Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Storm Calling

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Tempest Yore"]

He was walking and she stumbled... the jedi master moving with his attention on her as he caught her and pulled her back. To hold as rocks went down into the valley and he spoke. "Be careful." He wasn't forceful about it but holding her while he moved and stood there. Watching everythign that had been happening had gotten the jedi master into a small state. He knew the echoes here in the valley were not dangerous in most cases. The spirits had been released which meant it was safer compared to some places but there were always legends or ghosts you could find. Slowly he reached the bottom and standing there followed the trail that had been exciting the echo.

It had brought them back and attracted them around the valley. Standing there as the waters of the valley of the jedi. He could feel it, deeper down in the waters before he spoke touching the sand. "We need to swim from here." He was looking at it while slipping a rebreather from his thigh pack. The small things could be used and he turned kneeling down to offer. "Use this and you'll be able to follow me deeper into the waters." He started taking off his boots and stood there moving his toes in the sand before wading into the water itself as he motioned for her to come and join him. "We are heading down deeper, there is something here that has the echoes active."
”Um…” Tempest knew how to swim; she read about it. People can do it, so it didn't seem like it would be too difficult to…try. She has no clue how one would go over to the deepest part and swim to its bottom to bring up some thing. Then how will she actually make it back to the shore? Master [member="Syn"] is so big and strong, while Tempest is minuscule and quite spindly boned.

She trusts the rebreather entirely, its just the moving through the water she will likely have a major problem with. But she did not say any of this…probably important information to her Master. He is going to teach her how; right?

She looked around herself as he got into the water. She isn't about to disrobe! ”Um…” she said again. She truly felt self conscious about her potential limitations in the task he chose, all due to inexperience. But when it comes down to going into the water to be chased by whatever things live in the lake, or be confronted by angry spirits, Tempest could not determine which reality she should rather choose to face. The creature of the deep dark abyss along with her Master, or the spirits alone without him.

”Um…” she repeated, standing well into the dry part of the bank.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Tempest Yore"]

He looked back at her for a moment and a thought came to him while the jeid master turned fully. walking over to her. "Are you alright?" He was looking down at her while thinking about it, they would have to work on it and would have to see what can be done. "I didn't think about it, you might not be able to swim. This didn't occur to me and I am sorry." He said it while touching her shoulder with a nod of his head. "Use the rebreather and calm your mind, Move with me and we can head down together Tempest." He said it though standing there and held a hand out. "It is not a difficult technique to use, it is all about control. Trust in yourself and allow your body to move without panic. The waters can be cold but you'll be safe with me padawan."
Tempest used Force Sight which Syn had taught her, and she looked over the depths of the lake. She could see all the small, and especially the enormous creatures that live therein. ”Eew.”

She has always been curious about swimming. Master [member="Syn"] got out of the water and promised her once again that she can trust him with her life. ”You’ve already proven that.”

She removed her hat, robe, sash, lightsabers and boots, and piled them neatly on a boulder. She was in no hurry as she folded them. But when she was through, however, her moment of courage was at hand.

Tempest parted her lips for positioning the rebreather, and she tried to calm herself as instructed, looking over the lapping light waves, as the reflected blinding light from the high noon sun. In a moment she reached up and took her Master's outstretched hand. She adjusted her palm to achieve the most firm grip possible. She looked up at her Master and was breathing deeply now, and she caught herself doing it.

Looking back down over the water and took a few steps forward, keeping her Master at her side as she stepped into the cool lake. That, and having taken her Master's hand, she could now feel their objective laying at the bottom of the lake bed. She focussed on reaching it as quickly as possible. Once in the water, she reached out with her hand still firmly gripped in her Master's, and she put her head under the water. Eventually her feet were off the ground.

