Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Inquisition of Sekalus (part 1 of 3)

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

Watching those two work was marvelous while Balaya continued deeper into the nexus of the force here. The black crystal resonating with it as she could feel the pull of the darkside tugging at her until she was standing there. At the eye of a chaotic storm and it felt like it was going to feel it all while she reached out and was chanting into the blackness with her vains black and pulsing. "This place is wonderful." She could feel Sanya and Camellia now more clearly then ever and pressed her presence into the familiar as the croa were being summoned to begin infecting all they could find. "Spread my pets, kill the ones of this world and spread."
[member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Just as eager as Sanya, Camellia couldn't wait for the lift to stop and for the two of them to infect the leaders of this world with the Croa virus and cement its loyalty and more. The Rendili woman had already enjoyed the sight of those they passed that had been infected before their arrival, now she was ready for more, and hopefully by the time they finished they would have a chance to watch at least the last ones they infected go through their transformation into the more wonderful beings they would become. The Former Jedi's whispered pronouncement made Camellia grin as well while she replied back with her own affirmative of her feelings. "I. . . .I love you too."

Of course though since that had little to do with their current situation, Camellia kept her eyes on the lift door as they reached their destination, the Rendili woman's grin growing bigger as a thought came to her. Well one among several. "Hey so. . . .why don't we infect them at the same time? I mean of course hug the wall in case they fire when it opens, but when we do leap at them let's nab the leaders to bite at the same time. Sound fun Sanya?"

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
As they rushed to the office Sanya giggled at the thought of them taking the leader or leaders at the same time. "Sounds like a wonderful idea my love." She said with a smile as the door opened to the large circular room, inside their was three people two males and a female. They had all stood up as they walked in fear and shock covered their faces.

"I'm going to make this easy." Sanya said while she walked closer to them all at the back of the room. "This world belongs to us now, and that includes it people that are been changed into a such wonderful and better spieces now. Before you day we have no right then your wrong and in the end you will thank me for what me and my beautiful girl here will do to you. Its such a special honor."

Sanya's tongue started to feel her cainine teeth as she watched the leaders expression turn to anger. "You will not get away with this." He said with confidence. With a gesture of his hand the other two approached with swords in this hands. "But we already have. You see we already have at least half the population behind us, either those who just oppose you for some reason or those who are now beautiful croa." Sanya replyed. "Dears take care of this two." Two of the croa didn't waist time running and leaping onto the two bodyguards sending them crashing to the floor without time to react.

While Sanya and camellia approched the leader she held out her hand yanking him with the force towards her and the rendili woman. Without a moments notice they both sunk their teeth into his neck flooding his vains with the gift of the croa virus. It made Sanya feel so good to infect people and it was nice to make it into something herself and camellia could bond with. As they both took their teeth out of his neck Sanya put a hand on came cheek reaching over the guys body to kiss her. "This world is ours my queen." She said with a smile.

Walking over to the largest chair Sanya sat down in it to watch the three slowly turn while she opened a com to all sisterhood members. "The world now belongs to us. Finnish up turning those who oppose us and those who have been spotted to help leave them be, they already seem compliant and will be useful to keep our croa population growing."


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