Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Righteous Side of Hell [Republic Re-Invasion of Alderaan vs. One Sith {Masters & NFUs only}]

Location: Aldera Ruins
Objective: Acknowledge False Gods.
Enemies: [member="Trenchcoat Man"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Coryth Elaris"]
Allies: [member="Trenchcoat Man"] [member="Darth Mierin"] [member="Darth Helios"] [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Smeg"]

Tsavong began to claw furiously at his face as several voices entered his head all at once. The... abomination was attempting to talk to him. Ridiculous. Tsavong wasn't clueless, but he was totally freaking out. Something was in his head... something external. He immediately began to run in the opposite direction of the HK-36 model or whatever it was, ignoring it entirely. The Yuuzhan Vong had something else to hold him busy.

Trenchcoat Man said:
"Tsavong Kraal, you are a fool!"

In his mother's voice... in the shape of Yun-Harla... this entity was being completely random. While a conduit for the Yun'o, Tsavong had met a God before. Tsavong had been in the presence of a God before. This was no God. This was an attack. Or perhaps...

Tsavong looked down at his arm and then up at the battle raging overhead on the rooftops.

Perhaps this was an allergic reaction to his recent grafts. Perhaps his body was rejecting these grafts. That could be it, and would completely explain his mental breakdown... even in the space of being able to retain some form of cognitive thought. Though it wouldn't explain why the Yuuzhan Vong had two conciousness occupying his mind... he wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Tsavong leapt to the wall of a nearby building and began to climb up it.

One of the fighters on the rooftops might be able to aid the beast.

"MY ARM," he roared to one of the One Sith nearby. "MY ARM." He cried again, still disassociated with reality, battling demons that were preventing him from finding the right words.
"What do either of us know about truths? What do either of us care about peace. You said it yourself we both love the fight and I reckon without it we would both be lost. Peace is just a pipe dream we all have but with it none of us would really be that happy." It was a lie really, after all the pain and suffering all she wanted to do was go off somewhere nice and live in peace with her daughter. If she could only find such a place.

Sophia could feel the Sith push against her mind and as such pushed back. She was stronger than this, she wasn't going to follow within the footsteps of a Sith. "My pain and suffering. All the sleepless nights have made me a stronger better person. I don't need the Sith nor the Jedi. I am my own person."

The words of the Sith danced in her head as she continued to fight trying to make sense of it all. She knew her daughter and the last thing Isabella would want would be to see her fall. If for anything she needed to stand strong for her. She would make more time for her after this and be the bigger better person.

"No, the vision of the dark lord is evil and corrupt. He left his family for this so called peace that you speak of. It's a lie, just like the cake. I only want to live happily here with my daughter. After everything I do deserve that." She growled as she swung again at the Sith.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
DA LOCATION: Aldera Ruins
DA ALLIEZ: One Sith, [member="The Hydra Queen"], [member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
DA ENEMIEZ: Republic, [member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
DA OBJEKTIVE: Need a ride?

“Den dat iz wat Smeg will do, my Queen,” the rodent responded with a swift nod.

Suddenly a frown dawned upon his face, after all, the Filth King was by no means a large creature, nor in the grand scheme of things was he particularly strong. Carrying a large fellow decked to the halls for the field of battle was not advisable for somebody so out of shape. Oh! But he had said to Tsavong, 'MAKE ME STRONK!' and what did he get in return?

The grand power of vomit.

Yet still he stood, no stronger (or stronker) than before and now tasked with dragging some schlub off to be made anew in the eye of Yun Amon. Thankfully, when one is despicably lazy, they have a way around doing actually work available at all times.

He whistled.

What lurks in the darkness?

“We wuz hidin'....”

Out they skittered, looking oh-so terrified to be amongst the amphistaff colony that snapped at their filth-encrusted heels. However, the promise of cheese from their exalted leader was too great, it far dwarfed the dangers of death that the amphistaffs so handedly provided.

“Take dis one to da city, bruvvas and sistahs, he'z for da shapahz,” he commanded, his people beginning to drag to unconscious man off to his new destiny.


There was a tragic and dejected squeak.

“...'kay, boss...”
[member="Sophia Walsh"]

It begins very small, seems like nothing much at all. Just a germ, just a speck, just a grain but the seed has been sown and before you know it has grown, it has spread through your life like a stain. Balaya moved her body reacting more while she brought her taloned hand up with her body moving. The blade connecting with the hardened metal and Balaya snatched at it to snap it. She as doing it, that righteous feeling, that attacking. She just needed to be prodded more and Balaya moved as she pulled at the green mist around them letting some of it circle in her hand and renew that energy she needed to push at the woman's mind again. She wanted her blinded with images of the sith marching on her daughter now.

And its power will strangle your love and joy and its hunger consumes for it lives to destroy... Hate is the star; it becomes who you are, Not the hated, but the hater has a torment that's greater, It will eat you alive, consume you and spit you out... Hate's gonna win that there's no doubt about it. She was still going at it, still pushing the thoughts of the child being killed to be saved from becoming a jedi and suffering a far worse fate. The sith master prodded at her mind taking whatever chances she could. "You are mistaken Sophia, my truth is simple, not wealth or power but a cause... I find one and dedicate everything to it. My body, my soul and my skills. I do not fear the darkside I embrace it and you will as well in time. The hatred, the anger are there we just need to bring it forward."

Hate doesn't care who you are - Hate is the star! Learning hate is an art, even people who are smart can be caught, can be crushed, can be creamed. Hate has swallowed you whole Did you think you're in control Hate you thought, hate you spoke, hate you dreamed, All your hate gave this substance your life is undone It's your eve of destruction.... She pushed more power into her empathy, to open the jedi to the emotions around her. She wanted Sophia to feel the world as she did and empathy was natural to a force user with the emotions, this was just breaking the floodgates and dam of it over before she pushed more and more with the force.

