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Public Storming the Imperial Vault

Kronsantous the Everchosen


TAGS: Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Paila Olphes Paila Olphes Alessandra Io Alessandra Io [Open to anyone else]
LOCATION: The Former Imperial World of Eadu, Far North of the Ruins of the Eadu Energy Conservation Laboratory. Imperial Vault ECTO
RELEVANT LINKS: Kronsantous the Everchosen
EQUIPMENT: Arm Cannon | Gatling Gauntlet | Powered Battle Armor | Arkanian Energy Shield

The Planet of Eadu was covered in rugged mountains, shrouded in gloomy rainstorms, wind and lightning strikes. The cloud cover of the planet was so thick that it appeared to be a night world even in the daytime and clouds mired visibility while gales battered any starships attempting to reach the surface of the world. The ground surface was uneven and made up of jagged rock formations, broad mesas, black stone ridges, and narrow spires that jutted out from the landscape. The rain of the world contained a smell of fecund soil with an undertone of acrid stink. Previously home to the Eadu Energy Conservation Laboratory, and underneath the direct control of the Ancient Imperial Grand Moff, Wilhuff Tarkin to further the development of the Death Star Project. The world would see no action until a few decades later after the battle of yavin, with the establishment of the Imperial Vault ECTO. Since the rebel alliance had already hit eadu in the past and believed to have wiped out the garrison there, they hadn't sent a force there to secure the world for their cause. As such the Imperial Garrison stationed to guard the Imperial Vault would stay there for quite some time before they finally died out due to not hearing of the death of the Galactic Emperor Palpatine and his enforcer, Darth Vader at the battle of endor. The Imperial Vault then fell underneath the control of the Imperial Remnant, until the vault was abandoned under mysterious circumstances. The Imperial Vault holds many things that could be valuable to anyone, although it isn't as unguarded as it appears. For the Guild of Treasure Hunters always find out about such things, and have taken over the vault without anyone being aware.

The Emergence from Hyperspace would be felt onboard the Ancient Ajuur Class Heavy Cruiser "Boonta's Might." as the cruiser exited over the planet of Eadu. The Cruiser was designed to be a supply ship and a battlecruiser rolled into one standard design. Eliminating the vulnerability of a supply ship to enemy starfighters and cruisers. Large hallways that could fit a hutt through easily would no doubt awe those who were on board such an ancient vessel, spacious but powerful was the overall message that the hutt clans that operated this vessel wanted to convey to foolish pirates and other factions that might attempt to invade hutt space. The Crew of the Boonta's Might would have been hired to deliverer a specialized team to raid the Imperial Vault ECTO and recover the ancient artifacts and Imperial Treasures within to sell back to the underground markets. The cruiser would have picked up the team from their destinations and as they approached the world. The team would have to be briefed inside of the command room and make sure that their equipment was up to date.

The ground would shake inside of the cruiser, as the Mutant Trandoshan known as Kronsantous the Everchosen would make his way down the long hallways, passing by the crew security forces and supply officers on deck to make sure that everything was prepared for the vault raid. The hulking lizard would be 12'5 feet tall and 1,500 pounds of pure weight and covered in extremely hard and durable scales, maked him an intimidating and fearsome sight to behold and made others move out of his way to avoid being crushed underneath his mass. Having gotten his equipment from his room on board the cruiser, he was wearing a set of purple powered battle armor and having an arm cannon equipped to his right hand, the long and massive weapon would put any tank to shame with the power behind it, on his left wrist was a gatling gauntlet, that fired sizable projectiles that sprayed over a large area. Making it a challenge to avoid them, Kronsantous had been hired to be the pure tank of the mission. While the others on the crew had been hired for their expertise or willingness to partake in such a dangerous mission to a former imperial world.

Entering inside of the briefing room, he would announce himself to anyone that had arrived before him. "" he said, behind his armored helmet. Having limited intelligence and speech capacity due to the Czerka Mutant Formula from the Laboratory on Dxun. Although he could speak more words, he would be unable to put them into complete sentences which made him a useful asset because he couldn't reveal anything under interrogation. Taking a seat on a large enough chair for himself that was covered in bones due to him frequently eating some of the crew without their knowledge, he would peer over to the rest of the crew that had arrived. Wondering if they would say anything or if they were ready to undergo the briefing for the mission.

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Things were starting to look up for Paila Olphes. The past few months hadn't been kind to her, jobs had been scarce. She hadn't had much luck with any of her excavation sites and new leads had been few and far between. Buyers on the black market weren't inclined to be the most patient clients and would soon move on if Paila couldn't come up with something noteworthy to sell soon. Things started to turn around when she heard rumblings about a crew heading to Eadu on what boiled down to a glorified treasure hunt. An idea that made her giddy. Paila was familiar with Eadu, she had always been interested in the planets history, and the rumored treasure abandoned in an imperial vault. And when she had to opportunity to go there for herself, well, she couldn't refuse.

