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Invasion The Republic Shall Fall [One Sith Invasion of Coruscant]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
A Nune class shuttle raced across the rainy cloud filled skies of Coruscant. It flew low and barely over the rising star scrappers. It cut through hover-lanes and tunnels alike, knocking a few speeders out of the way an alerting Coruscant security. It never stopped however, its destination carved out in front of it in a perfectly straight line. The Shuttle moved swiftly, darting through the atmosphere incessantly.

The Shuttle dipped over a low hang, dropping into Coruscant and darting between a set of buildings. It moved forward until its eventual goal came into view, the Jedi Temple.

The shuttle sped towards the Jedi Temple now. Blaring Security vehicles ran behind it, a few starfighters were on their way to intercept it. The Shuttle however showed no signs of stopping, instead if became faster and faster, rushing towards the temple at incredible speeds. An alert was raised throughout the Jedi Temple. Alarm klaxons blaring and anti-air missile batteries powering up. The Shuttle continued its path, then a single missile streaked out from the temple.

The missile lurched and zigzagged towards the Shuttle. As the two were about to meet a thin haze appeared around the Nune, but an explosion tore part the air. Cloud of whirling and billowing smoke erupted concealing the Nune-class Shuttle as it dropped from the sky and tumbled forward. It tore and dug into the earth before the steps of the Jedi temple, utterly ruining the smooth white pavement.

The Shuttle came to a stop, its hull torn apart and its wings gone but mostly intact.

Jedi gathered around its opening, a dozen or so who had been standing around the temple. Suddenly the Shuttle lurched, its ramp jutting slightly as it began to open, a voice snaked out of the shuttle, dark and terrible as had not been heard since the times of old.

The ramp lowered itself, touching the broken and crumbling ground before it.

A single Humanoid figure stepped out in front of it at first, cloaked in black and gray robes, a lightsaber hanging by his side. His hands were clasped behind his back, his skin red and gold and his eyes glowing a deep orange. He watched the Jedi, the energy around him dark and unimaginably terrible.

Above them, in the skies throughout Coruscant something flickered. Dozens, seemingly hundreds of ships dropped out of Hyperspace. Palleon's, Imperious, Dragon Ships, even Miid ro'ik fell from the Sky in droves. A vast array of ships filled the space of Coruscant, each loaded with troops ready for war. A fleet that had not been seen since the wars of old.

The Dark Lord watched the Jedi as they reacted to the flickering lights of starships above them, a minute passed before one of the Jedi stepped forward, posturing for attack. Nothing happened at first, then silhouettes became outlines behind the Dark Lord.

By the Dozens they stepped around the Dark Lord of the Sith. Some Tall, some short, all Sith. They stared down at the Jedi below.

One, the tallest of them all took a step forward onto the ramp below.

Darth Shara, Maelibus and Voice of the Dark Lord moved down the ramp, the hiss of a hundred lightsabers snapping into life echoing behind him.
This is what she'd been born for. What she'd been seemingly been waiting for all this time.​
It began with a keening wail, a manic strangled cry from the pit of her soul. Then came another, as rolls of Force energy ran through her body in convulsing wave after white hot wave. Her bones felt as if they'd turned into hot iron rods, and her blood churned with a heat that she could not deny, as polyphonic whispers clawed at her ears.

Her eyes melted into twin molten orbs of mirrors, an eerie light reflecting from them as her lips parted to speak. But it was not one voice that answered the Dark Lord, but medley of garbled voices that resonated from the Darth.
̀L̷o̡, t͏he ̀Nig̵h͞tma͠r̸e ̸l͢ands̸. ͟ ̴K̨i҉n͢s͠l͞ay̶e͝r ar̵įs͟e̶.
͡ F̵o̵r͡ śtri̢fe̛ ͞a̷n̡d ͞c̕haos̡ ͘c͠o̧m̕e̡ ̕u̶pon̕ t͏he̷ ̕gáļa̶x͘y̨.͝
The Oracle of Vahl felt herself narrow into a tiny blossom, exploding outward, and fragmenting again and again into bits of shattered woman as another wave of power surged through her.