Your hatred has won! Balaya let her eyes flare yellow and she changed her tactic pulling the mist in and going for less subtle an attack. Pulling with the force and sending it to go int Sophia, she wanted her to inhale the caries mist, inhale the tainted waters and lose control while her magics were flowing to make Sophia stronger. Enhancing force sensitivity was darkside magics and she was pushing it to her opponent sharing her darkside strength if she took it to let Sophia feel the power of the darkside instead of that weakness the jedi used. Peace was a lie as she had said now to ignite her passion and get her to strike at her more and more with that hatred. "Come Sophia use your anger, or I will leave here and find your daughter. IF you will not serve the dark lord... perhaps she will."
Location: Aldera Ruins
Objective: Pay His Debts
Enemies: [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Allies: [member="Darth Mierin"] [member="Darth Helios"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Smeg"]

(OOC: Pretty long post, had to incorporate a lot of different other posts in acknowledgement, because of the lateness of this post. Color-coded the parts that are relevant for reference to folks who need a TL;DR)

Siobhan’s defense of her mind came as a surprise to the Sith Mentalist, it was an unorthodox and ingenious solution, which was slightly strange to associate with the Sith slash not-Sith who busied her days with throwing around asteroids and exploding buildings with her mind.

There was a simple reason why Carach never employed the same kind of defense, though he supposed that Sio didn’t have much of an alternative at the moment, a full on frontal assault, mind against mind… she had little chance of winning in such a battle. But this… guerrilla warfare she was trying employ… it could just work, at least for a time.

A single problem would make such a thing more difficult though. Memories didn’t work that way, or at least they didn’t for most people, they ain’t simple images or scenes in your head which you can organize according to importance or any other label you just wished. At least, not when you weren’t a seasoned Mentalist, and even Carach would have had difficulty in attempting such a feat.

Think about it, let’s say you could just shift through all your memories and let’s say you could do that in the span of a few seconds to minutes. How do you gauge what’s important? What /is/ important? The state secrets one knew because of his or hers position? The convenient knowledge of the Holocron one sold to a different Jedi Master who had conveniently escaped the battle through usage of non-descript troopers who had seemingly arrived from nowhere? The first kiss one shared when you were twelve years old?

With that, who gauged what was important? Your brain, who could sort things with ratio, or your heart who valued more emotional things usually?

All these difficulties wasn’t the simple reason why Carach never employed such a tactic though. That reason was something entirely different, and it began with something like this.
Memories were important, nobody disputed this fact, but one has to realize that a lot of things are hinged upon these very memories. Breathing was a reflex one was able to do as a child, so we ain’t talking about that. We are talking about things like walking, like being able to control your bladder, know when to possess self-control and be aware of ethical and rational concerns…

You can see where this is going, can’t you? When a Mentalist has a hard time with being able to specifically determine the importance of his or her memories and when some memories are so inherently important that people… forget that the simple, basal skills they take for granted are actually stemming from said memories…

It becomes pretty obvious why the Sith Lord slash Mentalist would never incorporate such a tactic during an attack. But then again… he wasn’t a TK Goddess, he couldn’t make buildings explode with his mind twenty times in a row, instead he could built walls of beskar and all other enforced metals in his mind so nobody could get through.

So it wasn’t exactly a fair comparison.

Carach didn’t care about knowing Siobhan’s secrets, he didn’t know anything about her past knowledge about the holocron, he was simply here to destroy her mind and make sure she wasn’t able to recover any time soon.

Steadily he was overcoming all her defenses, the Sigil of Hope ( a minor Force artifact which was more an object to give you a heads-up about an attack, more than anything else) and the defenses it gave Sio were penetrated first. The other Jedi Master’s defenses had gone too, with her departure from the battlefield.

Memory after memory would be destroyed, what would they partain? Difficult to say, because Carach wasn’t reading them or copying them, he was just flash burning them out of existence. Anything he touched would never be able to recovered again, everything lost would have to be retrained, and that was how to destroy an opponent.

Would Sio lose control over her bladder in mid-fight? Would she forget how to walk, talk or reason like a human being? .Would she be reduced to a simpleton slash baby, being more of a nuisance than anything else? Perhaps, but that wasn’t for Carach to determine, he was just the deleter of souls. Nothing more, nothing less.

Soon his progress was screeching to halt though, with new walls of vibrant light popping into existence, they erected themselves across the entire field of mental battle. All of Sio’s memories were being protected by a new layer to be overcome, and yet… the Enemy’s Mentalist had made an oversight, Sio was using a disorganized tactic to protect herself.

The Mentalist would have to stretch herself thin, trying to cover all the bases, or refocus her defenses to the core of Sio’s being.

In the meanwhile, Carach would continue to destroy whatever came into reach, yet… there was a simple problem. This problem was Sio’s interesting and again very esoteric use of the Force, which brought her reputation as a simple Asteroid Chucker into question.

It was good thing they were sharing this intimate connection, for it allowed Carach a split-second to almost see the movement of the Force and what the wench was planning. His eyes opened themselves and he dashed, no jumped from the building. It exploded behind him and the explosion caught him in the back, his form crashed against a wall and then was dragged to the ground.

Left arm wasn’t able to move, not sure what the problem was, portion of the vong camouflage on the same arm was frekked. Only one thing to do, with some difficulty Carach reached out towards his lightsabre and… cut his own damn, useless arm off.

Didn’t feel the pain, crucitorn held it at bay, blood didn’t splatter either. The Saber scorched the flesh. The Sith Lord started walking, putting some distance between him and the arm he had left in a garbage bin.

Continued his mental assault though, using the latent pain that was wrapping around his essence like a third power battery, adding to the sith blade which was strapped to his back and contained a Force NExus and the Sith Amulet which was hanging from his neck.

With Coryth and Sio busy fighting off Helios… their attention was split, between using powerful force attacks against their new tormenter and trying to keep their old one at bay.

They took his arm, he would take their minds.

This wouldn’t end well.
Location: Aldera Ruins
Objective: Enjoy the ride
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

The clone was still unconscious and his heart was beating faster and faster. He was dying and needed medical attention quickly. He was being dragged off towards the city by the creatures that [member="Smeg"] ordered to. If the ride was quickly then they would give him an anti-toxin to evade death and be suitable for the "experiment" that they would perform him on.