Arms laced out in front of them, Tempest allowed the Force to draw them deep down into the center of the lake together.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Tempest Yore"]

He looked her and she seemed ready going itno the water. The jedi master leading her through the waters and once they were underneath he focused on where they needed to go. The force enhanced waters were clear for the most part. Rock and stone at the bottom instead of mud and dirt. It made for different waters before he was heading down towards the bottom and bringing her with him. THe force wrapping around him when he felt it in his lungs... every muscles and fiber of his being was getting the warm embrace of the waters while it seemed to cool off but it wasn't freezing or hot. Lukewarm towards the bottom on the rocks as he pulled her in to go through the passage.

Old creatures were down there, things that rarely saw the surface but they were of questionable danger. SOmething more dangerous was what the sith had try to do, they wanted to exploit the world compared to many of the others when he finally broke the surface of the water. A lagoon like area of the grotto cast in colors from all around. Blues, grrens, red, purple, yellow and multi colored crystals softly illuminating it before the jedi master looked up and around. he could reorient himself to the force here and focus it to get a clear view of the passage they were in. Some rock under his hands but he pulled Tempest up and close to make sure she was alright.

"You did well, are you alright."
”Again! Again! Wait..” Tempest, her blonde hair falling over her face in sopping wet curls, wiped her eyes and looked around them. ”Its beautiful.” She could not for the life of her, figure out just how the rocks here manage to be glowing. ”How did you know this to be down here, Master [member="Syn"] ? We are under the lake bed; yes?” Maybe it was once what she read about, called a blue hole, however long dried up. Maybe it is a volcano vent. She really would not know! However the thought of possibly being in an ancient volcano vent terrified her immensely. The fear tried to steal her thoughts away from the beauty around her, but she pushed it back and tried to be realistic. She kept telling herself that she is quite fine for right now.

”What is it you are searching for? Did you find it here?”

Suddenly Tempest watched as what she thought was a crystal, moved across the surface of the others. The light which the small creature generated, reflected from the crystal bed and moved brilliant hues across the surface, and Tempest's form. She leaned in close to get a good view of the creature, no bigger than her thumb in size. ”Wow,” she exclaimed.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Tempest Yore"]

He was looking at her while she stood there and he spoke running a hand in her hair to mostly just mess with her. The wet mess could look tussled until the jedi master looked around at the cave now. It was something left over he was certain of it and the creatures down here were mostly well peaceful. They basked int he force and didn't need to attack them.. just like giant moles where the jedi master was looking and patted her shoulder. The nanites easily able to keep it from getting soaked so her clothing would be dry. His pants were much the same before he spoke finally getting to see some of the creatures come to his hand.

"it is an old cave, here we can find your crystal but there is also something of a source to the disturbances above. The spirits are restless... so something must be making them excited." He said it while walking around with his head turning back and forth along the walls. He touched a crystal to hold it up before setting it back down and one of the creatures came and took it towards a hole in the wall where it would be kept. The jedi master though was going over a few of the ideas in his mind of what they could discover down here and something the sith were using to be trouble crossed it.. or the rift that one fo the sith opened to the netherworld.

Tempest felt a sudden breeze wisp across the hem of her pant legs, which blew tufts of crystal dust across the cavern floor. She turned and faced the tunnel from which the subtle gust had emitted. The luminescence from the chamber in which they stood, cast only a minute glow through the mouth of the tunnel and then thereon it extended into pitch blackness.

One step through the mouth of the tunnel, as her feet left the flowing life of the force, she felt a far different charge surge through her being. Unsuspecting, Tempest immediately froze in her steps. ”Master [member="Syn"] , what manner of phantom is this?!” she blurted out. She instinctively flung up her hands, as if to signify that were they held, her fear would subside.

A step back in retreat, and Tempest regained her sense of security and peacefulness. She peered into the tunnel, through the gift of Force Sight she had recently been taught, and she saw shadow darting around frantically, warping light in its mayhem.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Tempest Yore"]

When her hands came up he was there, to protect her... she might be scared or worried but he was her jedi master... he was here to protect her and make sure that she wouldn't be harmed in this. Before the jedi master knelt down looking forward at what she saw and her held her hands outwards. Head over her shoulder and he was pressed against her back. "It is okay, I am here Tempest, don't give into fear. " He was looking forward though and could see it. "These are different, shades of the past, beings trapped in what happened here. The jedi and sith both died within the thought bomb and they were trapped here with only the jedi souls being released... most of them anyways."

