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The Inquisition of Sekalus (part 1 of 3)

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Seras Goto"] Ξ [member="Darth Venefica"] Ξ [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] Ξ [member="Darth Timoris"] Ξ [member="Darth Veles"] Ξ [member="Sierra Momoa"] Ξ [member="Azlyn Ike"] Ξ [member="Bundori "]Ξ [member="Sawa Ike"] Ξ [member="Kerstas"] Ξ [member="Remy Singh"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Lady Exedō"] Ξ [member="Darth Zarrah"] Ξ [member="Zaria"]

Sanya nodded to praelior as the five croa catered around. "It will be done my lady." This was a chance to push the croa and their abilities, amongst the faces the girl she had dueled a few weeks ago and made submit to the dark side. It was ironic to see her no longer conflicted by her choices but instead has been set free from them.

If she knew anything leaders of worlds loved the tallest and most fancy of buildings to display their power, unfortunately he or she would soon be stepping down. This was Sanya's world now the people just don't know it. It will become another place where croa can live in safety of her arms a place to become her own giant playbox.

Sanya turned to look at cam getting close to her. She kieesed the rendili's woman's cheek. "Get on my back, you may not be a force user but it doesn't mean I can't let you experience some things. Just hold on tight and you will be fine." She said with a giggle. As cam climbed onto her back she wrapped her arms firmly around her thighs. "Are you ready?"
Zaria turned her to see CJ standing near the entrance to the cafeteria. Food was needed. Drink needed more. Both she wanted now. The work she had completed worked up an appetite in her tummy. Not until CJ mentioned the word meal that she knew how much it was worked up. "I got the next round," Zaria replied moving toward her friend.
Zaria and CJ entered the cafeteria that was deserted. Zaria clucked her tongue against her teeth. "Guess we get the leftovers. Great. I love leftovers. So yummy!" Zaria lead CJ toward the buffet line and scanned the contents. Not much worth writing home to Mother about. Some fruit. Some meat. Something that looked like meat. Some assorted foods she had no idea what it was. Where it came from. "I'm glad you are buying."
Zaria filled her tray up with food she did know. She wasn't feeling adventurous so she left the unknown to those that worked in the science labs. Let them run tests first. If the results were to her liking then she might indulge the food another time. Zaria took a seat and gingerly took a small bite of the fruit. "Have you received your assignment yet?"
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Kendrix"] [member="Darth Timoris"]​
"Divide and conquer dear Avreet. Divide and conquer." Zarrah began to feel the Dark Side grow strong once again with her. In her exile she had distanced herself from the Force. She rarely used it. There was a time she had thought as the legendary Darth Traya once did. The destruction of the Force would provide the galaxy with peace and balance. It was a foolish idea she had. The Force was needed. The galaxy required it to survive. The Force was abused and it was exploited. Zarrah could not fault the Force. Only those that used it absentmindedly and without consequences.

"These Dark Jedi you call them pose no real threat to us," Zarrah pronounced while letting a small spark of lightening crackle in her palm. "Their numbers maybe great. Remember sweet Avreet. It took only one to destroy the Sith Order once. We are two." Zarrah did not seek the destruction of the Sith Order as Avreet did. Zarrah sought reform. Avreet was right though. They needed to be cautious.

Avreet's words alone gave understanding to her that he was either hunted by them or he turned his back on them. Either one of those assumptions lead to one possible course of action for the Togruta witch. She would not allow harm to befall him. She hated killing. Force her hand though and she would lay waste to the galaxy.

"I sense a new Sith Order with this Covenant. They are different. They seek to forge their own destiny without the oppressive grip of false teachings. You may not yet agree sweet Avreet but I think we may have found what we have been seeking all along," Zarrah proclaimed while she placed a hand on his forearm. "An opportunity to reshape the galaxy and the Sith."

[member="Darth Veles"]

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori sighed. Audibly.

She was in no mood for games - not this close to her prize..and she was pleased her current apprentice had made it this far. It was her first test and she'd passed comfortably. In fact she'd exceeded expectations - even if it were by accident. And she had no desire to anny or antagonise anyone, but her patience was being tested.

So [member="Kendrix"] was her focus now. "I bow to your command of your native language," she offered. "I get by with Basic and Sith of course. Now, is there anything you need from me?"
Truly, the One Sith did not pose much of a threat to the two – finding and eliminating two Sith Lords would be nearly impossible. Still, the organisation presented a major threat to the entire galaxy as a whole and Darth Veles, one of the last true Sith, had no intention of letting the One Sith slaughter trillions unopposed. The Dark Jedi organisation was destined to fall, the doctrine of fear and terror pushing their subjects too far – and the weak and defenceless were bound to push back, helped by all those who opposed the monstrous beasts. After witnessing their pointless brutality first hand, the Mon Calamari could not stay silent anymore. His morals, his mantra of honour, his heart – all commanded the true Sith to fight against the One ‘Sith’.

