Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Teaching Resilience (Elpsis)

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Phylis smiled, coughed slightly. Whilst she was quite willing and able to talk to people she wasn't especially charismatic when it came to unfamiliar persons, so she often came off a little awkward. There were times when this worked to her advantage.
"Ah, yes, hmm, my name is Jedi Master Phylis Alince. Sending confirmation ID." She would scan a security cylinder which would show the New Horizons woman that she was indeed who she claimed, and that she was aboard her known starship.
"I am currently in Tlaxqui and I was pointed to your organisation as one which might be able to assist. See, my Xio is passable but for ancient texts, and for reading through more contemporary volumes I could do with someone who can speak the language natively. I'm currently gathering a notes for a work on the Xio, and this would be of great assistance."
The best part was that none of what she said was a lie. Considering her long association with Firemane she would be a good 'catch' for New Horizons, possibly even for marketing. Provided the left out the slave contracts bit of course....


Squiddy didn't need further urging and scurried off. Meanwhile Feather led her directly to the saleswoman, then hung back warily.
The brochure showed happy Xio living and enjoying life in a spacious underground compound. The apartments were roomy and well furnished, if not extravagant. What's more, the common areas were large and well lit with a pool, fitness area and large communal dining area.
Where work was mentioned it was rather vaguely described as 'opportunities for all-comers' and 'bonuses for high productivity in your chosen field'.

Zotik meanwhile turned towards the interloper and barely concealed a look of scornful dismissal. Instead, practiced PR training kicked in and she smiled.
"Why, I didn't see you there at first my Qadiri friend. Got lost, did you?" she asked lightly, but with barbs.
"As I was saying before you arrived, my name is Xual'Zotik and I work for New Horizons, a company offering new and innovative labour solutions for the Xioquo. I am showing all these fine people opportunities they are likely not to get here despite their skills and experience. Instead we offer them profitable employment and a better life with New Horizons. And is it night time? I suppose it is, I guess you're more attuned to that, coming from under the burning sky. Now please, do not distract me any further from my approved task."
A couple of the Xio looked at Zhaleh, a couple even laughed at the jokes spitefully towards her.
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"Oh, Master Alince, welcome. Of course we've heard of you," the Dahomian said with a broad smile that looked like it was ripped from an ad. "New Horizons is dedicated to bringing people together and providing the right talent for any job. Studying ancient texts is a rare skill, but we have a pool of former scribes that should meet your standards. Our employees come with a satisfaction guarantee. How soon would you require an assistant? Do you have any preferences in regards to gender?"


The laughter stung more than she'd like to admit. But the Zaldrani kept her cool. Not everyone in this hall could have such a short memory. "I hail from the north, where the sun rarely lights the day. Qadiri and Xio fight together to survive. Not that you would know of struggle or labour, being a finely dressed mistress. Strange you weren't here when priestess and Miss Heir devise ways to help these people," Zhaleh countered.

The implied contrast between the mistress and the proles she supposedly wanted to save was obvious. "Where you take these people? What work do they do? The Heir to the Karishzar was here earlier. I serve her, she help these people. You like to meet her?"
Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Phylis frowned slightly, not concerned about the conversation so much as by the question of preference. She suspected that evil people might be interested in this last question. Too interested for her liking.
"Hmm, I have no preference. So long as they can do the job it is not important to me if they are male or female. Whilst I would like to employ one as soon as possible, it is more important to get the right person, not the quickest. If possible I'd like to interview any potential candidates you have in person and test them with some sample texts on both reading and comprehension. I am of course willing to pay for the best, but I expect, hmm, the best."
Fortunately for her she had a line to Master Gorgus' credit - he hadn't noticed and she hadn't felt the need to update him on this.


There was a murmur of discussion amongst the crowd as Zhaleh finished.
For a moment the mask slipped and Zotik gave her a narrowed eye stare of pure disdain. But then the 'PR face' returned.
"You assume much of me, Zaldrani. I was once a humble servant of the Mistresses you believe me to be. And yet, with work, application of skills...and yes a little help from New Horizons I was able to pull myself up and out. And why wouldn't I want to be finely dressed? Perhaps that's not as important for you, but I'm sure all these fine Xio like to be presentable," she added. There was some more snickering from some in the crowd.

