Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Retribution | Jedi vs. New Sith | SGHW

Katherine “Kitti” Fiorencia

Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

A faint laughter resonated eerily throughout the tunnel network, almost light and innocent in its essence, however an obvious corruption apparent at the bleeding edges of the curious sound. Was it an innocent creature wandering the caverns, lost yet carefree in some bizarre coincidence? Or perhaps, it was a twisted sound that originated from as equally of a twisted source, one who's mer presence would likely send chills down the spines of any who attempted to mediate on the mystery for too long.

The young girl wandered the dark caves, letting her laugh ring out again and again as she started to sing loudly to herself…

"I will drink you in… I will pull you in… come closer to me… I will make you see…" Her head bobbed up and down, almost like a drunkard as her hand scraped up against the jagged wall, leaving a streak of her own blood running across the surface as she reached out through the force, taunting any of the approaching Jedi to come to her… to look into her eyes… to provide her a distraction from the constant flood of twisted voices and chaos that constantly fractured her own mind.

She slowly ascended upwards, making her way towards the mining facility at the top as she sensed more and more "distractions" gathering.
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Location: Asog
Equipment: Desert Garb, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Firrerreo Firrerreo


The disturbance in the Force felt more intense, Jax frantically searched the desert trying to detect the source of the disturbance. That's the Force for you..... as much as Jax reveres it, he really wished that it told specifically what he was sensing and where the danger was. Still, not knowing where the disturbance is coming from was a sign that Jax really needed to return to his meditations. If he was truly in tune with the Force, then he will instantly detect the target.

A roar was heard from the skies, Jax immediately looked up his mouth agape his eye filled with shock as he saw a large shadow looming around the scorching Sun. As it swooped down, Jax was able to get a clearer look at the winged creature, It was large the size of an X-Wing with sharp pinons between its horned fingers. As the beast accelerated towards Jax, it flashed long, sharp talons the monster looked more like a Dragon, no a Wyvern from legends except it looked sickly, tainted by the Dark Side and sprayed what appeared to be acid ready to fall onto Jax.

"Oh frack my ass!" Jax immediately turned on his heel, his feet sinking on to the sand. The Jedi Master leapt into the air somersaulting and barely avoiding the acid attack.

"Gotta get out of here!" Jax said. "Need to find a place face this beast!" He was exposed and this dragon like creature had the home field advantage. There has to away to even this fight.

"I remember passing by a tower coming here," Jax thought while continued to sprint. "Maybe I can lead him there...."

It was worth a shot and better than trying to be nothing more than free food for the monster. The question though was who summoned it? That was something will have to find out after killing it.



"Good, good. It is a Jedi. Perfect to eat, right?" No, he wasn't talking to anyone. Uzul was far too away for the draconic creature to hear it's master. But that was fine. Firrerreo didn't seem to notice, or care. Instead he just floated along, just above the sands, watching his dragon fight the Jedi. Or, more accurately, send the Jedi running. He chuckled lightly, hands clasped behind his back. Why did everyone run from the dragon? Was it truly that frightening? Or was it something else he hadn't thought of?

Hmm. No matter.

Uzul continued to keep it's distance from Jax Thio Jax Thio . Despite it's tough hide, it knew better than to mess with a lightsaber. Instead it went for strafing runs. Unleashing it's breath in a hopes to catch the Jedi Master in the sickly green cloud and weaken him through the potent poison within.


Hacks had raced against time from the Core Worlds to the far flung Unknown Regions. The information she had gleamed during her theft from the ruins of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant had claxons ringing in her head. Her worm virus in the Coruscant subsystems found traces of audio from a conversation, it was meant to be scrubbed but Hacks was able to decrypt the files and piece the data back together, line-by-line. It was a digital goldmine. The Jedi planned a surprise attack against the Sith.