Excitement ran down his spine when the red-skinned woman touched him, almost as if she sent bolts of electricity through his entire body, causing him to shiver so slightly an untrained eye would not catch the motion. Did this unusual reaction have something to do with the purple sparks of Force lightning dancing between the Togruta’s fingertips a moment ago, or was it something more, something originating within the Mon Calamari Sith that reacted to the woman’s touch in this unexpected fashion? Whatever the cause was, Avreet did not find her touch unpleasant, but warm, caring, conjuring a slight smile on his face. One did not need to be a Force sensitive to feel the strong bond between the red-skinned Togruta and her former apprentice. One quick glance at the woman to meet her gaze and Avreet’s eyes focused on the distinct shapes of Covenant ships ready to greet the newcomers.

“Hmm,” the Mon Cal muttered under his whiskers, “I hope you’re not overestimating them, my dearest obsession. As far as I am concerned, the two of us are the only Sith Order in the galaxy. While there are hundreds of beings who claim to be Sith, it simply isn’t true. They are Dark Jedi pretending to be Sith. I’d suggest to be wary of them – the One Sith also portrays itself as a benevolent dictatorship that wishes the best for the galaxy, while in reality it is nothing but a reign of terror and fear covering behind noble Sith principles.” He stated dryly and looked at his lady once more, just as his ship approached one of the bigger Covenant vessels and continued its flight alongside it.

Letting go of the controls, the Sith Lord let the ship fly on its own for a bit as they neared the destination, their new home, their base of operations.

“But, we also have an opportunity to inject our message into the monster’s little sister,” he admitted, nodding, “The Covenant is tightly connected to the One Sith, and while the One Sith is impossible to control, impossible to reform, the Black Rose is still growing. We merely need to ensure it grows as we want, least we risk it becoming just like its big brother. Though I sincerely doubt this flower will grow into the same beauty as you.”

Did he want to offer another compliment? Or perhaps Avreet wished to stay within the metaphor of flowers, Zarrah’s wisdom and power representing the beauty this Black Rose should strive for? Perhaps both? However the amphibious Sith meant his words, a gentle giggle escaped his lips and his webbed hand placed itself on top of the older woman’s wrist, gently stroking it. No more words left his mouth, not until a beeping sound accompanied by a blinking button demanded his attention.

Perfectly aligned with the massive sized ship next to them, the Sith Lord adjusted Your Deathbed’s speed before hailing the warship through the comms and requesting a permission to dock. Once granted his wish, the Sith Lord brought the Infiltrator-class vessel even closer, a slight shaking signalling the two connected, firmly attached to each other, and the two Sith were free to board the warship.

“After you, my lovely Sith Lady,” Avreet purred as he stood up from the seat, his webbed hands turning off the ship’s systems as he went, flipping switches, “Be the first true Sith these Dark Jedi ever see! Let their eyes feast upon the living embodiment of perfection you are, my queen, have them strive to ascend above their ways!”

[member="Darth Zarrah"]
The first bite the Vahla took was the last bite, as she pushed the remaining tray of food away from her. She looked at the food, waiting for it to stand up and walk off the tray. In the future, she would make sure that leftovers would be left for others to gorge themselves on. Sticking out her tongue, she began to wipe away any traces left over that dared to offend her taste buds. For one split second she thought of taking a sip from her drink, only to realize that could add to the assault on her taste glands; not a solution. They should fire the cooks!

"Uh, no. But I do have some experience in battles so I'm assuming that I will be detailed with either an exploration team or fire-team."

The thrill, or call, of battle was not something she flocked too. She fought when told to, she stayed her hand when told to. Tag, her lost friend, use to call her his 'Little Soldier Girl." When she prompted an explanation from him, he simply shrugged his shoulder and replied, "Mine is not to reason why....mine is but to do or die." He laughed at his own remark, she mentally frowned. She missed Tag, but he was strange at times. Where are you, Tag?

"I've been meaning to ask you, Zaria. Have you found a Master to further your training?"

