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Approved Species ForeverKittens

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  • Name: ForeverKittens
  • Designation: Non-Sentient
  • Origins: The InterGalactic Gene Bank
  • Average Lifespan: 100 Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Common
  • Description: Cats bioengineered to make better pets, the ForeverKittens are cute, kind, sociable, and completely reliant on the food and protection of sentients. They are not able to hunt properly nor to reproduce on their own. Innumerable subraces are available to meet the needs of various clients, whether this be thriving in harsh environments or even resembling energetic blue-furred hairballs.
  • Breathes: Type 1 Atmospheres
  • Average Height of Adults: ~16 centimetres; varies from subrace to subrace*.
  • Average Length of Adults: ~30 centimetres; varies from subrace to subrace*.
  • Skin Colour: Variable; generally equivalent to normal cats, though more exotic subraces do exist.
  • Hair Colour: Variable; generally equivalent to normal cats, though more exotic subraces do exist.
  • Distinctions: ForeverKittens are in many ways comparable to normal cats, with some major exceptions. While they retain some sexual dimorphism, they lack both reproductive organs and instincts. They will normally stop (visibly) ageing as a kitten or an adolescent cat, a result of invasive tampering with their genetic data - older "kittens" may still mature mentally, however, often becoming calmer.
  • Races: Numerous. Variants of most known (and some unknown) cat breeds can be found.
    • May be long or short-haired. Despite the name, they may reach maturity in a form comparable to a kitten, an adolescent cat, or even a fully-grown cat, depending on the subrace*. May have normal or exotic fur colours. Various breeds, sizes, and behavioural quirks.
    • Uniquely, the LoongKittens combine the trait of the ForeverKittens and HPI's the Loong Cats for a "longer, cuddlier experience".
    • May be custom-tailored for clients using Genetic Matrices, e.g., to retain a cat's ability to hunt by adjusting behaviour/claws.
  • Force Sensitivity: Rare; the vast majority of ForeverKittens are non-Sensitive, though some are Force Attuned or fully Sensitive. Those who do exhibit Force Sensitivity rarely does so through anything beyond force-enhanced senses and Force Empathy.
  • Adorable: ForeverKittens are soft, cuddly, friendly, and cute enough that many predators avoid hunting them unless starving.
  • Durable: Custom-tailored for longevity, ForeverKittens rarely fall ill and can be expected to withstand blunt force very well.
  • Harmless: Unlike conventional cats, ForeverKittens are bioengineered for peak adorableness; they can barely hunt flies.
  • Sterile: ForeverKittens lack anything even remotely resembling reproductive organs; they are universally lab-grown.
  • Diet: Omnivores, but often prefer the meat-based diets of normal cats. Inept hunters, they should be fed by their owners.
  • Communication: Purring, meowing, hissing, rubbing against people, objects, or animals. Body language and meaningful looks.
  • Technology Level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General Behaviour: Enjoy rest, playtime, and the attention of other creatures. Strongly sociable beings, they often form close bonds with their owners and are surprisingly good at recognising them, even after long absences. They are generally quite good at noticing sad humanoids, typically responding by rubbing against them until they look happier. Though they lack the predatory instincts of most natural felines, they do still engage in play hunts and the like - most subraces have teeth and claws that are unable to break human skin except with great effort.
Given the proliferation of bioengineering technology and techniques, the creation of a species such as the ForeverKittens is perhaps not that surprising, though its origins with the InterGalactic Gene Bank might certainly raise some eyebrows. To IGGB officials the project was quite reasonable, however - they had already amassed significant genetic data on various forms of cats through their preservation efforts.

Commercialising it to further fund their primary purpose of preservation seemed sensible enough.

While rather diverse in terms of appearance, virtually all ForeverKittens are kindly (if occasionally somewhat arrogant) beings that could barely hurt a fly. Literally. In other words, the perfect pet for many, especially given that some strongly prefer kittens over adult cats.

"Production" and retail of ForeverKittens has largely been delegated to Globex; anyone who fulfils local requirements on pet ownership should be able to acquire one with ease, occasional waiting lists (especially on rarer subraces and custom orders) notwithstanding. Proven animal-cruelty will result in a galaxy-wide ban on all pet purchases per the corporation's ethical guidelines.

While not strictly necessary for Species subs, consider this blanket permission to freely use these in RP.​
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