He said it and moved forward touchign the wall with her hand as he spoke. "Just remember that you are strong, you are protected, you are a jedi. Fear is something we all have, it is something we all need but it isn't stronger to be fearles. It is stronger to know how to handle that fear and have yourself overcome it." he said it while moving and knew some tales of jedi who had been fearless but that fearlessness had been their downfall. The jedi master himself was going around with his form rising up, he started walking now as he went forward. Following the scent of soemthing down here... something that could be a danger but it was also powerful.
In a cavern, under a lake bed, where most living beings have never imagined such a secluded place even existed, Tempest drank in Master [member="Syn"] ‘s reassurance, but still she felt shocked that he would even consider venturing forward. It exuded a plethora of mixed sensations. Her instinct screamed to stay away, and her most fearless Master had been driven by a secret mission which had gripped his. She wanted to ask him, why, and what is it he is after, if not these lovely gems? Blindly she followed him forward, into a darkness that felt palpable, smothering, threatening.

Tempest could not let go of him. She could not see a thing in this particular passage. Her breath was light, and she felt her heart might just stop, for fear did grip her. Had she her lightsabers with her, she would ignite it for light, and also feel safe for wielding them. But now, she only had her blind Master to lead the way. If anything happens to him, she will die down here for sure. It is perhaps a very stupid thing for anyone to do, to disregard their instincts!

She felt helpless, stepping lightly over the rocky cavern floor. She sensed something ahead of them, erected directly in the center of their pathway. Tempest began to rub her fingers and thumb together to spark a flame. She felt stupid for being so uptight she did not realize her capability earlier!

Tempest successfully generated a flame, and saw that before them the cavern opens up to a massive chamber, where therein stood a massive stalagmite at its center. She is glad she did so now, and she could secure her footing, as loose stones under her feet toppled down along the floor of this chamber which has a very smooth surface.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Tempest Yore"]

He could fel her emotions swirling and the jedi master kept tight hold, to reassure her but to also make sure she was protected. He wasn't going to let harm come to her. THe room they entered as he could fel the force around them lurked on the edges of his senses. he could taste the water in the air, the energies were all around in here until the jedi master spoke. Standing there but not pushign her forward or holding her back. "This is very different." He said it while looking around with the force and he could see so much more of it in the force. As the chamber had crystals and some of the other things. THe remains were in the distance... rotting with a sweet scent of decay before the jedi master spoke. "THose damn fools they tried to ruin everything." What was being worked on here... what they tried to do.. is a madness. The sith were raising their sithspawn."
There is that term again. Tempest made a mental note to research of what Master [member="Syn"] spoke. She knew he had some type of cosmic connection to it. She had asked him about it, but he was not clear in his response, and she could only dare speculate the reality of its significance. She hadn't the heart to ask him to speak on it further, and he did not actually have to either. She could feel the intensity of what he attempted to share, back on her ship.

Tempest took a step closer to the stalagmite erected from the cavern floor. She saw water cascading down it, in tiny droplets, spewed from the ceiling, seeping from the lake above them. The thought of becoming trapped down here from a collapse was absolutely terrifying to her. But such a splendid creation had obviously existed a long time, and she tried to convince herself it would continue to be utmost safe.

She strengthened the intensity of the flame she generated from her palm. She examined the magnificent creation of mineral deposits. Tempest backed up slowly. She suddenly felt incredibly cold, where she thought she could not feel any colder than she already was. Tempest struggled all the more to increase the light emitting from her palm. She gritted her teeth to bring the light to meet the surface of the rock formation.

