Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This is Getting Out of Hand, Now There are Three of Them! | Imperial Invasion of Alliance-controlled

Lyra Sunfell

GA Red Team FOB- [member="Sol Stazi"] [member="Kip Hollaran"] [member="Katria Vekarr"] [member="Dalton Kenway"] @Rekha Karde [member="Prime"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Mirvak"] @Akabane Jarbane [member="Srina Talon"]

Lyra let out a deep sigh when Stazi's newest report came in. Imperial remnant. How many times did they have to keep popping up in the galaxy? Last count she'd seen, three of them lurked around the galaxy. One of course, she'd already fought. But this wasn't the First Order from the sound of it. Had to be one of the others. Orders from higher up were vague, if non-existent. Something had happened to have dragged them away. The attackers must have targeted them.

That left them on their own. Red team. Not the best situation, but with Twilight as the foundation, it would be enough for them to operate independently for a long while. Their Confederate allies were wildcards to her, most of them being individual operators rather than typical infantry from what she had seen. Useful, but more challenging in unit integration.

"Dusk Actual to Dusk One," she replied after a few tense moments. "Weapons free on your discretion. Gather what intel you can." She strode over to the channels and studied them before finally opening a channel to all of red team. The Mandalorian woman took a deep breath.

"Dusk Actual to Red Team. Situations have changed. Weapons live. Imperial forces have been discovered on the planet with hostile intent. We just went from a war game to a real war. Dusk actual over."

Lyra changed the comm channel.

"Dusk Actual to Dusk Two," she waited for a reply.

"Go ahead, Dusk Actual." The response was distorted and garbled, but came through.

"Move ahead to Blue base. Make contact with Blue team leaders. We need to re-establish full comms. Once contact is made, fall back to Dusk Actual."

"Copy that, Dusk Actual. WIlco and out."

Another transmission came in from the air support. Thank the Force they were still up, running, and in contact. They needed all the eyes in the sky that they could find.

“Copy that, Amber Four. Watch your six. Sounds like high up is getting hot. Engage at your discretion. Grab what intel you can.” They needed all the information they could get their hands on at this point. Some sense of central understanding, a sense of their enemy, and their goals.

She took a deep breath and rolled her shoulders to work out the tension. This was their battle and their battle-ground. The enemy had chosen a poor target for their attack and only the Force had allowed them all to be present. And Dagobah was the ideal place for Twilight's operations. Nothing suited them more than Force-forsaken swamps that you couldn't see through, let alone travel, and hindered every vehicle ever made. Imperials were known for their use of armor. That would be far more difficult here.

"Get me charts of the deepest lakes and swamps in the region," she called to one of her logistical officers. "Mark out their boundaries and the closest hostile units, based on locations of our units."

A devilish grin played across her face.

"And get me into communication with the Mandalorian forces."

She waited for a few moments as they sorted through channels, until they could find the ones the allies had reached out to them on. She recorded a message in Mando'a and broadcast it on the channel.

[Welcome, family! It's an honor to have you fighting alongside us today. Use this channel to get in touch with me and we shall adjust our IFF for coordinated movements. The Empire shall regret this day.]

[member="Kad Tor"] [member="Artemis Lux"] [member="Malika Mantis"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kal Ordo"]


Some chains are better left unbroken.
Location: Dagobah Swamps
Allies (GA, CIS, ORC, SJO) | Red Team: Kip Hollaran, Lyra Sunfell, Katria Vekarr, Dalton Kenway, Sol Stazi, Prime, Darth Metus, Mirvak, Akabane Jarvik | Srina Talon @Er’in Tenel
Allies (GA, CIS, ORC, SJO) | Blue Team: Shoma Ike, Katrine Van-Derveld, Aya Clarke, Rapax, Coren Starchaser
Enemies: Galactic Empire
Moving Towards: DT-2417
Equipment: A red acolyte's lightsaber.

The brooding Worgian crouched behind the tangled mess of roots of the swamp tree. He kept his body low, the muck overtaking much of his lower half as the thick fog somewhat concealed his large upper body and head. His piercing yellow eyes stared into the back of [member="Darth Metus"] and [member="Srina Talon"]'s heads, as they were but 30-40 meters ahead of him. He didn't care much for 'games', whether they were 'war games' or not. His ears perked up as they both made their way deeper into the swamp. As if he was stalking his prey, he waited for them to stand up completely and move out of sight before he stood up to his full height and followed them. Perhaps the ambitious acolyte was testing his master's perceptive, or maybe he was simply following from a respectful distance. In either case, the wolfman kept his distance from the two as he followed them deeper into the swamp.

His eyes bored holes into the back of Srina's head. What he felt was jealousy, though he would not admit it. This simple girl got all her time with the Master, who knew what secrets he had taught her in all their time they had alone. The little silvery worm did not have the attitude of a warrior, she was weak. He snarled, pulling his lightsaber from his hilt, he entertained a thought for a moment, but pushed it aside. Turning his attention away from her to scan his surroundings, he paused, his ears pricking up. The hair on his neck stood on edge and his ears flattened against the side of his skull as he felt it get colder for no apparent reason. He became dead to the world as he hunched his body down, growling quietly as his head darted around, looking for a source for this ominous feeling.

He closed his eyes briefly as an image flashed before him, a man with an iron band around his eyes. It was there, and then it was gone, but he still felt his presence. It was at that moment that his acute ears picked up on the smoke grenades thrown by @DT-2147's platoon, and he came to his sense. He turned back towards his master and his albino pet, moving forward as quietly as he could.
Location: Dagobah
Objective: Walk and talk
Enemies: GE and [member="Koda Fett"]
Allies: GA and allies

Yes, Jairdain could have just walked away like he suggested, but that wasn't her nature. They had too many meetings and two of them totally random to her to just leave him be. If he thought the life of the planet would cloud her vision through the Force, he was mistaken. She also knew Koda wasn't one to just walk away normally. He had a purpose here, what it was beyond getting off the planet, she didn't know.

"Why are you here in the first place, Koda?"

It probably wasn't any of her business, but curiosity got the better of her.

"Also why did you let me go? I want my lightsaber back too!"

What he said about having a price out for Jedi heads, she shrugged at that. There was no sarcasm or hostility in her voice either. Just conversation.

"I might be within the ranks of the Silver Jedi, but my beliefs are not that of them and really never have. Guess I'm lucky."

