Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Shadow Looms

Daro Roz’yrn

“150 years of getting shot at for a living”
Roz'yrn's Gear

"Did anyone stop to think this might be a Bantha Burger Delivery guy?" Roz'yrn muttered under his breath, "speaking of which, I'm really hungry for a King Bacon Bantha Burger." He then turned to smile at a holorecorder that… well, didn't actually exist.

"What the kark are you on about?" Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson scowled at him in annoyance.

"What? Oh, nothing. Just the stim shot getting to my head and makin' me goofy is all. Speaking of which…" he then quickly removed his helmet and snatched two vials from his waist pouch. He quickly gulped down one Stim Tea and one Root Tea in quick succession and slammed his helmet back on. He then grunted and shook his head as he began to feel amped up like a juicer, "KRIFF YEAH!"

He then looked around the room and took stock of the situation. Out of anyone in the room, he probably had more combat experience than the whole group combined after 150-plus years of getting shot at for a living. What needed to happen next came naturally to him, but for everyone else in the room, he might have to explain his thought process in simple terms. He hated doing that. This is why I never became an officer…

He then cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, and then belched loudly under his helmet from the two tea vials he had just ingested. Then he spoke while bouncing on his toes energetically, "alright, bantha borkers. We don't know who this might be, but Caedyn Arenais is right; we can't stay here. But if this is Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun , then he needs to be confronted. I was almost married once or twice, so I think I get it.

"So here's the plan. Frumpy and Lumpy will stay here with Clunky and face Sneaky to sort this crap out. I've got some boys that can rendezvous at a nearby Navis Sacra atrium where there shouldn't be any civvy bystanders at this time of day. Those places are huge and we can defend ourselves easily in a place like that, so I'll be taking Grumpy, Slumpy and Hunky here,"
Roz'yrn grabbed Var-Sulis Var-Sulis by the shirt and yanked him over, "there in case Sneaky has backup. Hopefully we don't get intercepted on the way…" he then looked at Var-Sulis Var-Sulis apologetically, "I know you wanna fight for yer lass, son, but you're not ready to face Rex… yet. That, and she needs to settle this once and for all herself. Speaking of which…"

He then looked at Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and a thought occured to him. He then unclipped his Shield module from his left forearm and tossed it to her, "that thing has a blade mode that can block lightsabers. Throw it on one of yer forearms and it'll give you two blades on each wrist if you need them. I still have my other one, so don't worry about me. And I'll be seeing you on the other side."

He then saluted, and then whistled at his battle dog, pivoted, and started out the door, assuming the others would follow.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Frumpy | Var-Sulis Var-Sulis | Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun | Viken Dobson Viken Dobson | Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson
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Caedyn Arenais

The former Jedi Knight and once more Je'daii, Caedyn Arenais, hadn't come looking for a fight, but it seemed that the choice had been removed from them all. Listening to his Sister Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun explain her desire for the pair to remain and confront Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun , Caedyn allowed his shoulders to fall back slightly so that his draping dark blue robe would fall, taking it with his right hand and moving towards his Sisters desk where he would place it across the centre. Freeing himself of the baggy robe, now with the mobility of his Tunic unhindered, he returned to the group with his weapon still in hand.

The Armistice Staff Lightsaber was a custom model crafted by him and designed to be separated at the centre into two individual weapons; Otherwise, as he would do so today, it could be held in both hands utilizing a single blade in much the same way one would wield a greatsword, providing solid and devastating strikes will also complimenting his ability in the Force thanks to the application of Alkahest and Force Imbuement. For the time being, however, he would not ignite the weapon until their guests would force him to do so out of a need to protect his Sister and her allies.

The great walking carpet Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn seemed quick about formulating a more detailed plan following Lori's wishes. "Take care of yourselves out there" Caedyn bid them good luck, soon looking to those who had yet to get a move on. Loreena's friends were loyal and brave, not eager to leave her side at the first sign of trouble. It spoke volumes for her character, though this was nothing new to Caedyn.

Finding his Sister nearer to the main entrance of the office, Caedyn addressed the first concern that had sprung to mind the moment he had sensed their imminent danger; "Lori, talk him down. If he and I are drawn into a fight..." Caedyn's words faltered momentarily as he gave his Sister a rather dark and concerned glance. He didn't want to be responsible for injuring her Husband or worse.