Tempest emitted a gasp of mortification as she fought to choke back her emotions, when she recognized tormented faces trapped within the rock. She did not want to believe those faces could honestly have once been unwitting living sentients, who succumbed to the evil whim of the Sith. Tears found their way down her cheeks.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Tempest Yore"]

He was looking at her and seeing something in her faction in the force more as he held his hand out to touched the rock. The feeling of unease was there and he flashed back for himself. He had seen this sort of danger now while he was moving around it. "This is torment, this is power and something that has been created. The jedi master was moving now before he turned around with his head turning towards Tempest with a narrowing of his vision. "Be careful with what you touch, something like this and the chance of creatures they were breeding down here." He looked towards the walls though while speaking. "THough this is a place we can test you, your senses Tempest. Use them and reach out to feel the force around you, search the crystals and listen. They are ancient and can remmeber things that are here."
Tempest did not want to awaken whatever past memories happen to be here. But the Master kept talking about finding a particular crystal, and he wanted her to seek it out. He mentioned how it would be attuned to her energy. How shall she find it? She must reach out as Master [member="Syn"] instructed her to do.

What she discovered was horrible. Sadness, terror, regret, hatred, uncontrollable and overcoming, it was all there like an open book. Capture, torture, ritual, destruction, entrapment, Sith, civilian, and Jedi alike, entrapped within the stalagmite formation, testifying to sheer evil, which never touched Tempest before. Engulfed by the emotions the spirits enforced upon her, Tempest turned away and fought back tears, begging the force to close off her senses entirely from this ghastly past event, which started replaying inside her mind’s eye. There were so many new and terrible discoveries weighing on her mind already, creeping into her idle thoughts, ripening personal remorse.

'No, Master Syn,' she simply would not allow it! Nobody ever told her that in order to join the Jedi Order there would be any demand she grow up at once!

Yet, she could not silence the voices which whispered their terrible stories. She saw Syn’s creation, his life’s success mocking the dead. They would devour him, could they figure out how to reach across to him from their realm.

Tempest would rather curl up in a ball for a moment, avoid the reality of life speaking to her. Somewhere in the cavern, there was a warming and peaceful sensation, like a soft vibration, a hum; it commanded Tempest’s attention. It’s soothing lull caused her fears to calm and her heart to take notice of it.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Tempest Yore"]

There were two reasons to come in here and down deeper. He had been originally planning to do what she asked. To reconstruct the sabers of her parents and make them her own... the other was trying to figure out what was making the spirits excited. He was looking around and could feel the stone on himself.. before the jedi master looked around though he was reaching out with the force itself and he could sense them. He could fel them and there was rage here.. something old and ancient while he didn't speak just stood there watching it. Moving off to stand near the creature itself though. he could smell it and sense that it was long dead but the corrupted flesh of the sea leviathan was not something he would have preferred to be down here. "I'll distract them, your sabers, I brought you down here originally because you wanted to know how you could make them your own. With your own crystal but we seem to have come across a situation."
’Aww. How sweet,’ she thought, her excitement short lived, as it seemed her Master found the fossils of the dead to be quite a stirring in the force, maybe enough to be a physical threat.

Strange marks alighted etched in the stone, like small sparks of fire; it was actually a script unknown to her. The water began dripping down upon Master [member="Syn"] ’s head. It hardened the moment it landed on him. Is it going to encase him as well? Tempest's eyes widened at the awakened sorcery she witnessed. It appeared to her as if the entire stalagmite became animated. A bright glow suddenly emanated from its center point.

A gust of wind blasted through the tunnel, and it howled and rumbled like a tormented entity. Water gushed in through a fissure located in the wall of the cavern. The entity toppled, shattering all throughout the cavern. Decayed flesh and bone scattered about, their ritual items too. An unlocked Holocron surfaced from the ruins and floated next to her, its light rays emitted a brilliant hue of gold, as Tempest found herself being swept off her feet and carried into a narrow shaft.