"As you may or may not be aware, the Heir of the Karishzar is not affiliated with our company. Whilst we greatly respect the Great Lady Saoban Karrigan, blessings be for her health, we do not rely on her heir to aid people. For your other questions, the brochure explains everything. Were you hoping to join us? Perhaps we could find a job for you, Zaldrani...if we needed any snow shoveled!" This nasty dig drew a couple of laughs, but otherwise a silence from the crowd.

"But anyway, my friends let's move on from this heckler and get down to business...." She pointedly turned away from Zhaleh.
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

The bright, diplomatic smile never faltered. Naturally, the Dahomian had perfect white teeth. "I assure you our translators and linguists are of the highest quality. Some used to be employed as scribes at the Tlaxqui Archives. Each of them is thoroughly tested in Common and High Xio. But we understand that your work requires the very best," she flipped her dark hair. "We can always arrange for an interview at one of our branch offices."


At this juncture, it was probably a good thing that Zhaleh was, all things considered, a fairly mild-mannered person. Some said she lacked assertiveness. But it meant she could clamp down on the feeling of anger rising inside her. The strutting, pompous mistress wanted her to lose her temper.

So instead she said nothing, and fished out her comm or as she liked to call it, the strange talking machine. Quickly, she sent a message. "Ma'am, situation down here at the poorhouse, please come as quickly as possible." Then she clicked on send, and raised her chin to once again face the false prophetess. She wondered where the other Daughters in the poorhouse were. Did they just let any fancily dressed charlatan barge in?

"We not finished. You presume much, promise even more, say little of value. You treat simple enquiry with such arrogance, I query how well you treat your workers. I dispute you toiled a day in your life," she said calmly...icily. "Where you take these people? What work do they do? People deserve to know...before being sent to foreign land far from home, all on your word." She could hear noise coming from outside the room. Maybe Squiddy had gone to his friends.


Elpsis had been listening in on Phylis' conversation with the New Horizons minion with barely contained irritation when suddenly her comm beeped. Zhaleh's message appeared as a voice message for her. Her eyes narrowed, and she turned to Lalax. "We have to go. Something's wrong at the poorhouse." Not waiting for a response, she dialled a number. "Nyssa, I have work for you..."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Phylis smiled. "Thank you, that would be most welcome. Please, hmm, pass on details when you are prepared. I have items to present to the queen within a week and I'd like someone employed by then if practical."
The Jedi considered a holomap whilst she spoke. "What was your name, Ms? And where would be the most convenient office to come to? I don't suppose you have one in Tlaxqui I can go to whilst here. If not, I can go to Arkas, the Arx or anywhere else as needed so long as it's not out of this quadrant."


Lalax immediately sprung into action and followed Elpsis out. "There is trouble, danger?" she asked, trying to keep up with the human.
She knew the sky people talked through the devices they held in their hands, and she had used a commlink before though was rather uncertain with one. She did however produce hers and dial a number herself. It was answered a moment later.
"Commander Quas, my apologies, but the heir of the Karishzar needs aid at the poorhouse. Please send some of our militant sisters to aid us...."


Other Daughters had come out, but without orders or seeing anything illegal had held back, watching. If anything some of them had looked towards Zhaleh with an unfriendly gaze.
Zotik barely glanced at Zhaleh now, her utter disdain being clearly visible.
"I was going to read it to these fine people before your interruptions. Our destination is a place far from here, the caverns of a world named Arkas. Much like our home here there is a large cavern under one of the mountain ranges which provides perfect living and work space. Any who join us will help in improving this place will earn rich rewards. For those with leadership skills, positions of directing crews are available. For those who were once scribes there are new positions of that type. For others your skills will be assessed and used, training will be provided."

It all sounded very nice. Of course, Arkas was a long way away, a tropical world where those Xio outside of the underground areas would suffer.
Meanwhile Squiddy returned with little Ixzuma at their side.

"Now, who is ready to join up?"
Immediately those who had mocked Zhaleh came forward, as if on queue, eagerly, and loudly, saying how good it sounded. The greater mass of people though murmured amongst themselves and looked undecided.
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"Charisma, Master Jedi," the Dahomian said with a pleasant smile. "Our closest branch office is in New Santaissa." She checked the information in a database. "Would an appointment in two days at three in the afternoon be acceptable to you? We can arrange for transportation from the spaceport to our office."