With nothing else left to say that would do their situation any benefit, Caedyn instead poised himself and turned to the Force for the needed guidance that he would likely need ahead. The Lightside pooled to him, flowing around his form as he drew it in for strength, peace of mind and strengthening of his reflexes should the entrance be forced open by their unwanted guests. His feet would part, finding a measured position where his weight would be easily carried and able to go on the defensive or offensive at the ready.

Second King of The Elysium Empire

"Open the door, Lori."

Rex said in a pleading voice, attempting to take a calm approach. After all, it wasn't like they didn't know it was him outside. He didn't need to go into this guns
a blazing. He could probably negotiate. If any Dobsons, or Var, were inside, they would probably have no escape, meaning he could demand their surrender and likely not face much if any resistance. Of course if they chose to fight, he'd have no choice but to meet them. He wouldn't be able to just allow them to escape.

But it wasn't a fight he wanted. The Dobsons he expected to be here weren't even true enemies of The Imperium. He just needed them for information, and to make sure they wouldn't aid the members of their family in evading their execution. Indeed, Viken and Dorthea had really been great allies to The Imperium in the past. Only Var-Sulis would face his wrath, if the man was here.

As he awaited Loreena's response, he raised his commlink to his mouth to give a quick command,
Hurry Up, but then had second thoughts. He didn't need the escort. They would arrive soon enough. He could handle this on his own.
At least Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn and Viken Dobson Viken Dobson got what she had meant. The former even took charge of that side of thing himself, going as far as getting hold of Var-Sulis Var-Sulis and pulling him along. Good. Having them all bunched up together wasn't a smart move. Lori's objective of having them all here was just for a short matter of time anyways. And it was only to get them all on the same page. Using holos or commlinks wouldn't of been wise in case those channels were tapped. It had to be done in person. "Be safe everyone. I'll see you all again soon."

Lori's attention turned to Caedyn Arenais as he joined her, now fully displaying his lightsaber. Her own was tucked away safely in her room. She didn't run into Force Users much these days, and those that she did were never a threat. It wasn't as though there was anything here that a Sith would want. So carrying a lightsaber around was just silly when a blaster was much more efficient.

She caught Cae's warning and slowly nodded. Lori knew what he meant. If she couldn't talk Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun down someone was liable to get hurt. Or worse.

Rex's voice was heard through the door. Surprisingly it wasn't as angry as she had expected. "Rex? Just a second." Lori stalled as much as she could, giving the others time to get out through the side door. Once they were clear, she unlocked the door and opened it. "I was just having a visit with my twin brother Caedyn. Cae, this is Rex, my husband that I told you about. I was hoping that you two would meet over dinner or something, but this is okay too. There's a lot going on...." That was an understatement. She wanted to get after him for his big announcement and for hunting down her best friends, but for the moment it was better not to get him angry. Lori had to try to play it cool. She had to be mindful of the lessons that Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson had taught her about politics. And politics was exactly what this was about, jealousy aside.
I followed Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn ’s advice , against my personal wishes, but he was correct. Now was not the time. I needed to wait until Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun was unaware. Or even perhaps when his guard was down the most. I had to plan this one. While trotting away I used my holocron to send a message to my “titans” as I had now called them. “This is…Captain Sulis..Lord Valhoun is at the H.Q. I need a tracer planted on his ship immediately.” And with that, I continued on. It was time to track his movements from here on out, for everyone’s safety. I would bide my time and wait for the opportunity to strike at a later moment.

Daro Roz’yrn

“150 years of getting shot at for a living”
Daro was rather pleased that Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson , Viken Dobson Viken Dobson , and Var-Sulis Var-Sulis had chosen to follow him. He knew that this was not the place to be protecting a group of people like this, and he was certain that the marines would already be at the atrium when they got there.

He took stock of his people as he walked and a thought occured to him. Over the decades, he had led many-a-soldier to their deaths and the stress on those journeys had been enough to break some soldiers. Now, this situation was very different, and none of the people in his company were particularly fragile, but the idea of leaving Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ’s side when sh stayed behind to potentially face down a tyrant weighed heavily on everyone. Himself included.

