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The Inquisition of Sekalus (part 1 of 3)

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [I totally wasn't super late and forgetful to the party I got multiple @mentions for nope I'm on time]

Already heading out to yet another unknown world right after their venture to capture and experiment on several force users the Sith had detected, Camellia was feeling rather tired for the most part for the majority of the trip. Although at the very least since the Rendili woman got to spend some well used alone time with Sanya on the ship during transit she wasn't entirely unhappy. Especially considering the attire the former jedi and her fellow Croa opted to wear while strutting about the vessel. Though nonetheless, it didn't completely wipe the unease from her mind, as it returned to her thoughts when Sanya brought up the fact they were only a jump away and others would becoming soon as well.

Meaning things would likely become bothersome and serious. Which more work after they had just got done with last.

To console herself, Camellia had to remember that hopefully by the end of everything she would have earned herself a very long break and accomplished enough for a substantial reward by the time things were through. All the same, stepping next to Sanya to embrace the other woman briefly she couldn't help but frown a little as the others undoubtedly began to arrive. "Never a moment's rest huh. . . . .well we'll still have the trip back to have more fun. I'm still not sure what we're all supposed to be doing here though hun."
Settled in and with nothing left to do but wait, CJ had took it upon herself to walk through the ship and familiarize herself with the crew and the operating procedures on the warship. The latter was something she desperately needed to do. Small freighters, shuttles, and other ships of that type she had ridden it many times, both as a Jedi and a pauper. A warship, well, this was new territory for her. The size alone was enough to put the Vahla in a state of awe. I hope my mouth isn't ajar.

Moving from one level to the next, she felt like a tourist at one of those expensive fun parks she had read about. The stares she was receiving from some of the crew added to her feeling of being a tourist, too. While she level hopped through the massive ship, she took notice of the different sections and departments. Soon she would be given an assignment, what it entailed she didn't know yet. In her heart, she hoped she would be assigned to one of the exploration teams that would be sent to a planet and, well, explore. Still a child at heart.

Her stomach rumbled alerting her that it was in need of some nourishment. Her nose chirped when it picked up the sweet smells of cooked food. Fine, fine, fine. You both win. CJ headed toward the cafeteria when she saw the blue-skinned girl, Zaria.

"Zaria! Hey Zaria! Care to join me for a meal?"

She barely knew Zaria but there was a strong bond of friendship brewing there. With the loss of her friend Tag, she had been hesitant to befriend another person. Getting to know Zaria better, well, that was a step in the right direction.

"My treat!"

CJ laughed alittle at her own comment. The food in the cafeteria was free. Whether or not this free food was actually good, that was another matter. Still, free food regardless of how it tasted was, well, free food. And since she only had a few credits on her, the freer the better. Right?

[member="Darth Timoris"] / [member="Zaria"]
The time had come with the haulers she had brought they were working on deploying the prototype carrack for protecting the fleet. Her carracks were galaxy known but the new model well that would be something she feared only [member="Camellia Swift"] the head of Rendili would really be able to get behind and appreciate. The new prototype Carrack was the same length but the larger engines making it wider and curved design allowing the forward mounted heavy solar cannons were there. The turbolasers and ion weaponry for it with anti fighter flak cannons and there was one more thing as the swiveling acceleration cannon extended its large barrel. "[member="Darth Venefica"], a small gift. The first prototype for the newest model f our ships, the Carrack MK II, more armor and weapons with a new design to maximize its space and systems."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Seras Goto"] Ξ [member="Darth Venefica"] Ξ [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] Ξ [member="Darth Timoris"] Ξ [member="Darth Veles"] Ξ [member="Sierra Momoa"] Ξ [member="Azlyn Ike"] Ξ [member="Bundori "]Ξ [member="Sawa Ike"] Ξ [member="Kerstas"] Ξ [member="Remy Singh"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Lady Exedō"] Ξ [member="Darth Zarrah"] Ξ @Zaria

Sanya giggled as her lover wrapped her arms around the girls waist and Sanya did the same back pulling her closer. As the rendili woman spoke she kissed her on the cheek. "Hopefully after all this we will have our freedom again, but this time it is my fault. You know how force users can sometimes see glimpses into a potential future. Well when I first started to turn into the wonderful croa I am I started to see this place, as well as a few other things but I'll tell you about that part later." She said with a smile. "Anyway once I started the transformation it started a chain of events leading to this. The force led us here for a reason and I want to know why. The other part of the vision was us attacking with a legion of croa. So I think we are here to take this place and improve their lives."