Fal̛se͘ ͏o͠nȩs ha͢v̡e͠ g͜r̶ow҉n ̴w̢e̵ak͞,
l̕i̧ke the li̧mbs̀ o͟f̢ ̷those̷ ͠ẁho ̸c͡raf̕ted͘ ́it͏. ̡

She was a vessel, a tool. And the Dark Lord's command filled her with his power, as the throes of ecstasy paid their debt with her blood, her tattoos pulsating with every thundering beat of her heart.

The ͏the̴ ͢D͢ar͝k̶ ̀L͏or͏d ̛hera͝lds҉ re̕bi͟rth.͠

O͡f́ ̵p̢ow̕ęr͞.

͝..͏.̵ o͞r̸de͞r̶.͡.̀.

..͡ ̕do͢m̸ina͜tion̵.̸

Beneath the waves of Eros she was drowning in, violated and dominated with, the Oracle gasped out the prophecy from the Goddess. His destiny.

Hȩ ́sha̛ll̷ s͠tr҉e̵tc̷h̢ f̸or͠th̨ H͝is ҉h̀an̨d̀ ͝t͜o͢ clai͠m w͏hat͏ i̡s Hi̸s.͜
The re̕bel͘l҉iou̶s҉ n͠atio̸n͟s ̶sh̡a͜ll̨ be̶ lai̸d͡ ͝b҉a͡rręn,͞
t́h́e͝i͏r͞ ch̡il͟d̛re̡n͞ ̧cau҉sed͝ t̴o͞ we͏ep.̸ ̶

T͜hey͢ s͏ha̴ll͠ b̀e ͡de͢g̷ra̛ded. Humb̛le̛d ̨a͏n͞d͜ h̢u͝m͠il̸iat͟ed͠.
S̛tri҉p̛p͡e͟d of a͝l͘ĺ ͜b҉u͡t ͠f҉ea҉r͘.

Another violent shudder swept through her.​

͜T̵here ͝s̷ha̵ll͝ b͞e͢ ͝n҉one b̀u̧t͘ ҉Hiḿ,̧
҉a͠ńd ͝t҉ḩo͢s̀e ̀w̷ho̶ ̡ha̕ve ́t͝u͞rned ̷t҉h͡eir͠ ̕eyes̴ t͜o H͢is̷ m̧aj̸és҉t͜ỳ.
Location: Jedi Temple Dormitories
Objective: Currently in her room meditating; receiving a particularly violent Force Vision of what is to come for an early warning system. Will thereafter focus on evacuations.
@Erinyes Draclau | Anyone else

Force Visions were rarely able to be called upon at will. The Force in itself was a mysterious thing, with a life of its own. For Erinyes, the Force was not a tangible energy or a tool, but instead, the Force manifested itself in the young Shi’ido Princess of Lao-mon as notes of music.

When in balance, the Lightside of the Force would flow in a delicate melody, with only the most subtle of nuances in that beatific choir. On the opposite spectrum, the Dark Side of the Force was violent, with strong high and low pitched octaves that would cry a shrill scream of malevolent notes.

The visions for the Clairvoyant deep in meditation were much the same, as a dark forbearing of what would come came to the Shi’ido with the keening wail of billions of tortured souls.

Citrine and scarlet flames licking the pristine walls of the Jedi Temple. The scent of seared flesh in the high notes, the crackle of lightning in quickening beats, and the finality of death in the crescendo of the aria.

War was not coming.

War is here.
The Maelibus heard the voice of the Dark Lord of the Sith within his head. The Dark Lord was powerful, scary, and most importantly, in his mind while he spoke. He knew the other members of the One Sith heard his voice too, and he felt the tension within the shuttle as it flew through the skies of the city-planet Coruscant and then smash through the entrance to the Jedi Temple.

