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Private Teaching Resilience (Elpsis)

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

The minions straightened up fractionally at Nyssa's bark. It wasn't like they'd done anything wrong...but they could see that Nyssa was irritated by not being invited to the private meeting. They would bustle around and look official.

Phylis meanwhile followed the departing pair with her eyes, closed the box containing the staff and stepped back.
"Hmm, interesting." She reached out her hand and touched the 'throne'. Whatever it was that she was searching for she clearly didn't find as she turned and headed for the entrance.

The Queen nodded. She headed to a section of floor and levitated a paving stone out, retrieving some sheets of paper in a plastic case and some data disks. After which she replaced the stone with the Force.
"I don't have a name, obviously. Our high level figure is not an idiot so they go through intermediaries with assumed names. However, I know all about the tricks and corrupt practices my family used to do in the ancient days. There is corruption going on at a systematic level, and it's coming from Firemane. For instance, one of my projects received a shipment of 300 associated machine tools; 54 of them were reported as breakages within the first week. Yet, amazingly 54 machine tools appeared on an internal black market at much higher prices later. That's on my people, certainly, but I know they're doing it with the connivance of Firemane. I have financial trails here which detail 'commission' payments or unexplained payments for items. At the same time I have evidence of Xio being promised jobs and work off world and being put to work in isolated groups, little better than indentured labour."

She offered the file to Elpsis. "I have identities for people on my side, but I am concerned that if I act on this I will draw the ire of Firemane officials. That's why I'd like to see if you have someone trusted who can examine this data, trace it up. That way when I make my move you can at least keep me informed if there's any reaction from on high. Can you do that for me? I'm not asking you to denounce them mid-boardroom, but you have access to people and resources I do not."
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Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

Elpsis took the file in hand, but didn't have a look at it. Not because she was disinterested, far from it. But she genuinely couldn't read it. "Arseholes," she spoke angrily in a low growl. Someone more career-orientated or plain pragmatic might have considered that getting involved in this matter could easily cost them their job. Or experience a deeper conflict in loyalty.

Elpsis was not loyal to institutions, but principles. And didn't respect most of her bosses much. She would, of course, have the data examined to make sure she wasn't being tricked by the queen. "I can look into it, but don't get your hopes up. I figure things are different here when you're the daughter of a mistress, but I got little pull in Firemane. They trot me out for propaganda 'cause I'm good at killing things and they need a Kerrigan mascot, that's it. I don't get top secret briefings, I don't get consulted about company policy."

Behold, the great and powerful house, she thought cynically. But lucre corrupted and tainted everything it touched. She needed only to look at her mothers and the lackeys they had empowered to confirm this. "You help me with the census and the folks at the poorhouse, and I'll do my best. I know a couple folks who are good with techy stuff and investigating." Can't involve anyone whose life could get screwed over by this, she thought. A couple names came to mind though. None particularly tied to Firemane.

"Is there someone on the Xio side of things you trust and I can talk to? I don't speak the language well and I've only been here for a day. Folks are more comfortable talking to someone who's not a foreigner."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Lia nodded slowly. "So it is true...they have sidelined you," she said softly, almost puzzled. "I know of course you have a rank which is lower because of your young age, but I am surprised they have managed to limit your power. But I understand it all too well, I was not popular with my mother or other family because I was too 'weak' and 'soft', simply because I objected to cruelty and malice. Still, anything you can do is better than nothing. I will gather what evidence I have and forward it on where possible. One of our advocates is gathering more information as unobtrusively as possible."

"I will get the census going immediately, and will provide assistance to the Daughter's charity efforts," the Queen promised.

She considered the last. "Hmm, there is a couple I would say depending on what you wish to do. Vara'Ximal you know, she is very skilled in dealing with both the galaxy and here, but she lacks influence. Navae'Zada is another Seeker, a priestess committed to law and justice. I trust her, and though her Basic is not perfect she is well regarded amongst my people for her efforts to pursue justice - not unlike Lalax as you saw down stairs."