[member=The Hydra Queen]

The Hydra Queen

Vessel of Yun-Harla
Location: Aldera Ruins... flying to a roof...
Objective: Relocate
Enemies: @Coryth Elaris Siobhan Kerrigan
Allies: [member="Darth Mierin"] [member="Darth Helios"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Smeg"] @LucianusAdair

The wail could be heard echoing through the distance. Tsavong Kraal's cry. Wings would spread, and in that instant the vessel of Yun-Harla took flight. Airborne, she would fly over the vast armies of the Yuuzhan Vong clashing with that of the would be Republic forces. The might of the One Sith were holding them at bay, as the continual attacks from the Rakamat's and the Warkeepers would continue their pummeling with plasma globules.

Her senses would flare, and soon, she would come face to face with a rather peculiar sight --- of a Voice of Yun-Amon, clinging to the side of the building crying to the heavens about his arm.

Her legs would soon bring her to touch the rooftop of that particular building, as stoic of face the Trickster vessel would register that other presence a bit more clearly.

Her face would lift, and within the depths of her mind she would push against it through Vongsense, that mental telepathy that allowed Hydra to touch every Vong.

And this one... no held a peculiarity that was not familiar to her at all. Different -- one that bled from memories past at the sensation one felt of another in the Force.

Her voice would boom and serve to distract any connection from Tsavong over to her.
A̫̱̺͈̟ͅn͏̟̩̰̝̮̩̞d̷̩͎̝̼͚̝͈ ̴̝̮̼̺̭̤̻̟̦̀w̸͜͏̹̤̩̫̣̹͙̜͙h̷̰̻̀͝o̸͘҉͇̗ͅ.̧͎̠̭̜̜͔͔.҉̷̥̫.̛̜̻͉̘̱͇̗.̷̹ ̢͏̤̘̻̹͓͍͚̟a̴̻̪̻r̝͔̫e͓̫̮͉̦̰͇̩͡ ̯̳̀y̧̹o̟͚͎͉͝u̹̮̤̥̥?̸̥͙̗̣̳͔
Location: Alderaa ruins - On the rooftop with Siobhan and Helios
Enemies: [member="Darth Carach"], [member="Darth Helios"], [member="Tsavong Kraal"]
Allies: [member="HK-36"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Phylis Alince"]
Objectives: Aid Siobhan

Oh how fun reality was when so many things were stacked against you all at once. Not a thought Coryth wanted to entertain, but she wasn't going to have a choice in that. There were too many variables, and well, the little redhead needed to ensure they both lived. Now to what degree they'd be alive by the end of it, that was another story.

With Helios advancing, and Carach pressing his attacks, as well as others coming to the rooftop, it was an overwhelming amount of information to manage within the force. Withdrawing from the illusion she'd constructed, sensing the dangers a hair too late to truly do anything about it, other than tuck and roll. So, tuck and roll she did, but not quick enough.

Coryth cried out, feeling a something quite sharp pierce her right shoulder. A glance to it as she came to her feet, confirmed what she suspected. A fair amount of blood was pouring from the wound left behind by the invisible spear. Perhaps this would be the lesson Cory needed to get on board the armor wearing train, but somehow this writer doubts it.

The simple attack forced her to pull back a bit from Siobhan's mind and regroup around the core that made Siobhan who she was. That was where she'd take her stand.

"Seriously! Did your mother not teach you any better? That was my favorite shirt." Hurting, and pissed off, probably not the best combination for Coryth, but she'd been through far worse. See far more blood from her own wounds than that. While she could have blotted the pain out, that was more effort than she was willing to expend at that moment.

Now it was time to focus, Throw invisible things at me will ya? In the distance she could hear the sound of dropships approaching. It seemed the cavalry was nearly there. Bets you can't track what you can't see?!

Two things happened at once, Coryth moved abruptly to Siobhan's side, and laid a hand on her shoulder. Weaving a tangled web through the force, the little redhead rapidly pulled a blanket of light around the pair of them, rendering them invisible to both naked eyes as well as a droid's eyes. Considerable effort had to be put into this task. It was hard enough to keep herself invisible much less two people. "Time's up Sio, we gotta run." With those words spoken, she poured every inch of power she had left, that wasn't already tied up in keeping them out of sight into boosting Siobhan, for the final moments. Maybe not the wisest of things to do, but push was coming to shove and things had to end.
Location: Alderaa Ruins - On the rooftop with Coryth and Helios
Allies: [member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Phylis Alince"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Carach"], [member="Darth Helios"], [member="Tsavong Kraal"]

As had already been said - and this writer apologises for the redundancy - Siobhan Kerrigan was not a Jedi. If she still had been she would have been a terribly awful one and any Jedi Order worth its name would have kicked her out ages ago. Or Force severed her, depending upon how harsh they are feeling. Anyhow, with this tempory meta break, the sort this writer loves so much, done with we shall continue with the fascinating plot that involves dismemberment, mind rape and random destruction of private property. It was perhaps fortunate that this part of Alderaa was in ruins anyway because otherwise the city might have reason to sue Siobhan for wrecking the street.

Speaking of buildings, imagining Siobhan's mind as a building under artillery bombardment was perhaps an apt metaphor for the inner struggle taking place inside her, now that she was being assailed by the mental onslaught of Darth Carach with renewed vigour and ferocity. No fortress is unbreakable in the end, though for some the cost is so high that it might make the victory Pyrrhic. Siobhan was barely conscious of how the number game was playing out in their disfavour, all her energy was being pushed into maintaining her crumbling walls against the battering ram. The mental attack was much like artillery strikes taking place against the walls of a fortress. Like powerful howitzers battering away at her defences, blasting holes into the walls and towers and tearing the defenders to pieces. A fortress under siege also worked as a metaphor for the state of inner chaos taking place in her mind. Her attempt at a guerilla defence had some advantanges and perhaps made it more difficult for Carach to penetrate to her core, where her inmost thoughts house, but equally she could not control it. More to the point, the human mind cannot simply be neatly splintered and put into small boxes without significant harm being done to it. It was not just simple memories that were being assaulted, her very ability to function as a human being was coming under attack as well.