Vaelokin was rooted in his seat. He used the Force to hold him down in the seat so he didn't fly across the shuttle and possibly crush another Sith.

Good thing it didn't happen.

A single clawed hand dropped down to his side and grabbed at the black lightsaber hilt within his hooded black robe. He stood just behind [member="Darth Shara"] and ignited the crimson beam into the floor. He was ready to strike down any Jedi who would dare attack the shuttle.
Since he had returned he had spent most of his days at the Jedi Temple of Coruscant, the temple he was trained at, the world he was born on. He held no special attachments to many planets, but Coruscant was different, it was his home world and it was more special to him than any other planet. Some complained about it, but all in all, he loved the intricacies of the planet and how it was a melting pot of society. On top of that it was often times called the heart of the Republic.

So what happened next did not sit well with him.

He felt a disturbance in the force long before the shuttle came crashing through the temple and he halted his training session and ushered the younglings away. A crowd gathered in the main hall as Ben approached it and looking out through the front entrance he could feel his gut sink. The temple rocked as the ship crashed through the main doors, but Ben kept his balance, and he stood still as it quickly approached. When it stopped the ramp lowered and he slowly walked ahead of the rest of the Jedi to meet them head on. Multiple emotions were running through his body but years of training had made him immune to them, he pushed them away, this was no time to be off his game.

Standing tall, he reached for his lightsaber, this would mark the first time in two years he had reached for it and new he was going to battle. The evil protruding from within the shuttle almost made him sick, this had been premeditated, his worst fears were now confirmed. He thought they had more time, they were not ready for this, how did they get through their defenses? No time to panic. He gazed upon the first one who began to step down, his glare strong, he would not back down. When the lightsabers behind him began to light up, he ignored them, he was going for [member="Darth Shara"]. He seemed to be their leader.

He could feel the Jedi behind him following suit. Glancing back he noticed the men and women who had mixed emotions on their faces, they were confused, but he had tried to warn them. They did not listen to him. Looking back he let out a deep breath and he ignited his lightsaber. Within what seemed like moments, the charge was on, and Ben was right at the front. Though he was aiming for the leader, who he believed to be their leader at least, he was met by a charging group of Sith. Lightsaber in the air, Ben began to defend himself, slicing through them and slowly cutting his way nearer and nearer to Shara. He was rusty, he felt it, but the Sith who were coming at him seemed to be the canon fodder... the warm up he needed. His blue lightsaber danced around skillfully as he ducked under errant swings and continued to plow through the mess.

So this was how the Sith returned.
In the recent times, Daella had distance herself from the Jedi Order. [member="Carn Dista"]'s mandates placed her in a difficult position with her primary duty of protecting the Republic - much as what happened with Qui-Gon Jin and his relationship with the High Council at the times.

Now, Daella seemed to be more of what the Jedi Generals of old used to be. She heavily associated herself with the Republic military and attempted to advise commanders.

The moment that the One Sith began their assault, Daella had been en route to some offices of the military. The moment that the Sith penetrated the Jedi Temple, her eyes twitched and widened.

Immediately, she ordered her ride to change its destination to the Jedi Temple.
Location: Jedi Temple
Objective: Be [member="Darth Shara"]’s Shield
Music Selection : 300 Soundtrack

Hair as blackest ebony. Skin as white as snow. Eyes as red as blood.

Dark inky strands of straight flax hair went brushing lightly over the black cloak hanging over Darth Nephthys’ slender form. Thick dark Kohl went lining over the lavender blooms of burst capillaries at the corner’s of the mute Sith Knight’s eyes, a visible testimony to the corruption of the Darkside for the trade in power.

With every step, the briefest reveal of Vong crab armor would show under the cloak, as her presence beside the large towering form of Darth Shara made her appear daintier than ever.

This was an illusion of course. Her strength lay in defense, in being her onii-san’s shield. Although she would not be fighting with her brother at her side, she would do him proud.

In a single smooth movement, the violet blade of her saber ignited in a snap hiss.