Paila sat cross legged on a table in the far corner of the briefing room pouring over a book detailing the history of The Planet Eadu. She had been reading for most of the journey. She had learned about everything from the planets origin, the former energy conservation laboratory, and now the planet's geography. Their journey wouldn't be an easy meander. They would have to navigate jagged rock formations, stone ridges, and narrow spires. Nothing Paila wasn't up to, but obstacles that might prove be problematic for some of her less nimble companions.

The thump thump thump of large footsteps moving her way alerted Paila that someone was entering the room. It was none other than her largest associate, Kronsantous. "Hey big guy, we getting this briefing started or what?"

Kronsantous the Everchosen Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Alessandra Io Alessandra Io
Location: Briefing Room - Boonta’s Might
Objective: Obtain Galactic Empire Artifacts
Tags: Kronsantous the Everchosen Paila Olphes Paila Olphes

Alessandra entered the briefing room soon after the hulking Trandoshan barreled inside, having followed the resonating thump of his heavy footsteps as she made her way through the spacious corridors of the Boonta’s Might. Caparisoned with her weapons and clad in her protective bodysuit, the diminutive Nuetralizer cut a sleek, deadly figure as she stepped inside, a stark contrast to the brutish, gargantuan might of the Trandoshan. Her cyan photoreceptors narrowed in focus as she watched the massive reptilian warrior take his seat in a chair composed of, if her databases were correct, the bones of various sapient species. Under normal conditions, she would never work with a cannibal, but these were atypical circumstances. In exchange for a share of the artifacts and loot recovered from the vault, House Io had agreed to provide additional firepower for the expedition. That firepower was her, a single Chaplain Nuetralizer.

Whether it would be enough, remained to be seen.

Directing her attention on the other woman in the room, who possessed skin of similar tone to her own, the HRDs databases quickly told her that she would be the team’s archaeologist and guide. While her capabilities in combat remained a mystery, in examining her microexpressions, Alessandra assessed that she possessed a level of professional confidence that told her that she was at the very least, experienced in these types of expeditions. Giving the woman a respectful nod, the Nuetralizer took a seat around the holotable at the center of the room, doing so with an eerily surgical precision and grace which might have hinted at the fact that she was not human.

“I expect that the briefing will begin within the next two minutes.” The HRD answered in a crisp, Coruscanti accent, shifting her gaze to the archaeologist in the process. “My name is Alessandra Io, by the way.” She introduced herself to the room. “Liaison from House Io.”

The Corellian Sharpshooter
Tags: Kronsantous the Everchosen, Alessandra Io Alessandra Io , Paila Olphes Paila Olphes , whoever else joins.

Location: Former Imperial World of Eadu

Objective: Recover certain items of interest from the Imperial Vault.

Dantum "Dan" Kryszar was awoken by that monster Trandoshan, Kronsantous, stomping down the hallway next to his room, causing his bunk to vibrate and shake. Dan was jerked out of a peaceful sleep just too late to fully notice his bed rocking back and forth dangerously. He was balanced precariously on the edge of his mattress, if you could use that term to describe the rock-hard bunk. Before he had completely realized what was going on, he had fallen off the mattress and onto the floor.

"Bantha dung" he cursed to himself as Kronsantous' thunderous footsteps faded away.

Dan stood up with a groan and stretched. At least he was entirely awake now. He changed into his usual bounty-hunting attire, washed up, and placed his helmet over his head. Next he checked his gear, which had become a sort of ritual out of habit. Sniper rifle- check. All parts were in good condition. Laser-edged knife- check. Optimum sharpness had been tested and confirmed. Grenades- check. They seemed to be adequate at a glance, but he could test them once he was on the surface. He packed these items and others, like a datapad, rations, a secondary pistol, etc., into his belt and his backpack. He was ready.

Dan strode out of his room and into the hallway, closing the door to his temporary abode with press of a button. He had familiarized himself with the ship earlier, so he knew how to get to the briefing room. Dan walked through the doorway as the blast doors parted for him. The bounty hunter looked at the assembled mercenaries, treasure hunters, scientists, crew members, and hired guns that were seated at a table or standing around the room. Might as well introduce himself.

"Dantum Kryszar- here."

