was he noticed it was [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] perhaps she was over here for the same reason as he was as he took note of her attempts to comm. Perhaps its the planet itself it always plays havoc on the communications.....but we should keep our senses keen just to be on the safe side, In the meantime we have a choice to go see what that was or to explore this cave. Who knows what is inside of it perhaps it can be of use in the long run, Ill leave the choice to you. After he finished speaking he took off the lightarmor he had to begin with as his form changed to his natural black furred werewolf state, His senses are much better in this form then in his humanoid shell as he looked around using force sight to scan the area for any unwelcomed guests or maybe members of there team who ever came first as he kept his ears opened to any unnatural sounds.

[member="Srina Talon"] [member="Aya Clarke"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Katria Vekarr"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Dalton Kenway"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] Prime
Objective: Assist [member="Cedric Grayson"]
Location: Force caves beneath Dagobah
Allies: [member="Mirax Eygan"], [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Norin Terrek"]
Enemies: [member="Desmond C'artyom"]

Candez spotted the other approaching, and gave a small two-fingered salute, before bringing his hand back to his blaster pistol, looking it over. Then he took out his repeater rifle, it still needed some work with it's overheating. He tinkered with it, unloading the canister first of course. "So, who might you be? Here with those two as well?" he asked, glancing up once toward Norin. That was before Cedric came from the cave to the entrance they were at, and Candez lifted himself off the ground. Stopping halfway as Cedric talked, looking up questionably. Imperials? Had he heard that right? Sure, he could hear something in the distance, but he didn't know they would be having company like that. All he expected was swamp creatures, or something force-related.

"Imperials? Well, either things are about to get really fun, or really bad. Reaaaal fast." He shouldered his rifle, taking out his blaster pistol instead. "I got hired as support, so I'll go wherever I'm needed. What about you?" he asked other to the other guy, who he had yet to learn the name of. By now, he was ready with both his weapons, and his jet boots primed in case of emergency use. He pulled his red goggles down over his eyes. Now, he was ready for a fight.

"Where do you need me? Guarding here? Cause, if we're all going in there," he said, signaling with a slight nod to the cave, "I have a thing about dark places, especially if it's has to do with force stuff."
Aryn Teth

Dagobah Shipyards, Orbit of Dagobah, Sluis Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, (Very Tenuously) - The Mandalorian Empire, The Outer Rim Coalition, [member='Janick Beauchamp']​
Enemies: The Galactic Empire, [member='Mitth'rae'leios'], [member='Desmond C'artyom']​
Objective: Retaliate
As the damage reported of the Praetor was relayed to Aryn, he narrowed his gaze somewhat. He had hoped that the Admiral would have been unable to avoid the shot, or would not have expected it, but he had managed to avoid the vast brunt of the blow. Regardless, the damage he had dealt was still significant enough, and for that Aryn was satisfied. As the retaliation came from Thrael, Aryn was pleased at least that only a few of the turbolasers managed to hit the weapon and the ship as it remained behind the shipyards, the majority of the barrage either passing over or slamming into the shipyards itself, still protected by its own shielding. His positioning had paid off, and with his crew working as quickly as possible, he expected that the shields would be activated once more, and most systems back up to full power, before any significant retribution could be brought upon them.

Then he saw the flash just above the Incandescent Truth. The ship shuddered and rocked as an alarm blared throughout it, the intense barrage from the eight stealth bombers beginning to cause considerable damage to the upper hull of the Incandescent Truth. Weapons atop the ship were torn to shreds, the hull buckled and was breached on numerous decks, luckily - primarily crew decks and non-vital hallways as the slugs slammed into the hull, rocking the ship as debris floated up alongside bodies into the space over the ship. The shields still managed to come up before any irreparable or truly crippling damage could be done, but the attack had not been expected, and it had been wholly effective in causing the Incandescent Truth significant damage as retribution for its own attack.

"Fire on the origin point for those barrages, and order the Steadfast to launch fighters on the same location."