Helios had flown over and was unleashing spears of midnight black - darkshears was just another name for it. As a matter of fact, Force Flight was a power Siobhan was very familiar with, having mastered it long ago. She never passed up the chance to showoff with it and until not so long had been flying across the battlefield here while working her destructive brand of telekinesis. However, with her mind focused upon sustaining her walls, making evasions and pulling back further into the deepest reaches of her mind, laying feints and false hints in a forlorn hope to distract her attacker, she did not have the time to either dodge the spears or unleash telekinesis to toss them back. After all, while they were invisible, they could be sensed in the Force and she was familiar with the technique from her duel with Velok on Metalorn.

Fortunately, she was wearing beskar'gam. The heavy armour was virtually undamaged save from being dented when she had been thrown out of the sky and crashed on the roof earlier. Wearing it was like being a walking tank. Obviously that restricted mobility a good deal for her unless she drew on the Force, for she had become a good deal more dependent on it than she would like to admit. However, its excellent protective qualities had the effect of breaking the spears as they struck her, shattering.

There was no pain or damage to her, though she was pushed back slightly by the impact. In the same moment the mental battering ram smashed into her mind and she staggered before dropping down to one knee. Her face was drenched in sweat, her mind was felt like it was being split and torn into pieces upon pieces. Her vision was growing hazy and she could barely make out her surroundings as it threatened to go dark all around her. As the Sith sought to delete her soul and flush her from existence, her mind threatened to spin out of control, images and visions flashing through her mind, as if trying to fight against their erasure by subjecting her to what amount to sensory overload.

The effect was, as could be expected, chaos. The Sith mentalist was hidden from her view. She could only assume that he had managed to escape the collapsing building or succeeded in clawing his way out of the rubble, but then her mind was in no position to process that. The image that flashed through her mind was that of Darth Shadow. His mocking laughter and words resonated through her mind. There she was no longer on the rooftop of the building but in the Jedi Temple again so many years ago. When she had been possessed and turned into a meatpuppet for his nefarious schemes. The Jedi she had murdered on that day manifested in her mind again, amidst his mockery.

The thought made her angry. The sigils could only do so much against a master mentalist empowered with Sith artefacts. Against such odds they were more like an early warning system - which now was of little use anyway since she knew he was trying to flush her out - and while they boosted her energy, that did not work if she did not possess the knowledge of how to use it. One can only reinforce and reconstruct a wall so many times before there's nothing left to build it up with and no solid foundation to start with.

Her anger found an outlet as she lashed out like a cornered animal. Power rippled through her as she unleashed a massive tidal wave of energy. Omnidirectional. The massive, overpressurised shockwave surged across the roof and the streets. There was nothing subtle about it, nor was it remotely controlled. It was plain and simple as if you had given someone a big bomb and let them detonate it. The air twisted in strange and bizarre shapes, windows, where they still existed, were completely shattered. Enormous piles of debris were hurled up into the air at tremendous speed and thrust like improvised artillery rounds. In other places debris was plain and simply obliterated as if struck by a powerful artillery cannon. Perhaps some of it would hit Carach, perhaps Helios as well, or not. Here and there an already damaged wall as torn asunder and caved in, being torn into its individual pieces. The earth shook as if struck by tremors and quakes beneath her telekinetic might. Cracks even began to appear in the roof they were on, widening.

In other words, it was a woman in the throes of madness. As before, it was Coryth who brought her back from the brink. For the moment at least some measure of clarity returned. What damage Carach had wrought upon her mind would still have to be assessed, now was not the time for that. For the moment she could focus at least and her vision returned to her. The webs of the Force wrapped around her, as if accepting her in a protective embrace, and then she vanished from sight.

Further clarity came from the dropships, or to be more precise from the roar of engines, accompanied by Gunships. HK, Exarch of Abregado-Rae, had called for reinforcements a while ago, now it seemed they had arrived. Insufficient to turn the tide of battle, but enough for an evacuation. Strain would be visible on Siobhan's face were it not obscured by the helmet, but then cold resolve crossed it as she managed to focus. Her bionic hand, tucked in a gauntlet, gripped the redhead's hand tight. It would probably be painful for Coryth, but Siobhan knew her strength enough not to break anything. Her other hand gripped her boltgun tight.

The energies of the Force flowed through her, boosted by Coryth, who was exerting herself, then suddenly Siobhan leapt into the air, Coryth in tow. The roof would shake as they took off and surged into the air. The speed at which they shot up was almost blinding, moving like a blur and shooting up to greater and greater heights. Strain was evident on Siobhan's features as she sought to maintain concentration, pouring energy into the motion. Force flight was useful and tremendously cool, but it went without saying that levitating your own body weight - and that of someone else - through the air was quite draining. Especially given the high altitudes and speed at which they were operating. But Siobhan soldiered on, refusing to yield for even one moment as she pushed up and surged towards one of the dropships, which was still far away in the distance from the building she had just vacated.

Covering fire was being laid down by the Protectorate vessels in form of fire from shatter rotary cannons and salvoes from repeater cannons. Amidst the devastation that had been wrecked across this section of the Alderaa ruins the pair flew. The dropship passed by them. With her mind Siobhan plain and simply forced the landing ramp open.

Siobhan took a deep breath as she surged towards the vessel. Coryth was propelled forward and quickly levitated into the bay of the dropship. Siobhan herself raced towards it, trying to get in before the ramp closed then suddenly her concentration slipped for just a moment and she was falling. The ground racing beneath her, the abyss seemingly coming closer and closer. Her mind reeled as she threatened to lapse into unconsciousness, her exertions finally catching up with her as they tried to propel her into the realm of Morpheus, perhaps also into a cage from which her mind would never break free. Then, with an angry Eldarai curse escaping her mouth she shot upward into the air, narrowly catching the edge of the ramp and pulling herself up, with the ramp closing behind them.

Siobhan lay there, panting heavily and clearly about to pass out, but she was not done yet. She managed to turn around, though her attempt to stand failed. Her mind gripped the roof of the building she had just vacated tight. There was a powerful, very insistent and brutal pull as she poured what energy she had left into the motion and wrapped her telekinetic will around the crash it. Then she keeled over and passed out. The dropship flew away.
Elegant and depraved.
Location: Aldera Ruins
Enemies: Coryth Elaris Siobhan Kerrigan
Allies: Darth Mierin Darth Helios Tsavong Kraal Smeg [member="The Hydra Queen"]

Pale hands pressed to a face of equal pallor, a dark frame, slashed with crimson silk stood with rolled fists at his side. Ochre eyes gazed at the spears as they hovered above the opposing duo before something loud...and big came his way. Helios turned his back to Siobhan and Coryth to address the incoming presence.