She came to settle upon a soft cavern floor formed of silt. An unfamiliar lightsaber was resting on her chest. She found her footing and ignited it, using its light to better see, and force sight to magnify her perception.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Tempest Yore"]

The feeling was there, dripping on his head and shoulder... feeling something coming as the body seemed to rise up when he moved around and was feling Tempest moving.. but not of her own accord and he was moving but something held him in place. Mentally he thought there was a force ghost holding him back and dragging him down. They weren't harming him but impeding him as she was swept away. The hands on his arms holding in place as the stone seemed to vanish with something left over and ther e was a hole before the jedi master finally broke free. He hand moving around while he used the force energies to repulse them while moving forward with the force wrapped around him. He was moving along to try and find her as he searched in the force for Tempest. "Tempest." He said it louder but wasn't in a mood yet. Remaining calm as he only stopped seeing one of the apparitions in front of him. "Move aside now." He said it and it seemed to be puzzled for a moment and its voice came out like a harsh wind in his ears. The jedi master watched going forward with the force itself.
The crumbled skeletal remains released spirits from their stationary prison. The light and dark among them clashed. The holocron lit up the room, and a General took form before her eyes. The General saw the war going on around him and immediately reacted to Tempest standing there with her lightsaber ignited, and threateningly mimicked her actions. ”State your affiliation,” it demanded of her.

”J-Jedi. I am Jedi,” she said prepared to fight if necessary. The forces of darkness screamed in disgust at her declaration. Tempest cringed at the haughty piercing sound.

The General on the other hand, accepted her answer. ”Then you have some work to do here, I believe.” His lightsaber matched that of the one Tempest held in her hands. She marveled over realizing the items had belonged to a Jedi.

”I do not know what you mean. I don't know what I can do for you or about any of what is happening here,” Tempest stated.

”There are still Jedi trapped here, and we want to be one with the Force. You must help us.”

Tempest felt the light of the force surround her and create a torrent. Her hair flung about wildly. The darkside fought to strike back. There is some place further on to discover, some place no one has ever excavated, here under the lake, where bodies of Jedi rest, and their souls cry out to be freed. Sometimes all a spirit wants is for someone to know to tell their story, or find their burial place to release them.

Tempest felt [member="Syn"] closing in. ”Step carefully Master, there is a bit of a steep slope,” she called out.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Tempest Yore"]

He was watching it and now that the spirits had been released the jedi mster moved pushing through one of the spirits as he hand a hand going to his saber. The force in his hand moving out as he slipped around. Crouched down low but rising up near Tempest while he looked around. THe slope was easier when you were going down with force enhanced speed and the first sith spirit coming at the pair met his hand. A blast of force energy dissipating it before he was looking up. "That holocron, I can hear the voices from it and see the force. Can you reach it if I am able to hold them off?" He said it wondering but they were moving around as the jedi master jumped up a little twisting and slashing with the saber through another pair do sith ghosts.
Tempest stood back to back against her Master, and she fought off the onslaught of ghosts by emitting force light. The darkness receded and the Jedi pushed them back further. She reached out a hand towards the holocron and drew it into her waiting palm. The top closed as she clutched it tightly. She dropped it into a utility pocket at her thigh.

”This way!” the General guided, and he lead the way through the tunnels. The spirits followed them. The force of darkness was met by the light of the Jedi. Their clash caused the stale air to gust through the tunnels. The collision whistled and echoed, feeling like a pounding all around them causing Tempest's ears to pop till she could not hear much at all.

The General lead them to the door of a solid bunker, buried into the ground from above. Tempest pressed the lightsaber laser into the metal till it melted and the door came unhinged. The smell of decay from inside hit hard. This is where the Jedi had been imprisoned. Inside the bunker, the light of the blade reflected off thousands of relics, imbedded into the walls, and the floor, and the ceiling. Relics have a power infused straight from the underworld infused into them, and she could feel it resonating from therein.

”Well now what, Master?”

Something sealed inside, lurched for the doorway. It was a most hideous thing, shadowed in utter darkness. Tempest backed away from it. She knew what it was only from reading books. She never actually believed the stories had been true! They were tall tales, she assumed told by mere madmen!

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