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Dominion Reunification of the Codrus - AC dominion of Munto Codru



Tags: Lucretia Lister Lucretia Lister

The ground shuddered at the impacts of the fire support from Lucretia Lister Lucretia Lister covering the disembarking Ashlans and they made their way forwards. Levelling his rotary cannon, Brimstone spewed further fire into the onrushing hordes, the barrel glowed red by the time the waves hit his lines. In his other hand he had his fire axe and he spun hard, cleaving right through one of the light warriors as if it was butter.

<<commander, tactical analysis indicates the Bryn are pushing with over 90% of their remaining forces, looks like its all or nothing for them at this point, break through and you are home free>> came a distorted voice in the ear of the Gen'dai, appraising him of the situation. Knowing there was only a small amount of reinforcements didn't dull this attack even slightly.

Brimstone roared as a lash wrapped around his arm and his armour began to hiss against the chemical, the pulled with his strength bring the assailant towards him before unloading with his cannon again at point blank range into the monster's abdomen. As the lash slackened, Brimstone took a few seconds to admire the new bracelets of scorched metal around his wrist. Several other Bryn were swiftly punished for the bad manners of the one who had tried to ensnare Brimstone.

As he continued to push forward he saw friendlies opening fire on a bunker and several of his troops lent their fire using molecular disruption rifles to bore into the heavy walls. The energy beam would cut a smooth passage, straight into the defended position, si if their artillery was not enough to crack it, the door would be wide open. Brimstone looked at his ammunition counter, already down to 50%, maybe one day he would find a gun that never ran out of ammo. Shouldering the weapon he pulled out his grenade launcher and began firing high explosives rounds into the Bryn, keeping their assault at bay.

He stood over the damaged form of Lucretia Lister Lucretia Lister and considered her. "I dont know what you are, but your shooting in the right direction, so lets call that good enough for now." Brimstone reached out his armoured gauntlet to help the witch to her feet. A lesser man might have looked at her and been disturbed, but with a couple of millenia of warfare, Brimstone had seen a lot of weird things.


Inkara Liet



"We are in for a much stranger journey, I imagine. There's much yet to be discovered about Otherspace. I simply hope that it will be less hostile than all that."

Hope - the ever-present thing that buoyed them, a partner to their faith. She allowed a firm smile at that, a reminder of all the times that hope and faith were all they had to go on. It was a long road, a worthy one, and that road this day would send them into the unknown.

Inkara tipped her head in affirmation of Vaxis’ instruction, and fell into place behind him as he spoke of their sparse plan. More could be said, once they had a feel for the other side. Once they had more to go on.

"Ashla will guide us."

“Ashla protect us,” she responded, casting her gaze forward to the portal, fingers brushing against the long cylinder attached to her person, “and return us whole.”

Then once he was through, she stepped forward and passed through the ominous gateway, making her first forays into this unfamiliar realm...




Tags: Inkara Liet, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Lansal Akira Lansal Akira


Stepping through the portal was... strange, to say the least. He likened it to a youth's first trip on the water, or one's debut journey through hyperspace. Finding one's sea legs, as it were, was hardly something learned overnight. Once through the portal, the Juror took a moment to catch his breath. His eyes shifted around their surroundings in an effort to find out just what they had gotten themselves into.

The realm of Otherspace was about as alien as one could think, covered in strange shades of grey that presented the plane in stark contrast to Realspace through dull, uncanny monotony. The planet they found themselves upon seemed dead... uninhabited... the remnant of a long forgotten civilization that once called it home. Whoever lived here had not been around in hundreds, if not thousands of years. Vaxis could already see the scientists among their party giddy with excitement at the thought of studying such a place. As for the Juror, he couldn't help but to feel uncertain within the strange, paradoxical dimension.

He felt as if something were watching... studying their every move. Perhaps it was just paranoia, as his usually keen senses seemed a bit dampened by the very fabric of Otherspace's reality. A strange sensation for one so strong in the Force, and perhaps the only time the Juror would ever feel as such. Whatever the case, Vaxis kept his head on a swivel, making sure to be ready for whatever may come.

"Fan out, four Knights and Jurors to each group. Stay within eyeshot, I don't want any of our people getting lost."