Unfortunately for the Sith, Hacks didn't want to give that information without payment. Hacks had found herself on the first smugglers ship to Asog for a datadrop, but hours too late. As she descended through the atmosphere, data from sliced sensors filtered in that unknown ships had entered orbit. Perhaps the local Sith wizards wouldn't enjoy the Darkwire shadowrunner tapping into their network, but hey, it was her job. She had taken off with a sprint from the landing pads and met her fence deep below the surface of the planet in a worn prison complex.

It was mostly abandoned bar a skeleton crew of guards, now distracted by the battle above. The fence had left with the data, Hacks with only half the payment she was promised. She had simply delivered it too late. The cells were almost barren, only a few malnourished and beaten prisoners were held in this facility. Hacks paced across the floor, she had been told by her contact to not leave until the fighting was over. They had further business to discuss. Her eyes glanced around in the darkness, the twinkling of dying fluorescent lights could hardly illuminate the vast duracrete hall. The ceiling rose up many floors above her head, catwalks hugged the walls where row upon row of cells lay silent.

Protocol droids buzzed about, moving wires and datapads into position. They were setting up a crude makeshift slicing station for her. It was a usual tact when in the field. Find somewhere secure, quiet, hidden, and get to work. The shadowrunner dragged a guards chair towards her station and took a seat, dumping her weapons by her feet. Datapads burst to life, light danced across her face. Her four hands hovered over sets of keypads and raced across keys, tapping to an insane rhythm of commands. She was attempting to break into the local battlenet to observe what was happening above ground, and whether she should be worried about the Jedi.

Madison Starr
Invincible is merely a word.



Tain Val Tain Val

Sparks bloomed around a cerulean streak that sundered cogs and gears of mining equipment. Metal scraped against metal, bellowing a blood-curdling. mechanical screech through the subterranean tunnels of the mining facility. The clang and clatter of malfunction melded with the clamor of Sith and Slave into one collective echo. At the defect's source stood Ashina, serene and austere in the face of the enemy. Sapphire radiance burned outward from his clenched fist, hissing and undulating as it tore through durasteel machinery yet again at the whim of his wrist. Proverbial dominoes fell, equipment elsewhere began to combusts, beams toppled over, drills locked up and fell from their stations. Inosuke would give them no other choice.

Retaliation came like a carp closing its jaws around the hook. Mawites of varied disgusting shapes, sizes, and proclivities came upon him like a wave. Inosuke weaved through twisted metallic landscape he created, choking their advance to a steady trickle. One by one, they met the unfathomable heat of his blade. One by one, the menagerie of attackers were equalized in death. One by one, they kept coming. Obstacles failed to hinder Ashina. Every obstruction was a facilitator of death. A predator in this jungle of steel, Inosuke cut down Mawites with a determination that bordered on malice. Every cut and thrust were each small a recompense for nameless brethren taken by the dark.

Conflicting ideologies permeated every strike, forming a black spectral mist around Inosuke as he channeled the malice of his opponents against them. In time like these, in the depths of his soul, Inosuke betrayed the ways of the Jedi for that of an Ashina's. Vengeance was was a stain on his means, yet time and again they found and end to justify. No one would mourn his foes and condemn his efforts when a superweapon lay on the opposite end of their qualms. Tempered by Ashla's favor, the fog would not consume him no matter how much the enemy fed it. Though, it was not without its own struggle. Every passing second the struggled fluctuated between internal and external, himself and his opponents.

With a final stroke, battle took intermission with a head rolling across the dirt and rock. Surrounding enemies hesitated, waiting to read the black cloud for its next move. Inosuke's face appeared from a parting in the ethereal smog to pose them a direct inquiry, "Do you yield?"

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No Pain, No Feeling


// TAIN //
// Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina //

The Violent screeching of metal could be heard up and down the west wing of the mining facility, echoing through the dark halls that the regular security avoided. Sitting in an empty room, a colossal one-armed figure loomed over his metal appendage, twisting and turning it as the blood and rust in its crevices fought against his work.