But he had experience in dealing with this kind of apprehension before. He knew that the treck was to distract everyone and keep them from thinking too much. He allowed Var-Sulis Var-Sulis to finish his Commlink call before Roz’yrn started chiming in with booming boisterousness, “Alright, how about a song while we walk, shall we? I think everyone knows this one…”

He then proceeded to attempt to wrap one arm around Viken Dobson Viken Dobson ‘s shoulders and another around Var-Sulis Var-Sulis shoulders. Shooting a mocking glance at Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson , he took in a deep breath and began singing loudly;

What do you do with a drunken spacer
What do you do with a drunken spacer
What do you do with a drunken spacer

Early in reentry!”

“Oh god, please stop”

Down! Burn! An' hot she enters!
Down! Burn! An' hot she enters!
Down! Burn! An' hot she enters!

Early in reentry!”

Let go of my brother please…”

Shave his wookie with a vibro-razor!
Shave his wookie with a vibro-razor!
Shave his wookie with a vibro-razor!

Early in reentry!”

“I’m never asking you to be my bodyguard again…”

Down! Burn! An' hot she enters!
Down! Burn! An' hot she enters!
Down! Burn! An' hot she enters!

Early in reentry!”

“I hope Rex arrests us soon…”

Put 'im in the airlock 'till he gets sober!
Put 'im in the airlock 'till he gets sober!
Put 'im in the airlock 'till he gets sober!

Early in reentry! …”

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Frumpy | Var-Sulis Var-Sulis | Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun | Viken Dobson Viken Dobson | Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson

Caedyn Arenais

"Open the door, Lori.".

It was indeed Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun 's husband from the reaction of his Twin Sister, the look on her face spoke volumes. Lori seemed to remain compliant, stalling at first and in doing so leading Caedyn to place both hands behind his back, one of which held his lightsaber hilt, keeping it hidden behind him for the time being. Exhaling slowly, his shoulders visibly relaxed some more before his Sister moved to open the door for Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun .

"I was just having a visit with my twin brother Caedyn. Cae, this is Rex, my husband that I told you about. I was hoping that you two would meet over dinner or something, but this is okay too. There's a lot going on....".

"Yes, my Sister's told me a fair bit about you" Caedyn remarked while turning to look to Rex as the man was allowed entrance into his Sisters Office; "It's unfortunate we didn't meet sooner. Before the wedding." he added, speaking in a rather neutral tone of voice. Perhaps things might have been different had that been the case, in a variety of ways prior to Rex's suspected ties to the Darkside of the Force.

Caedyn knew the Darkside of the Force intimately. He knew how to practice in both the Ashla, the Bendu and the Bogan as were the teachings of the Je'daii Order. It was one thing that always divided him from other Jedi back when he served as such, and something that he rarely disclosed to anyone for the simple fact that it usually bred distrust and discomfort among his peers outside of the Je'daii Order.

"Lori and I were thinking of heading out somewhere on the Station for the evening" Caedyn looked to his Sister with a brief smile, turning back to look to Rex, "Would you care to join us for a meal? You've come all this way after all".

Second King of The Elysium Empire

He was not expecting Caedyn Arenais to be in the room. It was a surprise, and not really a welcome one. Caedyn was a Jedi. Rex glanced at the man, sizing him up, and searching for a lightsaber. He didn't see one but he could have simply been overlooking it. Caedyn was about the same height as Rex, with a similar build. He'd be a tough foe if they came to blows. Rex gave him a nod, glancing around the room. It was a bit of a mess considering only the two of them were here. Caedyn spoke, Rex took an orange candy from his pocket, removing the rapper and stepping over to the nearest trash can to throw the plastic away. As he walked back to the door, something caught his attention. On the table there were two empty vials of some kind of liquid....a drug? He noted it, walked back to the door, then responded to the man.

"Pleasure to meet you. I too wish we had meet sooner. I'm afraid I can't join you, and I think Loreena knows why...." he turned to Lori, "Where are they? I know some of The Dobsons are your friends, and I know about your relationship with Var. I need The Dobsons for interrogation to find other Dobsons. You know...the same Dobsons that have been a plague on my Empire since before I inherited it? I know someone else was here, unless you or Caedyn are stim druggies now." he motioned toward the table, pulling the empty vials across the room to float just in front of his hand.
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Lori gave Caedyn Arenais a small smile as he had caught on to what she was doing really quick. However that didn't make the situation any easier.

She watched Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun as he walked through the room, seeming to take one of the candies from his pocket that Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun seemed to enjoy. Lori could tell that he was scoping out the room, especially as he went straight to business.