Of course whoever set that price on Jedi heads probably wouldn't see it that way, but it a touch in an attempt to make light of what he said. Not meant as an insult though.
Location: Dagobah Surface Moving to Command
Allies: GA | Mandalorians [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Malika Mantis"] | [member="Kad Tor"] | [member="Artemis Lux"] | [member="Tal Vizsla"] | [member="Kal Ordo"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Enemies: GE | Boredome
Objective: Introduce Hell to Dagobah

The lurch of a drop ship was unknown to [member="Preliat Mantis"]’ daughter before today. If not for staying secure by her father and aunt [member="Malika Mantis"]’ sides, Yasha worried for the first time that she’d lose her balance and appear as many saw her. A useless kid.

Well, the ones who thought such things usually didn’t survive long enough to change their opinions. [member="Kal Ordo"] was in another dropship and for the first time she was glad he shot her during the Civil War. If he’d shot some other sod, after his capture and parade being strung up on that tree, [member="Kal Ordo"] would be dead. Someone that good a shot deserved to survive… as long as he pointed the barrel of that shatter gun at the other guys. Yasha wished him happy hunting, wherever the crazy old dog was hiding. Getting shot that bad shocked everyone who loved her, sent her Daddy into a murderous rage and created the final situation which proved one intrinsic and inalienable right.

Yasha needed armour. Now, here she was. A series of shudders and bumps churned Yasha’s young stomach, one clang sending her skidding by inches into her father’s side. She hung on to his beskar’kandar, glancing up at his chin, scanning the faces of the adults around her. Surviving the Netherworld made Yasha fear nothing but isolation, it destroyed the host of childhood insecurities normal for a girl her age, yet for the first time since she raised her arms as a muddy and shivering 6 year old to the father she’d never known, Yasha felt fear.

What if she slipped in the mud and the Mando’ade thought she was ridiculous? What if she upchucked in her helmet and caused a scene? What if she missed a shot or took too long to kill her nearest enemy? What if she forgot how to turn on her jet pack and needed help? What if she didn’t match her father or [member="Ra Vizsla"]’s terrifying prowess or lack of restraint?

Face painted and body stung with the desire to fight and destroy her own misgivings, Yasha Mantis clambered to shove her buy’ce on her head and let the hum of her HUD ease the strain her eyes took in the light of the drop ship. Her hand gripped at her chestplate, where under the armour against her sternum, Ra's mother's necklace reminded her that even the mightiest of warriors got scared, and yet Mandalore would answer.

The cavity opened. Yasha was not the first to exit, for she did not know where to go. [member="Kad Tor"] was somewhere, with his wife [member="Artemis Lux"]. Yasha grinned as she splashed halfway to her knees in the Dagobah mud. A soft giggle pushed out of her lungs and the girl forgot she’d ever been afraid.

They were in a muddy jungle, filled with fog. Yasha tugged on [member="Preliat Mantis"]’ arm and whispered so quiet only her father would hear it. “Daddy, if you painted it red, it’d look just like the Blood Plains. See? If you look that branch kinda looks like a weird bone. I like it.

[member="Lyra Sunfell"]’s message flicked on her HUD. They were welcome? Wait until they started killing.

C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, where are they? Gimme a target… I need a target.” Yasha whispered, her comm mic off to avoid disturbing the others. She moved through the mud without as much as a sound. Ripples were her callsign, but the girl was comfortable in a place which moved and reminded her of blood. Seeing [member="Ra Vizsla"] near, Yasha looked to her Daddy then moved toward her Mand’alor. She was Ra’s Ward, and she would do whatever it took to impress him, Preliat and Auntie Malika.

Yasha idly wondered what animal Malili would shape shift into first… one Yasha could ride, she hoped.
Tenacity had played it's part, time permissive of the patience exercised by the Rear Admiral.

Hands clasped once more behind his back, his posture strict as he continued to observe the space before the Praetor's viewport, the Chiss took note of a few peculiarities in the activity near the Dagobah Shipyard. A structure that had initially been left ill considered under the heavy observation of the already active vessels in the system. Yet, even as he focused on the practicality of those vessels already in motion, he could not ignore the seemingly lifeless hulk that loomed above the planet like a bizarrely stationed orbital platform.

Desmond C'artyom had seen fit to take his fight to the shipyard itself, poising his fleet to, seemingly, assault the station itself. And it was quite the efficient manner with which he had done so. Save for a small detail the Rear Admiral noticed minutes into the finalizing of his fleets position in the Galactic Alliance' space. Where several ships had taken course to position themselves about the system and within a properly safe distance from the shipyard itself, it seemed as if one of the Alliance's commanders had chosen to take a much stealthier approach. One that the Chiss realized his crew would likely not perceive of their own observation.

Lowering his hands and then bringing them up to his chin, one arm supporting the other, the Chiss took strides to approach the command deck. Once there he leaned forward and brought his hand down against the console with his eyes fixed on a single point just to the edge of the shipyard's structure.

"Captain, bring all ships to bear upon that location," he breathed as he punched in the coordinates his eyes had fallen upon. Seconds were passing, even minutes and the Chiss could feel the hair on his neck begin to rise in instinctive realization that the enemy was far more intelligent than he had originally surmised. "They are planning something and I do not intend to take the brunt of it."

That said, the Chiss began to scatter through various commands and data points which he relayed to the ships under his command. Only as he was finishing this exercise did he notice the sound of the observation deck's officer shouting for his attention. An attention he would receive as the Chiss turned and, with a gaze, brought the man to a surrendered silence.

"Yes, lieutenant? Report." He delivered in a chilled tone, his eyes heavy with disappointment but heated with the desire to outplay the enemy. This situation had proved to be the challenge he sought, though he would not allow it to go to his head.

"Admiral, we believe they're charging a proton beam cannon! The Indictor picked up the readings only moments ago!" The officer exclaimed quickly and soundly before closing his mouth and readdressing the Chiss with the sweat that was beading down his forehead.

"So it would seem they are more prepared than we anticipated," the Chiss placidly noted as he turned his attention back to the viewport and towards where he could see a single vessel peering just out from behind the mass of the Shipyard's structure. How clever the move was, hiding in the shadow of a larger structure and disguising it with an accordant barrage. While, indeed, he had not felt the barrage he had seen it as he contemplated his moves. The engineering officer continued to spout information regarding the holding but comprehensible damage to the Victory IV's and Praetor's forward particle shielding.