CJ was currently Masterless herself; not because her former, former Jedi Master was wrong. Master Raaf was an excellent teacher, the Jedi Order was fractured and flawed in the eyes of the young Vahla girl. CJ didn't observe politics because she was a good 'Little Soldier Girl', but one didn't need to understand politics to feel the pressure mounting on the shoulders of both the Jedi and the Republic after back-to-back devastating defeats at the hands of the Sith.

CJ, at one time, believed she should have stayed in the Jedi Order; but it wasn't pressure forming on her shoulders but ice and coldness from the others. So she left the Jedi for a second time; finding a new life, family, and home here among the Sisterhood. She needed to find a Master herself. But who?

[member="Zaria"] / [member="Darth Timoris"] / [member="Kendrix"]
The lab was cold, just the way she preferred it, while she sat in front of a computer terminal looking through the reports, some positive and some negative, on some of the experiments she was working on. Back in the hidden confines of her lab, located underground in the Thorn of the Black Rose, her two most successful creations where going through their final stages of evolution. Soon, very soon in fact, they would be ready to make their intergalactic debut.
Now, many lightyears from her lab, she was focusing on redefining the properties of the black orchid plant. She knew what the plant could do and not do, she knew which plants could work along with the black orchid plant and which would die in the orchid's unforgiving embrace. Then she had the reports of several projects that need her approval so the Black Rose science teams could continue forward toward progress; and success.
She was busy, which suited her fine. Darth Venefica hated space flight more than anything in the known galaxy. By working in the labs she found some measure of peace to keep her beautiful mind focused on projects; and off the potential of crashing into asteroids. And she was patient. Where she learned that unSith trait, well, that was anyone's guess. Perhaps she was getting older; no, wiser.
@Anyone and Everyone (Missing Mentions....again)​
Was there anything Kendrix needed from the one she called Malengwen? Kendrix huffed then shook her head before giving the woman her attention again clapping her hands in front of her once.

“I have a question actually!” It was hard to tell if she was sincere or not. “Have you ever heard the Norgaw cry to the blue corn moon?”

She grinned then waved her hands in front of her in hopes to keep [member="Darth Timoris"] from getting upset at play, “Dartho! Dartho! Goheno nin. Forgive me. I am bored. This place it does not… retain? No… amuse me. You seem busy however. Perhaps I should find other ways to cure this lack of muse?”

The words hung in the air as Kendrix stared defiantly at her.

[member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Zaria"]
While Tara was up in orbit overseeing the construction Isis was down on the planet exploring. Her launcher in her hand as she was walking and feeling what she could of the force. Getting it for herself until she was letting a massive thought form with the sounds of croa and other creatures. "What the hell have I gotten myself into?" She was curious now while walking through the one area and there were troopers securing an entrance down into a crystal cave. The sounds comign from it as she was walking closer and joining in the group gathering. "What is it they have found?" She was curious and seeing more of the crystals had her somewhat excited now before heading in herself. Light going on with her hand while she held her launcher up. Maybe she'd be able to find her very own crystal.
There was a look on her face while Shinju headed down and onto the planet. Looks over all the things while she was going about and heading towards the palace. Her saber on her hip and her troopers seemed pale as they weren't wearing their helmets. The dark hair they had while she was moving with a smile on her face touching some of them. "Go and capture them my dears, we have so much pretty things to do in this world." Shinju was running hands along her body as she squirmed with a smile on her face going through it all in a few moments. "Come my children it is time to come and play." The two little girls taking her hands got a nice smile while the three were skipping.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