"Interrogation? And if they know nothing more than you do, which I'm quite certain is the truth, you'd probably not believe them anyways. And then what would you do? Beat them? Keep them prisoner? I can't allow you to do that, Rex. They are my friends, just as Var is. Stopping you from killing him earlier doesn't mean that I'm in a relationship either. It's called 'doing the right thing', regardless of what started the fight to begin with. No one deserves to be beaten unconscious like that." No one deserved death for caring about her either.

She looked to the vials as they floated in the air. Whether his anger was going to continue to cloud his judgement, she didn't know. But she had a feeling....

"Arken is smart. Your decree is only playing into his hands. He'll bide his time, using his connections to remain hidden, and declare you mad. Is that what you want? To be known as the Mad King?"

Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson
Second King of The Elysium Empire

As expected, she didn't understand anything. At least she recognized that Arken would use this Chaos to his advantage...

"You're right....

Arken is smart. He's going to use this Chaos against us. So why do you insist on keeping the only people that might have knowledge about Arken and his family away from me? You don't seriously believe I would harm Viken, or Dorthea, do you? They've done so much for us...only Var will be punished for a complete betrayal of my trust.


I can't even trust my friends anymore. I trusted Var, I forgave him for failing my father, and I love you, but you've been seeing each other behind my back while I fix this Empire and the wounds my stupid father inflicted on it with his mad policies! How am I supposed to take that?!"

It was perhaps the only time in months that he had told Lori that he loves her. It wasn't an easy thing for him to say...he hated what a smuggler would call "getting mushy". It felt
unnatural. But perhaps he was to blame for the affair. He had turned a blind eye to those he cared most about to fight battles like Tython, and attend meetings across the galaxy to restore relations and plot against The Sith.

But he couldn't just let The Imperium fall apart as he sits and throws parties, and go on dates....and he definitely couldn't stop now, with The Dobsons plotting to take drastic action against The Royal Family. It just wasn't feasible.
Lori was taken aback. She didn't quite know what to think that Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun would do. Especially to her friends. Yet she knew that he would kill Var-Sulis Var-Sulis if he got the chance.

And as she was about to respond, Rex had continued, even doing so much as to admit that he lived her. But he sure had a funny way of showing it. He didn't listen to her at all or value her opinions. He'd choose the advice of others over herself. There were too many times that she had just felt like arm candy to him sometimes and nothing more.

But jealousy was certainly something that could explain some of his actions.

"Rex....I'm not going to let you arrest my friends. That's not right. Are you going to arrest me too? For harbouring them? Dorthea and Viken are here to stay AWAY from Arken. You can easily just have a casual sit down with them or get me to ask them questions. Your arrest warrants are completely unneccessary." She held her breath for a moment, giving Caedyn Arenais a quick glance to see what could be going on in his mind. It was difficult to tell in such a short time. But there was no doubt in her mind that she'd hear what he thought eventually.

So Lori continued on as she turned her attention back to Rex. "Do you love me? Truly? Or did this only come about because of Var? And we're not 'seeing' eachother for cripes sake! I eat in the messhall so that I'm not by myself and he happens to be ONE of the people that joins me at the table. Just one of them. We've sparred to keep up on our training and he's been keeping watch over me at special events and functions as a head of security should do. And you think that that means we're dating or something? Seriously? Do you know about what some of the Mandalorians are up to lately? Some are on my side and some are not. So there is extra care being taken towards my safety, for even those that are on my side have admitted to plans to remove me from here. I could easily just let them do it, but I won't. And what does that tell you? I told your father that I was going to be more than just your arm candy, yet that's all that I seem to be. And you try to isolate me out of jealousy by trying to punish and arrest my friends for caring about me...."

Caedyn Arenais

Relationships were a wonderful and ugly beast. Despite his past with the Jedi Order, Caedyn himself had been privileged to experience what was arguably the only significant relationship in his life beyond his immediate family, as well as what it felt like to lose it. Thankfully, he had a daughter in his life today because of it, but even that relationship had become distant and strained due to the nature of the Galaxy and the different lifestyles between him and Kristyl Arenais' Mother.