"Lieutenant, monitor the charge of the beam and report at each interval," the Chiss ordered as he turned his attention back to the command deck and smoothly commanded silently for the operation technicians to begin a slow and alerted descent of the Praetor below the immediate firing trajectory of the Alliance's supposed Proton Beam.

Yet, while he had expected something different, he watched as his preparations were but a hair short of optimal. The bright green streak of the Proton Beam lighting up the viewport before him as it brushed along the right, top edge of the vessels hull. It was powerful, as per it's reputation, and had left the hull with a considerably warranted damage. It was not, however, the damage to the hull that brought any concern to the Chiss' mind but the temporary collapse of the Praetor's primary shielding.

"Admiral, primary cells are down but the secondary shield cell is holding, we'll be bringing the primaries back up momentarily!" Came the late information from the bridge's engineering officer. Fortunately for their numbers, and for the morale of the crew, the Chiss did not even shake in the slightest at the realization that they had been dealt a questionably nerving blow. Instead, he did just the opposite of what his crew might have anticipated.

"Captain, bring all ships to bear in their present position and open fire on the location of the Proton Beam's origin." The Rear Admiral ordered in a calm but direct tone, turning his attention once more to the shipyard and the ship lying in wait behind it. What followed could only be described as an astonishing orchestrated stream of green laser fire erupting from the Victory IV's and the Praetor from all their turbo laser canons. At first with the Praetor's long range turbolasers aimed directly for the GAS Incandescent Truth and the rest of it's armament towards the other ships surrounding it's position. Followed closely by both Victory IV's bringing alive their full armament of turbo lasers against those same ships, their long range turbos included. "Let them feel the brunt of our fury."

It was time to see how they would hold against an opponent just as, if not more, capable. Their commander had made their gambit, and for the moment failed, and it was time to repay the gesture in kind.

S/H Praetor Mk IV Class Battlecruiser 2044/2548 - Firing long range turbos at the Incandescent Truth and remaining turbos at the Alliance Fleet.
S/H Victory IV Class Star Destroyer 855/900 - Firing full turbo compliment upon the Alliance Fleet.
S/H Victory IV Class Star Destroyer 873/900 - Firing full turbo compliment upon the Alliance Fleet.
S/H Imperial Indictor II Class Electronic Warfare Frigate 259/262 - Weapons Primed and analyzing enemy fleet.
S/H Imperial Intersector II Class Sloop 50/50 - Weapons Primed and holding position.
S/H Imperial Intersector II Class Sloop 50/50 - Weapons Primed and holding position.

[member="Aryn Teth"]
Side: The Galactic Alliance
Allies: Galactic Alliance | Confederacy | Mandalorians | Etc.
Enemies: Galactic Empire
Location: Near the Dark Side Caverns, Dagobah
Team: Blue Team (relevant to CIS)


She'd moved, step by step towards the cave, sensing the presence of another before she'd heard a noise in the back, distracting her for the first time since she'd began to make her way to the source calling to her. She heard a loud sound and something shined in the distance. "Fire?" Katrine muttered to herself for a moment before she shrugged and continued, her heavy boots making the next steps to her destination, a small buzz starting in a corner of her head as if the beginning of a headache. She knew what it was though, not an average buzzing marking the start of a headache, instead it was a warning inside her head. Something was happening, that was the message she was getting.

The second buzzing came from her communication device. Katrine didn't often pay attention to it, now though, she had moved her hand higher, taking in some of the words that did come through but they didn't make much sense. After a few seconds more seconds of listening and trying to comprehend, she shrugged. She did remember someone mentioning before that Dagobah would make communication difficult. Katrine was in it for the games anyhow so it didn't really matter, did it? Right now, something else was pulling her and all this was distracting her from the present journey, one that interfered even with her desire to participate with the wargames.

She could see the entrance now, the area completely distracting her again. Next, she had spotted [member=Rapax] already made his way towards it as well. Her steps hurried slightly to catch up with. "Shaman," her voice called out when she heard the slightly scrambled voice of [member="Daxton Bane"] coming through the communication device. Did you feel... reach Central... whats going... hitting a wall... reach command? His words had come partly through. She was slightly confused, though that confusion was probably more due to the pull she felt towards the cave rather than the words themselves. She pressed into her device, communicating back: "There's a lot of buzz on the device. Seems busy but I can't make out much. Something is up for sure, there's a buzz in my head too." She paused again, waiting to hear back before she adjusted to device to try to reach the rest of the CIS, hopefully to be able to reach red team: "Red team, blue team. Can you guys hear? Is something going on? Lots of chatter on device, nothing coherent. Are we still playing?" She waited for a second to see if she'd hear back from the other team or any of the blue team that were out of the short range team, there was a few of them she hadn't seen yet, expecting them to be on the way to the red team fort.

[member="Srina Talon"] [member="Aya Clarke"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Katria Vekarr"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Dalton Kenway"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member=Prime]
ENGAGING [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Aboard the Dagobah Shipyards...