She would bring honor to the One.
Blessed are the peacemakers
Steps of the temple.

It started so slow, the screeching of fighters across the sky, slashing apart the speeders in it's way. Tracyn was outside, watching the ship move faster. Flashbacks of warzones past screeched from the depths of his mind. The cloak he was wearing, the heavy brown wool was thrown asunder. His armor shown in the sun, gleaming and polished Beskar. His eyes narrowed, his body clenched, his muscles began to prepare for the task before him. The seemingly impossible onslaught. This was his home, this was the heart of the Jedi, if not the Republic itself. And he would be damned if he sat behind and watched itself be torn apart by the Sith. He narrowed his eyes, and withdrew his lightsaber. He had his back up lightsaber across his back.

His armor never felt heavier. His crushgaunts never felt more out of place. He turned his head behind him, watching the other Jedi advance. A blue blade snapped to life, exiting from it's durasteel hilt. Eyes narrowed, hair blowed. No Jedi moved, some had never seen a Sith before. Tracyn's hand clenched tightly, before his footsteps were the sound that began to trudge forward, towards his age-old enemy. Other Jedi fell in behind him, blades snapping to life. Cries of battle and of rage echoed from both side, but Tracyn said nothing. He moved at an incredible rate, even in his armor. Years of wearing it, and the force helped him move quickly. He narrowed his eyes, focusing on the Sith. Focusing on what he made him a Jedi. And why they had to be destroyed, why they had to be eradicated.

"You were deceived into believing this battle was one you could win, Sith."

And with that, Tracyn's blade came to his side, and was nearing the enemy, ready to destroy.

Vulpesen had been walking the halls of the temple, speaking with Ace about their most recent adventure. He enjoyed these talks. They were starting to take up many of his days since the end of the war had slowed down. "Well Ace, it seems like we've been a bit bored haven't we." He had never been one to be stuck in the temple, but now he was. Now, there were no missions, no wars, nothing for him. At least it seemed that way until the sirens blared. The sound came from all around as the temple lit up, guardians rushing from their quarters and stations. "But it never lasts long!"

He ran to a nearby terminal, tapping in his access code and looking at the situation. "'Sith? Here?" He continued reading. "In the dozens. Great." He dashed back to his quarters, picking up his dagger belt and blaster, strapping each one to its place in his robes fore running back to the entrance of the temple. As he moved, he centered himself in the living force. "COME TO ME! DEFEND OUR HOME AND BEAT BACK OUR ENEMIES!" His words brought the temple to life, animal after animal trailed after him. Soon, he had made it to the doors of the temple, his saber staff ignited in his hands. Behind him, each of the hundred animals growled in unison. There were three akk dogs, a group of womp rats, a squadron of kreehawks, and a plethora of nexus and akk dogs. All in all, Vulpesen had brought his best to the front lines.
Location: Jedi Temple
Objective: Curbstomp all the Jedi
[member="Darth Shara"] [member="Darth Isolda"] [member="Vaelokin"]

A crimson blade ignited to join his brethren's in glorious unity, casting it's glow upon the charred and bent metal of the crashed shuttle. From the darkness emerged a shadow, a creature garbed in horrific armor whose helm resembled a horned skull with blazing crimson eyes stared out at the assembling Jedi with loathing hate. He stood beside Shara, the Maelibus' size dwarfing his own, but the figure in armor was still imposing in his own right. This was the hour of reckoning, the hour of chaos, the hour where the Jedi would be crushed against the anvil of their own hold, with the One Sith being the hammer to crush them. He had prepared for this moment for months, but even still the rapture of fighting alongside his brothers and sister against the most hated enemy was something magical to behold.

Then, with a shudder in the Force, Darth Vornskr extended his mind outwards in a vicious attack on the minds of the enemy, conjuring forth nightmarish visions torn from the most obscure tales and legends. By the end of this most fated of days, the Jedi would choke on fear.