A low rumble escaped the vents that covered the mouth of the behemoth, quietly building frustration and anger as scrapped the mucous excess out of the more delicate portions of his prosthetic with a knife. His work didn't tend to lean towards cleanliness, even less so with his preferred methods. The way he fought it was inevitable that he would carry some portion of his enemy with him. And he had been more lax in maintaining his augments. Deep down the beast knew this arm would perform better cared for by an expert, but he didn't care. When his enemies saw the blood and the rust that stained his arm, they would know their future.

And that joy would be worth this frustration.

Tain had been recently shipped out to this backwater waste of a planet, whatever the Maw wanted to dig out wouldn't be worth kark all compared to what a few more tanks and soldiers would provide them. He had heard about the strength of the force, how it was the true ultimate power in the galaxy. These same words didn't ring as true as broke Jedi, the force didn't save them as he broke rib and skull and spine.

Strength was strength. It was simple as that in the cyborg's mind. No amount of force could uncave a chest he slammed with his maul and no force could stop him from chasing prey.

"Requesting backup... North-East tunnel, und... attack."

The connection of the communications betrayed the distance, but the few words that made their way out would have put a cruel sneer on Tain's face if he was still capable of such an expression. Slamming the cybernetic arm into the rigid stump was all the prosthetic needed to begin whirring to life, cracking and snapping as joints and fingers forced themselves into proper position. The arm began its work quickly, snatching the mace from against the wall where it rested, waiting for it's opportunity.

Excitement sped the behemoth forward as he made his way towards the tunnel, news of an attack clearly hadn't spread wide yet but Tain didn't care to be the one to share. He craved his pound of flesh and if any of these other Sith were to want it before him they would find themselves becoming prey as well. Some unfortunately placed soldier found this out the hard way.

Wide as the tunnel was in some places, Tain still needed more space to force his way to the front. Only one of the two soldiers blocking his path had the sharpness to hear the heavy footsteps and turn back to face the man. It didn't help them. The first found his helmet crushed around his head, his limp body being pressed into the wall if the last of his consciousness could even register it. The smart one found his breastplate shattered, the ribs behind it not getting off much easier.

The creature that trampled them didn't turn so much as even an eye towards them, his churning gaze staying forward towards the Cerulean glow down the tunnel. The chemicals buried in his chest began to turn, fluid rushing from his cybernetics down his throat. A burning sensation, spreading through stomach and lung. He would share this pain.

The heavy trampling of Tain became more constant, audible far down the tunnel. The smart Sith would get out of the way. The dumb wouldn't regret not following. The metallic shoulder pushed forward as the behemoth quickened his step into a furious charge, aiming towards his enemy. It wasn't long before the Jedi was just down the hall, finishing off what few troopers remained of this force. They didn't matter, a few grunts playing soldier.

All that mattered was the Atrisian standing over their corpses, a proud Jedi that Tain was all too eager to break. The Giant threw himself with the final step, tucking his head into the pit of his elbow as he aimed his shoulder center mass at the man.





She could still hear it, the sound of her own heart beating for several moments after it was torn from her chest and laid beside her head - the sound of the organ that replaced it, the partially crystallized mass of muscle that had been taken from the corpse of the fallen god of ancient Sith, beating rhythmically even as it was being set within the cavity beneath her ribs. The sight of her unmoving, limp, heart laying beside her returned to her eyes every time she shut them, just laying there, motionless, like a dark omen for the fate of her quest. Here, on Asog, that quest continued as she, and the Maw at large, pursued the ancient weapon that all signs pointed towards being concealed beneath its surface.