[SIZE=11pt]The Stealth bomber set down in one of the shipyards many hangars with a thud as it's landing gears touched ground. It decloaked and several of the dock hands stared at the strange craft curiously. A few of the braver workers began to approach the craft cautiously. They circled the gangplank and the bravest of them walked towards the door. The ramp began its descent with a hiss and billows of steam. Two silhouettes could be made out within the smoke and the closest worker took a careful step forward. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I-is this a inspection crew?” He asked, the two figures still masked behind the curtain of steam. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A large metallic hand shot out of the smoke and gripped that man by the neck. He clawed at his throat as he was hoisted into the air by the unseen assailant. The metallic hand collapsed the man's throat with a sickening crunch and all Lucien could do was watch in horror as his arm swung to the side, tossing the body like a rag doll. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Kill them all DT- 458,” The man besides Lucien uttered nonchalantly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The former Dominion General raised his blaster scattergun and began firing at the dock hands indiscriminately. Lucien tried to stop himself, lower his weapon, but he found his thoughts constantly overridden by a will to serve. To do as the little man next to him commanded. The last of the dock workers fell, cut neatly in two by Lucien’s blaster. The duo stepped down from the drop deck and into a pool of blood. The man next to Lucien stared at the mess disdainfully then regarded Lucien with fist on hips.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“You know we never should've let you Republic dogs in the Empire in the first place. I told the General you would betray the Empire and you did. If it wasn't for Commander Valswift’s intervention you and your band of Republic mishaps would have remained homeless mercenaries. But of course then she betrayed us too…” The man sneered “You two deserved each other,” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That’s when it dawned on Lucien. He knew exactly who this man was. Captain Norwan Fleming. He had fought against the Republic during its war with the One Sith and after the collapse of both governments had found a home within the Galactic Empire, much like Lucien had. It was no wonder he had tried to kill off Lucien and his comrades during the battle of Hypori, many from the One Sith still held grudges against the former Republic commando. Still Fleming especially. Lucien and his team had been part of the mission that crippled his company of troops, but not before Fleming’s men had slaughtered an entire village.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Lucien stared at the man in terror. Here he was defenseless to a psychopaths every whim and desire. A man whose murderous lust for vengeance knew no bounds. Lucien wanted to scream, to drop his gun and run from the battle he was being forced to fight. But, he could find no words. No voice to even speak. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Come along Lucien, we must find the first platoon before the fleet closes range,” Captain Fleming said in his arrogant Imperial accent.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He began walking through the blood soaked hangar and Lucien obediently followed. He managed with great effort to look back as the stealth bomber that had delivered them cloaked and made it's way outside the hangar. Lucien stared forlornly after the craft as it left. He wished he could've been aboard it. He wished he could be anywhere but here with this man. Captain Fleming turned his head and gave Lucien a devilish smile. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I can't wait for you to reach the reactor! You won't be coming back when we do!” He finished with a malevolent border line psychotic laugh as his grin grew wider.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The duo approached the hangar bay doors and they opened with a snap hiss. Lucien prayed to the force the reactor wasn't too far away. He simply wanted this nightmare to end...[/SIZE]
ALLIES: GE, [member="Mitth'rae'leios"], [member="Fabian"]
ENGAGING: [member="Aryn Teth"] with bombers and long range guns

[SIZE=11pt]Desmond stared at the tactical map for but a moment more before finally minimizing the holomap. With hands clasped behind the small of his back he began pacing the command deck. He watched his crew men intently as they went about their work. Desmond nodded occasionally as an ensign regarded him with a casual glance. The ship rocked as the long range turbo lasers began firing upon the shipyards. He smirked as it became abundantly clear the enemy had no intentions of engaging the drop pods headed towards Dagobah’s surface. But the pods would soon be the least of the Gallactic Alliance’s worries. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Have the stealth bombers delivered the troops to the Shipyards yet?” Desmond asked the Captain inquisitively.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“First Platoon and the prototype Dark trooper have been disgorged. The bombers are now flying undetected above the shipyards,” The Captain replied with a smart salute.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Desmond opened his mouth to utter the command of having the bombers aid Fabian when suddenly, something spectacular happened.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Sir we’re picking up a massive power spike coming from one of the Alliance ships!” The ensign manning the Radar frantically cried out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He need not though as Desmond could make out the twinkling star beginning to form already. It was a harbinger of death. The last star that many men would see. It was a weapon capable of leveling entire cities and completely destroying a capital ship in a single blow. Desmond sneered at the sight. Such a weapon was of Imperial design. It was obvious that a traitor had leaked the plans… Regardless Desmond had to think quickly, he had no time to dally on the thought of traitors.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Prepare the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Shameless [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]to guard the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Gargantuan [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]from that blast now!” Desmond ordered and the Captain nodded. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Obeying the order without question Captain McKinnon skittishly walked to the tactical holo table and keyed in a few commands with shaky hands. McKinnon was more than happy to send others to their deaths if it meant saving his own skin. Desmond on the other hand might’ve just potentially sent countless Imperials to their deaths, but he knew his fleet was dependant on his flagship for fighter deterrent. If it was lost it was almost certain the fleet was lost with it. Besides, It was an Imperial’s duty and honor to die for the Empire. He glared as the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Shameless [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]moved into position to protect the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Gargantuan[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The beam weapon fired, but it targeted admiral Thrael’s fleet rather than Desmond’s own. Desmond let out a sigh of relief as the beam grazed Thrael’s flagship. Despite their differences Desmond rather liked Thrael and he did not want to see his fellow Chiss die so early in his career. As relief washed over him Desmond quickly came to a conclusion. If the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Incandescent Truth[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] was anything like the Imperial’s Conqueror that blast undoubtedly cost the ship a lot of energy… [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Which meant its Shields would be next to nil. Desmond smiled at the enemies mistake. Thrael began engaging with long range turbo lasers, but Desmond had another trick up his sleeve in the event this new ship sought to find solace behind the shipyards. The stealth bombers that had delivered the troops now floated listlessly, but not for long.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Send our bombers to attack that craft, be sure none break comm silence,” Desmond said with a devilish grin set upon his face.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Captain nodded from the command table and prepared to send the new set of orders. Desmond marched over to the holomap and watched as the friendly signatures that were the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]FC-115[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] bombers began to swoop down upon Aryn Teth’s proton beam ship like birds of prey. Eight bombers equipped with hyper velocity canons that utilized giant uranium core metal slugs began firing relentlessly upon the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Incandescent Truth. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Together the bombers fired almost a thousand of these giant uranium core slugs a minute. The slugs released radiation and electromagnetic pulses after detonating upon impact. Desmond doubted the GA super weapon would last long. He had designed everything about this bomber himself and knew it was more than capable of the task set before it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Have our ships maintain formation and begin moving closer to the shipyards. Continue firing with long range weapons,” Desmond uttered with hand to chin as he gazed inquisitively at the holomap once more. His palms only slightly shaking[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]S/H INV [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Gargantuan[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]S/H INV [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Firespray[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]S/H INV [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Gunbuster[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]S/H INV [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Tinship[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]S/H INV [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Steamboat[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]S/H INV [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Crackerbox[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]S/H INV [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Shameless[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]4 Fifty meter [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]ships[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] with no shields[/SIZE]
Location: Swamp
Team: Blue
Allies: GA and friends
Enemies: Empire and friends
Objective: Reestablish communication

He hated training games. Some people took them serious, others, well, not so much. The firebrand was all sorts of ready for the fight, but the swamp was… it was a swamp. He was a star pilot. He didn’t like not being in zero-G. Sure, sometimes planets were alright, but it was mostly the ocean ones. But that gave him the option to start swimming and being submerged in the liquid. Best feeling ever, truthfully. He had his commlink open to all channels for the Alliance, was just out of habit, when he started hearing something kick in.