Kronsantous the Everchosen


TAGS: Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Paila Olphes Paila Olphes Alessandra Io Alessandra Io Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar [Open to anyone else]
LOCATION: The Former Imperial World of Eadu, Far North of the Ruins of the Eadu Energy Conservation Laboratory. Imperial Vault ECTO
RELEVANT LINKS: Kronsantous the Everchosen
EQUIPMENT: Arm Cannon | Gatling Gauntlet | Powered Battle Armor | Arkanian Energy Shield

Kronstanous while he was walking towards his chair surrounded by bones of his eaten victims. He spotted Paila Olphes Paila Olphes sitting cross legged on table within the room, currently reading a book. Announcing himself with a simple "Kronsatnous..Here" and made his way to the chair like previously. Resting his massive form upon the chair with a slight sinking noise of the chair into the floor due to the intense weight of the Mutant Trandoshan upon it. He looked over with a slight yawn of his mouth, showing his jagged and sharp teeth once the girl started to speak in his direction. "Briefing start, when patron sit until then." Kronsantous said, still using his limited vocabulary to convey his message towards the girl who asked him. Sniffing the air a little, he spotted Alessandra Io Alessandra Io had entered inside after him.

Kronsantous looked over at her, and simply pondered whether or not she would make a good snack. Besides, less people on the job meant more shiny objects for him to lay upon like some mystical dragon from galactic folklore. Hearing her introduce herself to him and the women within the room. Kronsantous didn't understand all the words that she spoke, but picked up on the word "liaison" which to himself meant a person who prepared meat to be cooked. He scratched his head a little, not understanding what she meant by it and would ask in his own fashion. "Me no understand..why bring cook liaison on mission. Do you prepare food?" He asked, clearly not being very intelligent but was effective at being told to go smash something. Directing this question towards one Alessandra Io, before standing up to introduce himself to them all. "My name is smash things?" He said, with slight confusion in his booming voice. Before sitting back down with a thud on the chair, dust flying out of it and every direction.

Kronsantous would look over at the entrance into the briefing room, when something shiny caught his eye for a second. As the person would introduce himself as Dantum Krysar and that he was here. Kronsantous wanted to respond to his new friend and possible meal incase he was hungry for the mission. "Hello, Dan..tun..Kryzorgo..." He said in a slow fashion, clearly mispronouncing his name without being aware of it. Although it wasn't wise or recommended to correct a hulking and mindless brute of a trandoshan. Kronsatnous would pick up one of the bones around his form, ripping into it with his mighty bite force. As they all waited for the patron of the mission to arrive and begin the briefing. The Captain of Boonta's Might would have informed, Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz within his own luxury quarters that the team was assembled inside the briefing room and awaiting introductions.

The Trandoshan was certainly not a smart one, that was clear but his sheer strength and size made him a formidable fighter to have as an ally and not a foe.



I had an idea I wanted to run by everyone. Since Kronsantous the Everchosen has graciously allowed me to be the patron for this expedition, I thought I'd make some cool tech to serve as loot for you guys for this raid, as well as some items to sell on my new black market. The payment Erich is referring to will be the UC credits you'll be earning with your posts in this thread, as well as the free items i'll be gifting you guys at the conclusion of this thread. Thanks again!

TAG: Kronsantous the Everchosen Paila Olphes Paila Olphes Alessandra Io Alessandra Io Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar
LOCATION: Briefing Room - Boonta's Might

Normally, Erich preferred to remain at arms' length with those under his employ. But you know how startups go - sometimes you have to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty to some degree. If things went according to plan, he shouldn't have to actually go planetside to get his hands dirty, as he had hired plenty of muscle to get this job done right. Yet, he knew well that things didn't always go to plan - in fact, it was rare for things to proceed exactly as anticipated. The captain he had chartered aboard the Boonta's Might had signaled that the team had assembled within the briefing room. Erich intentionally delayed making his way there for a few minutes - a power play to be sure. It was important for anyone hiring mercenaries to establish dominance at the outset. Otherwise, they ended up managing you rather than the other way around. That would be a mistake for anyone to assume they could manage him, but he'd rather deter such a foolish notion from the outset.

He emerged from his quarters wearing a perfectly tailored three-piece suit from Thyferra. He wore the suit as if born to it, walking with purpose to the meeting room; a serious looking Cathar bodyguard keeping pace with him. While he appeared to be every inch the businessman, what didn't exactly meet the eye was his thermal underlay, armorweave, and his Nightjar pistol holstered under his left shoulder. He scanned the room, intentionally meeting the eyes of each person with a casual smile.
"Welcome everyone. Thank you for coming." He proceeded to the central holo-projector dominating the room and keyed in a few commands. The vault on Eadu - their prize - hovered over them.

"This, is Eadu. Centuries ago, this planet housed several Galactic Imperial research stations and vaults, where the Empire stored their prototype technology. Over the ages, this planet has changed sovereignty several times, with few ever venturing planetside to discover these installations. So, we have ourselves a little treasure trove to uncover." The last bit of his brief introduction was punctuated by a wolfish smile, as if they had stumbled across an unprotected faithier pen, and he was a hungry nexu. That moment soon faded as he continued: "But if you thought this raid would be easy, think again. Thanks to some of my sources, the Guild of Treasure Hunters has stumbled across this installation, and from what I understand have already made it to the vault to secure its contents. Needless to say, I think it's appropriate we take the loot off of their hands..."