It took a few moments before Lalax' call was answered. Perhaps Quas was still getting used to using the strange talking machine, too. Or simply otherwise occupied. Regardless, she wasted no time. "Your sisters will join you. Go the poorhouse. If sinners waylay you, you will drag them into the shadows where their tongues will be...loosened. You will report to me once you have received revelation. And bring the heir to me. She has has been adrift in the burning sky above for too long."


It didn't escape Zhaleh's attention that for all her fancy words Zotik said nothing about what work the crews would actually perform. "What of the crews? What labours do they do?" she asked aloud. Her green eyes darted towards the crowd of the undecided. They were the ones who needed her attention now. "Arkas far from home. And hot. Very hot. Sky people journey there to lie in sun!" she declared. "I have Xio comrade. He mislikes it."

She fiddled with her datapad. It was if anything even stranger to use than a commlink. But she'd acquired a habit of taking pictures with it since she'd figured out how to do use it since departing the Northlands. Having finally found what she was looking for, she held up the device. "Pictures! I show you!"
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Phylis theatrically checked her calendar, nodded. "That is acceptable. I will, hmm, contact your office when I arrive. I'll use the new Lion's Gate Spaceport, I have Bay 94 reserved."
Just in case she needed to bother yet another queen about ancient history!
"Thank you for your help, Charisma. I hope to see you then."
The holoprojector faded out and she turned. "Well, I have my appointment. Hmmph, I might request that Seeker Ximal comes with me, as a witness if nothing else. Her Basic is very good, she must have spent some time living in the galaxy to be that proficient."
If only Phylis knew.

"So...what's happening? Is there trouble?" she asked.

Lalax bowed slightly, then felt silly because it was audio only. "Very good, Commander, I head there now with the Heir of the Karishzar. The wicked will be unveiled."
She hurried back to the ship's ramp. "Elpsis, the Commander is sending more Daughters to aid us. We should depart at once! She...also would like to meet you after this is handled."


Zotik just completely ignored Zhaleh, instead making note of people's names, starting with those probable plants who had jumped in first.
One of those people, after signing their names, approached Zhaleh. She was larger for a Xio, face scarred by injuries. She stood right in front of the Zaldrani. Zotik's male lackey was also there, moving around towards Zhaleh's back.
"The Lady has asked you to leave. I suggest you do, slush," she said. The term 'slush' was not particularly offensive on the face of it, but it had been used by Xio of the Zaldrani for years as a derogatory term. After all, slush was just dirty, melted snow....

However, someone in the crowd came forward. "Hold on a moment, I would see what this Zaldrani offers," she said. She too looked like an older Xio, also with scars especially one ear having been clipped.
She examined the pictures, frowning either from the sight, or from the machine.
"Ms Zotik, what say you to this? Is this distant world as hot as the deserts of Amikaron and the jungles of Khajwar? I have fought in both as a slave of the Mistresses, and have no desire to labour in such a climate."
Zotik looked especially annoyed now. "The worlds in the stars can have hot and cold places, just like here."

It was then that Ixzuma made her grand entrance. "Hello, Mistress, do you remember me?" she asked loudly.
She looked down at the child. "I...don't believe I do. Run along, little one."
"Liar!" Ixzuma yelled at the top of her voice, stunning all into silence. "Don't trust this one at all, friends, she's nothing but my old Mistress. Oh, she plays nice now, but back in the old days she'd give all of us a whipping for 'being uppity'."
Zotik's eyes narrowed. "Child, you are making a scene. Leave, or you will be forced to."
The veteran who had doubted Zotik and who had looked at the pictures stepped forward. "You're not laying a hand on the child. I would hear more of what she says...." she said firmly. She placed a protective hand on Ixzuma's shoulder.
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"Ok...sounds...good," Elpsis said with truly palpable enthusiasm when Lalax informed her the leader of the Daughters wanted to see her. "Is she like you or...," she trailed off and looked at Phylis.

