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Approved Lore The Golden Order


  • Tradition Name: The Golden Order
  • Tradition Type: Incorporated Entity
  • Tradition Focus: Commercial
  • Influence: Interplanetary
  • Orientation: Balanced
  • Influence Area: Denon, Zeltros, Muunilinst, various Core Worlds.
  • Symbol: Golden Wings, depicted to the right.
  • Description: Profit begets profit, power begets power; the Golden Order is a gathering of the wealthy and the fortunate seeking to use the Force for personal benefit. Unlike the Sith, they are not the conquering sort - their battlefields are board rooms and galas.
  • Membership: Talent and connections are the two main criteria for entrance - the unusually talented may be offered a scholarship and the exceptionally well-connected may be given training despite only being Force Attuned; most, however, need a mixture of the two. The Order is completely uninterested in recruiting children, but may provide limited tuition - most Novitiates are young adults ready for higher education.
    • Novitiates are the 'Padawans' of the Golden Order, though only a few are underage. The Golden Order teaches the Force much like one would any sufficiently specialised skill in a high-end university - a mixture of lectures and hands-on tuition in small groups. Unlike their Sith and Jedi counterparts, Novitiates are never involved in live combat scenarios - that would be a lawsuit waiting to happen.
    • Adepts are the 'graduates' of the Golden Order, certified Force Users whose minimum requirements are notably lower than those of the Knights of the Jedi in several key areas. Most are content with this level of accomplishment and leave the Order's tuition to pursue their own ambitions; while not exactly fearsome warriors, these alumni are nonetheless well-suited to excel at politics and/or business.
    • Knights are individuals who have pursued advanced studies post-graduation, typically in smaller groups. Some seek to hone their skills for personal gain, others to climb the Order's hierarchy, while others still remain with the Order to pay off their student loans - referred to as Specialists, these individuals serve in a broad range of capacities, some even bolstering the Order's military arm for hazard pay.
    • Masters are a mixture of true Force Masters and former Knights (or even Adepts) with connections aplenty and a gift for politicking. It is they who preside over the Order, negotiate benefits for its members, and line their own pockets with bonuses aplenty. Masters can at times be found teaching Novitiates and Adepts, but they are more likely by far to pursue political or financial goals; most tutors tend to be Specialists or Sith, Jedi, Je'daii, Dathomirian Witches, etc. brought in from outside the Order to share their skills and experiences.
  • Motives: As a whole, the Golden Order is motivated primarily by self-interest - it provides excellent teachings in financially-valuable skills with minimal ideological baggage. Tuition is expensive, but few Force Sensitives are rejected; the Golden Order's 'generous' student loans allow the poor to partake of top-tier education in exchange for a massive debt or working for the Order after graduation. The Golden Order is allegedly a religious non-profit and is therefore tax-exempt in several jurisdictions - it is somewhat unclear what the Order actually believes.
  • Rules and Teachings: The Golden Order has taken a firm stance against speciesism and forms of discrimination - except classism. It would not do to treat the unwashed masses as peers, except when the cameras are flashing. Institutional elitism notwithstanding, members of the Order are expected to behave in a way that makes it look good - pursue your selfish interests, by all means, but don't break the facade.
  • Reputation: Mixed. The Golden Order has an entirely deserved reputation as a posh, self-interested hive of decadent dilettantes. Despite this, they tend to be viewed in a moderately positive light by most, primarily due to prolific charitable donations and an excellent PR policy. One of the organisation's greatest strengths is its lack of ideological controversy - neither the Jedi nor the Sith care all that much about them.
  • Openness: The Golden Order operates openly (and flamboyantly) and will share its knowledge with anyone - for a price.
  • Benefits: Members of the Golden Order and its alumni have a variety of social benefits, some of which are listed below.