Jedi Temple Steps
[member="Ben Watts"]
The massive Maelibus stepped off the transport ramp, his huge bulk hitting duracreet with a cloud of dust. Then he charged.

Massive bulk moved almost faster than one would think possible. He dashed, becoming a blur as she rushed towards the Jedi. The huge lightsaber in his palm ignited with a spark of life, a huge red blade bursting from the organic yorik-coral hilt. The blade cut into a nearby Jedi, almost mindlessly slicing the man in two before charging on ahead.

He caught sight of a man in a hood, watched him flounder for a second before charging at him.

Teeth showed as the Maelibus attempted a grin.

He moved towards the man, his massive lightsaber swinging forward in one massive sweep. A statue was sliced in half as the tip of the blade passed through it, a female Jedi lose her arm, and Ben Watts was about to lose his life.

The Maelibus roared, a deafening yell that signaled the true start of the fighting.
A cloaked man ran through the Jedi Temple, flying through it's halls like a madman. The Sith were invading, but this man had other plans... Other orders... The Jedi Order in it's current state had alienated him, they would be able to defend themselves since they were so good at hunting down the Sith as they proclaimed... Since he was too bad at taking on the Sith that he should be usurped for it...

The Jedi Archives. A wealth of knowledge from the Jedi's history... As he made his way in, he dropped his illusion that had kept him invisible up until this point. He would need to focus his energy on other things besides hiding himself...

He would take out a device and hook it up to the archives... Everyone would be too busy defending Coruscant to notice him...

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
The Skies Over Coruscant

He had heard the call, like so many others, and had proceeded to Coruscant to play his part in the orchestra of destruction that was to come. Having only recently been initiated into the One Sith, Albrecht could barely contain the excitement he felt. True, he had taken part in raids before, but nothing on this scale, the sort of scale that he had only studied on datatapes as a child, but now, he was living the dream. Now was his turn to embrace the glorious rage of war.

Of course, unlike most involved, he had no intent of joining the fight on the ground - he had another purpose, a vital one in a tactical and strategic sense: securing air supremacy over the battlefield. To this end he had called in an old favor that somebody owed him, and procured a squadron of refurbished TIE/D Defender heavy starfighters - his own personal freighter being obviously inadequate for use in a full scale battle - along with several mercenaries to fly beside him in the other fifteen craft. The Defenders were practically in mint condition, but a lot of technological development had taken place in the last eight centuries, and so they were nowhere near as dominant now as they were when first introduced. That being said, they possessed heavy firepower and were still very agile for fighters of their size, making them ideal for supporting the attack.


The squadron emerged from hyperspace and accelerated towards the gleaming city planet ahead

"This is Bloodfin Leader, all Flight Leaders, report" Albrecht spoke into his helmet comlink.

"Bloodfin Five, standing by" reported the second element leader.

"Bloodfin Nine, standing by" reported the third.

"Bloodfin Thirteen, standing by" reported the fourth

"All fighters, accelerate to attack speed and dive into the atmosphere - strike as a formation, no single ship attacks" Albrecht ordered as he opened the throttle on his antiquated TIE to full, the ion engines screaming behind him as all sixteen craft dove into Coruscant's atmosphere, leveling off at around the level as the spires of various buildings. The formation proceeded in the direction of the Jedi Temple, each pilot checking their scanners for Jedi and Republic starfighters that might need to be dealt with.


"This is Bloodfin Leader, we've arrived at the combat zone" Albrecht reported to the other Sith units fighting down below, "If you need close support, just give us a call."
The chaos of battle was something he was terribly out of practice with, but he held his own as he always had, it was obvious he had not been in battle for quite some time. Though he was beginning to warm up to it quickly as he deflected lightsaber after lightsaber, cutting legs and arms, and disarming anyone who was brave enough to battle him. As much as he tried to hide it, to deny it, he was and always would be a warrior. Ducking under a lightsaber he used the force to fling a Sith through the air.