Grayson, now there was a name he hadn’t heard in a while. Urgency in the caves? He got on the comms, opening the channel. “Roger that, Grayson, will look for your report.” He had a game to win, but… the caves. There was a Force nexus here. That was the one thing he did know about the swamp. Made for fun times with the Force users in the capture-the-flag game, for sure. The next channel was to the other one. “We---”


Coren, for the first time in a while. Darkness. He knew what that was. Still, it was fogging his head for a moment. Looking at the ground, he shook his head. “The frak…” He muttered out to himself.

That could be what was going for the nexus. He looked to his team. “I think playtime is over.” He shook his head. “Bane!” He called out over the commlink. “Was that your people?” No, he wasn’t thinking it was, not if the Silvers vouched, but he couldn’t be sure.

“We need to re-group,” he stated to his group, and the A-Pop kid. Head back towards the base. “Something isn’t right here.”

“All Alliance Forces, this is Commander Starchaser, on Dagobah. Anyone read? What the frak is going on?”

[member="Shoma Ike"]
[member="Daxton Bane"]
[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]
[member="Aya Clarke"]
[member="Cedric Grayson"]

Location: 'Red Home Base'
Objective: War Games
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] | GA | CIS | Mandalorians et al
Enemies: [member="DT-2417"] | Galactic Empire et al
CIS Team: Red [member="Kip Hollaran"] | [member="Lyra Sunfell"] | [member="Katria Vekarr"] | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member=Prime] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member=Mirvak] | [member="Akabane Jarvik"] | [member="Srina Talon"]

Things were too quiet. He’d had enough. Dalton turned to the others down near the base and pointed to the com-link set up.

”Call up - ”

He was interrupted by static. The voice of one [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] came through with a similarly wary communication about just what the hell was going on.

”Someone get on that frequency. Get her back and tell them our position. Get everyone together. There’s something going on and I don’t bloody like it. ”

Dalton gave a glance towards Agent Vekarr.

”Games are off I think, Miss Vekarr. ”

Gripping his rifle, he took a few steps left and right, trying to see through the dense fog and murk that lined the planet. He wasn’t going to go all gung-ho, it wasn’t his place, but he wasn’t going to sit here doing nothing.

”Form a perimeter,” he said urgently to the others.”Get your weapons off stun. Anything that doesn’t answer to the Confederacy then you shoot first, ask questions later. ”
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before

Location: Dagobah
Allies: Alliance/CIS/ORC [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Aryn Teth"]
Enemies: GE [member="Fabian"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Directly engaging: [member="Mitth'rae'leios"]

Because the fighter screen as deployed by Fabian was too busy engaging the previously-fired cluster missiles and their submunitions, the seven Alakaha squadrons were able to make it back to the main fleet while the grim realization that unguided bombs were going to be more effective than missiles forced Julie to recall the droid bombers and get them re-armed with heavy proton bombs, to the tune of two apiece. And yet, Fabian was able to close in within standard turbolaser range of their position, since engaging at long range was of limited effectiveness against ships that size, while Desmond was firing what long-range firepower he had before turning to General Teth. A few instants after the proton beam impacted the massive foe, which was the one thing that they could make out at that distance from the static, Janick sensed from the Jedi that was Julie was up to something, something dangerous; while, of course, they may be liable to getting attacked from the sides, realizing by now that the Incandescent Truth was under attack, and, from her standpoint, the enemy took the bait. It was about time for them to act, and quickly they needed to do so.

"All units, prepare to microjump behind Thrael!" Julie ordered, oblivious to the dangers of such a maneuver, especially with jammed sensors.

But where were the Incandescent Truth's escorts? And also, where were [member="Sanya Val Swift"] or [member="Aedan Miles"]? Oh right, I have to make them pay by myself, she thought, while still having one volley of cluster missiles in reserve. With Julie at the Compellor's cockpit, they began microjumping, aware of the danger such a maneuver posed; in the blink of an eye, they now found themselves aft of the one they called Thrael, and within point-blank range from the closest Victory, too close for their own comfort, even when the other ships in formation were still within half a standard turbolaser range. But they were also much closer to the shipyards, too, which needed to be defended. And the fleet was arrayed almost in a pyramidal formation, with the battlecruiser on top and the escorts at the base, underneath it. Said battlecruiser was almost on the same plane as the nearest Victory, and all ships needed some time to re-establish firing solutions, especially among that sea of sensor jamming left and right.

"I'll activate battle meditation in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

"Alakaha squadrons 1-3, fire cluster missiles on the Praetor, squadrons 4-5, fire cluster missiles on the port Victory, squadrons 6-7, fire cluster missiles on the starboard Victory"

"This is Swan Lake: we're jamming the enemy sensors" the captain of the Swan Lake broadcast on the fighters' frequencies.


Now that the flotilla was aft of Thrael, Julie got around to activating battle meditation which, in the process, should be causing the friendly crewmembers and pilots' morale and effectiveness to gradually go up, and also the same in reverse for the enemies. To complement battle meditation, the Swan Lake began jamming the enemy sensors so as to make targeting both her and the other units at range harder, using its ECM suite. And now, she was taking a rather hands-off approach to prosecuting the battle, with the battle now being within the hands of the other people on the battlefield. As with virtually any battlecruiser in service, the enemy Praetor was a hardy but a big, fat, slow target to be fired at. Speaking of which, the Praetor had a massive volley of heavy turbolasers, heavy ion cannons, twenty-one 420mm HVC rounds and, of course, the sixteen stealth MIRVs and the ten heavy solar ionization cannons, with thirty-six cluster missiles, splitting up into five concussion missiles each, for 180 projectiles being fired at its tail. After the fact, Janick, flew in circles around the fleet after her last cluster missile was launched, anticipating the enemy to come deploy its fighters to go after her. But the two Victories were beset by heavy fire themselves: 556 turbolasers and 20 ion cannon shots each, with twenty-four cluster missiles to round out the sheer volume of fire they are coming under. Those cluster missiles, Last but not least, Thrael's Indictor also had about 200 turbolasers fired in its general direction, as well as thirty-six energy torpedoes, while remaining mindful that it's a much smaller target than a cruiser, let alone a battlecruiser. Let the enemy fighters come: I'll take them myself, she thought, while sensing that the enemy will soon deploy fighters her way.

"What about those ground-pounders: surely they can't still be engaged in wargames, especially after detecting drop pods coming their way!" Wololo commented.