Suddenly, Tsaavong, Voice of Yun- Amon climbed onto the rooftop screaming "his arm". A confused gaze crossed Helios' visage, not knowing what to make of the situation. It appeared the towering Vong was also under a mental assault of his own. A resistant hand rose with the intention of clearing Kraal's infliction, but the Eldorai pondered if he would do more harm than good. Time seemed to slow for Helios as he restrained from dispensing immediate aid.

Then, the Hydra Queen approached them, her attention focused on Tsaavong. This particular Vong was unique, although Helios didn't believe she was only Vong. Aurete eyes followed her as she continued to advance towards Tsaavong. Helios decided that her Vongsense would be better suited for the situation and lowered his hand before turning his attention back to Siobhan and Coryth.


They were gone. A sigh, soul weary and low escaped pitch lips as he eyed the blood on the ground of the adjacent rooftop. It was enough to account for one of them, but not both. Clasping his hands behind his back Helios eyed the area in silence before he turned his back and lifted himself from the building to quickly descend to the ground below. They ran. A possibility Helios excluded from his initial impressions of the duo, although that was irrelevant now. His advance carried him away from the structure which began to seemingly topple upon itself as if influenced by an outside Force. Turning his head, Helios quickly cast his eyes backwards to witness the destruction. He took the time to watch the orchestrated destruction, as he reached out with the Force, attempting to determine the best route to his nearest enemies. His previous fight, however short-lived, may have disintegrated but invaders still remained afoot.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Location: Aldera Ruins, Allied Frontlines
Objective: Provide Support for Phylis, Get Her To Safety
Allies: The Last Alliance, [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Phylis Alince"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]
Enemies: The One Sith, [member="Darth Mierin"], [member="Tsavong Kraal"]
Musical Selection: Dust In The Wind by Kansas

//Sorry there are some problems with formatting and I did not link or color-code things as I usually do, but as I post this it's early morning and I need to get to work in few minutes :p Not much time, I'll do it later though!//

"Blade Knight" The Third Greycloak of Abregado-Rae

Blade watched as his opponent, or conversation partner, whatever Kraal was begun to run in the opposite direction. In quick movement the droid had a shatterpistol trained on the Vong’s back, aiming for the back of his head, time slowing down in his perspective in high-speed trajectory and path calculations for an accurate shot.

And the calculated about pulling the trigger, as far as the droid knew it would have been an easy kill, after all most organics in his experience ceased to exist if their brains were blown out. And most likely this was to be one of those moments he would always regret on that day and any future battles.

Slightly tilting his head Blade lowered the hyper-velocity pistol, holstering it as he looked in other direction. The Vong had his mission most likely, and the droid had his own, each summoned by their respective lords.

Wrapping his grey chameleon cloak around himself, Blade has set off in the direction from where HK was summoning him and his brothers, disappearing as the camouflage systems of the literal cloak engaged around him.

“Iron Hide” and “Steel Born” The First and Fourth Greycloak of Abregado-Rae

The metal feet clanged upon metal surface of the Knight of Eclipse’s ramp as the two droids and Phylis disappeared from thin air, seemingly, no one interrupting their get-away flight, or their transport as it conducted an Air-Snatch maneuver.

Easy does it.

Hide muttered as they pulled Phyllis deeper inside the stealth transport, setting her down on one of the seats available to the very few passengers the transport would be able to carry.

Take her off of the battlefield and onto a medical frigate, there are still objectives to be done down there!

Steel called out to Side, moving once more back to the ramp as he grabbed one of the weapons they had prepared on the ship, a heavy VG-1 scattergun, no doubt they would face a greater resistance on the ground this time, and they would not have the Knight of Eclipse supporting them either.

Roger, roger!

Side answered from the cockpit as Hide, finishing now securing Phylis as well as placing a bacta breather mask over her face for some first aid, joined him on the ramp. There would be no more shouting back and forth as Hide sent Side a simple IM,


Jump away.

Was the response and the two droids once more plummeted off of the ramp towards the ground, their cloaks fluttering on the wild air, and jet suit systems engaging to direct their glide towards the surface.

“Iron Side” The Second Greycloak of Abregado-Rae,

Conducting the mid-air evac maneuver, Side swiveled and tumbled the ship around, sweeping in smoothly to meet the trajectory of his copy-brothers’ jump with an already opening ramp where they could land.

He heard the distinctive clanks of their feet upon the surface of the ship, some muttering most likely directed towards the Jedi they were rescuing, until finally a command from Hide reached him,

Take her off of the battlefield and onto a medical frigate, there are still objectives to be done down there!

Hide nodded to himself slightly, a reasonable demand and one he was to fulfill,

Roger, roger!

He called back in a very stereotypical fashion for a droid as already in his head he plotted the safest way to get to the allied fleet position and avoid stray Starfighter and anti-starfighter fire as well as any enemy ships who could have noticed them by now and decide to go for a hunt.


And IM interrupted his calculations, appearing on the HUD, Side evened-out the flight, keeping the ship steady and without greater turbulence,

Jump away.

He responded, giving his two copy-brothers a green light for another insertion onto the battlefield. With them now gone he closed the ramp they loved so much to use as a diving board as he pitched the transport’s flight up towards the skies, punching in his engines to full power as he begun to climb.

It would not be long before they broke through the layers of the atmosphere and the sky begun to darken, no longer were they looking at vibrant blue shades of the celestial dome but rather at the cold darkness of space. And with that darkness there came view of Allied ships where proper aid could be given to Phylis.

Fun fact, Phylis’ has a brother whose name is Phalus.

"Iron Knight" The First Baron of Abregado-Rae

Expecting for the bubble to be used against him as a prison, it did seemed like a rather obvious move with even the writer taking somewhat of a fancy to an image of HK in fetal position inside a small bubble of energy plotting his revenge, the droid was quick to act. Diverting the path of his sword and blade he conducted a dodge spiral pirouette, one foot on the ground as other changed his position, and then the initial foot moved over to it to complete the displacement as he flowed in with two vertical rotating cuts, this time aimed along the rim of the forming bubble in.