As more ships arrived Sanya took the opportunity to put some clothes on although what she wore wasn't exactly much. She quickly slipped on her clothes before sitting back in her seat. "Just going to contact to others my beautiful croa." She said with a smile while opening up a frequency. "This is Sanya Val Lerium contacting all sisterhood ship's, once we have a break in the storm we will slip in, but be fast while I've been here the gap only lasts for approximately two minutes at a guess. Once we in the atmosphere we will converge at this location where we will meet up. Any questions hold them till we are there." She cut the com before the chatted started she wasn't ready to answer anything, especially since she was still not exactly trusted by anyone here.

Even if she was croa been an ex Jedi held a title amongst sith, but they will soon learn to trust her and this maybe it. She looked over to cam again with a smile. "I love you my dear." The opening in the storm soon appeared and the Gunship at full speed. With in moments the where passing through a long tunnel and the others shortly behind.

The clouds in front where thick and arcs of yellow and red lightening. It was definitely a strange place but the raw power radiating off the place made her feel tingly. "Almost through." She said coming to the other side. As they broke through she pulled the ship up to level out it appeared to be night on the surface, like in the vision.

The only lights was that glowing off the city and the dancing and waiving red, purple and yellow lights above. It no longer looked like a storm, in fact you could clearly see through to see the stars. Sanya took the ship close to the city setting it down in the open plains. "We made it. Now to wait for the others." She said as the engines cutt off. No doubt their Creator will take control once she's here.

Ooc -
When we get to the fighting we don't wanna kill the citizens that rebel, but stun them and croa turn them.

Those who have apprentice's use this to teach them with the world wide nexus helping them. Once this is over [member="Darth Timoris"] will be taking anyone who needs crystals, this will lead into part 2.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Darth Timoris"] [member="Zaria"] [member="Darth Zarrah"] [member="Kerstas"] [member="Darth Veles"]

The sight of the world around them came to her as they passed the force storm around the system, the worlds of it all and the planet they had been drawn to with a look on her face. "It is nice my pets." Balaya stood there as she moved and on the bridge of the ship clapped her hands together. She didn't need to speak yet but the massive transport stopped in position opening its massive doors as something moved in the inky blackness of space. The ship slowly depositing as Balaya allowed the force energies and her aura to sweep across the fleet with the energy showing a darkness and the chill of space before something answered her call. The sithspawn that had been brought with them were answering with howls and the croa stood at the ready getting riled up before the real thing came. A massive roar as her baby woke up and came drifting out of the massive transport. The Nightmare Child roared and was towering over all of the ships in the expedition fleet as its sightless features gave way to massive ship sized teeth and the jaws that could swallow everything. Balaya was looking at it as it came fully out, two kilometers of sithspawn five hundred meters in size and able to not just squirm but it was moving under its own power through space to nearly eat one of the ships. "HEllo my baby." Balaya said it while she was laughing over the comlink and letting it be there for everyone to see the true height of what could be made with the darkside.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori walked alone. Her squad of personal Sitherhood troopers remained in the hangar. She’d encouraged them to stand down, but they preferred to be combat ready. Not exactly insubordination, as she appreciated their dedication.

So she wandered the behemoth, taking in the size and features of the ship – but also seeking the elusive Vahla. She stopped and wondered. Where would she have headed when she was an Acolyte? Given there was neither a bar nor a dance floor on board, she decided to head for the next best place. The restaurant. It was both a place for sustenance and company. And even if you didn’t want to make friends, a busy place was easier to be alone in than walking the corridors alone. You stood out less and attracted no attention.