He let the words hang in the air for a few moments, his implication clear. "Plus, i've heard there may be some automated defenses deeper within the vault. If they haven't overcome them, you will likely need to instead. You all will be compensated handsomely for your efforts. You will also be given specific items from the spoils after successful completion of this mission. And it may go without saying, but I'll say it anyway; this raid never happened. Understood?" He waited with a questioning gaze as he once again met each of their eyes. After a pause, he added: "Any questions?"



Kronsantous the Everchosen


TAGS: Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Paila Olphes Paila Olphes Alessandra Io Alessandra Io Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar [Open to anyone else]
LOCATION: The Former Imperial World of Eadu, Far North of the Ruins of the Eadu Energy Conservation Laboratory. Imperial Vault ECTO
RELEVANT LINKS: Kronsantous the Everchosen
EQUIPMENT: Arm Cannon | Gatling Gauntlet | Powered Battle Armor | Arkanian Energy Shield

Kronsantous was currently devouring the leg of an unfortunate crew mate within his mouth. Wondering to himself within his limited mind when the boss was going to arrive to give them the briefing. His attention was turned towards the door, when a humanoid person wearing a business suit would enter. Although he was confused for the most part, as he thought that being in a suit was the sign of being a janitor. So his mind went to a blank, when the janitor began to explain the mission in detail, to which the mutant trandoshan didn't pick up in the slightest. The explanation of the world and other key important details was simply a fuzzy static inside of his brain. He yawned, as the man would show a wolfish smile to which he responded with a show of his jagged and immensely sharp teeth to establish his own dominance as he thought that the man was challenging him. His attention was held for a few minutes, when he mentioned that the Guild of Pointy Humanoids known as the Treasure Hunters had established themselves within the vault. Kronsantous only picked up on the key word that the janitor wanted for them to smash things to which he approved as that was his function.

Kronsantous only paid attention once again, after the mention of shiny loot was involved. He collected and hoarded such things for no real reason, but it gave him a hobby and something to do besides smashing things and eating random people on the streets. Not bothering to ask questions, leaving it to the smarter and more bright people to ask the questions. Standing up and saying something once the janitor got done speaking. " SMASH THINGS. You meet me on me ship once janitor is done" he yelled with a slight monsterous roar, shaking the room a bit. Before going into a dash motion and bashing straight through the wall of the briefing room, leaving a sizeable hole that would require the patron of the mission to pay for and something the captain of the Boonta's Might wouldn't be so pleased about it.

Kronsatnous dashed straight through the halls of the boonta's might, his earthquake steps would still be heard within the briefing room. As he finally arrived at the hanger of the Ajuur Class Heavy Cruiser. Pressing the button to get into his ship a "AEG-77 Vigo" that was painted in trandoshan colors, which indicated that it belonged to the trandoshan. Inside it was extremely bigger in size compared to the outside, as the trandoshan required more room to operate due to being a mutant of all things. It was certainly an ancient but effective ship from the Black Sun Organization during the time of the Ancient Galactic Empire. Kronsantous took his seat in the captain's chair onboard the vessel, waiting for the others to hop inside so he could transport them down onto the surface to collect the rewards and loot and the opportunities to eat and smash things along the way. If anyone followed him inside, they would see the literal clutter of bones and cobwebs around, as kronsantous didn't bother to clean his ship in the slightest, as long as it could point and shoota. Everything was alright by him.

The Mutant Trandoshan certainly was interesting to observe but was a mindless brute.

Location: Briefing Room -> AEG-77 Vigo - Boonta’s Might
Objective: Obtain Galactic Empire Artifacts
Tags: Kronsantous the Everchosen Paila Olphes Paila Olphes Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz

“Unfortunately, I am not a professional cook. I am a Chaplain Nuetralizer of House Io.” The HRD clarified patiently. Naturally, Alessandra immediately realized that the hulking Trandoshan was quite stunted in intelligence, which could present a number of issues for the upcoming mission. His cannibalistic tendencies would also be something to be careful of, notwithstanding mention the fact that Alessandra found it repulsive to the extreme.

"My name is smash things?"

“Very good. It’s wonderful to meet you, Kronsantous.” Alessandra answered with a soft, gentle smile, her tone almost as if she were speaking to a small child, albeit one that could feasibly kill her and everyone else in this room. Then, turning her attention to the mercenary sharpshooter who entered a moment after she had, Alessandra acknowledged him as well.

Before long, the patron of the mission strode inside the room, emanating an aura of confidence and power as he addressed the room. While his features were slightly wizened with age, the manner in which his suit clung to his strong, lean frame hinted at robust reserves of strength, stemming from an extensive workout routine or experience as a combatant. His predatory grace indicated both. The stern-faced Cathar bodyguard only added to his powerful impression.