A feeling of dread washed over him as he felt the presence of [member="Darth Shara"] grow closer to him. Kicking a Sith in the leg, he turned his body around just in time to see the arch of the powerful Siths lightsaber descend upon him. Gathering strength with the force, he put his lightsaber up, and caught his blade. It was larger than a regular lightsaber and he almost felt his arms give in, having to reach his left hand up to grab the hilt, just so he could keep it from slicing him in half. Battle precognition had saved him many times but it had never been that close, the man he was now standing almost face to face with was as strong as any Sith he had faced before, and the roar he let out sent shivers down his spine.

Parrying the blow downwards, Ben flipped backwards through the air, creating space between himself and the Sith Lord. Landing softly he readied himself, adopting the all too famous Soresu stance he was known for, he may have been rusty but he would not lose. He was not going to die here, not today. Gathering the force in his free hand, Ben reached out and grabbed a large piece of debris that had fallen when the Sith had crashed through the doors, and he flung it in the the Sith Lords direction very quickly. He needed to see how fast he was.

If there was one thing I hated, it was being interrupted. Can't I assist the cute young'uns without some bastards making a racket outside? Made one of the smaller girls cry. Poor thing is scared out of her wits, mumbling something about a vision-... Wait a second... My worst fears are confirmed as a robed figure enters the room, staring up at me with fear in his eyes. "The Sith have returned." A moment later he dashed away. Those around me seemed confused... but worry seemed to fill them all. Why had Joffrey-san been so upset? One of the kids started tugging on my sleeve, asking me what was going on. "We have to go. Field trip time, okay guys? We're gonna go get some supplies to prank Master Apparine, okay? But we have to be really, really quiet. Don't want anyone to get suspicious or anything." Somehow they seemed to buy it. God, I hope I wasn't that gullible as a child...

Picking up Eria (the tiniest of the group) I started walking, making sure the others were following. My plan to deceive my midget friends started to seem like a bad idea... seeing as everyone was dashing about. I told them today the Knights and Masters were having a special drill to help prepare for emergencies. Once again they bought my lame-ass excuse. Seriously, was I this naive when I was younger?... I really, really hope not. "I'm scared..." Eria mumbled, burying her face into my chest. Letting out a sigh I gently patted her back. This was going to be a long day... Let's just hope we all make it out okay.
The Skies Over The Jedi Temple

The drop ships and troop transports were coming in fast. From inside one these troop transports the Sith Lord, Darth Kentarch watched the battle from a small holoprojector. It was like watching a seawall give way to the tide of an angry storm. The momentum the One Sith’s forces had generated was huge, and the planetary defenses now struggled to stem the tide, let alone maintain a stable front or line of defense. Yet it would not be in the streets where this battle would be decided, no it would be at the Jedi Temple where the fate of the Republic would be decided. The center of the Galactic Capital was no exception, here the fighting would be the most intense and a quick decisive victory would be needed to ensure that resistance after today was at a minimal.

Kentarch's comm activated with a message from Dark Lord. It was time to deal the death blow. As the transport ships descended closer and closer to the planet's surface, the turbulence increased as the anti-aircraft fire from the city and planetary defenses made an effort to stop the combat landings. Escort fighters and tactical bombers weaved in and out of formations in a mad dash to try and secure the airspace. Yet the transport Kentarch was on remained unhindered as it closed to the steps of the Jedi temple. A few moments later the pilot shouted they had arrived above their target. The back doors of the transport opened. The deafening roar of wind filled the cargo bay, the air smelt ionized and of smoke from the battle around them. The Sith Lord took a deep breath, and then took a running jump out the back end of the transport. Kentarch summoned the force, and then as he fell push himself upwards, even with all his telekinetic strength he dropped like a rock. Yet he landed on his feet, one leg going to the knee as he smashed into the pavement. The ground cracked and splintered as he landed kicking up a storm of dust and dirt.