Turning toward the others, he managed a small laugh as he spoke.

"Welcome to Otherspace."


Queen Hanaya Enzar

Queen of Codru Secundus

CEO of Archangel Manufactorum

Objective 1

Renewing Diplomatic ties


Location: Aboard NCSN Paragon

Objective: Diplomacy with the Ashlans

Tags: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora

"A joint defensive force is an excellent proposal, having our armed forces work together would help show both peoples, mostly mine, that the other side is on the same page.

Tell me, what risks do you think the portal may pose?"
she looked curious over the last part, her own researchers had obviosuly told her of the problems, but with their deeper insight into the force, the Ahslans might be able to shed even more insight into the problem, she held out hope that the creatures that had been detected would stay inside the portal threshold.

There was another query she had for the Priest one that had played on her mind for a little while. "I am curious, regards planetary autonomy. Will my people still be free to choose their own leader. I intend to appoint my consort at the temporary regent of Munto Codru once it is liberated, until its political situation stabilises such that either she can be permanently accepted, or replaced by a democratically elected leader." she had only briefly discussed this with Zolasha Tyrin Zolasha Tyrin , a part of her was concerned how her fiancee might react to this announcement when she hadnt yet officially accepted. It was also a potentially hard sell for Pietro Demici Pietro Demici "We would of course follow Ashlan law, and production costs of military hardware would be adjusted to take into account required Tithing to the church." she smirked at Pietro over her glass, remembering her joke of cheap ships if her ancestral home was liberated.


Inkara Liet Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Vaxis Vaxis

He felt as if something were watching... studying their every move. Perhaps it was just paranoia, as his usually keen senses seemed a bit dampened by the very fabric of Otherspace's reality. A strange sensation for one so strong in the Force, and perhaps the only time the Juror would ever feel as such. Whatever the case, Vaxis kept his head on a swivel, making sure to be ready for whatever may come.

"Fan out, four Knights and Jurors to each group. Stay within eyeshot, I don't want any of our people getting lost."

Turning toward the others, he managed a small laugh as he spoke.

"Welcome to Otherspace."

"Some welcome..."

Lansal followed one of the groups, blade ready in hand. The bleached colours, the dead air... It was unnatural, and quite uncomfortable. Lansal had never felt something like this before. Well, nothing too similar, though there was the forbidden areas that still plagued Felucia... But even those had life. Twisted life, but this felt empty.

Felt in the Force, but not in the senses gifted by the light of Ashla. He too felt they were not alone.

"What are we expecting to see, exactly? Something like the recent mysterious incidents?"

Inkara Liet



Vaxis Vaxis | Lansal Akira Lansal Akira | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir



As soon as she stepped through the portal, she could feel it - her whittled-down senses, a feeling akin to trying to remember a thing that’s just at the edge of the mind, just at the tip of the tongue, that cannot be grasped. Her range clipped, her awareness dulled. The dulled colours, the abject absence of the usually abundant feeling of life.

“This must be what it feels like to be drunk. And perhaps suffocated at the same time.”

That isn’t to say that she never drank. Rather, she was well-versed in moderation. Limitation. Self-denial. Inkara peered at Vaxis, narrowing her eyes, reaching for his presence - and breathed out in a small measure of relief that he was tangible, and began to touch on the others who stood at different distances from her. So far, so good.

"Fan out, four Knights and Jurors to each group. Stay within eyeshot, I don't want any of our people getting lost."

A very real concern in an unfamiliar realm, particularly with how it presented at first blush. As she felt around her, it became slowly apparent that there was… something. Like the uneasy feeling that something is right behind you, boring its eyes into your…

Inkara shot a glance over her shoulder, only finding the portal behind her, and let out a self-deprecating breath and inwardly jabbed at herself - [ Jumpy already? Ech. ]

"Welcome to Otherspace."

Her head turned, sapphire eyes tracking back to Vaxis.

< I fear you may be the only welcoming party, > she sent through their long-established link, in an uneasy, droll tone, as she began to slowly move away from the portal, < this realm is decidedly unwelcoming. >

"What are we expecting to see, exactly? Something like the recent mysterious incidents?"