There was a bright flash as his weapons made contact with the energy shield, sparks and trails of light running after his weapons in a dazzling display as he evaded the spell. There was a man’s face seen in that flash in the droid’s photoreceptors. An old and grizzly man, his skin yellowed and decaying, iris of his eyes clearly showing the Dark-Side corruption.

Then came the electric arcs streaking towards him through the air and he met them with his two weapons, lightsaber and blade clashing against the spell of droid destruction. Although it was not lightning exactly, it was still an electric-based attack. The arcs danced upon his Sith alchemic sword, absorbed by the blade to imbue it and enhance its attacks with electricity, as the blade was magnetically charged through alchemy, it did not discriminate one electric arc from another. Along his lightsaber the arcs danced as well, but they were not absorbed, repelled rather as the saber was the droid’s shield against many Force powers, mostly dark sorcerous spells and electric powers, imbued in such a way by ancient Jedi. Although the reflection of the electricity was not as concentrated or directed as it would have been if the sword was wielded by a Force-User, its’ cone area of effect could, and most likely would, direct some of the arcs back at Mierin, of course the sting of them would not be as painful to her organic parts, her already destroyed cybernetics may have been destroyed further more though?

In the arcs the droid had a vision of his hands, dancing, moving gracefully as a durasteel door was unlocked by him, a lightsaber held in his hand as he moved into an office in his vision, and on the other side sat the man with these corrupted eyes, yellow bastard with yellow decaying skin.

Some of the electric arcs would bounce around the blades in their path and past HK’s initial defenses. A blue sheen would be seen around him, his own bubble of protection as his armor deflection shield systems had enough time to recharge by now, meeting with the few electric arcs remaining still dancing towards him as they attempted to diffused them before the electric assault could meet with the droid’s armor. However, the ionic arcs would bypass the deflector shields, and strike upon his armor. They twined and danced, creating purple cobwebs of ionic energy as they worked their way to disable electronic components. While the droid's body was undamaged due to insulation between him and the armor, along with other layers of defenses awaiting further even beneath, still sparks and sizzle would appear on his suit.

Many of his additional armor components, including grappling hook, flamethrower, and most importantly, the rocket propulsion systems, would be disabled as the result of attack, permanent damage only prevented by the protective casing they were each installed in separately, however his rotor systems and plate-shifting was still online, protection against ionic discharges installed into them as it was something droid has used himself to disable foes in power armor or cybernetic suits. It was enough to keep him moving without just being stuck in one spot.

While his blades were moved to deflect the ionization arc, suddenly HK’s arms would split in two along their length, his six-fingered hands turn into three-fingered members as the additional arms moved quickly to his belt.

In surprise attack his hand held an Anti-Forceuser Flashbang, mechanism of which was designed in such a way to prevent the Force users tampering with the grenade through telekinesis as the weapon was thrown. Quickly it was activated and almost instantly the orb was thrown at the ground and exploded in a flash of blinding bright light as well as thunderous bang, as the name suggested. The purpose of this was to blind Mierin and disorient her in a quick suckerpunch before she would have time to react.

And in this flash the droid saw himself moving towards the man on the other side of the office, the aging Sith standing up, his mouth moving but words unheard as the droid activated his lightsaber, the blood-red blade of the weapon he stole from a slain Sith erupting and illuminating the office in a ghostly sheen. The Sith threw his arms out towards the droid, electricity launching itself from his fingers and towards the machine as HK met it with his own hand. The electricity danced around his outer armor but did no damage as the machine kept moving towards his target, Sith’s attack diffusing itself on the prepared outer suit of metal. In quick attack his hands were slashed from his arms and he was pushed back into his chair with an open-palm attack to his chest, air knocked out of him.
The droid proceeded to take a grappling hook and shot it into the ceiling, embedding the liquid-cable into the metal stone roof as with the other end he made a noose. The Sith kept talking, his head shaking, his words unheard still as the droid turned him to face the large window of his office and slipped the noose over his head, tightening it. The darksider pleaded something, bargaining even as the droid walked to the transparisteel window, and with a precise vertical slash he weakened its structure without breaking it. He moved back to the chair, before hissing out to the Sith,
And he gripped his chair, running with it towards the window before he launched it forward. The window broke, blood splattered from the shards ripping into the old Sith and the cable tightened as weight was put on it but did not moved. The droid deactivated his lightsaber and moved back to the door. On his way there he noticed a mirror and slowly looked to it, he saw his image. The blackened metal plates covering his body and deep yet dull red photoreceptors looking back at him, he was HK-36-3, Sparklord of Vengence.

To finish the surprise attack his other hand grabbed the elongated, pointed hilt of the Spear of Rae, using it to aim an attack at Mierin’s abdomen as the weapon shot out from its hilt like a lightsaber would, the Phrik-tipped polearm used in hopes of impaling the Lady of the Sith, who, as hopefully the droid’s calculations were correct, was either stunned or turned around, and hopefully the attack would have been too quick and too sudden for her to throw around the barrier once more.

Droid’s now-free hand moved to grab another Anti-Forceuser grenade.
Location: Somewhere
Enemies: They all ran away :(
Allies: No one at the moment
Objective: Ain’t sure yet
[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
OOC: Once again color-coded the important bits, so people can TL;DR if they wish.

Carach wasn’t a noble man by any stretch of the imagination, or at least he tried to suppress those foolish parts of him every chance he had, so with this understanding complete it didn’t come as a surprise that the Sith Lord wasn’t much of a fair fighter. He didn’t adhere to some moral code, or allow his enemies some respite during a fight.

Neither did he split his focus to try and help his allies, this wasn’t his mission; instead the man was trying to accomplish a single thing. One simple objective which he poured all his concentration in: Make sure Siobhan Kerrigan would spent the rest of her life as a blabbering potato and if that wasn’t feasible as an Expert Mentalist… then at the very least he would make her recovery procedure as painful and extensively long as possible.