  • Characteristic Equipment: Members of the Golden Order tend to favour suits, dresses, and high fashion over robes. When they take to the field, they usually do so covered in personal energy shields and high-end gadgets. Lightsabers are somewhat uncommon but by no means unheard of. Members often possess high-end communicators that resemble the golden wings with which the Order is associated.
  • Notable Force Skills: Galaxy-leading experts in 'Financial Prescience', i.e., using Precognition and even Force Visions for the purposes of what might charitably be described as "legally distinct from market manipulation and insider trading". Force Empathy and using telepathy to glean surface thoughts or even directly manipulate enemies/competitors/public officials are other specialities of the Golden Order.
  • Notable Force Limitations: The Golden Order prohibits very few abilities on principle alone, which is not to say that it is able to provide adequate tuition in all areas. Its lightsaber training is 'overly prone to flashy showmanship' and the Order's understanding of the Force itself is somewhat fuzzy - its teachings are largely focused on telepathy and basic abilities. Its alchemical projects are 'particularly primitive'.
    • The Golden Order is quite willing to pay Jedi, Sith, Je'daii, and such to act as guest lecturers, but 'buying' masters is difficult.
  • Garat Vaint, Master of the Treasury. Well-spoken Muun, overseer of the Order's finances, and one of its most influential Master. Master Vaint is not a particularly potent Force User, but his financial acumen, mastery of precognition, and burly bodyguards makes him a fearsome foe.
  • Mel Divat, Master of Mentalism. Supernaturally persuasive and eternally popular with her students, this Falleen is one of the Order's premier lecturers and a true master of mind tricks. Master Divat's lecturers are crowded, her tuition groups expensive, and her office is a luxury suite.
  • Miya Aldrec, the Shining Knight. One of the few wealthy alumni to serve in the Golden Order's military division, this Alderaanian noblewoman is an expert duelist and an excellent brand representative. Given her value - and the scrutinising gaze of her family - the Order does its best to direct her to relief efforts and easy-to-win fights against universally hated foes over the challenges she might otherwise pursue.
  • Huk Jekh Asokt, Adept of the Order. A middle-aged Trandoshan and CEO of a major meat production company, Huk Jekh is just barely Force Sensitive due to a successful Synthisense treatment - he has used his newfound powers to outmanoeuvre several rival corporations.
  • Britcami Seechus, the New Novitiate. A Denonese Human recently recruited to the Order, Britcami's rather impressive Sensitivity was found during a routine medical examination following her arrest by CorpSec; a representative of the Golden Order promptly convinced her to join the Order on a scholarship. The charges were 'dropped due to a lack of evidence'. She feels quite out of place in her lavish surroundings.
  • PCs and NPCs can freely become members or attend lectures. Honorary Knighthoods and the like have been known to be buyable.
Some traditions can trace their histories back to ancient foundings by wise sages - the Golden Order is not one of them.

Founded a few decades ago by a small group of entrepreneurial Jedi, Sith, and untrained but well-funded Force Sensitives sick and tired of fighting each other, the Golden Order has become a beacon of tolerance and wisdom (experiences may differ) to those with talent or a hefty bank account.

The Golden Order is, all things considered, a fairly large organisation - this is largely due to a general willingness to accept even the Force Attuned if they are sufficiently well-connected/wealthy. More recently, the Golden Order has secured access to Synthisense treatments for would-be Novitiates, though no amount of credits can guarantee that the procedure will work. Credits certainly do help, though - especially if used to hire an Alchemist.

Despite potentially competing for recruits, the Golden Order has managed to avoid conflict with Sith, Jedi, and other major traditions. Currently, the vast majority of the Order's facilities are in Galactic Alliance space - while the Jedi may scoff at their teachings, everything they do is perfectly legal.
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Kal Kal

This is brilliant and hilarious. A profit-motivated Force Order is one of those things that makes you look back and wonder "how has no one come up with this before?" and that's proof that it's a clever idea. Having it be run like some unholy fusion of Ivy League university and Wall Street brokerage firm feels almost too real, and I love it. Approved!

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