The Queen's eyes flicked to Elpsis, pondering her next words. "There is also...well...Xalda. She is trustworthy and respected...though sometimes feared...for her commitment to your family. She is not here right now of course, but I could ask her to return. Either way, I can provide dossiers of these and some others and you tell me who you want."

She would await Elpsis' answer and then glance down. "We should head back, lest people gossip that one of us has seduced the other. Though that may be a preferable rumour to us working against our overlords!"
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"I have an actual job to do. I never wanted to have anything to do with company politics. Not my fault Siobhan fucked up her grand succession plan for her tinpot junta after running out of daughters, and Tegs is a pampered wuss who'd rather party than open her mouth," Elpsis retorted scornfully, and more than a little defensively.

Never good enough. It was the story of her life. Siobhan had wanted an obedient duplicate who didn't overshadow her, Tegaea a project to turn into a pretty princess just as shallow as she was. Firemane wanted a mascot, and a bunch of Tygarans wanted a saviour. She was none of that. She wanted to be none of it. She was not her mothers. She never wanted to be. They had made Firemane what it was. How appropriate that neither of them had any control over it anymore.

She frowned slightly. She knew Ximal...but mostly that she was good in bed. She didn't know what else she brought to the table, and didn't have time to find out. "Xalda doesn't trust Firemane. She was clear on that, last time we spoke. I don't like her, but she's capable. I'll take her...and this Zada."

She gave Lia a curt nod, but if the queen had been trying to flirt with her, she didn't show any interest. "Let's get back."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Lia nodded slowly. "I see, well thank you for explaining. Some of the...uhh...detail is lost from afar. Still, I feel we can help each other out despite that."

"I'll request Xalda return, and ask Zada attend us tomorrow. I believe she's assisting with works near the Underealm entrance."

The Queen had fortunately not been flirting or she'd have been disappointed! She led the way down into the main room below.


Phylis had been waiting below along with some of Elpsis' minions. The Jedi Master had occupied her time looking over some bookshelves in a side room. Mostly these works were rather decrepit from age, and most were thoroughly boring. However, she had found one interesting work on 'The Training of the Initiate to the Spirits'. Terrible methods, of course - the book advocated the use of elemental 'persuasion' to coax potential Force users to use their powers. However, it did have some interesting insights, so the Jedi had read through the old volume's first chapter whilst she waited.

When Queen and Elpsis returned she crossed to them. "Your Majesty, do you mind if I take this one?"
The Queen seemed surprised that the Jedi had managed to find a tome to bookworm, so seemed to shrug. "It's yours, Mistress Jedi. Thank you, Lieutenant Kerrigan, that was quite enlightening," she said with a nod.
It remained to be seen if Nyssa was still present and made a crass comment!
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

When Lia and Elpsis returned the crew was doing its best to look official. "Oh, communing with Lady Kerrigan is always enlightening, Your Majesty. She has so many illuminating techniques," the Nyssa said with a wink.

"What was that about?" Xilae muttered quietly as he watched the queen and his superior return.
"Stay sharp, soldier," Hazani said sharply, though she was wondering the same thing. Diona's expression remained stoic, as if it had been carved out of stone, but watchful.

"Thank you for that truly useful contribution, Lieutenant." Elpsis responded tersely. "Thank you for aid and for receiving us on such short notice, Your Majesty," she bowed her head slightly. "Get moving, people. We're leaving. Lalax, Phylis, a brief word, if you got the time - in private," she added.
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

The Queen moved back to her throne as if nothing had happened, but the noticed absence of her and Elpsis was clearly noticed. She smiled at the few courtiers and the soldiers.
"The Lieutenant and I had some confidential matters to discuss. Take care, I hope to see you tomorrow."

Phylis meanwhile headed over to Elpsis' side with Lalax. "Yes, of course, Elpsis. I am, hmm, at your disposal. We can head back to my ship if you wish? Or if not quite that private, my hotel room would do?"
Lalax meanwhile smiled. "I am of course ready for discourse with my Lady Karrigan," the Xio said seriously.