She glanced toward Lansal as she walked towards some others.

“Expect to see nothing familiar, Knight Akira,” she replied, speaking up, “That is to say: we will find out what to expect. I can already feel my senses are dulled, and I’m certain this is true for the rest of us so gifted,” her mouth became a line, “whether that is the nature of this place or,” she showed a light frown, “caused by something else remains to be seen.”

One of the more scientifically astute of their number might be able to provide better speculation.
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Tags: Inkara Liet, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Lansal Akira Lansal Akira


Vaxis left little response to his companions, save for the slight nod to the comments of Inkara. She had been trained by the Dark Sentencer himself, and though at times she lacked tact, it was all the more a reflection of himself. They had spent an eternity together, hunting Sith and their ilk. Perhaps, in some ways, he felt he taught her too well. She picked up the same blatant pessimism that he often exhibited. Perhaps a boon, perhaps not. But it was no matter, she had grown beyond his teachings long ago. For now, he was simply happy to have a familiar face by his side.

His head turned toward Lansal, hoping to give some semblance of comfort, even if none could be had in the vast unknown of this space.

"In truth, we don't know. Many that have attempted this journey have not returned."

He pushed forth, into the great, strangely bland, monotone existence of Otherspace, his connection to the Force feeling all the weaker as he did so. Was this place beyond comprehension? Was it beyond even Ashla's grasp? Vaxis refused to entertain such thoughts, though he knew that ignorance would only get them so far.

As they pushed forth, a strange energy began to permeate the space, taking control of the very air around them. It took no shape, at least, not that they could fathom. Yet it was present all the same. A voice called out... if one could call it such. It was more of a whisper, a distant dissonance riding on the wind...

"You do not belong...."

The words rang within the very deepest confines of the Sentencer. His knees shook, his hand struggling to hold onto the hilt of his blade. He wished to look to the others, but only found himself confronted with the strange sensation of doubt.

"We are here on Ashla's behalf. We-"

A forceful gust of air pushed him back, sending him into a defensive stance.

"We do not wish for conflict..."

The energy began to coalesce into something tangible... not the Darkness.... at least, not as the Crusaders knew is. This was something new... something... different. Unknowable. It called to each of them in turn... each hearing words that would shake them to the core....

Vaxis only hoped that they could withstand it...

Business, Espionage & Faith


S I S T E R⠀ M A R I A N A
OBJECTIVE: Renewing Diplomatic Ties; Cluelessly Mingle
TAGS: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar

'Shrine of Shame'

Her eyes widened in shock, she had gone from being a nobody~ an irrelevant priestess that nobody knew well to being nominated
by the Cardinal for a monumental task. It was truly an honour to be recognised so early in her religious career yet she had wished to have kept a lower profile.

She was in shock from being put on the spot and it was clear to see, instead she offered a polite curtsy to respond to the Cardinal for she had no words and was blanking out completely. Thankfully a few more moments passed and the conversation was steered away from her, though she knew that through her silence she was just volunteered for the job for which she was wholly unqualified for.

Ashla guide me.." she muttered quietly to herself.




Tags: Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar , Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora


The Cardinal offered a slight nod in Sister Marcella's direction as she offered her silent response. In truth, Pietro assumed that she might not be wholly prepared for such a task, but there was always room for one to prove their worth within the Crusade. Besides, he would ensure that an eye was kept on the efforts, as a matter of preparation for whatever may come of them. He sought to know more about the rather enigmatic sister, and seeing how she would operate under such pressure would be telling indeed.

His attention turned back to the Empress as she mentioned her support for the military proposal.

"Indeed, and I'm sure that there is much for our forces to learn from each other."

Well, more so from the Ashlans, in Pietro's eyes, but that bit would be kept to himself. Though he respected the might and sheer resilience of the Codru-Ji, Pietro also understood the absolute battering they had taken in the past. Gathering one's people back to their former glory was no easy task, as the Crusade had seen for itself.

"As for the portal... in truth, I cannot say. Our forces will have entered it by now, so I expect that we will know more before the day is out. If there are any major threats, we will take steps to ensure that they remain on their side of the gates, as well as take measures to protect any that wish to travel through them."