"There's trouble at the poorhouse. Don't know what, but Zhaleh asked for help and she's not someone who loses her nerve. I already told Nyssa to go back and the Daughters are sending some of their people to help Lalax and me. We can handle it, you can stay here and see what else you can find out from those documents."


"And may the shadows be your shield," Quas said solemly, cut the connection...and turned to truly important matters. "You really need to have your wash," she said softly, almost soothingly.
<<Water not nice. Cold >> an adorable little fluffball protested.
Gently, Quas petted the Jester. "This is warm. I made sure of it myself."
<<Too hot!>>
"No, just perfectly fine," she stroked behind the Jester's ears.
<< Will drown >>
Quas suppressed a sigh and gently took the creature into her hands. "I'll pour water over you, rinse and clean you, then you'll be dried and get a treat."
<<Okay, you nice>> Thus placated, the Jester hummed.


Zhaleh was undaunted as she faced the tall, scarred thug. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the maleling was moving behind her, but she didn't move a single milimetre. These thugs didn't scare her. A Stalker of the Northlands didn't bow her head to injustice and intimidation. "No," she said firmly, holding the tall Xio's gaze. "You not scare me." Zari flowed through her body as she beseeched Kashara. But she didn't unleash them, not yet. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the commotion. "Hurt child, I make you regret it," she said.
Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
"She is a strong and noble commander," Lalax said firmly. "I think you will enjoy her, she destroys the wicked!" she added happily. Destroying the wicked was a commendable use of time!

Phylis nodded. "Hmm, very well. I'm here if you need me. Hmmph, I can also look into that staff further. And perhaps try and understand her reaction...."
The Jedi headed off towards her workroom.


Jesters were a very tricky pet to take care of. Being somewhat intelligent, and naturally telepathic they could be frustrating to deal with. They were also adorable fuzzballs with strong loyalty and had a very calming aura about them.
In this case Hmm'yrr eventually settled into the bath, and though it didn't enjoy the bath she didn't fight or try and nip her owner. If a treat did appear she would eat it ravenously.


Ixzuma grinned. "So Mistress, you says I'm lying, bit I know things I couldn't otherwise unless it were true. For instance, I know from the times I had to clean your rooms and help dress you that you have a tattoo of a red serpent on your back, and a Yazgid claw scar on your tummy just here." She indicated just above her own navel.
There was silence. "This is absurd, are we taking the testimony of children put up by the Zaldrani here? We are leaving," Zotik said haughtily.
"It is easy to disprove if it is untrue," the friendly veteran said. "If the scar and tattoo are not there then the child is wrong. If she is...."
"So...what if it were true," Zotik fired back.
"It'd show you're a liar!" Ixzuma said.
"Let's go," Zotik said crossly.
"No, I think you should stay, 'Mistress'," the veteran said grimly. "I don't like 'wise Mistresses' like you. I would know the full truth of what you would have us sign ourselves to."
Zotik attempted to ignore her and turned away. However, some of the crowd's mood had grown darker. The evasiveness of something easily proven a lie, plus Zhaleh's words had gotten them angry. Suddenly Zotik found the path to her speeder blocked by the crowd. They weren't stopping her...yet...but if she tried to push through she might well get grabbed.

The thug in front of Zhaleh meanwhile eyed the crowd warily, and then glared at the Zaldrani. "You need a lesson in manners, slush," she growled. She drew back her fist, whilst from behind the male Xio was incoming. It was all about to kick off....
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

For her part, Elpsis looked rather dubious at the assumption she'd 'enjoy' the high priestess of her mother's cult of personality. "Well, if you say so," she said reluctantly. "Anyway, first things first. Let's go protect your poorhouse."


There was nothing more to say.

Zhaleh dodged the punch, dodging forward and letting the blow slide past her. The male Xio came from behind, trying to lock her in a chokehold as he locked his arms around her. Zhaleh tucked in her chin to try and mitigate the assault. As the male tried to choke her, the female slammed her fist into her stomach. Pain shot through the Zaldrani. Winded, she felt the grip tighten.

Only a few seconds. She grit her teeth, reached over her shoulder with her free hand and viciously jabbed her fingers into her male assailant's eye, and rammed her elbow into his ribs. He staggered from the force of the blow, releasing her. Enraged, the female Xio thug drew a knife and came at her with a war cry, slashing her across the face.