It seemed that Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun were equally as complicated, and Caedyn knew little about their past or present to be able to make any considerable motion of stepping in, outside of the usual 'I wouldn't advise hurting my sister' sort of maneuver. "I can't say I've ever been fond of stimulants" Caedyn responded lightly, both jovial and sarcastic as his trademark habit of making jokes at the worst of times had kicked into play, "More of a whiskey man, in truth. I realize it's cliche and all but I'm a man of humble needs" he forced a smile towards Rex before looking back to exchange glances with Lori.

"At the end of the day..." He spoke with a more serious and formal tone, "It's just Loreena and myself here at the moment, Rex. As you can see" Caedyn's left hand gestured to the room around them in evidence of the fact. Had he arrived moments sooner, that might not have been the case but as things were present, it was not a lie.

"And not to step foot in your personal lives...-Too much; Loreena tells me this station is a neutral zone as far as political immunities are concerned" be continued, stepping closer towards the two and placing himself alongside Rex, his posture non-threatening however seeking to take some of the man's attention away from his Sister in order to assure Rex that Caedyn wasn't planning on remaining a silent and compliant witness to intimidation if the man did indeed choose to go down that route.

"Unless I'm mistaken, Emperor or...-Whatever. Your jurisdiction only goes so far. Respectfully, it's going to be easier for everyone involved if we keep things civil. Respectable and the like" Caedyn lowered his head slightly, speaking calmly. People in power didn't usually take to having said power called out in such a way, to Caedyn's experience, thus he kept his words as friendly and kind as possible in order to refrain from giving the man any reason to heighten.
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Caedyn was a Jedi, of course he would attempt to keep the peace here. He was also Lori's brother so naturally he'd be protective. Rex wasn't angry at the statements Caedyn made. He even had a point, Damascus was technically neutral, despite The Imperium supplying so much of its' security, income, and even population.

As for Loreena's statements, he couldn't ignore her. She also had a decent argument, he understood it, but it wasn't possible to stop what he had started. The Dobsons were plotting. Dorthea, Viken, and Var could be conspiring against him too now. The arrest warrant was a mistake fueled by rage in the heat of the moment...but he could not revoke it. It would show weakness to an Empire he had just promised strength to. He would lose all respect, all allies. He was down a path with no room to turn around. A path perhaps too steep for Lori to follow him down.

"I can't revoke the warrant and that is something you won't understand, and I don't have the time to explain it.

"...and yes, I love you..." So hard to say, especially with her brother right next to me.... "...I know I've been absent, but I'm fixing that. I'm dealing with The Empire's problems and once I've done that, I'll be able to spend more time with you. Did you even get the letter I sent you before Tython?"

She wasn't arm candy, whatever that was. But it was true that he hadn't shown her the attention she needed. Of course she would deny having a relationship with Var, but perhaps mentioning that they sparred wasn't the best move because it reminded Rex immediately about how he dueled Lori before she accepted the marriage his father arranged.

But The Mandalorians.

That was a shock. He considered Mandalorians as allies. Why would they try to scheme like this? Just another betrayal. That was it. He truly had no one he could trust. That was precisely why he couldn't remove the arrest warrants. So many would see weakness and use it against him...

"I'm not trying to punish you, but I need Dorthea and I need Viken. I need to speak with at least one of them. If they are truly our friends, then they should turn themselves in. We can uncuff them as soon as they're out of the public."

Lori was glad that Caedyn Arenais was with her. She had to try to make sure that she could keep control of her own emotions and his presence helped her to do that. Cae knew how much she would run her mouth when they were younger. And there were times when she felt like doing so in recent months. However her lessons with Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson taught her otherwise. She had to be tactical.

The letter...

Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun reminded her of it and it took her back to the moment of reading it. He wasn't sure if he'd make it back alive. They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, however it seemed that only when away from her did Rex display some emotion towards her. When she'd touch him, he'd jump, and they certainly didn't share any quarters together.

"Rex...I used to feel stronger around you, when we'd go to meetings together. I thought that we'd be an amazing team like my parents. I allowed myself to go in that direction, up until you started to disregard me as though I was a nobody. Your quick rise to power changed you and I had to find my own place. And I did so with the help of my friends. But now you've painted my friends as enemies of the state with their relatives slated for execution when caught, when to you they are really just merely persons of interest. They are my friends and I can certainly question them without the need for a public display to boost your image...."