"Steady now, Wololo: war has indeed come to Dagobah: our ground-pounding friends should have realized it by now..."

  • Recalled the droid bombers
  • Microjumped so as to get aft of Thrael
  • Swan Lake started jamming enemy sensors
  • Julie activated battle meditation
  • Opened fire on a variety of enemy ships

Capital ships:

Compellor (Compellor-class battlecruiser) | Shields: 85% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Praetor (main batteries) Victories (trench batteries)
Swan Lake (Lothal-II artillery carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Praetor (main batteries) Victories (broadside)
Pentekonter (C-9980-class assault frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Indictor (Thrael's)
Trireme (C-9980-class assault frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Indictor (Thrael's)
Serenity (Krayiss-class escort frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Indictor (Thrael's)
Meditation (Krayiss-class escort frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Indictor (Thrael's)
S-1 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Indictor (Thrael's)
S-2 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Indictor (Thrael's)
S-3 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Indictor (Thrael's)

Attack craft:

84 Alakaha elite fighters
48 Chiloon-I fighters
100 Hyena-X droid bombers


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Dagobah, Sluis Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Allies: The Galactic Empire
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance
Interacting With: [member="Jairdain"]
"My business is my own." Fett replied, his path continuing with no attempt at slowing down to make this poor excuse of a conversation easy and or simple. The man was rather perceptive, both with his eyes and mind. So it wasn't too difficult to piece together that the invasion wasn't common knowledge, or at least Jairdain wasn't within the know. The planet itself doing well enough to disguise the fleet raging above. A pause came between him, his attention fixated on clambering over a large enough log before plopping back down into the mud with a squishy enough thud. "There was no price on your scalp worth taking, and that lightsaber is mine." His words echoing back over his shoulder, perhaps a bit difficult to understand by his positioning.

Caverns were up ahead, and to be quite frank Koda wasn't entirely sure on whether or not he would bother with him. It was a possibility, but being lost within a cave wasn't necessarily something he had the time nor patience for. Yet for now he gave his final reply to Jairdain's third remark. "Like myself, they won't bother with technicalities." She was right in that regard, officially a Jedi or not, those who wanted Jedi dead would take even their allies.
Objective: Defend the Perimeter
Location: One Kilometer East of Wargames
Allegiance: Galactic Alliance
Opposition: Galactic Empire

Wellenn was still standing his post when he heard engines screech through the air, ones that he had not heard before. On the intercommunications channel for his platoon and company began to light up with questions as other soldiers wondered what the hell that was. It was when they felt large quakes coupled with blasts that they realized this wasn't part of the drill. Suddenly, orders began ranging out in his comms system on the helmet. He waited until he heard, "Platoon C, form up forty five meters north east of HQ,(The temporary tent they had set up for breaks in between standing post and foot patrols) await further orders." Wellenn's unit. He rushed towards the position described, turning off the company channel in favor of the platoon comms channel, knowing all his orders from here on out would be given to him by his lieutenant.

Wellenn arrived to find most of his platoon arrived at the location, and were already being given separate orders for protecting the position, eventually the lieutenant's gaze set on Wellenn and a few others, "Jones, Geary, and Ventari, I want you in that ditch." He pointed to the ditch in question, "Remember, don't fire until we give the order." All three soldiers nodded, and quickly made their way into the ditch. Geary was the first to speak, "Looks like we get to have some fun today after all." Ventari, not one for humor, responded, "Shut it, these could be Imperial invaders for all we know and your talking about it like its some sort of recreation."

Before Geary could respond, another order went out from the lieutenant, "Helmet lights off, captain says initial reports of the transports outnumber us heavily. We want to be down and dirty, if we can blend in the environment we might have a better chance at repelling whoever these guys are before we get reinforcements. May the force be with you." Wellenn recognized the phrase, it meant that combat would reach them before another order did. All three of them turned off their helmet lights and HUDs off, making them dark splotches in the foggy swamp of Dagobah. They tried to regulate their breathing as they searched around, without moving from their position, for the enemy troops, but the fog was too think, they wouldn't see anybody until they were fifteen meters ahead of them. So they remained silent, hoping they'd see the enemy, before the enemy saw them.

* * * * * * *

Captain Odo welcomed the sound of Commander [member="Coren Starchaser"]'s voice. He and his information equipment team had been trying to make contact with Alliance HQ for ten minutes now, to no avail. There was too much interference in the atmosphere, and although Starchaser's transmission came in a little scratchy, it still made it through to the remotely powered mobile communications relay the company had. Quickly, he responded to the higher ranking officer's request, "Commander, we got unidentified drop vessels 1.5 klicks east of the war game perimeter. My company has been positioned to defend, but from initial reports, it looks like we're heavily out numbered. I need reinforcements ASAP. Captain Odo, out." Odo turned towards the mortar-men who were still unloading the mortars from the carrier, shouting at the sight, "Get moving you sons of schuttas, we got tangos 'cross the swamp and we got no damned support! Set those mortars up or so help me Maker, I will have your asses on double postings." That seemed to do it, thought Odo.
Location: Dagobah
Objective: Talk​
Enemies: GE and [member="Koda Fett"]
Allies: GA and allies

While he was having issues and troubles with the terrain, Jairdain wasn't. Yes, she made slopping noises in the mud and muck, but without any real armor to weigh her down, she wasn't getting stuck or hung up on the vegetation. His words were no surprise to her and she let out a small sigh.

His thoughts were correct and she wasn't in the know for having prior knowledge of the invasion. So she was totally oblivious to the reason for him or the Empire being there. In fact, other than Koda, she didn't know there were others here. Her attention was on him, so the fighting above and on the ground was lost to her.

When he said her lightsaber was his, she gave him quite a dirty look. If he could see it, since she didn't know what all the vision his helmet provided, he would know she did not like what he said. Her brows came together and a frown formed her mouth.

"You didn't make it. Heck, I doubt you even know how to use the ones you do have. That saber is mine and I'm going to get it back."

It had better not have been on his ship. That lightsaber had been with her for a few years and her current one was new to her, only recently been made. Her mind flashed back to that journey and testing. Shaking the memory off, a chill passed over her and she noticed the cave system ahead of them. A feeling of trepidation crossed her and she wondered now what was going to happen.

Dagobah, famous for various reasons. Visions were just one of them. Wanting to keep up with Koda, the chill clung to her a little still.