As she approached the designated cafeteria, she sensed an aura she recognised. Her Acolyte was clearly being proactive and had beaten her here. Melori smiled with a sense of pride. Activity was key in advancement. That and not dying of course.

So she entered the room to see her Apprentice and the woman she was looking for conversing. Luck? Chance? Destiny? Did it matter? If they were friends it would be helpful. They would help each other rather than try to tear each other down. The Sisterhood needed growing and it needed to add to the talent pool, not reduce it.

So she sauntered over to the pair…

[member="Ciara Jevnaker"] | [member="Zaria"]
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

Well Camellia certainly couldn't say no to a legion of Croa taking over a planet and turning it into another paradise where the beautiful and wondrous race could transform others to join them in their existence. However, she wasn't going to pretend for one second that she understood any part of the reason for them coming here having to do with some kind of vision of the future that came to her lover through the force as a result of her own transformation into a Croa. It sounded pretty crazy, and the Rendili woman already had a hard time trying to wrap her head around the aspects of the force she was forced to bear witness to ever since the Sith had taken up residence in the Inner Rim and taken control of her homeworld. It was simply something she couldn't understand being unable to feel or see it for herself really how it worked.

She was much better at working with machines, starships specifically.

That and making her new girlfriend happy. Although even if she did there was always business to attend to, like the former Jedi having to get in touch with all the new arrivals to guide them in and get them back on task. "Whatever you say Sanya." To be truthful though, Camellia very much was hoping the trip would be short and they could return to Rendili in swift order. However, for the moment she merely foxused on fastening herself into her seat as the other girl took control of the ship after finishing communications and accelerated the ship forward rather suddenly, nearly knocking her out of her chair before she had finished strapping in.

Needless to say, the entirety of the ride done wasn't exactly smooth though the Rendili woman didn't blame the pilot for it at all.

She would, however, blame Sanya fully for getting her involved in the first place.
Going to the planet was important but as she saw the beast in space.... Sierra was looking at it out the view port before she was moving with her wings draped around herself. She entered int the drop ship that would be taking her and the others down towards the planet. The sound of the massive sithspawn in the force was almost squeezing her skull in vice. She didn't know what was down there but it felt like home, the darkside permeating from the surface into her pores even from space. "THis world is amazing."
She was happy and heading down tot he planet was well worth it, Isis wanted to test the new prototype ships in orbit and on the ground as theywere able to go planetside. "We're heading down and ging to establish a position in orbit." She was setting the places for things like the haulers they were working on and the equipment they could unload for whatever the people there needed. "Tara get us groundside and begin working on the scanners." She was looking at her engineers armor and working on that while going down would be important but she still grabbed her saber.... well she needed someone to teach her how to best construct the saber part of it while she had the micro grenade launcher.
Azlyn was in the shuttle coming down as she slid from her hip the saber blade. Getting a look from one of the soldiers while she turned it showing the cross guard on the hilt which wasn't common on many of the other sabers. She could feel the lignum and the quxoni crystals that were making it a powerful connection to the darkside. They were getting the orders and she could see some of the croa with a look on her face while finally rising up from the seat when they were preparing to disembark. She was in the thicker robe robes showing how white her skin was and hair with highlights of red before she activated the saber letting the snap hiss appear before the crossguards activated.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Seras Goto"] Ξ [member="Darth Venefica"] Ξ [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] Ξ [member="Darth Timoris"] Ξ [member="Darth Veles"] Ξ [member="Sierra Momoa"] Ξ [member="Azlyn Ike"] Ξ [member="Bundori "]Ξ [member="Sawa Ike"] Ξ [member="Kerstas"] Ξ [member="Remy Singh"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Lady Exedō"] Ξ [member="Darth Zarrah"] Ξ [member="Zaria"]
She pressed on the dashboard to lower the back ramp then looked at cam. "Should we get some air while the others make it through?" She asked her lover as Sanya stood up. Her sabers bounced off her hip with each step she took, her tail black tail flowed behind her. In some sense she knew this battle would be short with only been one city from the scans, and no doubt praelior had already scheemed a plan. All there was to do now was wait for her ship to touch down and receive orders. She also knew that right now a small army of croa and sisterhood troops would be advancing to the surface.