Listening to the briefing in attentive silence, once the man finished speaking, Alessandra raised her left hand in question, just as the monstrous Trandoshan loosed a powerful roar and quite literally, Kool-Aid Man’d his way through the wall.

The Nuetralizer decided that her question was no longer important.

“Thank you, sir.” Alessandra said to the Vigo, giving him a shallow, respectful bow as she did. “We won’t fail.”

Then, without further word, she left the room and made her way to the hangar bay, before entering the transport.

The Corellian Sharpshooter
Tags: Kronsantous the Everchosen, Alessandra Io Alessandra Io , Paila Olphes Paila Olphes , Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz

Location: Former Imperial World of Eadu

Objective: Recover certain items of interest from the Imperial Vault.

Dan's presence was acknowledged by a certain " Alessandra Io Alessandra Io ". He was largely ignored by everyone else, probably because their client made an impressive entrance at almost the same moment. The man was dressed in an immaculately pressed suit, and flanked by a large Cathar bodyguard. Upon entering the room, he proceeded to greet everyone and briefed them on the mission. Dan leaned against the wall near the doorway, soaking in all the necessary information. When the man was done speaking, Dan realized that he knew everything about the mission except how they were getting to the facility. Luckily, his unspoken question was promptly answered by Kronsantous.

" SMASH THINGS. You meet me on me ship once janitor is done"

Dan didn't know what the mission had to do with a janitor, but he did know that he had just heard an invitation to get on the huge lizard's ship, which probably would provide transportation to the vault. Suddenly, the bounty hunter's attention was once again drawn to Kronsantous, who, with a mighty roar, burst through the wall of the briefing room and thundered off down the hallway towards the hangar. In the midst of the chaos, Dan took the moment as an opportunity to join the Trandoshan on his ship. He nodded at his client:

"I'll be going now."

Dan followed the path of destruction that Kronsantous had left behind him, and, once he reached the hangar, walked towards the souped-up ship that evidently belonged to the Trandoshan and stepped into it.

Kronsantous the Everchosen


TAGS: Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Paila Olphes Paila Olphes Alessandra Io Alessandra Io Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar
LOCATION: The Former Imperial World of Eadu, Far North of the Ruins of the Eadu Energy Conservation Laboratory. Imperial Vault ECTO
RELEVANT LINKS: Kronsantous the Everchosen
EQUIPMENT: Arm Cannon | Gatling Gauntlet | Powered Battle Armor | Arkanian Energy Shield

Kronsantous counted heads as he was joined by the others of the specialized team specially Alessandra Io Alessandra Io and Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar on board his customized AEG-77 vigo. Making sure that everyone had their seat belts on before he pressed the pedal, as the engines would putter into existence due to him not repairing them enough. Although they soon stalled, to which the mutant trandoshan slammed his foot on the control panel to get them back into operating mode. The hanger doors would begin to open as the ship would exit from them, entering now into the surface of the world. The ship shaking a little as it made its descent down with its spotlights attached to see in the gloomy atmosphere of the planet. Everything would be going well for them as the ship was stabilized with only the occasional sputtering and engine stops along the way but nothing serious enough to warrant them jumping ship. They were within a quarter mile from the Imperial Vault ECTO as the sounds of flak batteries would ring out from the dark atmosphere. Clearly the treasure hunters knew that they were here from the galactic empire scanners inside that detected intruders within the airspace of the compound. "Hold..on..back.. there." Kronsantous said, as he piloted the ship towards a more open clearing of the perimeter. Firing the laser cannons that was on the ship in the direction of the flak batteries and getting one as it exploded upon its platform.

"Battery no match for us" Kronsantous tested fate and was awarded with instant karma, as a stray flak battery round slammed into the side of the ship and smashed right through the thick armored plating that he had installed to avoid such damages. The ship would slowly descend down, spinning around really fast in circles as everything not strapped down would begin to slide all over the place. Kronsantous raised his hands in the air as he went "Weeeee...this is fun.." He said within the confusion of them crash landing, as the ship would begin to break apart as more flak rounds slammed into them. Kronsantous got up from his seat after enjoying the ride for a little bit, smashing through the entrance ramp and jumping down from the crashing starship into the rocky outcrop that was beneath him and making a sizeable dent within the landscape. Appearing as to abandon them to their deaths, but this was not the case. He put all his weight down onto the floor and pushed himself off of it, grabbing ahold of the broken starship with his hands and holding them together underneath him to make them stay together, as he slammed feet first into the landscape once again, as the intense forces of gravity would slam into the people on board with tremendous force. As he stood there in some slight pain due to holding up a starship over his head, he gently put the broken starship down onto the dent of landscape that he had created earlier. They were almost there at the vault but it would be another 3 miles of rough terrain to actually reach it.