Lunging at Zhaleh, she thrust the knife towards the Zaldrani's heart. Quickly, Zhaleh grabbed her by the wrist with both hands. As the knife wielder tried to jerk free, ice sprouted from Zhaleh's hands, digging into the Xio's skin and spreading over her arm.

In this moment the door was suddenly kicked open, and a tall, statuesque, gloriously muscled and indescribably beautiful Sith Pureblood sauntered into the hall like she owned the place...
Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Lalax either did not notice or ignored the skepticism. "Yes, let us away! In this we shall ensure no harm befalls them!"

Meanwhile Phylis turned her attention to the rest of the documents. After a moment Six-Nine beeped.
"Hmm? Oh yes, I'm sure they'll be fine." A questioning beep. "I'm sure they've got it in hand. Nyssa is" A doubtful beep. "Well, hopefully Elpsis specified they wanted the perpetrators alive and not in pieces...otherwise...."
Time passed. "Hmm, this is interesting. New Horizons has a branch office on the Arx, and also...hmm...on Loronar. Why would they have one there?" This would take closer inspection.


The male Xio assailant was distracted, having just recovered somewhat from the eye jab, but by the time he made to attack Zhaleh again his blow never fell. Instead the veteran stepped forward, catching his arm and delivering a solid haymaker to the jaw. Down he went onto a table and slumped to the ground.
She turned back to the female thug who was clearly having her own issues with frostbite.

Zotik had been trying to fight through the crowds but hands had grabbed her, and despite her flailing had restrained her. As the door flew open she let out a little shriek of fear.
"See, they send the flayed one! Let me go!"
There was some hesitation in the crowd, but one of them, a younger Xio looked up at Nyssa. "Uhh...this one suspect," they said in bad Basic. "You with heir?"
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

How much time passed during the journey from the ship back into the depths of the Underealm remained academic. It was certainly dark, though that was nothing new beneath the mountain. It was as they crossed a street in the inner city that they would suddenly come across two Xioquo females in martial get-up. Both had suddenly stepped out of the shadows.

"We greet you, Heir of the Destroyer. I am Karrigan'Kalou, this is my sister in battle Karrigan'Atzi. Our blades shall bathe in the blood of the wicked, by your will."
Elpsis looked at them, then Lalax, equal parts bemused and uncertain. "Okay, that's good," she coughed, then straightened, trying to assume a more commanding air. Command she could, just as she could beat up bad guys. Even if her allies were weird. "Welcome aboard, we don't have much time and there's scum to deal with. But remember there's innocent people in the poorhouse."


Frostbite was nasty, to say the least. The immediate effect the Xioquo thug wold feel was a sensation of numbness on her skin, as her hand became ice cold and she felt a strong tingling sensation. Then Zhaleh kicked her hard in the knee, and she slumped. Zhaleh turned to see the male had been taken out of commission, finding herself facing the veteran. "Thank you," she said in Xio. There was no time for further words as Nyssa sauntered in. Her dramatic entrance was probably undermined a bit.

The Pureblood felt a feeling of disappointment. This is the big trouble Elpsis yammered about? She's such a drama queen, she thought, feeling annoyed. However, nonetheless, she was here and had to represent the honour and dignity of the true Sith. It's not like any of her help were up to the task.

"Indeed. I am the herald of the heir, her fist, her Scarlet Knight," she declared...dramatically. She paused for a moment, whether for dramatic purposes or because she was trying to think of another self-bestowed title on the fly. "You have done well detaining this one. The Heir will be most pleased with your supplication."

She glanced at Zhaleh. "Private, report."
"Ma'am, that woman is vile. She claims to be offering these people work...on Arkas. She was rude and cruel. I'm certain she's deceiving them to take advantage of their plight," the Zaldrani said in Basic, giving Zotik a glare. Then she pointed at Ixzuma. "Ixzuma, say she know her from past. That she is mistress," she spoke that part in Xio.