There were many uncertainties regarding the portals through Otherspace, as so little information on the strange dimension had been documented up to this point. Regardless, the Cardinal wished to not linger on such potentially grim circumstances for too terribly long.

"The Crusade allows planets to appoint their own leaders, yes. So long as they are not deemed a threat to the Crusade and uphold Ashlan Law, planetary governments may lead as they see fit."

He kept his thoughts about Zolasha to himself as well. His thoughts about such individuals was no secret, though he wasn't sure how much Hanaya knew of those opinions when it came to her partner. His statement would say enough, however. So long as Zolasha didn't step out of line, then Pietro would swallow his tongue in order to maintain relations with the provider of so many of the Crusade's ships.

"Your continued contributions will be most welcome, as always."

That last bit was met with a smirk of his own, matching her tone as he acknowledged her with a sip of his own drink in return.


Inkara Liet



Vaxis Vaxis | Lansal Akira Lansal Akira | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


It was as if the tether through which she was granted power, threaded to the will of Ashla, frayed slowly with each further step she took into the bleak, muted plane. Suppressed, or increasingly negated, such that she might have only her physical senses to rely on at some point.

And then she felt it, a wholly unfamiliar, oppositional energy that seemed to permeate every particle in the alien atmosphere surrounding the group, yet was intangible, all at once. And it thrummed, within and without, with unwelcome -

"You do not belong...."

- she grit her teeth, her strength of will challenged by the incomprehensible pressure, as if whatever it was sought to attempt to peel them from this plane like the skin off of a fruit.

"We are here on Ashla's behalf. We-"

Much like Vaxis, almost a mirror of the Nagai, she fell into a defensive stance at the gusting rebuke. Her knuckles turned white from the intensity of her grip on her hilt.

"We do not wish for conflict..."

But it seemed that this… energy was not an entity of reason. It felt like no known thing that she had ever encountered, and its ‘voice’ seeped into her bones, a pulse of a strange ache, unfathomable.

“ will leave, or this will be your tomb.”



Queen Hanaya Enzar

Queen of Codru Secundus

CEO of Archangel Manufactorum

Objective 1

Renewing Diplomatic ties


Location: Aboard NCSN Paragon

Objective: Diplomacy with the Ashlans

Tags: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora

This was excellent, Pietro Demici Pietro Demici was a firm man and a fine representative for his people but she had had her concerns about this new dynamic going forward. It appears her fears were unfounded and she smiled warmly while discretely running her finger nails affectionately down the thigh of her betrothed. Maybe he would wed them? Wouldn't that be a strange turn?

"I have every confidence that the Ashlan Crusade along with the NCSD will have the portals cleared and ready for use. We will continue to investigate them and see if their technology could be reversed engineered. Imagine the idea of stepping in to one portal on Ession and stepping out in Bosph, could be quite handy."

The formalities of the new treaty would have to be finalised by both times but Hanaya had made sure to put the biggest potential barrier right out there, front and centre for the two leaders to overcome and it seemed they had achieved that.

"Your young priest looks nervous" she said, glancing at Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora "You needn't worry, my people don't bite often.... not after puberty anyway." she grinned and thought of the injuries that could obtained bathing a codru-ji child. She signalled to the attendant staff to bring the next course in.


Tags: Inkara Liet, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Lansal Akira Lansal Akira


The words continued to creep, as a slow moving infection into a wound. Yet, the Dark Sentencer remained unmoved, at least, as unmoved as he could appear. In truth, this force was so unknown to him that it pushed him back, at least three steps such. Vaxis reached out to those with him in a valiant effort to establish some semblance of meager dominance, calling out to Ashla as he spoke.

"We are here on Ashla's behalf. Your presence is blasphemous by nature. LEAVE US BEEEEE!!!"

He slammed his vibroblade into the greyscale ground at their feet, his eyes lighting up with a golden glow of holy light. He knew not this entity's intention, but Vaxis would stand against any potential threat.

"You don'- what are yo-"

The air shifted, carrying a weight of devotion exhibited by Vaxis and his comrades.


The force was pushed back, receding into the deepest points of Otherspace... yet the whispers remained...


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