"Uuuuh..whet now.." Kronsantous said, as he asked no one in particular as he looked around at the crash site. Hopefully the crew that was inside of his starship survived or to his benefit. He could have another meal and slight pain. His mutant formula within his veins would already be rapidly repairing the tissue as he spoke, the benefits of being a czerka creation was the strange abilities that made him such a formidable fighter that he was. While he waited for some response from anyone within the broken starship, he sat on the ground and ate some of the metal parts that had been blasted off of it by the flak batteries. Sinking his teeth within it and doing crunching noises.

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Location: AEG-77 Vigo -> Crash Site - Eadu
Objective: Obtain Galactic Empire Artifacts
Tags: Kronsantous the Everchosen Paila Olphes Paila Olphes Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz

Alessandra braced herself as the Vigo was buffeted as it entered the atmosphere. The young, newly-created HRD had done many crazy things in her short life, but she ranked this as among the most bizarre. She had entrusted her life to a massive, mentally-stunted Trandoshan who ate people and could also fly a starship with a degree of competency. And now, as the ship came under heavy anti-air fire, she was once more forced to trust the hulking reptilian to carry her and the others safely to the ground. As a flak round smashed through the armor plating, Alessandra immediately contemplated jumping out to land on her own via her repulsor organs. Unfortunately, the flying metal box full of cobwebs and bones would provide her protection against the shrapnel than her bodysuit would.

Then, the metal box began to break apart in the sky.

Alessandra didn’t waste another moment, unbuckling herself from her seat, before letting herself be sucked into the air, through one of the gaping holes ripped into the ship’s hull. Soaring through the dark sky, Alessandra watched as the Trandoshan seemingly did the same. Then right before her widening, shocked photoreceptors, the mutated Reptilian seemed to catch the starship just before it “crashed”.

Landing gracefully on her feet a few hundred meters from the crash site, Alessandra made haste in heading towards the scene of the “crash”. Giving a facsimile of a sigh of relief when she picked up the life signs of the crew, Alessandra flew up the rocky outcrop and landed on the ridge, finding the Trandoshan sitting outside the vessel, while chewing on bits of metal and shrapnel.

“Is everyone okay?”


Kronsantous the Everchosen


TAGS: Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Paila Olphes Paila Olphes Alessandra Io Alessandra Io Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar
LOCATION: The Former Imperial World of Eadu, Far North of the Ruins of the Eadu Energy Conservation Laboratory. Imperial Vault ECTO
RELEVANT LINKS: Kronsantous the Everchosen
EQUIPMENT: Arm Cannon | Gatling Gauntlet | Powered Battle Armor | Arkanian Energy Shield

Kronsantous would pick up a durasteel armored plate from the ground, shoving it within his mouth and snapped it in half with his bite force. Chewing metal and other foreign objects was something that he enjoyed to do because feeding his massive form took a while. Hearing no response from the inside of the ship that he caught with a leap, he was a little happy about this because he could enjoy feasting on the dead bodies but would probably not get shiny treasure from the vault. Looking over for just a minute when a foreign object caught his eye.

Turning to face it, it was the women from the briefing room and one of the specialized team members assigned by the "janitor" (Erich Kreutz) to accompany him on this mission. Looking over when she asked if everyone was okay, kronsantous thought inside of his head for a minute before responding. "Me..don't..know..Me eat.." he said as bluntly as he could, picking up more metal and shoving it within his mouth. The sudden ring of a blaster bolt against hard metal would be heard, as kronsantous sniffed the air and picked up foreign life approaching them. He had to figure within his limited brain that they were after them, so he called out with a roar to the lady and anyone left alive. " cover.." He said, as several war skiffs and speeder bikes would be approaching, manned by the treasure hunters who had watched them crash and had decided to loot the supposed corpses for their goods. The treasure hunters had various types of weaponry, but the one thing that was similar was that they had the emblem of the treasure hunters upon their scrap armor. Although the armor wouldn't protect them from much, it did provide enough protection for them not to be downed by one shot so the team had to be careful before they were overwhelmed, although they did have a mutant trandoshan by their side.