The ANS Steadfast had just detached from the shipyards, and almost immediately began to deploy its complement of X-Wings and A-wings, all converging on the location of the Stealth Bombers. The bombers may have had stealth capabilities, but with the fire from the Incandescent Truth's remaining point defence cannons, and the converging fighter-craft, he doubted they would last long in their position. C'Artyom had made Teth pay for underestimating his opponents, but now he was removing that piece form the board, entirely.

But what had they been doing there in the first place? Aryn doubted that the bombers had been sent with the express purpose of attacking his ship, they could not have gotten to the Shipyards in time after the Imperials would have detected the charging weapon. And yet, they had not been bombing the shipyards, so they clearly had not been sent to attack them either. A flash of realization crossed Aryn's gaze, and he had been about to speak to his comms officer when the man spoke up himself. "General! The security on the shipyards is reporting boarders!" "Prepare a shuttle and be ready to send troops from the Port-side hangar, I will be down there momentarily." As the smoke and debris cleared, Aryn could see the extent of the damage C'Artyom's barrage had done. The starboard hangar had been completely opened to the elements, and a jagged tear ripped from it towards the center of the upper hull. Luckily many of the vital systems remained intact, and the shields had been brought back online, but it was a significant blow.

The rest of the Alliance fleet which had been firing on Thrael's fleet began to adjust its position and target after Janick began to focus on it, adjusting their fire towards Desmond's own collection of ships as they were reinforced by the Alliance ships which had come from the other side of the planet. The ANS Ranger along with its escort of Corvettes finished their micro-jump to fall in along with the rest of the Alliance fleet, engaging the Gargantuan while the rest of the fleet spread their fire among his weaker ships.

ANS Incandescent Truth firing upon FC-115 Bombers, and preparing shuttles to repel Shipyard boarders
ANS Steadfast deploying fighter escorts to attack FC-115 Bombers
ANS Protector shifting fire to INV Firespray
ANS Ranger engaging INV Gargantuan
ANS Firebrand shifting fire to INV Gunbuster
ANS Coruscant Sky shifting fire to INV Gunbuster
ANS Nien Nunb shifting fire to INV Tinship
ANS Allegiant shifting fire to INV Steamboat
ANS Empyrean engaging INV Gargantuan
ANS Ithor Lady engaging INV Gargantuan
Location: Dagobah
Objective: Decide what to do
Enemies: GE and [member="Koda Fett"]
Allies: GA and allies

What might have been hours or only minutes passed, but Koda did indeed reappear. There was a change in him. Not at his core, he was still the man Jairdain knew. The change was something a little more mental. He had come to the realization of something. Yet he was conflicted about it. That internal conflict, the woman was too familiar with.

After he looked around, his gaze fell on her again. She was his saving grace here. One that could help him if he wanted. In that brief seconds that passed before he spoke, she didn't know what he would do. Other than his natural dark aura of death, she didn't feel any extra hostility from him. That being known by her, she was positive he wasn't going to take advantage of the situation.

When he spoke, it wasn't with any anger or liking. Full of determination and wouldn't accept a false answer. Not that she would lie to him at this point. A relationship had been formed and established in her mind. Not ever thinking they would be friends, there was a sense of respect between them. An idea crossed her mind when he asked his question.

"Technically it's your ship...but I don't think it's going to fly again for a while."

Standing up, Jairdain looked at Koda with a sense of full and open honesty.

"I'll take you to my ship, but it's further away and I want my lightsaber back as payment."

[member="Koda Fett"]
Location: Dagobah Surface | GA Forward Operating Base
Objective: Collusion
The Mandalorian Empire | [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Artemis Lux"] [member="Jor Kvall"] [member="Briika Tor-Munin"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Kal Ordo"] [member="Malika Mantis"] [member="Tal Vizsla"] [member="Tusk"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Galactic Alliance | [member="Aryn Teth"]

The LAAT landed at the F.O.B.

Ra and Akaan stepped out onto the murkey soil of the swamp planet, and Ra began linking comms with all the units, including those nearby such as [member="Jor Kvall"] and [member="Artemis Lux"].

They would be pinged his location. Ra had been warned their tags wouldn't match the Alliance's, but the Mand'alor didn't care. They had a defensive perimeter to set up, and his confidence wasn't much for the Alliance. He waved the guards aside at the dock.

"Move, or be moved."