The moment Coryth retreated slightly back while Helios was assaulting her in the physical plane, Carach acted one last final time, more and more memories were being destroyed; flash burned from existence never to be recovered again. But this wasn’t enough, in that split-second when Cory was reassessing her barriers to only fit the core being of Siobhan the Sith Lord went for a double whammy.

A Mind Shard was executed in an attempt to cause as much meaningless and excruciating pain as possible. If everything went well Siobhan would feel the agony impossible to describe or picture and Cory would experience a portion of it too with her own mind mixed up.

Of course, being so busy and focused on this single goal, he didn’t even notice the tempest of Force Energy lashing out in an omnidirectional. It was a good thing it wasn’t a focused strike, it was a good thing Sio had been using so much powerful attacks in the past.

This all accumulated in Carach crashing into a nearby wall, breaking several ribs and a portion of his pride.

He could feel his prey slipping away from him, the farther they traveled, Carach could have assaulted their minds even now. Space meant little when it was a Game of Minds, and yet… something prevented him, instead he simply slipped a message into their minds.

‘ You lost and proved your worth today, cowards. Run and never show your faces here again, because next time there won’t be getaway. Next time there won’t convenient troop placements to take you away from the field of battle. Next time… you will die. ‘

With that he started walking, there was more blood to spill today, Alderaan was theirs and the Republic wouldn’t take it from them.


Aldera Ruin

Mierin didn't have time to react tot he flash grenade, and only having one hand was rather damaging to her. She shifted slightly however, trying to move away from the blast of the flash grenade.

The Assault on her senses was immediate, she had closed her eyes, so the blindness did not come, but the ringing in her ears and the vibrations that ran through her proved to be quite jarring. She shook slightly, taking several quick successive steps back in order to dodge any oncomming attack that the droid might throw at her. Unfortunately for Mierin, the force pike was quite a long weapon.

The very tip of the spear stabbed through her side.

The heavy graphite tip pierced through her crab armor and into her flesh almost in an instant. Her eyes bulged open, fully seeing the droid standing nearly two meters away from her. The Spear had caught her in the side, stabbing into her and hooking into place within her flesh. The pain was immediate, the sensation of anguish and hurt. The darkside of the force flooded into her.

As power welled within her, Mierin's left arm came down. With a strike imbued with telekinetic force she broke the tip of the spear off into herself, letting the metal dig deeper into her to cause her even more pain, but severing the hold the droid had on her. The Darkside welled in her as the metal barb pushed into her innards, and as the power came to a head...

She unleashed it.

The Strength she held in the darkside converted itself, and Mierin screamed. A powerful echoing blast of strength came from her parted lips. Wave after crashing wave of strength powered forth form her, the ground split, the foundation of the buildings before her cracked, and the air itself seemed to tear apart.

The Sith Pureblood screamed, aiming to rend the very earth of Alderaan.
Alderaan Ruins
[member="Darth Mierin"] [member="HK-36"]

The piercing scream of a woman wasn’t hard to disconcern amongst the ruins of Alderaan, you could claim that with a battlefield raging on it would make little sense, but those claims were founded upon the foundation that this was a simple scream.

Which it was not.

Instead it was a pure manifestation of pain and hatred, made tangible by the Force and even from a distance Carach could feel a slight migraine coming up in the back of his head.

Stepping foot onto the scene his eyes swept over the details, a droid throwing a spear and impaling Mierin. Mierin screaming and attempting to cause as much damage as possible to the droid.

It was clear that this was a last resort, after such a display of power she would be weakened severly, or atleast that was what Carach assumed. In a different place and a different world the Sith Lord might have left the Pureblood to her fate and allow HK to kill her first, before stepping in.

But there was something holding him back from this course of action, perhaps it was the many fights they had been in together or perhaps she was just growing on him.

Regardless of which option it was… Carach acted immediately.

A subelectronic converter had been installed in his brain, this allowed him certain liberties, at least when droids were involved. The Sith Lord reached out with the Force and the converter, practically could…. see the electronics wiring from the droid.

It felt strange, slightly off, not like any droids he had seen previously. It was more… organic in nature and that brought a grin on the lips of the Mentalist… organics were his specialty.

He attempted to figuratively hack HK with his mind, assume direct control and disallow him from moving entirely.

This was going to be the first step.
Aldera Ruins
Allies: [member="Darth Mierin"] [member="Darth Carach"]
Enemies: [member="HK-36"]
Objective: Take out the recycling

"You rang?"

It was hard to miss a Master's Force-scream. It involved a total loss of control, a shredding of boundaries, a blurring between id and psychokinetic influence. It was insanity, ferocity, an impossibility of strength and weakness. It had been known to turn droids to scrap.

Not this one, naturally.

Clad in svelte power armor, Rave appeared alongside Carach, her longtime ally and verbal sparring partner. So often the balance of power came down to the friends you made, connections across allegiances -- and Carach had more than most. Without him here, her involvement might have been far different, or not at all.

The master alchemist stretched out, felt the ruined stone beneath HK-36, and altered it. For her, it really was as simple as that. [SIZE=14.4444446563721px]She had made the most powerful Sith swords in millennia; she had made alchemy en masse. [/SIZE]Processes of strengthening molecular bonds, integrating lattices, infusing materials with sublime strength at every range of magnification -- these were instinctive, the work of a moment.

And as she altered the floor, she also put forth her full efforts to alchemize the soles of his feet. Oh, if he survived today, he'd likely find his footsoles tougher, to be sure, but durability wasn't her primary goal here. At least not durability of the initial components.

Because she was attempting to alchemize his feet to the flagstone floor, integrate their molecular structures in an unbreakable manner. It would force him to truncate his own feet, or remove layers of armor if he had them, or take the time to cut free two foot-centric chunks of stone floor and walk around with them attached. Considering she was alchemizing the floor for several inches all around his feet, the result would -- ideally -- be catastrophic for mobility.

The entire process of alchemization would take roughly a heartbeat. Even if he was in motion, she intended to catch at least one of his feet, and let Mierin's Force scream ragdoll him against his own joints at awkward angles. Should he ragdoll before that could happen, his feet would hopefully bind to the surface of wherever he touched down.
Location: Aldera Ruins
Objective: Actually do something in this invasion
Enemies: [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
Allies: [member="Coric Adromak"]

It was a simple approach, but Raziel wanted to stay reasonably tentative as he tested the abilities of the clearly powerful master. He loped across the remaining ground between himself and the dueling pair. The Force around them swirled and shifted, eddies rippling away from them as power was dumped into the world as they clashed.