"Scamming poor people? That's low," Nyssa snorted, stepping over towards Zolit, and dramatically inhaled. "Ragnos' balls, your perfume is worse than Elpsis'. Do you want to choke these people before you make them your serfs?" she asked rhetorically. "Ixzuma, come over here. You know her?"
Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Lalax nodded. "Sisters, I greet you. Together we shall overthrow the wicked and bring justice. The Heir's allies are in place already, we should hasten!"
They would arrive just in time for the aftermath of Nyssa's arrival....


The veteran gave her an approving nod, extending a hand. "Karrigan'Karou. Always happy to break heads of Mistresses and their lackeys."
She gave the female thug a kick in the ribs. "I'll watch them, you you report to the flayed one."
Karou leaned down to the thug, smiling. "Now you stay down there, lackey. I hope that perfumed princess paid you well for this because you're going down the river for her, just like the old days."
She spat, cradling her frostbitten arm.
Karou casually backhanded her across the face and sat opposite her. "Your Mistress over there won't thank you. She doesn't care about you. But, you don't wanna talk, you don't have to...yet. But don't try anything or I'll put you down like I put down my Mistress at the Downfall."

Ixzuma scurried over, looking up at Nyssa again. "Yes! She's my old Mistress! I know it's her, and I can prove it! She's got a scar on her belly from a Yazgid and a red dragon on her back, all coiled like,"
"Let me go this instant!" Zotik said, squirming, but she was held tight.
"Pull that dress off her and you'll see!" Ixzuma said eagerly.
"It doesn't...prove...anything! Nothing I am doing is a crime! You'll all regret this when my boss hears about this!" She paused, realising she probably shouldn't have said any of that!


Phylis meanwhile spent her time doing what she enjoyed almost the most...researching! As she drunk her Kophari spiced tea she continued looking into New Horizons.
"Loronar. Interesting choice. Hmm, why there? Hmmph...could it be...? No, need more proof before that."
Records were restricted, obscured, outright unavailable, even for her. Or perhaps especially for her. However, she knew someone who could break the deadlock.
She reached for her holocom and sent a quick message. "Nat, not sure if Elpsis has you looking into something, but could use your help on something. Payment via the usual channels."
As both Elpsis and Phylis knew, Natalie Dorn could get anywhere she wanted, and where others didn't!
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

It was exactly the correct thing to say. Nyssa gave the Xio lady a savage grin. "Oh, really? I'm dying to hear all about your 'boss'. And then you can tell the fire phoenix. But first, let's see what's under all your finery."
"No, no, you'll pay for this!" Grabbing ahold of the squirming Xio, Nyssa ripped her expensive dress off.

And the door...was actually not kicked open because the Pureblood had already done that. Instead Elpsis, Lalax and the two Daughters burst into the hall. "What the frak's going on here?" Elpsis demanded, looking rather perplexed.


Meanwhile, far away from Tlaxqui, Natalie was sitting behind a desk, sending off a message via a Ghostwave communicator strapped to a datapad. A small music box rested on a shelf, heavy metal music blaring out of it. "...then deal with her, dump the bodies in the pulpit. Drop the package at collection point beta."

A myriad documents, pictures and maps were pinned to the wall in front of her, connected through red strings. She clicked on 'send', and poured herself a glass of whiskey. All of a sudden her comm suddenly vibrated loudly, interrupting the thunderous music. Picking up a remote control, she turned down the volume, then she glanced at the caller ID. Frowning, she accessed the message. "Red rambled something about Tlaxqui. Lemme guess, she found some new melodrama. What do you need?"
Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Fortunately for the kiddies present Zotik was not going commando, but her undergarments were quite fancy and new. However, just as Ixzuma had promised there was a wicked triple claw scar on her belly just to the left of her navel. There was a sound of 'ooh' from the crowd.
Despite her best efforts Nyssa and the crowd could easily roll her onto her belly. And there too was the crimson dragon tattooed on her back, coiling up the full length so the head of the beast was between her shoulders.
"Told you!" Ixzuma said happily. She looked up at Elpsis and pointed to Zotik. "Bad woman, my old Mistress. Trying to trick people or something."

"Ah, Lieutenant, would you call off your Pureblood!" Zotik called to Elpsis in Basic. "I am here legally, working for the Company, and these people have no right to handle me in this way! I'm just doing my job and I was set on by these people, whipped up by that Zeldrani!" she added, jerking her head at Zhaleh. Probably a bad move since Elpsis tended to believe and trust her subordinates....