The Sith Lord stood and looked ahead of him. The main entrance to the temple and the statues of the four masters lie before him. Darth Kentarch reached for his lightsaber, it was time to bring down the house.
Random Skyscraper

Marcello abhorred just about everything about the Jedi Temple. Life inside its walls was so regimented and not at all indicative of real life. Strands of long blonde hair fell over his glacier-blue eyes as so eyelids slid open. Here - amongst the bustle of Coruscant traffic, Marcello was most at home on the city-planet. He felt...more connected to the many diverse souls of the planet and the galaxy here, away from sometimes daunting regulations and intriguing policies. Here, Marcello was just a Jedi and his only need in life, really, was the Force.

The swelling if darkness in and around Coruscant had assaulted Marcello's senses like a pungent odor that he couldn't shake, a feeling that his skin was crawling. Whatever had was inexplicably powerful, more so than anything he'd experienced in recent years to be sure. That in and of itself, however, was hardly in any way conclusive. Coming to his feet, the Jedi Master leaned against the fuselage of his starfighter as he turned his eyes towards the heavens. A thin smile touched his lips as Marcello withdrew his communicator and contacted his apprentice. "Where are you?"

Things were, no doubt, about to become somewhat hectic. Withdrawing a datapad from his pocket, Marcello connected to the military communications protocol with the access codes he still retained. He had a feeling it would behoove him to keep himself connected to as many information sources as possible.

[member="Ryan Korr"]
ALLIES: [member="Lucianus Adair"]

An unmarked shuttle descended on Coruscant, carrying two Sith Lords with a legacy more than eight hundred years ago. One had never denied his birthright, the other had rejected it outright until now. Despite Darth Invictus' defeat on the Finality, a shard of Alen Na'Varro's former Master remained in his mind. Alen Na'Varro had become Darth Strider. He had claimed his birthright and his legacy, and now it was time to rend the capital world of the Republic into a realm of fire and blood. The Jedi had played their game of realpolitik for far too long, and now they would pay in death. As to whether this invasion by the One Sith would pay off or not, Darth Strider could not say and in truth, he did not care. He was just here for the violence, and to be known as the strongest. Could one ask for more than that?

The shuttle landed, the rampway opened and descended, and the two Sith stepped out onto the world of durasteel with lightsabers in hand, ready for blood. The Jedi Temple stood before them, and so Na'Varro looked over at his ally before nodding to the structure that would not be standing for much longer.

"A wretched hive of scum and villainy.." He said, not without irony, before indicating the battle ahead of them, which had already been joined. "Let's go have some fun. I'll wager that I'll kill more Jedi before the day is done."

With a bloodthirsty grin, the man now known as Darth Strider stalked towards the battle, and Jedi, and bloody constraint. He had all the time in the world to enjoy this ...
Vulpesen continued his walk, eventually catching sight of his target. "Get out." His voice was a growl as he walked towards [member="Darth Kentarch"]. This was his home. He would defend it and he would defend it well. A set of kath hounds followed behind him, preparing to attack his enemy as he sent Ace back into the temple. "This is my home. GET OUT!" He twirled the saber in front of him as he stopped, impeding the darth's path. "Or I shall remove you." He executed a makashi salute and waited.
His orders were clear... He kept typing on buttons and working his magic as the information transferred to it's appointed destination... This reminded him of so long ago when the Sith attacked the Temple, headed by Velok... A woman (Spencer Jacobs) had been transferring some info to her datapad... While this wasn't to his datapad... It was to his datapad and to another location off Coruscant... It was eerily similar to him.

He had told nobody of his mission... Nobody should know... Not yet... They would find out in time.

What he hadn't told his client though... Was that he was copying the info as well... Taking what was in the archives and sending it to another location as well... While it would take more time, having this information in the case of the worst, as well as where he was ordered to copy it to, would be good...

"If I never get to explain myself... Please forgive me..." he whispered. He knew these Jedi in this Temple now. Most of them had become arrogant, shoot first, ask questions later... They didn't think anymore. It disgusted him. He likely would not get to explain unless the one who had given the orders showed... And he was nowhere to be found, as he had been for quite some time...

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