The Mandalorians began to march into the base, their leader at the head, his crimson cloak flowing behind him. Approaching the command center, Ra walked past the clerk before he could he could be announced and towards the holomap in the middle of the room.

"I am Mand'alor, I command you to lower your weapons, I am here to assist.
We have a war to win.
A battle to end all future battles. Men, women...
We're going to hit them harder than they've ever been hit before.
These are your plans!"

Ra moved the papers, the screens out of the way, and laid out his own holovision for strategy.​
"...Your lives will depend on them."

Norin Terrek

Hear, do you not hear it?
Objective: Assist [member="Cedric Grayson"]
Location: Force Caves beneath Dagobah
Allies: The Galactic Alliance [member="Mirax Eygan"], [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Enemies: The Galactic Empire, [member="Desmond C'artyom"]

Norin gave a nod at Candez's salute, looking back at the Duros. "Aye, sent here to back up some Jedi by the name of Cedric Grayson, should be here soon. Hopefully..." He watched the Duros tinker with his weapon absently mind, only really being outside of the caves physically. He snapped out of it, opening his mouth to state his name, but he was interrupted by the arrival of Cedric and his padawan. He stood up and picked up his rifle, strapping it around his back. He was shocked by the Duro's response, really, he didn't know he was facing Imperials? "Yes, Imperials, we are in the middle of a war zone at the moment, although it may not seem like it."

Norin took a quick glance at both the Jedi and the Duros. "Of course, I shall cover whatever you need." Norin took out his single blaster pistol, fiddling around with it until he was satisfied. He took a step towards the mysterious cave, assuming it was where they were going. He then kicked some mud off of his boots and swatted away some swamp bugs, blasted things were trying to land on his armor!
Location: Dagobah Surface To GA Forward Operating Base
Allies: [member="Preliat Mantis"] | Mando’ade [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kal Ordo"] [member="Artemis Lux"] [member="Kad Tor"]
Enemies: GE | [member="Imperial 101st"] [member="Max Fel"] |
Objective: Learn & Try Hard To Make Daddy & Ra Proud

Moving beside her Daddy was a Masterclass in war. The girl found herself shoving the idea of playing ‘swamp splashes’ to the side in order to watch her father move. One foot at a time tried to copy Preliat, at first splashing in the mud, then catching her footing.

I don’t like painting…” Yasha was too quick with the admission, fumbling to bring her own M-12 “Kath Hound” shot gun across her frame. “Painting’s stupid…

Her shoulders shrugged in glee as her father pulled her shawl up, being able to stay beside him in a real battle? In her armour? Heaven was holding the line and learning from her father must have been part of it.

If anyone else was so lucky, Yasha might have to stab them to even things out. “Right… right to left… look past the plants… what’s that?

The girl nodded to a Nudj, stopping short as a pack of Pikobi ran a few dozen metres ahead of the Mando’ade. She kept tossing her head from right to left, looking out for her first target. A girl snuck on, glorying in the attention she received from the most important person in her life.

Hopefully by the end of this battle, she’d show him how well she could use the new shotgun in her crushgaunts, or the blades inside them. Best. Day. Ever.

[member="Ra Vizsla"] pinged his location for them all and Yasha looked to her father. The other Mando’ade moved toward the FOB, Yasha waited for her father. “Are we going to meet Ra, Daddy?


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Dagobah, Sluis Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Allies: Himself
Enemies: Dagobah & Alliance Forces
Interacting With: [member="Jairdain"]
Koda was absolutely determined to escape the planet, for it was only a matter of time before the Imperials were taken out entirely, they faced insurmountable odds and would surely retreat or suffer the consequences. With that the Alliance and it's allies would go on full alert, ready to cleanse what Imperials that landed upon the planet, including Fett. If such an Alliance Most Wanted list existed, Koda would surely be on it, it wasn't a harmful thing. It just made one more notorious within Galactic Alliance Space. Yet nevertheless, he needed a ship and he needed one as soon as possible. Though when hearing Jairdain's proposition it was met with a swift and firm response, "No. You're not coming with me."