The Shi'ido was knelt down on one knee with her right hand held just above the sand beneath her feet, the tips of her fingers dragging across its surface, with an expression of idle boredom. Excavating, or at least looking for, a buried superweapon was not a task which required the presence of a Sith lord, at least not many - and certainly not her own - and yet here she, and almost all of the rest of them were. Of course attendance to this dig wasn't something enforced, or even implied to be mandatory, and indeed she was here of her own volition; but her, and perhaps many of the others, had motivations which strayed significantly from the unearthing of some tool that the uniformed-types thought would give them a better chance as catching the lightning that was Csilla in a bottle to make that terrifying destruction happen again.

A puff of air was expelled from her nostrils and she made a subtle shake of her head in an outward show of her internal disapproval, rising up from her crouch to stand fully. Amber eyes scanned across the arid landscape in search of something else to take her attention and speed up the passage of time, her vision obstructed on either side of her by the walls of two buildings that conjoined behind her which made up the facility overlooking the mine and the expedition below. The woman's existence, at least as far as it could have been observed through sight in the force, had become a dense and obfuscating miasma which spread much further than the physical body she kept herself contained within. Unsuppressed, that presence acted like a lake of sorts and a two-way street - anyone who stepped into it could feel her and she could feel them.

Her head tilted slightly to the side as she turned her gaze in the direction of something which pressed on towards her with complete disregard towards the overbearing presence she maintained, like a bright light under a starless sky under a new moon. Her hand, her left, opened as she lifted it up and away from her side, the lightsaber hanging from her hip flying into it as it closed. Rather than placing her interest on the discovery of a new weapon which could satisfy Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis over her own offerings for the next doomed world, Mori's interest had been on the inevitable attempt at an intervention that any rumblings of a new superweapon in the hands of the Maw would bring. A pillar of red erupted from the hilt of her lightsaber as she stepped out from the narrow space between the conjoining buildings that she had previously been standing in, her white robes fluttering at the ends as it was introduced to the occasional breeze she had been shielded from before.

She need only wait and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble would come to her.




Kahlil waited, blinking curiously. The kiss caught him off guard. Too off guard to return. But the goofy grin that formed as Valery pulled away was proof enough of his own affection. He ended up giving half a salute with that same, silly smile before he took off in his run. Home, later. They'd be together again soon. Such happy thoughts didn't linger in his mind for long, though.

The run through the desert sands were short lived. The sudden pressure on his mind, the thick, heavy presence of the Dark. Of Darth Mori? .. Had to be. Whoever it was seemed to be waiting for him. His pace slowed to a walk as he moved towards the center of this feeling. Buildings loomed overhead, but they were quickly forgotten in favor of the woman in white. With a red blade.

He stopped his walk some distance away, close enough for them to talk, not close enough to be a threat.

".. Y'know, I've been trying to think about what to say. With my father or my sister I could go 'Hey, dad' or 'Hey, sis.' But 'Hey, dad's cousin' doesn't roll off the tongue as well." He offered a brief smile. Trying to be friendly, despite the burning weapon in the Sith's grasp.

"I guess family's just complicated like that, huh?"

Death to Strike Team Kenobi!

Post: 1
Objective: Space Lord
Location: Outside the Mining Facility
Equipment: Orange Lightsaber (Fire) | Blue Lightsaber (ICE) | x8 throwing daggers | Poison Dagger | x6 thermal detonators | x8 Smoke Grenades | Brown MidNight Duster with Hood
Allies: The Brotherhood of Maw
Enemies: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Zaka Zaka | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Haro Harend Haro Harend | Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Eslo Anderson Eslo Anderson | Jorah zos Darnus | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Bernard Bernard | Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | Romi Jade Romi Jade | Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina | Tieuvelli Renlas Tieuvelli Renlas | Keiran Varn | Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Amanda Amanda | Madison Starr | Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Xarielle Pavanos
Special Tags: Any and all willing to fight

The oxidizing agent strikes against the old brown tattered duster jacket igniting the phosphorus of the match head. The ember burns as it is put to the death stick between the orange eyes rebels' lips. He took in a breath and the smoke filled his mouth flowed down to the lungs. He held it there for a moment then let out a exhale as the smoke rolled out from his mouth into the night air. He leaned against a rock a ways away from the main mining facility a she had no interesting in those dealings. He didn't care about some superweapon or the slaves that were being used alongside the heavy loud machinery.