Kronsantous charged into the frey without a second thought, throwing metal plates that weighed a ton or more with relative ease. Although his accuracy wasn't that good with them due to his limited intelligence, it created enough of a panic among the crew of one of the war skiffs that they had to change directions around it, which gave enough time for him to begin a charge motion as the two forces impacted with one another, kronsantous being the superior weight class to even a skiff would bash his shoulder into it and flipped it, as the crew would dangle out of it as the repulsors stabilized once again and they fired their mounted cannon at him. Kronsantous tanked those cannon rounds like a champ, lifting up his cannon arm and blasting at them with sizeable projectiles, as they slammed into the skiff and destroyed it within a few shots. While he was busy engaging with the crew of two war skiffs that had some dismounted and the others that had stayed on the warskiff. The other treasure hunters would begin to fire their own rounds at the other crew members, lobbing grenades of various kinds, and thermal detonators into the crashed vessel to kill anyone who was inside of it. A mounted cannon took aim at Alessandra Io Alessandra Io and fired several rounds at her, keeping up with them as to not give her a chance to attack them back. If impacted with her, they would cause quite a considerable amount of damage due to being a cannon round but wouldn't injury her enough as to not keep her fighting. Blaster Carbines and rotary blasters would also be used by the hunters in an attempt to kill them.

Would they survive the battle with the treasure hunters..or will some of the crew perish?

Location: Crash Site - Eadu
Objective: Obtain Galactic Empire Artifacts
Tags: Kronsantous the Everchosen Paila Olphes Paila Olphes Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz

So far, everything was going according to plan, at least the plan accounted for losing almost the entire team in a crash landing. With the mercenary and the archaeologist nowhere in sight or sensor range and everyone else who was on the transport dead, that left only two, herself and the hulking Trandoshan. Fortunately, with Kronsantous’ enhanced strength and Alessandra’s weaponized, Vong-derivative organs, they were an army unto themselves. However, even with their seemingly preternatural, beyond-superhuman capabilities, the odds were set against them.

“I would advise against eating-” The Chaplain began in a sweet, almost-maternal voice, before suddenly stopping when the sensors integrated into her bodysuit’s neck piece picked up approaching lifeforms and energy signatures. The Chaplain was in cover before the Trandoshan’s warning, in the process noting that the creature was surprisingly intelligent when it came to combat.

As the treasure hunters disembarked to search the crash site, Alessandra shimmered into invisibility as her bodysuit’s cloak activated. While she was already hidden from sensors due to its mirror construction, the cloak made the Chaplain nigh-undetectable, allowing her to seize the initiative against the incoming treasure hunters.

The Chaplain did not hesitate in doing so.

As Kronsantous gave a powerful, feral roar and charged into the fray, Alessandra flew onto one of the armored skiffs via her repulsor organs, before uncloaking herself in the midst of the treasure hunters as her energy sword sprang to life with a soft hiss. The weapon’s pink energy blade was plunged into the back of a target who the Chaplain identified as a potential lieutenant, lancing through his heart before being pulled out, then slashed through the neck of his second-in-command, taking off the man’s head in the process. Then, just as the treasure hunters on the skiff turned towards the priestess in their midst, Alessandra delivered a single chakram from her left hand, the circular blade whistling through the air with the sound of a high-pitched chordophone, before slashing through one, two, then, three necks, lopping off heads with brutal, terrifying efficiency. Nevertheless, while briefly stunned by the dual displays of preternatural violence from both the Chaplain and the hulking Trandoshan, the treasure hunters fought on. As the mounted cannon turned to aim at Alessandra, she activated her shield, which absorbed much of the energy from the searing hot plasma bolts. Nonetheless, the Chaplain quickly threw herself off the skiff in order to break the cannon’s line of sight, not wanting her shield to fail this early in the mission.

With just her and the Trandoshan seemingly all that remained of the original team, Alessandra knew she could not afford to exhaust her resources so soon.


Kronsantous the Everchosen


TAGS: Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Paila Olphes Paila Olphes Alessandra Io Alessandra Io Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar
LOCATION: The Former Imperial World of Eadu, Far North of the Ruins of the Eadu Energy Conservation Laboratory. Imperial Vault ECTO
RELEVANT LINKS: Kronsantous the Everchosen
EQUIPMENT: Arm Cannon | Gatling Gauntlet | Powered Battle Armor | Arkanian Energy Shield

Kronsantous was fighting his own battle with the remaining armored skiffs that were around him, bashing and slashing with his jagged claws. A rocket came his way, and he smacked it with his fist sending it hurling into the crashed ship without thinking about others that might be alive within the vessel that had yet to make an appearance. He saw out of the corner of his eye that the lady had moved around with quickness unseen to himself, using both stealth and her own natural abilities. Rushing forward into the front of another skiff, he grabbed it with his two hands and lifted it up into the sky as the crew dangled from it and attempted to fire the mounted cannon at him. Kronsantous didn't give them the chance to fire, when he slammed the skiff into another one that was approaching, the resulting force exploded and killing the crew. Letting go of the destroyed skiff, he kicked it with his massive foot as it slid into a line of treasure hunters.