His glancing came back, looking around to take note of where he currently was in accordance from his downed ship and what exactly that would mean. He turned to face the cave once more, and then the large cliff face above it. Surely if he ascended it would take Jairdain more time than he, and with each passing moment he could outrun her, though that didn't happen just yet. "There's an Imperial Invasion; tell me where I can find a ship. I'm leaving before they get here." His eyes running from the base of the cliff to the where the fog overtakes it, seemingly ready to go at a moments notice.

Side: The Galactic Alliance
Allies: Galactic Alliance | Confederacy | Mandalorians | Etc.
Enemies: Galactic Empire
Location: Outside "Home Base" scanning the horizon via drone relayed coordinates, Dagobah
Team: Red Team (relevant to CIS)

Wildlife, water and the sloshing of feet through the swampy terrain were all that came to the agent's ears. Silence as far as she was definitively concerned. While that notion may have unsettled another, she felt herself readily able to sink into the vacant ambiance and continue to focus on the coordinates being mocked up by her surveillance drones.

A quiet nod was all she needed to acknowledge Kenway, and a few steps forward to express her determination to make her mark in the quarrel to come. Even as the communication came broken over the comm system, she disregarded the concern in Kenway's voice and continued to gaze down the scope mounted atop her rifle. To the untrained eye she appeared to be staring deep into a blanket of fog. To an eye attuned to the skills she had learned from her father, a skill she could capably exercise, she was eyeing the elevation and distance markers in the scope. Something was out there, something not their own, and it was only a matter of time before she marked it.

And it was the sound of her vambrace clicking and beeping, until silenced, that alerted the young woman to a finalized relay of coordinates. While the drone had not made a completely visible mark of the numerous beings marching through the swamp, it had zeroed in on a sizable cluster with which she could utilize for a viable target.

"Stand clear," she breathed steadily, angling her rifle down and to the right a hair. The message had been relayed over the comm system, though she doubted they would fully understand, but was followed up by an inlaid morse code. Leveling her rifle against it's bearings, inputting the final coordinates into the dial of her scope, the agent gripped the trigger in eager anticipation. Grant the target a second to rise, granted by the drone's sensor array, then to fall.

Her finger twitched, the trigger pulled back and she let loose her shot into the covering shroud of the fog. While she knew it wouldn't make any sound, she could see the faintest point of where it had broken the fog and pierced into the misty haze. She knew not who she was hitting, only that the drone had relegated coordinates to her of a safe path for her shot. She prayed for a solid mark, paused for the relegated calibration period and fired again; this time a hair to the left of her previous shot. A third shot loosed, followed by the rifle being lowered into suspension on it's shoulder strap and the release of the verpine shatter pistol from her belt into her free hand.

"I'm moving to a higher position," she called to Kenway as she began to track away from the makeshift home base and towards the vines and branches of a tree some thirty yards away.

Back to armed reconnaissance.

[member="Dalton Kenway"] [member="DT-2417"]
Location: Lower Atmosphere, Dagobah
Objective: Repel Boarders
Allies: Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Galactic Empire, [member="Anya Malvern"]
Equipment: In Signature

Command Deck, Alliance Mobile Air Command
Area of Operations, Dagobah

Before Zark had even reached the turbolift, Captain Mazik Stazi continued to rally his bridge crew through a mixture of keen tactical insight and sheer verbal abuse. With the surface deck unresponsive, potentially even compromised, their launch capability had been hamstrung. These Imperials had chosen their target well, for at the very moment their forces on the ground needed all the air support they could get, Stazi was incapable of providing it. But that didn't mean they were helpless, for there was more than one way Air Command could contribute to this fight.

"Gun crews get me firing solutions on those drop pods!" the tough old duros officer snapped, gesticulating wildly at the fiery rain of incoming assault troops as the stress of atmospheric entry lit up their capsules' hull, "Navigation, ahead full! The moment our long guns in range, open fire."

The atmospheric cannon bore twelve long range surface artillery cannons, hulking emplacements designed to soften up enemy fortifications. They would not be as effective as anti-air turrets or flak, certainly not enough to annihilate what remained of the distant invasion force. But if they focused their fire along the pods' calculated trajectories, there was a good chance the shrapnel cloud would lighten the enemy's numbers even further.