Koda stated the bounty on her head wasn't worth taking the time to claim brought a small snort of a breath from her nose. Along with the stating of technicalities, she just shook her head before speaking.

"For one that works for credits, I am a little surprised you didn't claim it any way."
[member="Armaud Eden"] [member="Ellifain Eden"]
Scene setting

Trextan had been born and raised on Coruscant. The only wildlife there was that which had adapted perfectly to the environment over the last millennium from the creatures that came out from the underground networks to forage at night to the hawks that swooped through urban forest by day. He had visited tatooine recently and been struck by just how empty it was. This was entirely different. Even in his second visit it was a strange experience.

Every metre of jungle was teeming with life. The Force ebbed and flowed around all the creatures that connected them. He could sense their base emotions and drives. The fearful and the hungry. The predator and the prey. Life was snuffed out all about him without even disturbing the foliage as the cycle continued. It was a distraction to Trextan, a Jedi with vast raw potential who was still refining his control.

These two, he figured, would have been happy investigating the marshes for weeks on end. By contrast he was quite keen to get back to somewhere warm and dry. Somewhere with shops and snacks and holonet access. Where he could see if Choli had access to an Alliance general use network again. He had been about to say as much when he narrowed his eyes on Ellifain before concern furrowed his brow.

“The First Order,” he grunted. Only they would be so brazen as to land walkers on Alliance soil. Not that he imagined such things would be of any use in the marshland. It would take small squads of specialised units to assault an Alliance installation down here.

Trextan reached for the comm-unit he kept on his belt to find it gone. He swore under his breath at Jacen. Turning his artificial forearm around he found the inbuilt unit had been disconnected from the Alliance satellite network on the other end. That could have been jamming but he still cursed Jacen anyway.

“We need to get back to a landing pad,” he suggested. His hand brushed the hilt of his lightsaber. It reassured him. Just a touch took him back to the peaceful moments as he had assembled it. A stark contrast to his first weapon that had been forged by hate with a specific purpose in mind.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Location: Denon, HK's Private Offices
Objective: Watching His Stories, Joining The Fray
Allies: GA/CIS/Mandos
Enemies: Imperials
Inventory: None at the moment

While Dagobah became one of the newest planets under siege and dark powers gathered around it HK was sitting in his personal study above Denon, covered in his ornate but aged Jedi-styled robes, an equivalent of a cardigan and penny loafers to him, painting his new collection of Starhammer miniatures now that Metal Lord expansion has been added to the holo-tabletop game after the droid sunk a nice amount of credits into the manufacturer's company to add a new machine-inspired army. While he painted a holo-recording next to him was playing out one of the shows the machine followed in his spare time, couple of dancing animated figures were zooming around and singing, however as the droid's body occupied itself with mundane tasks, his mind was tapped into the Holonet, combing and checking various data streams and transmissions in act of meditation to see if there were any major Galactic events he could predict or get involved with.

It was at this moment, much like Mandalore and his ilk before, HK intercepted transmissions describing movements of Imperials ships towards Dagobah, the fact that he also received reports of large numbers of Mandalorian ships heading in that direction around the same time did not help to keep the battle a secret from the greater Galactic eyes. HK set his brush down on the desk he was working by as he scanned through the various transmissions and ran simulations of the possibly battle and how future galactic events could unfold. The droid knew he had to get involved in the battle, if not for the fact that he would take any chance he could to steer the galactic events in whichever direction would fit him the most, then at least because killing Imperials was enjoyable for the droid.

Pushing himself up to stand from his seat he would turn about to walk out of his office and towards his personal armory. There was a caveat however, he knew very well that most Metal Lords did not wish to declare themselves to either side, at least not yet, plus the fact that getting their involvement tracked back to them would just bring the battles closer to their own territory. If he was to join the battle it would be on his own, no Greycloaks, no fleets, just whatever he could carry and a single unmarked starfighter.

Luckily that was all he needed to cause some havoc.
Dagobah // Imperial Black Ops Team Inferno // The Ravager Imperial Raider-III class
Faction: Galatic Empire // Enemy: Galactic Alliance [member="Aryn Teth"] @Zark

The team had taken to assuring that they were geared up for what was to come, however Kayrce had taken to the viewport of the bridge upon the Ravager. The hope was that alongside the ever watchful eyes of the Admiral they could take the flows of the surprisingly numerous Alliance defence and break it apart to their own advantage.

“This attack is going to fail isn’t it.” Kayrce’s words minced against the sounds of the Raider’s bridge, a series of beeps and hums that gave it all a very distinct Imperial atmosphere. She did not try to catch the Admiral’s eye, for his attention would never be on her lest it be turned from the battle. “What with the Alliance protecting the mud with such collusions as these?”

“Fail?” Aidross scoffed, “Who said anything about failing.” He smiled and looked out towards the great skeletal expanse that was the shipyards over the green and brown stain that was the planet behind it. “No Commander Sonn, I can guarantee you this attack has already succeeded in fantastic form. Now we must pre—“

“Sir incoming fire from the Alliance Fleet!” The call came across from a scanning station somewhere, however his call was un-necessary as the space outside lit up green, a fantastic beam of energy leaving the space near the shipyard and heading towards the outlying Imperial Fleet, yet more importantly, them.

“Evasive manœuvres!” The Ravager, being a smaller ship accelerated fast and pulled out of the main beam strike as it passed towards its intended Imperial targets but not quick enough to escape completely unscathed. The entire ship rocked as the energy ripped through the shields of the Raider close to its rear end. The power behind the shot gave the armour not a chance to remove any damage, an eruption of flame spewing forth debris as the Ravager limped into the no-mans land between the two fleets. Both the admiral and Kayrce, who had managed to keep their feet quickly tried to gain control of the situation. “Damage report. Now.”

“We’ve got a rapture in the fuel tanks, but structurally we are holding.” An officer shouted across the bridge.

“Accelerate, get us into position.” Aidross declared, the ship immediately answering his request as the area lit up with returning fire from the Imperial Fleet. “Commander, we have to accelerate proceedings it would seem. Your going to have to do a hard insertion.”

“Just like the Zenith Campaign.” Kayrce was already attaching her helmet as the ship closed the gap between the shipyards and themselves, scattered shots occasionally rocking the entire craft. “Fun.” She took to the hallways and moved down to the hold of the Raider, where assembled together was the rest of the team.