They would depart the palace and head out into the Underealm proper. Somewhere out there it was getting towards night....
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"I already said, Elpsis' fine. I guess we're, um, both Karrigans," Elpsis said a bit awkwardly. Was she about to get a new sister?! She gave Phylis a curt nod. "Your ship seems best." The hotel catered to aristos and the 'great and good of society', and that was the last place it seemed advisable to be.

For a moment Nyssa looked like she might contest things or make a crude comment. Then she smirked and gave the Queen a brief bow. "If Your Majesty needs someone to train your warriors in the ways of war, I am always available..."

With that out of the way, she turned to her minions. "You heard the commander, get moving! Back to the Seeker barracks. We'll pick up Zhaleh on the way."
Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

"Very well...Elpsis," Lalax said hesitantly. Perhaps she felt it was somewhat subversive to use the first name with no title or label?
"Hmm, very well. It may be educational to Lalax too," Phylis commented.

Phylis led Elpsis and Lalax back through the city to the elevator. It was not a short journey relatively, but perhaps a fortuitous one as by the time they ascended the sun had set behind a neighboring peak.
For a moment Lalax flinched at the unfamiliar and comparatively dazzling light.
"It's so...sublime. I rarely come here," she said feelingly.
"Though it is bright do not look away from the beauty of the Light," Phylis said, giving her a friendly pat on the shoulder.

Approaching her ship, Phylis gestured and the ship's ramp extended. The Xio peered curiously.
"This is your sky-ship?" she asked curiously.
"Yes. Come inside, have you ever, hmm, ventured inside?"
"No, never!" Lalax said as she followed the two humans inside.

As soon as they entered there was a series of beeps and a wild Six-Nine appeared! The droid studied the new arrivals and beeped out an inquiry. If Elpsis understood binary she'd know it was a cautious question of who they were. It was followed by an insolent question about 'special guests'.
"Oh my, a machine!" Lalax said. She would have seen droids of course, but perhaps not many up close.
"Don't mind him, he's called Six-Nine. Hmmph, he's happy to see newcomers too, isn't he?" Phylis said sternly.
Six-Nine beeped innocently.
"You speak to 'him' and it responds," Lalax asked in wonder. She got down and peered at the astromech. It backed up a little cautiously.

Elpsis meanwhile might be distracted by a flurry of paws on the deck and a small rodent face looking up at her. Nibbles' eyes were nearly golden, something Elpsis would not see, but she would detect the aura of the Light in the small mammal. He'd look up at her and prod her good leg, as if wanting to be picked up and see her!
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

Elpsis chuckled slightly while Phylis introduced her droid. Nyssa would've made an inappropriate remark. "Lalax is okay, Six-Nine. She's a nice woman," she spoke. However, her attention was soon directed elsewhere when she perceived a tiny aura of the light, followed by a little rodent prodding her organic leg.

"Hey, little guy," she said fondly. But, alas, she was here for less than pleasant reasons. So reluctantly, she fished out the file Lia had given her and put it on the table. "Right, can any of you read that?" she asked, while she bent down and gently picked up Nibbles, petting him with her good hand.

"I got it from the Queen. Long story cut short, she thinks Firemane bigshots and Xio collabs are working together to fleece the Xio. And people are being lured off-world to be forced into indentured labour."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Nibbles scampered onto her hand and climbed up her arm to Elpsis' shoulder where he curled up and had a great view from on high.

Six-Nine stayed still and beeped an inquiry.
"No, she's not coming with us, she's just visiting. Elpsis too. You remember her, right?"
The droid's dome rotated to the redhead and let out an excited series of beeps.
"Oh my, he's a fan of that movie," Phylis translated with a sigh. "No, she's too busy for an autoprint," the Jedi added sternly. This earned a sad 'wooo' from the droid.

Either way, to the matter at hand, Phylis opened the folder and glanced through it. "Hmm, yes. Inventories, copies of manifests, personnel reports, contracts," she said. As evidenced by her bookworming before she could read Xio at a high level, and so was able to skim over it.
Lalax too took up some of the papers. "Yes, I can comprehend these. If this is true, that is a wicked act," she added disapprovingly.