Sanya looked up at the lights dancing in the sky. It seemed peaceful yet a constant fight against it's self. The force flooded this place like the darkness in space, it felt like endless power. A power only the sisterhood is aloud to harness for them selfs, it would simply be too dangerous in others hands. It wasn't that we was squandering the power but more we found it so it's ours.

It didn't take long for the first ship to come down and as soon as the ramp opend croa flooded out, their where some even from when Sanya herself was transformed into a croa. It was a pleasing sight to see. Following shortly behind [member="Darth Praelior"] exited the ship, and Sanya quickly made her way over. "Lady praelior?" She said gaining her attention. "What is mine and cams order?" Sanya was eager to start, she wanted it over and done with. With the feel of some of the croa they where the knights they would prove useful especially since each one had their own skill set to be used.
Kendrix stepped in front of the one know as [member="Darth Timoris"] . Her force signature still concealed as she intercepted the sith’s path. Where did she come from? Kendrix wasn’t inclined to tell. She did what she did best: hide in plain sight. Made even more successful with the introduction of force cloak. If only she could make her whole being invisible. The trouble she would be in with her silent steps. That was a lesson she had yet to learn however.

Kendrix did not believe in fate or destiny nor did she believe in being bonded and bound to others by the force. Yet, she found herself surrounded by the same people. Even when she didn’t expect them to be around. Here there was yet another. Not her master or her master’s master. Not even her sister. These were the people she expected, but no, this was the one she knew as her sister’s apprentice. The one she renamed Malengwen.

“Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn,” the sarcasm in her voice was prominent even if her words were ones that only Kendrix understood. A smirk threatened to overtake Kendrix’s mouth as she stared at the blonde woman in front of her. The lift in Kendrix’s chin did nothing to bridge the gap that separated the two in height.

[member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Zaria"]

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori stopped in hr tracks. She glanced at the two Acolytes and quite literally bit her bottom lip. But then what did a few moments matter when she had a lifetime to teach them? Perhaps the delay heightened her appetite for revenge over her sister? Allowed her to savour the moment she would become Master to Corvus' former charge. The sense of anticipation of undoing all her stuck-up sister's teaching was almost painful - a form of starvation for the senses.

But she had her Master's sister to contend with first. She nodded an acknowledgement to her. She was speaking in her native tongue again. She was no doubt being rude...again. And was hoping it would be annoying Melori...again.

In truth it did, but she was at pains not to let it show. Instead she smiled. "Ah, my Master's little sister," she said, ensuring she emphasised the word. It worked on two levels and Melori enjoyed that. "Be careful with that tongue, you'll cut yourself one of these days." The smile remained painted on her face and she glanced across at the Acolytes. Patience may be a virtue, but even the neeks gave in after a while.

[member="Kendrix"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] | [member="Zaria"]
[member="Darth Venefica"]

The world she could feel and there was a giant monster in the skies above as her chainsword and white dress were looking great. Slowly she was walking and she tripped over her shoes as the chainsword flew out of her hand and the revving of the teeth subsided with a screaming trooper as she got up and was trying to pull it out of her shoulder with the trooper grinding her teeth. "Now now it isn't so bad, just a flesh wound." She pulled it off with the arm and Bundori picked it up while handing it to another trooper. "Here lend her a hand." The one bleeding out looked at her and the other paused for a moment. "Get it I made a funny."
Remy could feel the pulse of the world when the ships doors opened and she was heading out into it with her blades on her back. The sith pureblood crouched low with a couple of troopers at her command. They were there to fight and keep the population stunned while they searched out for them in the mountains of the world, the pulse f the darkside bringing her attention up to the skies as she could see the sithspawn coming down, the raging of the force storm before she was moving with her attention going to the other creatures there. A small smirk on her face before she was touching a rock and smelling the air. "This world is rich in the darkside of the force my master."