Dorthea had once told Lori that she could go away for a little bit to discover for herself what she needed in life, whether it was what Rex could provide or Var-Sulis Var-Sulis or neither. But now wasn't the time. Her friends needed her, even Rex needed her. Yet it was difficult when both of them were at such deadly odds with one another.

Caedyn Arenais

"I can't revoke the warrant and that is something you won't understand, and I don't have the time to explain it".

Caedyn couldn't help but find these words intriguing when Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun spoke. As one half of the Mnemosyne Monarchy, he understood some of the obligatory boundaries that held them in place from committing certain acts, however, he wasn't so certain about the guilt of the people being discussed, nor Rex's ability to veto a decision made.

"You could create a narrative that would pardon the accused from the acts you believe they've undertaken. Perhaps a public statement suggesting evidence to the contrary" he suggested gently, speaking in as non-threatening a tone as he could; "If you wished to do so, that is. As Emperor, the final word does come down to you, if I'm not mistaken?".

As far as the man's relationship to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun was concerned, however, Caedyn didn't have a lot to say on that front. Not because he couldn't think of anything to say, but rather because he did not know Rex personally, nor have experienced anything before this point in how they interacted and lived alongside one another. He was there to help, but he was also trying to be mindful of what could potentially send Rex into a heightened state should the man take offence to something Caedyn said.

"As far as first meetings go, this isn't how either of us likely expected it" Caedyn continued after a moment's consideration, "And your marriage is your own. It's not for me to judge least my Sister was to come to some sort of harm. Currently, that doesn't appear to be the case...-However, as a show of good faith and truth to your wish to prove to Loreena your sincerity, perhaps this would be a good start. Something of an act of compassion and leniency to provide the two of you with an opportunity to come together without any of this ugly stress surrounding your marriage".
Second King of The Elysium Empire

"No, this isn't at all how I expected to meet you and I apologize that things have gone down the way the have. You are correct, as King I can revoke the warrants and yes, I could change the narrative, but then I would be a liar. The truth is, Viken, Dorthea, and Duraldo have resisted arrest at this point and there is no denying it to the people of The Imperium. If I lie, they will no. I cannot win in this situation unless I arrest them."

His anger was returning. It was more anger from being helpless at this point than anger from betrayal. He had no choice but to arrest the Dobsons. If he didn't The Imperial bloc would crucify him. They were a minority but they were a loud and extreme minority. It would also show weakness to the Refugee Bloc that relied on The Imperium to keep order. It wouldn't sound good if the most notorious family in The Imperium was allowed to escape.

"Doofy. I will drop the warrant on him. However I do so with great reluctance because frankly he is the most likely to have overheard something from Arken, Omar, Lynn, or Severus. I'll drop it later today. But now, I need you to step aside."
Lori looked to Caedyn Arenais as he spoke. He offered a great solution and put it in such a way that wouldn't harm Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun 's reputation. But her husband didn't see it that way. And what's worse, he suggested dropping the arrest warrant on someone else instead.

She shook her head slowly. "I don't understand you, Rex. On one breath you say that dropping a warrant would make you a liar, and yet on another you say that you'll do it. But on the wrong person. Doofy might know something, as you suggest, and yet you are willing to save him from an arrest. However I KNOW that my friends know nothing and yet you want them taken into custody...Don't you see how backwards that is?"

Lori refrained from stepping aside. She remained where she was with her feet firmly planted. Just how much power did she have in this Empire? Probably not much. Yet she was willing to test that. "I'll go to the Imperial bloc myself then, and see to have those warrants revoked." There was already a rift between the two of them, so it wasn't as though this would change that image. But at least it would put her neck on the line instead of Rex's. "But until then I am asking you to back off and leave them alone."

Caedyn Arenais

"You are correct, as King I can revoke the warrants and yes, I could change the narrative, but then I would be a liar. The truth is, Viken, Dorthea, and Duraldo have resisted arrest at this point and there is no denying it to the people of The Imperium".

"But as King, you are not directly responsible for the role of local security and surveillance. Who's to say that the intelligence you received was inaccurate and new evidence has come to light painting a different story" Caedyn said, speaking hypothetically, his tone of voice light and suggestive.

"Doofy. I will drop the warrant on him. However I do so with great reluctance because frankly he is the most likely to have overheard something from Arken, Omar, Lynn, or Severus. I'll drop it later today. But now, I need you to step aside".