Elsewhere on the carrier's command deck, flight control and the sensor stations were coordinating Allied air support currently in play that had taken off from surface installations elsewhere on the planet as well as nearby capital ships in orbit. Requests for fire support were beginning to flood in from troops on the ground, and it was all Mazik's crew could do to prioritize where to route what air power they had on hand.

"Admiral, report," the Captain grunted impatiently, having opened a transmission to his Jedi comrade's personal comm link, "Status on your recon?"

Main Operations
Mobile Air Command

"Still no response topside," Zark answered over the encrypted frequency, his voice picked up by the comm unit over his right shoulder inlaid to the back of his armored uniform, "We're proceeding up to get eyes on now."

Main Operations was situated between the command deck underneath them at the carrier's lowest point, and the main flight deck on the ship's surface. It would be a short ride to their objective.

Even spread out between both of the ship's two main turbolifts, it was cramped spacing on the ride up. Surrounding the Jedi Master was a squad of elite Alliance SpaceOps marines, trained among other things in ship to ship combat, repelling boarders, and anti-Force adept tactics. Another squad was most likely also running last minute equipment checks with what little room there was to maneuver, and more than once the admiral took a rough elbow or shoulder to the back as a marine unwittingly shoved against him.

They all piled out unceremoniously when the turbolift doors opened into a small chamber that made up the ground floor of the repulsor-carrier's protruding observation post. On the far end of the room, a hatch lead out onto the flight deck. The SpaceOps team approached the portal in tight formation, until Zark held up a fist signalling for them to stop. Another sinister presence in the Force, this one very close, had revealed itself to his supernatural perception.

"Sith," he whispered into the security team's shared comm frequency, "Other side that door. Clear out any other hostiles, I'll keep the Force adept distracted. Then we'll contain him."

No sooner had his men taken up a defensive posture, then the hatch was ripped violently off its hinges, and hurled off over the carrier's side by some supernatural force. A figure stood where it had once been, with crimson hair and eyes to match. In her dominant hand was a blade of apparently flawless metalwork, dripping with what the Jedi Master could only presume was the still fresh blood of the carrier's form deck crew.

"In the name of the Alliance," Zark called out to her in challenge, calmly stepping out in front of the tense semicircle of marines pointing blaster carbines in the young woman's direction, "Stand down and surrender yourself to our custody, and neither you nor your men will be harmed."

He raised the heavy blaster pistol in his robotic right hand, its obsidian outer shell making it difficult to discern where the gun ended and the man began.

"Do not force me to kill you."
Location: Dogabah Surface
Allies: GE
Enemies: GA & Allies
Role: Combat Medic, Troop Support

Assault forces were normally great for causing substantial damage into an enemy's network and infrastructure, making the next wave of ground forces a simple mop up operations. Of course that would be normal assault, but this was not a normal assault. Seto eyed his datapad and scanned new information with his HUD as he marched. Dagobah was a nightmare for electronics and any readings for life forms must be double checked for local wildlife ​Which are just as friendly as the Galactic Alliance will be Seto mused and even worse all the foliage limited their air support.

Fortunately heavy armor like the AT-AT's won't suffer much, but even then Seto knew he would be in deep with a lot of injured. The most forward troopers with heavy injury most likely would not survive without a suitable place to be treated, regardless of such facts Seto felt confident enough with his talents. Even if means exposing his Force Sensitivity to others Seto knew he would assure the health of the Troopers on this planet.

Seto halted his march, his boots began to sink a bit more into the mud as Seto stood there. Hands dropped down to his sides, nearly dropped in his equipment doing so, while inside his helmet his eyes grew wide. A nearby troop walked over and tapped on Seto's shoulders to get him to move, breaking Seto's trance doing so. Seto nodded in response, not willing to use his voice as he continued to move along.

Seto felt the darkness, certainly nothing new, but such long absence of being around such strong Force Users and the power they wield gave Seto pause. He was not unaccustomed to fear, in fact Seto found such emotions quite motivating in most cases, but with the notion of other Force Users of equal power of Imperial Inquisitor did not bring Seto any comfort.

"Contact!" His helmet's comm buzzed out. No one fired as to not give away their position, the wild life had already given them much pauses during their march.