“So the Alliance want to start this war then?” Briana said with a smile. “Never thought they had it in them.”
“Well they do, and we are about to go straight into it.” She moved to a wall where there were a set of Imperial Jetpacks ready for the team. “It’s hard insertion time.”


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Dagobah, Sluis Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Allies: The Galactic Empire
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance
Interacting With: [member="Jairdain"]
Fett had already grown tired of this conversation, a back and forth that would seemingly never end because Koda couldn't and wouldn't give a straight answer to the most simple of questions. Not out of spite, but out of an agreement. The lightsaber was his now, even if she didn't see it that way. If one did so desperately care for it then perhaps Jairdain would've come for it, but like most things in life it was cast aside and replaced by something new. Whether it was on the ship or not, he would not say, and with that silence then maybe Jairdain would feel obligated to go and investigate for herself. Though just like every other time, Fett never believed she would.

He came to a halt before the cave, a thick wall of fog blocking it entirely as no sound whatsoever was made. Jairdain may of been able to hear everything still from where she was standing, but here he heard nothing but her enclosing footsteps. The animals were gone, even the most distant sounding of them. An eerie whistle flowed outwards on a breeze, allowing his side-cape to flow on it. Ultimately he stepped forward as she got closer and closer, disappearing into the cave and it was almost as if he vanished entirely. If Jairdain came in behind the bounty hunter she would not find him.

After a few steps within the completely silent cave some things were immediately noticeable. The floor, no longer a sludge like mud but instead a dried dirt floor. Vines covered the walls, or so it seemed. The fog had near vanished, and visibility was at an all-time high on this planet for the first time. The voice of an elderly man, a tired man spoke with conviction, "You are more Mandalorian than you realize."​ At an instant Fett was caught off-guard, the carbine rapidly being thrust upwards as he glanced around the cavern unable to pinpoint where the voice came from as it echoed from all around him. All he could do was wander forwards as the smokey image of a long dead friend's face appeared to shift around the cavern.

"Learn about the past, it will guide your future." The bounty hunter's eyes darting to and fro within the helmet, cautious steps of a combat ready individual progressed him through the cave. Moving around the imagery of Crusaders, Neo-Crusaders and many more moving into battle. "Keep honor alive among my people." The voice demanded, almost pleading him to, but it wasn't as if Koda could do anything so drastic at the drop of a hair and a decision of a dead man. Why this voice spoke to him of all people, the one who abandoned Mandalore to seek a profession that would cause many to view him as scum. The distant chanting of what can only be described as Mandalorians shouting in a war cry could be heard, but it was faint, not as if it were from the outside but deeper within the cavern, "Oya...! Oya...! Oya...!"

"Show them that the old traditions... The code of the warrior is worthy of defending. Unless you believe in something, you will become an empty shell... or a rabid dog." Upon the voice speaking about the old traditions, Mand'alors of the past appeared around him, but didn't bother giving any attention towards the bounty hunter, the sight of young Jango persisted with Jaster Mereel at his death followed, and when 'rabid dog' was spoken, Koda Fett's reflection stared into his own visor - Imperial Stormtroopers, Officers and the like standing behind him, declaring him one of these 'rabid dogs'. The final two words spat aggressively threatening almost in a bid to force Fett into some self-realisation of who he truly was at this moment of his life. For it was true enough, he had no real purpose other than his own cause which was a misconstrued mess that boiled down to doing whatever he wanted whenever it may be. Though this old man, this dead man persisted for one final saying, words that would stay with Koda just like the rest of them.

"In the end... All you have... Is your dignity..." ​They trailed off into a whisper, yet still loud all the same. Even a dying breath came from him, easing himself into the unknown whilst Mandalorian helmets of past and present emerged from the vines, no bodies attached. He had considered himself a Mandalorian, but was he really? He never answered the call, he sat on the sidelines with a rifle waiting for the shot to earn that money. There was no glory within it, but that was the thing, he never seeked it. Glory came to Koda Fett whether he was worthy or not.

The chanting persisted, coming to an opening where he stood above a ledge. Looking down upon a crowd a gathering of those who threw their fists into the air, "Oya...! Oya...! Oya...!" He had a calling now, he had something to believe in for the very first time. With the final visage of Jango's helmet on the air, he very well knew what to do.

Join the Mandalorians.
<:Location: Dagobah, planetside:>
<:Allies: Galactic Empire:>
<:Enemies: Galactic Alliance, CIS, Mandalorian Empire:>

The true blindness of the fog hit Max as he removed his helmet upon exiting his ground transport. Stepping around the large vehicle, he silently looked around for signs of any beings other than Imperials.

Taking a deep breath through the humid air, he placed his helmet back on, signalling the nearby troops to move forward through the swamplands "We're on a good path. Try to keep comms to a minimum until contact." Meanwhile, he was trying to stay attentive to any incoming messages from the fleet. The attack would be far easier with the power he had seen the fleet capable of on their side.

He had been urged that the cave system could be an important objective. The unusual presence of the force was a weird feeling to the system. If its' strength was anything to go by, then the cave system must hold something far more powerful than he could believe.

A jostle by his upper leg nearly startled him for a moment, before he grasped around only to find his lightsaber.

Max was confident in Drakar's abilities. Hell, he was confident in all the commanding officer's abilities. If they lost here by some stroke of very bad luck, then he was sure there would be heavy casualties on the other side as well.

This seemingly useless planet seemed to hold far more value than many believed, and he was determined to make sure the others knew it.
Location: Dagobah Surface
Allies: [member="Yasha Mantis"] l Mando'ade
Enemies: Da Empire
Objective: Teach

Rolling his feet, Preliat walked even through the water like a ghost. The only indication that such a person would be there would be the ripple in the water. His daughter was quiet- but not as silent as he was. She was a product of survival, he was a product of training and experience. Preliat sneered and pulled the bolt back on his M45, before letting out a quiet smirk at his daughter's words.

"You know how I hate painting."

He turned his head towards the other Mandalorians near him, then turned his head back forward. Preliat pulled the shawl he wore over his head, to break up the straight-lined silhouette he was presenting in the jungle. He tugged on Yasha's for her to do the same. Small things made the difference in warfare. Not being seen first, chief among them.

"Remember- right to left, not left to right. Burn through the fauna- look at what's behind the plants, not at the plants."

The Wolf and his daughter crept through, pressing on.

The family business continued.

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