It was strange in the very long-life Blade had led he never held much stock in Slaves. In fact, he felt Slaves made sith weak and far to often they relied on them to much. He also never had any interest in superweapons either sur they could instill fear but so could slaughter a whole army with lightsabers. Yet who the hell was he kidding the sith were about subjugating and he was always a man of anarchy do as you whilst consequences be damned.

That only had him contemplating why the hell even came to this world if it held nothing for him. It was probably the prospect that this New Sith Order try to act all secretive but where loud as fuck. Which meant wherever they were a fight was bound to break out and fighting well that was something Blade was interested in. He was a warrior and soldier even though he was also a freeman and anarchist he went to where the war was and the Maw along side this sith order had that in abundance. That and they seemed to stay the hell out of his business at least for the moment not trying to reign him and think he was one of there damn kneeling brainwashed acolytes.

He took another puff of his death stick as he contemplated his current circumstances and what he should do leave or stay when he looked up. As he did he saw the distinct glow of lightsabers igniting in the distance. Reach out with the force in that moment he could feel it as he pull the death stick from his lips holding it between his index and middle finger on his right hand. "Jidai." The word left his lips in the old tongue. He then realized he made the right choice to come here as war always followed the Maw the endless fight the rebel craved.

He pushed himself off the rock he was leaning against and casually began to move towards Jedi glow sticks. He didn't even move for his weapons nor did he move in a rushed manner Darth Lucid had all the time in the world. He didn't even send out a warning to the other sith as he cynical old bastard would prefer to fight all the damn Jedi himself if he could the other sith would just screw it up.
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In hallowed depths they sleep and wait,
beyond the breadth of mortal gait.
In silent halls torn asunder,
blackened walls are filled with hunger.

Closing in, the darkness thickens
choked by the magic of bedeviled wiccans.
They send the young for a wiser man's purpose
around and down into the wild circus.

Know that you will soon by dead,
fill your sweet blood with sweeter dread.
Superweapon or no weapon at all,
the Sith'ari ensures the Jedi's fall.


Objective: Pick a fight with Jedi
Location: Mining Facility, Asog
Equipment: Lightsaber, Voidsaber
Allies: BOTM | NSO
Enemies: Jedi
Tag: Leon Gallo Leon Gallo


From dead planets to rain-soaked ones, Superious was adept to different situations, he had to be, it was all part of the job. The bonus this time is that he doesn't have an Apprentice to think about and keep in check, they parted ways a few months prior. There are a lot of things the Ubese hated, Jedi was high on the list in red. For all his experiences, he has yet to face one, sabre to sabre in a full one duel, no mess and no bars held. This mission is simple, hinder the strike team and make it difficult for them to complete their objectives.

He's also been itching for a fight; it's been far too long in his mind where he hasn't clashed with someone. Verbal spats with Isidor notwithstanding. That was a status-quo for them, call each other and talk, or get into a yelling match, whichever comes first. Superious does not like Humans, he outrightly hates them and his brother has started to date one. Unacceptable!

Superious wanted to make it known that she is unwelcomed by any means necessary.

Focusing his energy back on his task at hand, he strode forward, careful not to get caught in the melee already taking shape. But he did cut down any Padawans who got in his way or challenged him. He saved all his nastier force usages for better opponents.

The air smelled of sharp ozone, always the case with more than 10 Lightsabers at any one time. It wasn't unpleasant but he wouldn't want to stay around it for long either. Carefully alighting on a dead-looking tree to get a better look at where he is supposed to be. This was a mining facility and he needed to stop Jedi from advancing.