Seto instantly dropped into a kneeling position as he grabbed his binoculars to help his HUD increase its field of vision and allow wider scanning ranges. Jedi, Sith and other Force Users mattered little at the moment, the troopers around him required his focus and attention.
Side: Galactic Alliance & Friends
Murderbae: [member="Loray Tares"]
Enemies: Galactic Empire | [member="Drakar"]
Equipment in bio makes her seem like a NFU

There was cannon fodder and then there was Cannon Fodder – the Thousand were the latter and, on quite a few occasions, actually managed to survive the carnage.

Granted it was with a couple limbs less on the whole, but cybernetics were a dime a dozen these days. They were loud, and dangerous, and a great way to track your enemy in an overgrown jungle.

Just follow the stink of pants well-shat.

The two Equalizers split apart and sank into the shadows of the swamps, tracking steadily towards the massive Juggernaut. It was visible now between the gnarltrees, a metallic stain on the patchwork green background. Towering wheels rumbled over stone and muck, painting streaks of dirt all over the shiny armor.

Aver wondered how long until it got stuck in the mud.

Of course, wondering isn’t a particularly stressful activity. This left the merc with plenty of attention to split between schadenfreude and retrieving her cannon from the hyperpocket on her belt.

Her tricked-out HUD was already sizing up the vehicle, returning informative scans and updating her overlay with useful bits of data. By the time she was in firing range, the picture would be complete –

and the SDC all charged up.

Watcha wanna hit after we clean this up?

Artemis Lux

g o l d d u s t w o m a n


LOCATION: Dagobah Ground Level | Forward Operations Base
ALLIES: Galactic Alliance | Mandalorian Empire
ENEMIES: Galactic Empire, et al.
GEAR: Gilded Beskar’gam | Engraved Beskad | Standard Blaster

The ping from [member="Ra Vizsla"] was met with a swift confirmation signal, whereas the welcome message from the Galactic Alliance received deafening silence. Artemis answered to only one man. At his beck, she inputted the Sole Ruler’s coordinates and, looking to the rest of the company, gestured for them to divert in his direction. [“Stay close to me,”] She murmured, tapping into her private channel with [member="Kad Tor"]. The directive wasn’t for her protection – it was for his.

The Mando’ade fanned out.

Like obedient war hounds, deadly to all but their master, they advanced as a pack through the twisted cathedral of trees and emerged from the fog to answer their leader’s call. The effect was unlike anything conjured by the sterile, cookie-cutter marching of either Alliance or Imperial troops. Artemis and her war-loving kindred were more than primly pressed career soldiers. They were warriors, blood screamers, killers by birth – and it showed.

Without ceremony, the Lioness fell in behind the streaming glory of her Mand’alor’s mantle and unsheathed the wicked slant of her beskad, prepared to kill for him should he so dictate.

Onward they marched.

There would be neither pomp nor circumstance as they swarmed into Forward Operations Base – only an exhibition of undiluted strength, and the promise of a beautiful death to friend or foe who dared to challenge it. Protests died on trembling lips as the command center swiftly filled with shoulder-to-shoulder rows of clinking beskar’gam, the iridescent blue of the holomap reflecting brilliantly off beaten iron.

The Mandalorians had arrived.

Sable curls splashed down over gilded shoulder plates as Artemis briefly removed her helmet and rested it against the curve of her hip, stepping forward to study the projected plans with unshielded green eyes. Her gaze, almost feline in its astute regard, narrowed in calculation. After a moment, dark head nodded. Ra’s advised strategy was good. The Lioness, war paint still streaking her cheeks, running on nothing but instinct and lust for the hunt, would implement it at his command.
[member="Tal Vizsla"] | [member="Malika Mantis"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Kal Ordo"] | [member="Jor Kvall"]
Location: Dagobah | Ground (Blue Team)
Equipment: ExplorCorps Field Kit | Training Lightsaber | Target Blaster
Supporting: [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Daxton Bane"] | [member="Rapax"] | [member="Aya Clarke"] | [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] | @BlueTeamPCs
Opposing: None in direct action.