She had also not answered the question about her boss....


"Shady business at Firemane, shock horror. New Horizons is a subsidiary which seems to be duping people into indenture. See what you can find, but especially interested in the Loronar branch. Wondering if there's any Archangel secret ties through shell corps. 20% bonus if you can get the info within 2 days."

Phylis hit send and went back to her work. After a moment Six-Nine beeped.
"No, that won't be a problem. Hmm, Gorgus has enough issues trying to find his Padawans on the Sphere of Light...."
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"She has a name. And her people are called Zaldrani," Elpsis spoke in a low, cold growl.
"She wanted to make the Xio toil on Arkas, ma'am," Zhaleh helpefully supplied.
Elpsis' dead, white eyes bore into Zotik. "You know who I really hate, other than Sith? Pompous aristos and corpo scum. I don't give a fuck about how much money you have to buy lawyers and goons, and I'm not feeling patient. So...Who. Do. You. Work. For?"


Natalie raised an eyebrow as she studied the message, then took a sip from her whiskey. "Firemane? Not surprised. All shiny on the outside, but scratch the surface...well, I've seen stuff. If they're up to dirty business with Archangel...there's some elves who'd be very interested in knowing about it. I suppose Elpsis has pounced on this with the hunger of an Akk Dog and the survival instinct of a charging Reek. I'll see what I can dig up. But if this is goes as deep as you think it does, I need more than a basic bonus. Firemane's not shy about stepping on people who get in its way...and they answer to no one but themselves. Assuming you don't just want to leak it to the 'net."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

"I am an employee of New Horizons Incorporated, Lieutenant. My line Supervisor is named Marysan Vars. I am sure she would be very interested in your feedback. We do like to make our customers happy," she said. Zotik had shifted from scared and angry to flat and calm. "I can give you her holocomm number if you wish."
"Now, am I under arrest for something in particular, Lieutenant? I am sure your CO will be most interested in hearing about how you've let people interrupt business here. So unless you are passing me over to the Tlaxqui police I should be going. In either case I will be placing a call to my advocate over this treatment."

She looked to Zhaleh. "My apologies, Zaldrani, I had not intended to offend you. Culture clashes." She made to stand.

Ixzuma stamped her foot. "She's a bad woman! Do something, Miss Heir!" she said with a pout.

In the background Karrigan'Karou spat disdainfully on the ground. "Mistress needs her pretty face slapped some," she muttered.


"Bonus negotiable with what you've found. If you find something really nasty I'm willing to double your pay. This is big, Nat, but with Sio still asleep not sure who I can trust on the board. Most of them don't like me...or Elpsis. Talk to you soon, you have my codes. Owe you a drink for Dantooine, so add that to the bill.

As she signed off the Jedi leaned back. "Hmm, well, let's keep going, Six-Nine. You scan these files, I'll take these."
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

((Lalax/the militant daughters need stuff to say))

Elpsis grabbed Zotik by the shoulder, roughly pulling the Xio close enough that they were nose to nose. She happened to be using her cybernetic hand, and was not bothering to be the least bit gentle. The glowing cracks inside her face burnt brighty.

"You still don't get it, do you? All your money, all your lawyers, all your corporate backers - they don't scare me. And I know what New Horizons is really up to. You know what I do to slavers? Think your real bosses will stick their neck out for some middle manager collab when I get started? If you want to get out of this with your head on the shoulders, you'll do as I say," she spoke in a low, cold growl. "Search her, take her comm, lock her in the basement. No one talks to her unless Lalax or I allow it. I want a guard in front of the door at all times."

"Gag her if she gets too whiny," Nyssa chimed in, rubbing her hands together gleefully. "Leave it all to me. I just happen to have a gag with me, and cuffs." The Pureblood prided herself on always being prepared for crises.


Natalie paused as she considered the message for a moment. "My life was easier before I started working with a bunch of do-gooders," she muttered to herself. "Trust no one. Send the data. I'll probably have to go off the grid after this. I'll see what I can dig up...but what happens afterwards is your problem. I'd think really carefully about your next move. Keep me out of Hololeaks."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

No one, not even Lalax, was brave or bold enough to ask Nyssa why. They might get an answer after all!