She was moving, the construction efforts going, the force energies she was searching for as engineers were going off to work on different things. "Continue commander." There was a look from them as they nodded to her and Balaya raised her hand, lifting up a shadow as a creature slowly formed and bled through from her desire and power into the physical world creating a familiar as she let it come to her hand. "Go my pet, watch and protect Sanya and my darling Camellia." She was looking over it as the creature shared the experiences and sensation heading to find the pair with their croa as her presence was being projected with the creature.
The crystal caves were a sight to behold, here in the northern regions of the world she was taking it all in and searching while she withdrew from her hip the micro grenade pistol. Thoughts going to some of the things before she stopped and let herself stand still. The force was still new to her but she was a Liran and there was something to be said about their intelligence compared the the lesser humans. Her thoughts and feeling spreading out while she listened for the force to guide her and her feet were moving. Into the cave deeper and deeper with the hum of the crystals and she didn't release her saber she was just fiddling with it and making sure it worked when she came to an obstruction taking aim and firing the launcher. the soft thunk as the magnetic coils released the shot before she was seeing it in the distance of the cave. A blue crystal shard that she grabbed sitting down with it in her hand. The saber in her grip being tinkered with until she had it opened and slid the crystal into the small chamber closing it up with a snap and her hydrospanner. Isis stood there for a moment checking the blade out before she pressed the stud to activate it and a snap hiss gave way to a azure blue blade that illuminated her face.
The global invasions Sanya was leading them into across the world had the doctor being careful. THe slower moving Roanoke was being brought down so they could have a place to put the ones captured. The feeling of the darkside as she was standing there and around while she was scanning the different ones that were there for capture. She might not fully understand the sith creatures brought and these croa but she did understand sciences and all planets needed some place or a leader known for their healing. She was letting her medical corps extract the information to find things. She was moving across the world with a wicked smile on her face going towards the southern regions.
"Lets go and have some fun." She was moving now, the small team of croa that were with her able to keep up as she ran through the terrain with a raising of her eyebrows slightly. The shink shink of her blades as they sliced into things and those around her with the branches falling away. Her boots impacting the soft earth before she jumped up to slice across the arm of a woman and let one of the croa almost frenzy her in the excitement from the blood. They were capturing and turning but mostly herding as some were running and their lighter steps, superior speed as well as lower force signature wouldn't get in the way. The northern regions of the planet were a wonderful place to go about and work.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

They were continuing in towards the capital city of the world, Sawa had fed and was feeling better as she stood there with a smile on her face before she was slightly skipping towards the target location. The small as-aki rising up and flying around while she was giving them the attention towards the energy vampire with her soldiers moving into the buildings. "Bring them outside and take them to lady Sanya." A laugh came while she was pushing the others forward with her attention going after a few of the things. She was encountering a mix of human's and other being, they seemed to be stronger within the force before she was rushing forward after them.
"Keep going." The half albino zeltron kept moving forward as she let her attention fall to the troopers who were subduing people. She felt the darkside and charged into a room before ascending the stairs to reach and seal the roof so they couldn't escape while her saber slashed itno a door and as it plunged in she activated the crossguards to making the hole larger and she pulled away from it looking inside while she laughed a little. "Heeeeeeres room service."
"Oh Kark!" Zaria jumped to her feet remembering her first lesson. To find her Master on the ship. From day one of her arrival she had been put to work. Tons and tons of work. Free time was scarce. Free time equaled sleep. With her shift over and two days off she had time to seek her Master. "I'm suppose to find my Master." Zaria started toward the cafeteria's exit when a small thought came to her.
"CJ. Come with me," her heading bobbing in the direction of the exit. "Maybe she can help you find a Master." Zaria ducked out of the cafeteria jogging through the halls of the ship. At the end of the hall she caught sight of her Master indulging another Sister in conversation. Zaria slowed her jog to a calm walk. Stopping next to her Master she bowed her head.
"My apologies, Master," Zaria said feeling disappointed in herself. "I bear no excuse with me." Zaria had heard stories how Sith punished their students for failure. She had failed. She deserved punishment. She expected punishment. She would accept it without complaint.
[member="Darth Timoris"] [member="Kendrix"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]​
The world was making her feel strange and Sierra extended her wings in the mountains as she hovered back, the air catching the flesh as the draft was carrying her towards the area in the distance. Her rifle on her hip but there was also a mace she could strike with while letting her attention go towards the troopers moving through the area. "There are more ahead, heading there now." The regions here she was able to move through before she was swooping down to smash a woman in the back and pick another up to scoop them and toss them inbto a tree.
She was so happy and they were heading down, the sithspawn that had been brought out were standing tall and Bundori climbed atop one while she was grinning with her chainblade over her head smiling. "WEEE" The massive leviathan roared but its beast handlers were there with her while she was smiling towards the greater things. Attention to the details and finally there was the most important thing... She wanted to find a super special unicorn she could ride around on while smiling. "Lets go to adventure."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

Well to say Camellia wasn't surprised when Sanya told her to climb on top of her would be a lie, ok it wasn't a lie she was surprised. After all, what did a piggy back ride have to do with carrying out the Sith Zeltron's orders to search for and transform the leader of the planet? Of course after a few moments the Rendili woman would indeed catch on. The force really wasn't her forte, a fact which made her sigh as she grinned softly at her fellow Croa. Honestly it was still a foriegn power to her despite how many people she knew wielded it and how often she was witness to its effects. Part of her wished there was no force to make everything simpler. . . .that and to keep the so called "force gods" from ruining good old fashioned warfare. However, that wasn't an opinion she was about to voice as she carefully climbed on Sanya's back. "Alright, just. . .don't go too fast, I don't want to dig my claws into you."*

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