When the group seemed to pause, the boy stood in murkish water that came up halfway up his calves. Swaying in time to the music that could be heard to faintly drop the beat through the over-the-ear music player he wore.

“Whats your deal, are you… like eight?”

The young Atrisian stopped. Sliding one side of the headphones off one ear, the raven-haired boy looked over at Starchaser-sensei for a moment. With a multitude of various dialects, some of which were arguably different languages entirely, Basic was the youngling's fourth or fifth language. When the understanding what what he'd been asked finally sank in, the boy adopted a shocked expression. "I'm thirteen!"

The fact that his voice slipped up an octave when he tried to express the offense he felt did nothing to help his case. Aside from which, he tacked on a seemingly obligatory, " a couple of months."

As in twelve. He would be thirteen in another twelve months. But still, twelve was almost thirteen and, therefore, he was a teenager. Kinda. Sorta. Almost.

Definitely not eight.

A shiver ran over the boy. It suddenly felt as though the temperature had dropped noticeably by several degrees. Maybe the environment was prone to sudden changes in temperature?

About the same time, he heard Starchaser-sensei talking into the comlink.

“I think playtime is over.”

What did that mean? Had they lost the game of capture the flag?
Location: Dagobah
Objective: Assist Koda
Enemies: GE
Allies: GA and their allies
Partner: [member="Koda Fett"]

A decision was made inside of Jairdain. As long as Koda didn't intend to harm her or anybody else around them, she would help him. At the first sign of betrayal, all bets were off though. The determination was as clear as day to her through the Force. Nothing would stop him from getting what he wanted, a difference is she would be helping him and didn't intend to stand in his way.

He told her there was an Empire invasion and she nodded. While he had been in the cave, she had sensed what was going on around her. The various battles within the area and space above. If they had not encountered one another, she would have provided a Battle Meditation for the Alliance. As it was though, her attention was on him and she wasn't going to just abandon him. Besides, he was on her ground...again and she wanted him off.

Offering her ship to get him off, he stated she wasn't coming with him and she couldn't help but laugh just a little.

"What makes you think I planned to come along? You can just have my old ship. Room enough for one person only. Just can't fight in it. If all you want is off Dagobah...then it is yours. However, I want my lightsaber back. You know how to get it to me, but a personal delivery would be nice."

Since Karl had died, her old ship had been collecting dust. She had no use for it now, not with the one Karl had left for her.

"However, that old ship isn't here and I'm not letting you take my new one."

Her own voice and attitude would match his for stubbornness and determination. He would be leaving the planet alone. Following his movements through the Force and knowing he was currently at a dead end, the only escape would be up for him. Having no doubt in her mind he had the ability to make it to the top on his own, she did point back the way they had come from.

"Ships are that way."
Location-atmosphere of dagaboh
Objective-take over the mobile air command

Doors came off and revealed her second obstacle, looked like some mean soldiers and a force users before her. She slid her sword into its sheath as she took her saber out and activated it, that orange glow being thrown across the walls as she took a breath and spoke

your offer is considered, unfortunately I can not comply I must do this....i mean no evil by this

She inhaled again as the air seemed to heat up, then she exhaled a raging fire towards them for a second then stopped lunging forward with a scream as troopers fired in past anya at the troops behind the man

The attack of the mobile air command had fully gone underway, and anya wasn't leaving until it was done...or she was defeated


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Dagobah, Sluis Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Allies: Himself
Adversaries: Everyone
Interacting With: [member="Jairdain"]
The beasts of the jungle raged on, and the sounds of combat echoed throughout the distance. Unseen by Fett and definitely by Jairdain. His gaze shifted towards the origin of it, but his ears remained focused on what the Jedi had been saying. What ship she seemed to offer him didn't necessarily matter, as long as it would get him out of here he would take it, and some relief washed over him as he didn't have to either wound her, leave her in the dust with an angry fist shaking, or even talking her out of such a thing. Koda turned to see her point in a certain direction, offering him the location in which he was definitely heading next.

He offered no reply, but instead he began cycling his vision modes among his visor that would allow him to pierce the fog. Flames began spitting out the bottom of the jetpack attached to his back, and not before long he was lifted up above the ground and began soaring away from Jairdain. Nothing was getting in his way.

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