Knowing that there numbers would be a problem for even himself to deal with, he hulked smash on the floor which generated a shockwave that knocked most of the treasure hunters away. Leaping into the air once they were on the ground, he landed down upon them with an elbow drop which obliterated them due to the shear force of the trandoshan with gravity as his ally. Getting up from the ground, he was assaulted by rotary blasters which penetrated through his arkanian energy shield that protected him from energy attacks, slamming into his armored scales which protected him from even the most sharpest of weapons. Turning around and aiming his cannon arm to the floor, he blasted into the ground to create a big enough hole for him. Once that as done, he would lift up his foot and kicked the uneven surface to knock them off-balance. Which this did in no time, climbing out of the hole and tearing into a treasure hunter with his jagged and sharp teeth. Throwing the corpse away into the crash site with a twist of his head. As the treasure hunters began to dwindle in numbers due to their combined efforts, the remaining ones would begin to withdraw from the crash site after understanding that they alone wouldn't be enough for these brutes.

Kronsantous would watch them attempt to flee, upon their skiffs and speeders that they had arrived with. Leaping into the air and crashing down upon a armored skiff that was nearest to himself, smacking the captain of the vessel with his cannon arm which sent him flying into the distance, and grabbing the second-in-command with his clawed hand, he threw them into the distance as well. The crew of the skiff would attempt to fight back using grenades and other weaponry, which didn't do much to the armored form of the trandoshan. Who promptly smashed the skiff with his unoccupied fist to generate another shockwave, sending them flying into the distance as well with their captain and second-in-command. He saw out of the corner of his eye that the remaining forces of the treasure hunters had withdrawn. Turning towards Alessandra Io Alessandra Io once he had pulled the armored skiff around to the crash site to provide them with a mode of transportation to reach the vault quicker. "Me..found..ride.., if others..are..alive they will find us." Kronsantous said using some limited form of communication to formulate an actual sentence. Waiting for the lady to climb onboard and journey to the Imperial Vault ECTO, so that they may discover some ancient artifacts for their employer.

Location: Crash Site - Eadu
Objective: Obtain Galactic Empire Artifacts
Tags: Kronsantous the Everchosen Paila Olphes Paila Olphes Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz

A monster.

Capable of splitting her focus across multiple points of attention at once, as she landed on the ground, Alessandra watched as the hulking Trandoshan hefted, then slammed one of the enemy skiffs into another, resulting in a massive explosion that killed more than a dozen of the treasure hunters within the space of a second. Nevertheless, to the credit of the enemy, they did not relent in their assault, leveling rotary cannons against the Trandoshan after he smashed the ground, generating a shockwave in the process. All the while, Alessandra took cover within the darkness itself as the skiff she had leapt from flew away from the Trandoshan, seeking to put distance between itself and the “mage”, though Alesssandra was anything but that.

In spite of its retreat, the HRD was able to keep up, darting between the shadows before once more, she was on the deck of the skiff, in the midst of the treasure hunters. With a nigh-inaudible, high-pitched whine, the electricity-generating organs in her arms were charged, before discharging a stream of crackling galvanic energy, which jumped between each of the four treasure hunters left on the skiff, boiling their bodies inside out as electrically-generated fire turned them into screaming torches.

Leaving them to their horrific fate, Alessandra flew off the skiff, watching as the other skiffs and speeder bikes began to retreat at the overwhelming force manifested by the Trandoshan and perhaps her, as well. Her electrical organs surging once more, she blasted three of the speeder bikes out of the air, boiling their riders in the process. Then, photoreceptors narrowing with lethal intent, the Chaplain set after one of the skiffs, quickly grounding it with a violent pair of electrical discharges, leaving the crew panicked as they sought to restart the machine.

Their efforts would be in vain.

The HRD was on them in a blur, an ear-splitting scream unleashed from the sonic organ in her throat, unleashing a powerful shockwave that physically ripped four of the treasure hunters apart under the assault, reducing their forms to piles of blood and grotesquely mangled flesh, as if a pack of vornskr had torn open their bodies to get at the meat inside. Stunned, the remaining five treasure hunters sluggishly made to turn their blasters on Chaplain in their midst, only managing to raise their weapons before Alessandra’s chakrams were at their necks, the pair of thrown disc blades slicing off five heads in the span of two seconds, before the weapons returned to her grasp.

As the remaining, lucky few treasure hunters left the site, relative silence fell over the crash site.

Looking over the skiff the Trandoshan had captured, Alessandra nodded to the monstrous creature after finding the vehicle suitable to their needs.

“Agreed.” Alessandra replied. “We may have to hurry. The treasure hunters will be setting up defenses around the vault.” She added, as she floated onto the skiff. “Hopefully, the others will find us.” The Chaplain added. Of the bodies inside the ship, the HRD had not seen any belonging to archeologist or the mercenary, so there was a small chance that they were alive.

If not, Alessandra intended to push on, regardless.


Kronsantous the Everchosen

This thread has been discontinued due to personal issues that I am facing at this time. I apologize for any inconvenience from the participants. You all will receive the artifacts from the vault as promised.

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