After a moment Phylis took up one page. "I will have to spend more time looking...hmmph!" She offered the page to Elpsis, realised what she was doing, coughed, and took it back. "This one, an employment 'contract' signed by a Xual'Zotik, signed with an X so likely they were illiterate. It's an open ended contract liable to be renewed yearly. It says that in return for a job, room and transport to Arkas the individual will work for limited wages. Hmmph, looks like most will be 'recouped' to pay for the lodgings and the rest scraped to pay for travel etc. Hmm." She paused and then looked up. "By my estimation this will take around 7 years for this individual to repay...and that's without any further deductions...which there likely would be," she added darkly.

She put the paper back down. "I'll need to go over these further if you allow, but this example is essentially indentured labour for as long as the company wishes. We're barely a step above slavery here, Elpsis," Phylis said in a concerned tone.
Lalax's eyes narrowed and her fists clenched. "I wish to free my brothers and sisters from this new chain," she said firmly.
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

Elpsis clenched her jaw so tightly one would be forgiven for fearing her teeth might shatter. "We will," she said flatly. "I'll burn who's responsible. Doesn't matter who they are." At the end of the day, she was loyal to her principles...not institutions. "But we need a plan, names and such." Maybe if she rambled enough it would look like she knew what she was doing.

Who could she approach in Firemane, if anyone? Leonina maybe? Focus, girl, she chided herself. "Phylis, any info about where they're being put to work on Arkas? Or about who arranged the deal? They must have a middleman, a shell company or something," she frowned. "These kinda 'contracts' prey on the desperate. The people at your shelter could've heard something." Or been lured into signing their life over because the Karishzar wills it, she thought darkly. The Queen said she'd contact Navae'Zada and Xalda to help out." She looked at Lalax, as if silently asking her opinion.

"I haven't mentioned any of this to my team. Not sure if I should. A bunch of them...have a career to worry about. Or people who'd be vulnerabe to retaliation. I know some people outside of Firemane though. One of them can help on the technical side. Tracing things, slicing and so on."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Phylis flicked through the rest of the documents. "Nothing here except Arkas. Hmmph, they describe it as a cool and temperate world," she added grimly. "Job requirements and attributes required are healthy physique, adaptability to tight places and ability to learn machinery. Hmm. These people would not be so unwise as to try and use Xio under the hot sun. It must be somewhere under cover," she pondered.
"Or underground," Lalax said with a frown. "Mining," she added after a moment.
"Yes, that would fit the requirements they specified. And Arkas has silver mines. I remember when I went there was a lot of mines there. It must be hellish," Phylis said softly.
The unstated comment was that where better to take Xio than a tropical island planet. Even if one did slip away they'd find no respite or escape....

"There's no names on this apart from a 'Nobila Baras' and Varanta'Daaz. The company is 'New Horizons Recruitment & Training', likely a shell company," Phylis added.
Lalax meanwhile nodded. "I will ask around the shelter and see if these wicked people have tried to lure the needy away." Considering Elpsis' question she nodded. "Xalda is a strong warrior and indomitable. She will be of aid. I know not Navae'Zada well. She is a Seeker, yes? I am sure she is reliable," she added, though the praise was tepid.

The Jedi put the papers down and crossed to Elpsis. "I would usually be the sort to try and temper you from rash action. But in this case...I am appalled and hmmph, sickened, if this is true. I offer you my assistance if you want it. I have nothing to fear from Firemane. I know others do however, so seeking those outside would be, hmm, wise."

"I fear only the Karishzar, and it is clear She does not know of the wickedness perpetrated in Her name. Lady...I mean Elpsis...I will aid you in any way I can!"
"And likewise," Phylis added. "I am well known on Arkas. If you can get me some locations I can inspect under pretexts without alarming or raising concern, find out things and report to you."
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Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"Fine, we'll bring Xalda in. And Zada, too," Elpsis told Lalax. " Seekers can't feel left out then. 'sides, they say their whole sthick is about protecting Xio from tyrants, right? Good chance to live up to it. The Queen vouched for her.