Zotik's composure cracked just for a little as she stared into Elpsis' eyes. Then she looked away. "We'll see, Lieutenant. You might be right, but is this a fight you really want? I have information I'm willing to share...depending on how and who is behind this. I'm sure we can come to an arrangement."
"She is snake," Lalax growled. She searched Zotik briskly and roughly, not being gentle, but not lingering either. She retrieved her commlink, wallet and even her watch. This done she looked to the Daughters who had come with Elpsis. "Take her," she said in Xio. "Guard the door. The Heir commands this viper not escape."

Karrigan'Karou was left with Elpsis and Nyssa in the aftermath with Zhaleh as the rest dispersed. "You are strong, heir. Worthy. I am Karrigan'Karou. I will watch out to ensure no more of these people slime their way amongst us," she promised in Xio. Presumably someone would translate as needed.
She looked to Zhaleh. "You spoke well. You are brave."

When Lalax returned she indicated the two goons of Zotik. "What of them, Lady...Elpsis?"


"Done. It'll just be like Onderon."
A previous message. Perhaps Phylis meant it encouragingly, but considering it had ended with enraged royal guards attacking them both...probably not in the way she intended. It had been successful though!
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

The praise made Zhaleh flush slightly. It was a bit more obvious since she was somewhat paler than a southron Qadiri. "I thank you. You have courage." Seeing Elpsis had trouble following Karou, she somewhat awkwardly translated for her.
"Tell her I thank her for her help. The Karrigans and all Xio deserve...better than this," Elpsis said. She glanced at Lalax. "They're small fry...but they worked for a scumbag and might know something. Separate them and have them questioned," she frowned, "we should probably move them and their boss somewhere more secure soon."

"If I may, ma'am, maybe Xilae could question the male," Zhaleh suggested. "He may respond better to another male, and a male mind understands a male mind better." It was the inversion of common tropes in Core World police procedurals.
Elpsis thought for a moment, nodded. "Good thinking, Private."


Meanwhile, Zotik was dragged into the basement. The door slammed shut. Nyssa loomed above her. "Now it's just us. Better to have a chat without the peanut gallery. Bet you're not used to being stuck in the muck. I can take the gag off...but then you have to be a good girl."


"Poor comparison. Onderonians are fops who can't shoot straight. The Beast Rider girl was cute though." With that Natalie cut the connection. She had work to do. So she slid her swivelling chair over to her computer and set to work. Contrary to certain holovids, slicing wasn't really about typing random things on a keyboard until you found the magic password. It was mostly about planning, research and exploiting someone's gullibility. The first step lay in accessing any publicly available information about New Horizons. That meant open source research via search engines, business websites and such. Much of it was standard.

There were articles about ethnical business practices, corporate social responsibility, opportunity and such. Criticism came, as expected, from the usual suspects, namely anti-Corpo activists and such. Reading through one such article on Spacebook, Natalie wondered whether the author was secretly being paid by the Corpos, as the coherent points brought up by it got lost in a head-in-the-clouds diatribe.

Never attribute to malice what may just be stupidity, she thought. The poor state of the galactic revolutionary left was disappointing. Predictably, New Horizons had a Spacebook page, which was filled with job ads. Apparently the Loronar branch office was a recent acquisition, offering opportunities to workers affected by the recent downturn, as well as promising to bring people from 'underdeveloped worlds' to the Core to learn new skills.

Soon she found a personnel directory. Browsing through the employee list, she homed in on a system designer. His Spacebook page was, as expected, banal. Just a normal guy with expertise in IT and a normal nine-to-five job. Pictures of himself, his wife, kids, co-workers...and cats. Plenty of cute, fluffy cats. "I can get you all the fluff to last a lifetime," she commented dryly, and began her attack. A certain genetics company just happened to have bioengineered the most adorable kittens imaginable.

When Paul Cedarwood finished his lunch break, his Spacebook page would receive a link that would lead him to a veritable flood of pictures of adorable Foreverkittens doing cute, wholesome things, as well as opportunities to purchase one or watch vids, along with cutesy music. There was no chance that a link contained a computer virus meant to create a backdoor.
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