He lit his Lightsaber and jumped into the fray, not caring who he hit. Knowing that a Jedi is bound to put a stop to him.
Location: Caves
Objective 2
Enemies: Jorah zos Darnus

The caves felt like home compared to the outside. The young Tusken Sith acolyte waited in the dark for his enemy. While still a young upstart in the ways of the Sith he was eager to prove himself in his first real challenge against the Jedi. The infrared of his machine like mask was able to see wonderfully in the dark. The caves seemed the perfect hunting ground to catch any unsuspecting Jedi off guard for to him this reminded him of home back in the caves of Tatooine where he had undertaken grueling days of survival. Now all that he had to do was wait and see who would come.

Depending on this day Kogdud would see it as a rite of passage, for he was one of a few selected to guard the Master’s plans here. He would defend or if he couldn’t would ultimately die down here in the dark. He blended in with the shadows. He even masked his dark aura with that of the darkness surrounding the caves and hunkered down in a tight spot. He was armed only with the dark side and that of his lightsaber gaffi stick that would serve as a multi role weapon of brutality.

The Tusken gripped the weapon tightly, for he felt the light infect the caves. Feeling them move and scurry around like wimp rats his impatience started to rise. A feral savagery befitting of his people started to take hold of him. All he desired to do was leap out with a fierce yell to engage the Jedi, to feel the sharp ends of his stick plunge deep into a Jedi and watch the blood pour out. Yet he remained there in the dark and all the Tusken could do for now was wait.

He could feel someone out there move around, cloaked by the darkness same as he was. The only sight that could be seen of the Tusken was the crimson eyes that shot through the dark. His eyes would be the last thing anyone would ever see before being violently attacked. He still waited as the Jedi started to move about, all the while waiting for the right moment to lash out at any unsuspecting prey that dare cross his path.


Near the Sith Superweapon


The twin suns had long set into the distant horizon flooding the land in the cold embrace of night’s oubliette. Droves of slaves, dregs, and creatures bound in servitude toiled beneath the sands and barren wastes of Asog. The hour of the day did not matter here, nor did the conditions in which they worked.

All that mattered was the weapon.

Recently uncovered by the archeologist Vector Monk Vector Monk during the initial excavations of Asog, the ancient Sith Superweapon sat in the cavernous depths not but five miles outside the ancient capital of Nyâshdae. Translations from ancient murals, Sith texts from the Dommunaga, and even transcripts stolen from the Jedi Rammahgon, all pointed the way to the source of Asog’s devastation. The very harbinger of death the Dark Voice sought to unearth here and now.

With the Brotherhood’s ruthless advances finally seeing losses, their advance blunted after countless inroads over the Lightsworn and their allies. The New Sith Order turned outward, leaping into attempts to wholesale slaughter of Jedi across the galaxy from one site to the next. The Mawite Hordes and the newly amassed Holy Crusaders could use a trump card, something to assure the next great leap.

The Invasion of the Core Worlds.

“It’s beautiful.”

The Dark Lord of the Sith gazed out upon the revealed subterranean pyramid made of crimson glass seated upon a mountain of obsidian. Similar in structure to the Malachor Temple, the Beast of Babylon was a behemoth structure to behold. A testament to the ingenuity of the ancient Sith and their great craft.

Without warning he advanced and moved to enter the grandiose structure to uncover the secret once and for all.

[OOC Note: Come catch these hands.]
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Dimitri Voltura



"Gently. Gently!"

The Dragon growled at the excavators that he and his apprentice were overseeing.
"I will smash your head in if you set that off, you simple man!"
It wasn't often that the Sith Lord lost his temper. He hardly ever did in this century. But when it came to excavations and scholarly activities, the ancient being had no patience with sloppy work.

The duo had been back and forth between errands and the excavation, but finally the Order was almost there - the great weapon almost uncovered. It had been immense work, but it was well worth it. And Dimitri had gotten a new addition to his ranks of creatures to boot.