"The words 'Most Likely' don't exactly sound like concrete evidence" Caedyn pointed out further, speaking between Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun and Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ; "How much actual evidence do you have to prove your suspicions of these people's crimes?". Caedyn didn't know any of the suspected traitors at all really, aside from what he'd seen today; yet he did have faith in his Sister and that she would do the right thing by not just her friends but all people wherever she possibly could.

When Loreena suggested that she act upon the authority that their marriage granted her, Caedyn's gaze turned back to his Sister. He remained quiet and didn't seek to question her words at all, however in the back of his mind he couldn't help but worry for her due to the kind of picture that was being painted for him regarding the Elysium Imperium.

"There is another alternative, though I don't think your friends would like it much" Caedyn spoke once more after listening to them both; "Mnemosyne could offer them Sanctuary. Diplomatic Immunity. Loreena and I are still the legitimate Monarchs and political leaders of the world".
Second King of The Elysium Empire

"I'll go to the Imperial bloc myself then, and see to have those warrants revoked."

This was actually a solid idea to Rex. It kept his reputation out of the question, both good and bad, and it would test Loreena's own influence. He had no problem sharing the burden of politics in The Imperium with her. She wanted to be more involved. So be it.

"Alright, go to those warmongering, corrupt bastards in The Imperial Bloc of the senate. Do it however you want, either in front of the Senate, or individual to individual. If you can get their support against the warrants, and ensure that they're against Arken, then the warrants will be dropped immediately...and I'll stop pursuing your friends here. I can't drop the warrants yet, though."

"On one breath you say that dropping a warrant would make you a liar, and yet on another you say that you'll do it. But on the wrong person. Doofy might know something, as you suggest, and yet you are willing to save him from an arrest. However I KNOW that my friends know nothing and yet you want them taken into custody...Don't you see how backwards that is?"

"I understand you, even if you don't understand me. I know it feels backwards, I know it seems like I'm doing this to hurt you, but why would I hurt you? How is that logical?

Duraldo Dobson isn't a potential threat. He doesn't have the influence within major parts of The Imperium that Viken or Dorthea have. He's an idiot. He may have information, but I don't need to arrest him to get it. With your friends, they could have information, and they could become problems, just like the politicians, security forces, and other assets of Arken, Omar, and Linn please, don't side with them for being your friends, despite common sense." -So much for "not even the Force will stop you", Rex, you damned weak fool. Guess Lori trumps The Force. At least now I can explain things better...-
"How much actual evidence do you have to prove your suspicions of these people's crimes?"

"Not much, but look at it this way. They are members of a family that has exploited this Imperium for years from the inside. This family is very dangerous. This family is known to have assets inside The Imperium, including in The Senate, and Elysium Intelligence Agency. They got into power to begin with by earning my father's trust. It is not unlikely for them to repeat something that worked before, earning trust to gain power. I need to make sure that Dorthea and Viken aren't just Dobson plants, and I need to know if they have any information on the rest of their family."

-And where the hell are the knights!?-
As I waited for the outcome of the conversation between Lori and Rex I was becoming impatient. I had to keep my wits and appeal about me but I was stirring inside. What if talks would fail? What if negotiations fell short and she was ultimately deemed as an adversary to Rex? What if...Even worse...What if he saw the foolish error of his ways and decided to stop the idiotic political crusade and deem Lori as his equal? Am I going to sit back and do nothing?

I paced myself as I took a glance at Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn as he carried on with his whimsical melodies. I then would look at my watch and bring up a 3d scaled image of the Titana and her crew's location. It seems they were doing as told..Scanning for any additional threats in the area. But it is hard for me to stand by and do nothing. Heath...I respected you and your wisdom so very much...I wish you were here to exchange knowledge with me like the past days. WAIT...WHERE exactly is HEATH'S BODY?!? He is in a coma. From whom? How? The Empire has enough credit and residual net worth to pull some of the top scientists in the galaxy...

I had enough. As I looked to Daro a question came to mind. I needed to either find out what was going on with Lori eventually, or leave the station and get the information I needed about Heath Valhoun's whereabouts.

"Daro ol' bud....What do you know about Heath Valhoun? Now's probably not the time to change course from your beautiful song but..Hey, I'm curious..As I know enough about him..But it may give us some more insight into his son?"
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