Phylis' response took her by surprise, but it was a welcome one. Nice to have a Jedi who tried to live up to the order's supposed values. Her head was spinning. She could do this. She had to. "Thanks, both of you. If you can do some digging, great. New Horizon's a fake company, but they have to have an office to make it seem above board. I don't think bringing in Hazani, Xilae or Zhaleh into this is a good idea. But they can hang around in the Underealm and help. I'll tell Diona and...Nyssa. Neither will care about Firemane rules," she said frankly.

"There's someone I know who could help track down leads, follow the money, give us names...and a few break-ins or bodies. Natalie Dorn. Spook, career...rebel," she paused briefly before settling on a word that was probably too polite. "She's got a bunch of underground pals. We go way back."
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

"Yes, the Seekers are committed to that. They will assist, I am sure," Phylis said.
Lalax was much more reserved. "That is what they say, yes," she said primly.

"I will contact New Horizons as I legitimately do need a Xio translator and proofer. I'll see what they have. They should have no reason to suspect me. This will let me get more info on them I hope. Then I will go visit Arkas."

When Natalie was mentioned, Phylis nodded approvingly. "Ah yes, Ms Dorn is very good," she commented nonchalantly. She did not elaborate how she knew Nat or which of her skills she meant.

Lalax meanwhile frowned. "I do appreciate your aid, Elpsis. I have things your warriors can do if they wish to aid us." Whether Hazani would be too enthused about community service was another matter entirely!
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"Sounds good. I'll, uh, think of something for Hazani. She'll probably appreciate something more...official that makes her feel she's doing something for Qadiri interests," Elpsis said carefully. Xilae ought to be easy. Plus, he could always just help the Queen with the census. He'd be annoyed about left out, especially if there was fighting, but he'd deal.

"Wait a sec," she said and fished out her comm. There was a couple moments of static before the call connected.
"Hello? Private Zhaleh Jai Bijana reporting," the voice on the other end of the line said a bit awkwardly, "is this on?"
"Yes, Private," Elpsis responded firmly.
"Oh, sorry, ma'am, is everything alright?"
"Yes, where are you right now?"
"Oh, still at the shelter. The children grew restless when I said I had to go, and I asked Lieutenant Vykaris to let me stay a bit longer. But I can pack up and leave. I think they're in good hands here."
"Yes, they are. You know what, Private, stay the night there. Being around so many people and trusting others is new for the kids. They'll feel safer with someone around they trust. Can you find a cot?"
"Yes, ma'am," the Zaldrani responded quickly. "I'm used to hard living. I'll manage. You sound worried."
"Places like this, they draw in good people...but also bad ones taking advantage of the vulnerable. So keep your eyes open, and don't hesitate to act if you have to."
"Yes, ma'am, I won't."
Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
"Hmm, Hazani still has some reservations about the Xio," Phylis commented, glancing at Lalax. "If needed she could travel with me as my agent, or I can give her another task to perform nearby more tied to her people. I leave that up to you though."
Lalax seemed to shrug. "I understand, though it is time to pass onward from old arguments. Most of those who committed sins are dead. Though not all," she added grimly.

Nibbles meanwhile decided the end of Elpsis' call was a great time to scamper up to sit on her head. He was very gentle and cuddled her. Phylis had to turn away to contain a laugh.
"Nibbles, sweetie, come down from there," Phylis said, regaining her composure and walking over to retrieve her Jedispawn.


Meanwhile, outside the shelter a new skimmer pulled up and an immaculately dressed Xio lady with an underling male got out. As was proper he held the door open for her.
She approached, datapad in hand. The first person she came across was Feather. The little Xio was playing by the road with Squiddy.
"Hello, children, how are you today?"
The kids looked up at the tall, elegant Xio woman with her practiced smile...and bolted for the door, seeking out their new friend Zhaleh!