The iron-clad Dragon's lip almost curled in a snarl as he stood and watched while the excavator trembled under his crimson gaze, swinging the pick harder than he should. With an immense sigh, Dimitri turned away.
"Walk with me, Lord Ptolemis." he told his apprentice as he moved back in the direction of the dark tunnels. "Hopefully they would stop hammering away at the last of that stone like it was a piece of iron that needed to be flattened when we aren't watching them like our next meal." he joked as they went.

As they moved into the tunnels, however, the predator's senses flared long before the rest of the Force caught up with it - the Forceful Light. He stopped, holding out an arm to stop his apprentice as well.
"We have visitors." he told Orlov quietly. "You know what to do. No one gets to that weapon." he added. <And no slaughter.> the mental order echoed afterwards. It may be seen as a weakness by the rest of the Order, but to Dimitri it was a remnant from a time long past. A time when honour still had a place within the Galaxy.

It was no secret to the Dark Master that his apprentice found it slightly odd that he stuck to that belief. But he also knew that Orlov could hold his own against his foes - had gotten quite proficient in the mental arts. He knew his knowledgeable apprentice was not yet on the ancient's level, but was fast approaching it.

That the Dragon's own time would be coming to a close eventually.

As it should be.




ENEMIES: Strike Team Kenobi | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Valery Noble Valery Noble
ENGAGING: Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Katherine “Kitti” Fiorencia

"I will drink you in… I will pull you in… come closer to me… I will make you see…"

"That doesn't sound healthy," Spindle mused, moreso to herself, the echoes of the other's call a whisper under the other sounds that made up the mine. The slight form that made up the Sith apprentice had stacked boxes of supplies, creating a perch from which she poured over texts of study. It wasn't her preferred mode of study. Books had so little to gleam from in comparison to a live subject. They were much harder to truly get invested in.

Speaking of invested, whatever concentration she'd maintained over the book was shattered once she'd processed the echoing sing-song. Her brow furrowed, eyes zeroing in on the vellum she poured over, seeing the letters but not quite reading the words. The sounds that had previously faded into the background were now in the forefront of her mind along with the creeping sensation of an enemy she'd often heard of, but seldom encountered herself.

Snapping the volume closed with an annoyed huff, the Sithling stored her study materials, rising to her feet and hopping off her perch of boxes like a doll pulled on a string. Her quiet was ruined, something she suspected she'd have to rectify herself. But all was not lost, perhaps.

Paper-thin lips pulled upwards into a smile just a tad too long for the face it was etched upon. Restoring the quiet would mean a more practical application of her studies. Better yet, live subjects.



Location: Asog
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Baddy Tag: Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl
Valery smirked at Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble 's reaction to the kiss and watched him head out for his own part of the mission afterward. With the facility up ahead, she then decided to play into her own strengths and Cloaked herself after other Jedi began to initiate the attack against the building and the Sith that were defending it.
Through this Chaos, Valery was able to infiltrate the facility and quietly passed through various hallways while she remained invisible. With her presence in the Force concealed as well, she hoped to get deeper inside without alerting any of the Sith, who were likely kept busy by the attacking Jedi. This way she could hopefully target something crucial.
But after several minutes, she felt something that piqued her interest and stopped her from pursuing her original plan. There was a dark presence nearby, but she felt the woman's chaotic emotions echo through the Force. Sith were often channeling their anger and hatred, but somehow this felt different, and Valery felt a strong desire to pursue this new target instead.
Soon enough, she spotted Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl within the facility in dark robes, and from this range, her feelings were confirmed. There was something strange about this woman, and Valery was going to find out why the Force had drawn her into this meeting.
So from the platform above Kaiah, Valery jumped down into a cloud of smoke caused by all the fighting. Or perhaps even the ongoing work in the facility. She stepped out of her cloak and turned her fiery orange eyes to the other woman, while both hilts of her lightsabers rested within the palms of her hands.
Two violet blades sprung into existence by her sides, and she finally made her appearance.
"That's quite far enough," she said to get the woman to stop moving.
Tempest looked on with disgust at the Sithspawn-Vongformed creatures as they toiled away pulling stone from metal and disrupting the earthen tomb of the great weapon. Solipsis, she refused to call him Master or by his title, seemed to be convinced that this weapon would help them wipe the Jedi from the Galaxy and bring Sith dominance to the Chaos. Tempest wasn't so sure. She knew the Jedi better than he did. At least, she thought so. He had been so riled up by this nebulous cause and so focused on hiding among them that he hadn't really known these New Jedi. They would abandon worlds and people if it meant they kept their titles and privileges to do what they pleased. Like he said on Dathomir, they were more similar than different and Tempest wondered if he knew how true those words were.

