Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff Voice Conference - Meet the Members | Jan. 16th

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R-resetting the map? Really?


A thousand approvals upon you.

That being said, if none of these others are around when you do the call, I wouldn't be opposed to being there. I've been around for a year and...that's about it truly.

I do hope everything goes well!!
Logan of Little Coruscant said:
Just that I wouldn't be where i am today in terms of RP quality and skill without my boy Lysle.
Mentors are cool and fun, and I'm glad that Lysle has had this impact on you. It's necessary in a community to take that knowledge and pass it on to newer generations. I applaud your relation to this person and suggest that perhaps you should start thinking about how you can impact another role-player in the same way Lysle has impacted you. But I'm not taking recommendations for others. I want to know what you bring, not Lysle, not your buddy in the Suns, not your Sith allies.

Because if you're joining the conference, it's not because you can teach us something, or because of your past accomplishments, or because of how many people like you.

It's because I deemed you a representative of a group of people, whether it be the experienced role-player crowd, the Factory nutjobs, or the new greenhorns. And I want to hear from that group of people, because we have some important decisions about the site's future I want to make, and I'd like to take one person aside and hear their side of the story before polling the entire community for a reaction.

Because reactions over voice are much more humane and sensible when you realize we're all human beings not out to destroy the fabric of your reality.
Tefka said:
Nothing's definitive yet, but I am looking at shuffling around responsibilities among the Admins.

If anything, I consider it to be a step up.

Thanks! That agenda item on your first post gave me pause and had me combing through the rest of this to see your response. :)


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Darth Kentarch"],

Yeah that seems the most troubling to me, especially with major factions that would be a lot of work going down the drain, I mean who would really want to do all those dominions all over again? Especially if speed dominions were involved to get a planet faster than the other guy.

For OP and Republic I think that would be especially suck-y because our political positions are based on planets being in our territory, like Exarchs of Kaeshana, Naboo, Abregado, Thyfera, Observers of Druckenwell, Yag'Dhul, Sullustan, those are all positions already filled by PC's or with storylines active where their PC's will take position of governing these planets, because I'm trying to launch a strong active political scene in OP for those who like to write that type of RP. Map wipe would cause all of that to just disappear and there is no guarantee we would get those planets back for the people who invested themselves in there, like for Abregado and Kaeshana I know we put tons of codex and tech subs to expand on how the regimes look there, making their time spend writing those stories and settings wasted.

And that is just one faction, I do not think that would be a solution that in the end gets implemented, because it may make one group happy, but another group really angry and disappointed. At least I hope it will not get implemented.

Instead I would propose to make a second map, completely empty, of a Galaxy nearest to ours, I know that characters like Jorus Merril have already been RP'ing sending probes to explore other Galaxies and if a doorway or travel between one Galaxy and other would be made possible, well I would consider that to be more of a plausible stretch ICly than map being restarted.

Then each major faction could choose a planet or three in this new Galaxy to establish a foothold, their colonies, each dominion would be a new planet explored, described, and an outpost or colony settled there, each planet would be custom and approved through our Codex, we could put it to a really good use that way instead of just making our map more crowded.

With that compromise both groups would be happy as our factions already established in Old Galaxy would keep their territories and can continue to write their stories, and those who wish to explore, discover, settle new planets, write more stories about the frontier, and expand can do so in the New Galaxy, it would be our America. America-Galactica.

Plus if we would fill a map completely with custom planets then we would have a stronger connection to it, as we saw it being written, or wrote it ourselves. Plus let's be honest, we can make way more detailed submissions than some articles on Wookieepedia.
I would like to put this out there. I don't like the Idea of Map Reset. It serves no purpose accept for taking away the hard work the Major factions of done to open the playing field to potential new factions. I say just revive the rebellion rules.

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Resetting the map gives breathing room for new RPers and new ideas to spring up. The map is just too bloated for new things to be anything more than a flash in the pan, and if you don't fit in well with the factions already about...well, not being a part of a faction is entirely plausible and can be fun. I just think it's better to allow room for more growth and more ideas.

Just my two cents. I'm sure those who've built the majors have vastly different opinions than my own.

(And another building from the ashes storyline would be lovely.)


The One Horned Demon
I would enjoy sitting in on this. I've seen this site since it's relative beginning so I think I might be able to give some good insight.


Disney's Princess
A: Jay gets picked: - Talks only about Gundams. Councils against Staff Factions / Meta Overplots / Force Choke crippling PvP / Dragons. And probably begins another hour long speech about RP education, magnifying The New Member Experience, and the need for moar [Guides]. Oh, and more Gundams. etc.


D: Jay doesn't attend: - The world goes on.


Hmm. Sh'maybe? :D :p

Lol. Good luck Staff! Have fun. Cheers.
This mini edition of the cosmos had been brought to you by no one cares about your opinion

A part of me says "Do the map reset! Screw those guys maybe they will leave! They made you feel bad so screw them" but then the medication kicks in and rationality takes over again. But I think a map reset would be a nice thing for the site giving room for new factions and showing that we as a community can accept change even if it isn't what we all want. But that being said I think that a map reset could be damaging to a lot of people who have put their muse and heart into telling a story of war and loss and gain as their character helps that faction expand or dwindle.

For us as a community or staff to just say "Hey map reset! Hahahaha swagger of physically handicapped person" is not a very good thing to do nor is it respectful to some of the people who have put two years into this stuff. The Aaron i was would of kicked and fought and wrote a crappy blog about this and said something about staff factions. But as we grow some things just don't matter as much in the world. Would resetting the map make a lot of people mad? Yes. Does it matter in our personal lives or hold any bearing over what we do as people in our personal lives? No. It's a roleplay board and really none of it matters

But what it ultimately comes down to is the members. What they want, because this community should come first. Would resetting the map be the best thing to help clear space and create new stories in perhaps an awesome galactic wide event? Yes. But is it the right thing to do? To be honest I'm not sure but I think what the community wants is important, I love you guys. And I know you all love to hate me too :,)

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