The new Xio shrugged and headed over to where some people were sitting in the aftermath of their means.
"Hello, I don't mean to interrupt, but do you have a moment to discuss your future....?"
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"It's a work in progress. She holds a grudge, but she doesn't like Firemane either. Not a surprise since our mothers fought, and hers is dead now because of backstabbers," Elpsis commented with a shrug. "Giving her something that makes her feel she's doin' something useful for her people is best."

Despite her grim mood, she had to suppress a chuckle when the little rat tried to snuggle her. "Your rat's sweet. Anyway, I message Nat, you give New Horizon a call, Lalax asks around at the poorhouse, anything else?"


Zhaleh had just finished her conversation with Elpsis. Putting down the comm, she frowned. It was not like her commander to be secretive. She was frank about all manners of things. But a chieftain could not always share everything with her warband, she reflected. All she could do was do her duty to the best of her abilities. This place brought so much pain and cruelty...but I've seen beauty, too, she thought with a sigh.

She was pulled from her musings when Feather and Squiddy suddenly burst into the corridor, rushing towards her as if pursued by a wild bear. Immediately, the Zaldrani walked towards them, bending down to give both a hug. "What is wrong, little cubs?" she asked, voice full of worry.
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Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Phylis nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, I agree. Hmm, there is a Qadiri trading settlement outside the Underealm. Perhaps she could monitor things there?" she asked.

"Good thinking. I'll contact them here on this ship. See if I can arrange a meeting with one of their people."

She gently removed Nibbles from Elpsis' head. The rat squeaked unhappily and looked sulky, but did not bite. He knew better than that!
"It's OK, sweetie, auntie Elpsis will be back soon I'm sure," she said, petting the rat and putting him into his enclosure.

"Right, well, hmm, want me to make the call now whilst you're here?"

Lalax meanwhile nodded. She was still awed by her surrounds and the droid, but managed to direct her focus back to Elpsis. "I will do as you command...Elpsis," she said, catching herself from using a title.


"Strange lady!" Squiddy said.
"She acts like the Mistress," Feather added darkly.
They huddled close.
"She's outside talking to people. She seems strange," Squiddy added.

The Xio outside had gathered a crowd of people and was speaking to them.
", my friends, let me tell you about a new opportunity. This is our home, that's for sure, but the sky people have opened up so many more options for us. So what does that mean for you, friends? Well, it means that there are New Horizons for you to explore. I have recently acquired contracts for jobs far away from here, proper money, good conditions, friendly co-workers. We keep things pretty casual and in a month you'll earn more than in a year harvesting mushrooms in the tunnels. Look at Xarq here, only six months in and already he's already got enough to put a downpayment on one of those new blocks in the south cliffs, isn't that right?"
Playing his part, the male Xio nodded, broad smile. "That's right, it's a new life. Get away from in here, find something new in the stars! Ms Zotik here will see you right." He started distributing pamphlets....
Phylis Alince Phylis Alince

"Yeah, might as well," Elpsis said. "I'll message Nat." Just a simple text message. Fortunately, her comm had a braille interface she could actually navigate despite being blind. 'Need your help. Unofficial. Tlaxqui.'

Meanwhile, Phylis' call would eventually connect. "Good evening, this is New Horizons. We bring people together. How may I help you?" the responder on the other end of the line, a photogenic Dahomian woman with a well-practiced smile and not a single crease in her suit, addressed her smoothly.


Immediately Zhaleh looked alarmed. Of course, she didn't know about what Elpsis was investigating, but she had her superior's warning in mind. And she didn't doubt the children. "Good cubs, good cubs," she spoke softly. "Squiddy, get your friends. Feather...take me there."

Presumaby with the little girl in tow the snow Qadiri was led to the common room, just as Zotik had finished her speech and her minion was distributing pamphlets. The Zaldrani cleared her throat. "What is happening here? Who are you? Why you sneak in at night?" Her gaze fell upon the pamphlets, and she grabbed one. "Where you take these people?"

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