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Even she could feel the pull of the darkside on the planet as she was moving down deeper into the dropship with the troopers. Her hungry was coming to the surface as her mouth opened gently and the serpent like fangs appeared snapping into place almost before she was looking for something to eat. Here on the ship until they got down she was gripping a bar to hold herself in place. The doors opening while the troopers were getting out quickly before she released the bar and her hand form was there and she started running in the yasha armor with a grin on her face. Stunning the targets of the population was fine but she was hungry leaping and grabbing one of them as her lips sealed over her neck and she fed.
A smirk forced its way onto Kendrix’s face as Melori began to speak. It didn’t bother her that she brought Kendrix’s size into the banter. It only showed how much the sith knight underestimated the acolyte in front of her.

Be careful with that tongue, you'll cut yourself one of these days… This is a metaphor, isn’t it? She pause to take a brief moment to figure out what it meant. If her tongue could cut her, it would have to be sharp… Melori wanted Kendrix to watch what she said. It was either a warning or a threat. Maybe both. Her sister’s apprentice didn’t seem too thrilled to see Kendrix. That was clear by the fake smile she wore.

“Do I offend you?” Kendrix didn’t care if she did or not. “I offered you a very formal greeting in my language. ‘Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn.'” She spoke slower and enunciated the words for her companion. “It means ‘A star shines on the hour of our meeting.’ It is said when a meeting is favorable. The only way it could be more formal and respectful is if I say it using the words of the noblemen and kings. That would be ‘Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo.’ However since neither of us are noble such words are blasphemous.”

Kendrix laughed to herself before taking a calmer and more sincere tone, “See even a Seregwaur like me can be pleasant.”

[member="Darth Timoris"]
[member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

The reaction she had been hoping for was oooh's and awws maybe a 'Teach me how to make that.' or a 'Balaya's got a big one.' but there was nothing and as her ship was heading down towards the planet she could feel what was there with a small grin on her face before heading out of the ship. Her baby in the skies above bringing the awestruck people of this world to their knees for here croa to go to work. She watched some of them notice that she was standing there at her full height in the armor she had created. The mountains of the world and the feeling of the darkside within the world giving her the sensation across her entire body before pointing for Elara and Omega squad to go to work as they were capturing for the croa. "Begin taking the world for lady Sanya my pets and I want construction to begin when we can. This world yields many things we can get, find the crystals." She looked at the others and was walking while she spoke. "Sanya my pet, take your special croa to find the leader and dethrone them."
There was a look on her face while Isis remained in orbit first letting them start getting things set up. She had a grin on her face showing the holographic display before she was leaving Tara in charge up here. "Get the haulers opened up and start construction my friend we have a great many things to build up and I want the Black rose to have options available when it comes to ships as we work with some of the things." A smirk becoming tight lipped at Tara was heading out to begin with the cargo haulers unloading the construction droids and the equipment to start construction of an orbital space station and dry dock for Damorian to offer. She imagined Inquisition would create something as well as the Black Roses things head out. "I'll head planet side." She was going in the prototype Carrack to land ground side and explore, her field pistol on her hip and the micro grenade pistol on her other with a smirk on her face. "Now lets go and have some fun."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

Well to be completely honest, stepping out onto an alien world wasn't exactly on the top of Camellia's list of things to do. She was no coward, but she knew she wasn't a professional explorer. There were so many things that could supposedly go wrong, and the Rendili woman was just not a big believer in the aspects of the force regardless of who was receiving the visions. Nonetheless the sensors said the atmosphere was breathable at least it appeared so it was safe to get out. So when she did so and followed Sanya done the ramp, Camellia wondered what to expect considering the world was uncharted territory and could be home to who knew what sort of environment. Needless to say though, the stunning view of the sky lighting up with what likely had made the trip to the surface dangerous was a beautiful view that she just hadn't expected.

"Its breathtaking Sanya. . . " Blinking as she took it in, the Rendili woman almost didn't notice the former Jedi moving away until she spotted the Sith Zeltron herself and started heading that direction as well. Although Sanya beat her to asking for orders, Camellia nonetheless bowed to the alien amazon since she pretty much expected to be her fellow Croa's tag-along for this trip. "It will be done Lady Praelior."

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