A republic soldier raised his head and started to shoulder his rifle. Raziel sensed the danger and lifted his pistol and fired without even looking, allowing the Force to guide his shot. The soldier's head snapped back as the round collided with him. That one was easily dealt with, but it affirmed the threat of such a complex battlefield. Raziel preferred more subtle engagements that this. In the chaos it wouldn't take much for an errant blaster bolt to bring about his demise.

He mentally picked the rest of his path, accelerating the last few strides. He ran in an arc around the Jedi Master, firing off a couple of rounds to attempt at least a distraction. Picking a good rock for purchase he landed on it hard with his right leg, bending at the knee, muscles tightening ready for explosive action. He changed his direction with one push, dropping the pistol and launching himself at the Jedi Master with an offensive saber routine already planned out.

Location: Aldera City
Allies: The Galactic Republic | HK-36 | Siobhan Kerrigan | Phylis Alince | Simone | Michael Sardun
Enemies: [member="Darth Junra"]

Blonde brows arched simultaneously at [member="Darth Junra"]’s comments. She couldn’t believe the propaganda the woman was speaking — to say such licentious suggestions would taste sour on the tongue.

So much death, that it would no longer be economical. Junra was nearly literally evaluating sentient life in monetary value. Though it may not be her ultimate objective, it was not a solution to even be considered. And with the Sith's genocidal methods, the latter was more likely than the former.

Kiskla inhaled deeply, light eyes wary of the flexes of Junra’s stance. Every cadence the woman delivered was absorbed and Kiskla couldn’t find an ounce of worth — nothing to lay down her ideals for. There was a crippling ripple, a desperation in an influence cloud about her. The Force was writhing and contorting with the weakening influence of Ashla being manipulated from it.


“Peace isn’t something that’s forced, Daella.” No pseudonyms. If Junra wanted to boast a title that exhibited her as a dark lord marionette, fine, but Kiskla would address by the name she had known. “It’s something encouraged and protected— though your oppressions may be flourishing in some systems, they are temporary." Shara had told Marcello on Teta that some of their regions were welcoming -- she'd cover her bases.

"You can’t purge ideals. You can’t neutralize interests. Thoughts exist, it’s the beauty of sentience. It’s as much everyone else’s ability to hold onto their beliefs as it is yours, or mine.

But Alderaan didn’t ask for your presence, you didn’t come peacefully.

But you can leave quietly now — you and your infections. The shadows housed your dark lord for centuries. A few more won't hurt -- the galaxy isn't warming to your coldness just yet.”
Location: The Grave of Squad Gamma, Aldera City, Alderaan
Enemies: [member="Kiskla Grayson"]


I will not leave,” objected Darth Junra.

If peace is something that needn’t be forced, why is it that the Republic had to wipe out the Sith Empire?” questioned Darth Junra with her voice raising louder.

Peace must be forced,” she claimed with certainty, “Just as how the Old Republic brought this about thousands of years ago.

The Dark Ages had clouded much about the Old Republic’s history. Yet, broad strokes of the history of the galaxy were available to Jedi and much of the civilized world in order to study.

After millennia of on and off wars, the Old Republic achieved peace with the fall of the last state that could oppose it,” she continued to explain, “From there, without the power of a state, any attempt to wage war would end in a second.

Such is just one reason why I fight for my Master,” announced Darth Junra, "For this is a war to end all future ones. All causes shall give way for this."

Zion Krayt


The Force.

Danger sense.

It tingled up the length of his spine, and he took a different approach from running. He leapt straight up into the air, the Force empowering him to carry him to an even greater distance and a dozen meters above the disruptor shot that had been fired at him. When he landed, he landed heavily but with the Force lightening it ever so slightly for the armour clad Jedi Master.

Zaren Bouqi didn't take kindly to being shot at. Especially by things that could take a chunk out of his armour.

This was not a game of hide and seek.

It was time to get busy.

"Reveal yourself."

If someone was going to be fighting him, he didn't want them to be a child about it and hide from him. Of course Zaren wasn't near [member="Enigma"], so he had used the Force to cast his voice out and to hopefully carry it to her ears. From there, his gaze searched the area around him, specifically from the area he knew the shot had come from.
Location: Ruins
Allies: [member="Darth Banshee"]
Enemies: [member="Marcello Matteo"] [member="Marek S'hadar"] [member="Simone"]

"Well?" Veles asked as he attached the woman's datapad to his belt and waited for her reaction. He did not want to kill her, but if she resisted, he would not hesitate to cut off her arms and legs to stop her from moving. The chances of her surviving that were low, but better than nothing. And then again, he still held her datapad that no doubt contained something useful. A good spy should keep all the information in their head, but it has not been unheard of that some agents carried vital intelligence in datapads and other devices, making it much easier for their enemies to get to the information.

Everything would have been much better without the two Jedi making an appearance. One of the large eyes of the Mon Calamari swiveled to look at them as they approached, one of them demanding to step away from the Zeltron. The other outright attacked. The gesture was similar to that of Force push, yet as Veles soon felt, it the power was vastly more malevolent than a simple telekinetic attack. Almost feeling like when he first experienced Force drain stealing his life energy, his body started to lose its strength and energy. Like a punch, the sudden and unexpected attack threatened to knock him out at first before he acted. Knowing all too well that if that continued, he might as well pass out and die, the amphibious Sith reached down, his cybernetic hand taking the woman by the back of her neck. Webbed claws tightly clutched her as he lifted her body up, the combination of his natural strength and augmented muscles allowing him to hold her in one arm with little problems.

The Sith Master moved the Zeltron directly in the way of the attack, hoping to stop the Jedi if he used the Zeltron as a living shield. At the same time, he swiftly moved backwards and tried to circle around the other Jedi to keep both opponents in one line. Banshee's voice coming from is helmet wished to know if he was okay and informed her of the situation in her position. "Two Jedi," Veles replied calmly, hoping the young woman figured out what he meant.

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