She felt a shudder in the Force.

Jedi? Here? The roar of the monsters below and the movements of Darth Kalyptos solidified it. The Jedi were here, unlikely but obviously possible.

"Crikking hell," she muttered as she pushed herself away from her wall. Into the tunnels it was. Tempest might not think the weapon could do as advertised, but Solipsis did and she knew that the price of failure was...Heavy.

Madison Starr


Asog Underground Prison Complex
Obj 2 - w/ Hacks Hacks
It was a dusty, smokey, and eerily dead place.

Many meters underground yet with a ceiling high and vaulted. Dust crept along the ground. Blown by an unseen current of sorrow. Dim lights and circuit panels were draped across the walls. Connected by sagging tubes and large slinking wires. They grew like ivy across a desolate underground waste. The only signs of life besides the hollow echoes of screaming. Far, far away.

Madison Starr had separated from Zaka back at the tunnels. Her mission was the same, however.

The long dwarven tunnel had lead her into the depths of the planet Asog. Straight into a massive underground prison cutaway. Improvised, it seemed. With black durasteel walls bolted onto ancient stone and slim, open-air windows chiseled out of the surface. It smelled dank, and dark, and ghastly unmoving. Just like the giant statues of ancient Sith that decorated the center of the cavern. Eroded and broken. Yet gargoyles, all the same.

Madison Starr approached the edge of the tunnel and peered out into the expanse. She was on the top of the third level. Overlooking the entire cavern. With no cameras nor laser tripwires to speak off to halt her advance. No auto-guns, or ray-shields, or high-tech gizmos at all. As if nobody bothered with escape or entry.

"Damn Sith. They don't even care if anybody escapes. They already know. There's no place to escape to, down here. This whole planet is a death waste."

Starr cursed her luck. The Force may have lead them here. But she'll be damned if it wasn't the bleakest mission she'd embarked upon yet.

"Alright. Time to find the control center. That's probably where I can do the most good. Or, ya know. Blow this place up. I guess. Pfft."

She took another deep breath of stale air and moved on. Aiming to find a way down to those stone windows on the first level. There were lights inside. It must have been a computer room.

Madison was garbed in a black fur parka and tall black combat boots. Armed with twin Electro-Plasma Wands, four Det-Charges from the NJO, and her signature Devaronian blaster pistol. Her comm was set to the mission channel and she wore an earpiece to better hear the comm chatter.

She moved quickly. She moved unseen. From the third story down onto the second. Quiet as a ghost.

She needed to find the control center.

. . .

Before he acted, Kai took stock of their surroundings and noticed a young boy who seemed to be tagging along with them. <Stay with the other Jedi,> he ordered Silas Westgard Silas Westgard . <Don’t follow us. We have a different mission here than the rest.>

Having essentially told the youngling to scram, Kai faced forward, his fingers gripping Sophie’s black fur as he issued a mental command to the Warghest. She leaped ahead, enormous paws skittering across the cavern floor as she raced in the direction Iris had pointed.

As for the woman whom they were headed toward, Kai couldn’t say what lay in her heart. Was Iris merely speaking out of hope or idealism? Or was their target more than she seemed?

Sophie’s claws scratched at the ground, the sound echoing as they entered the tunnels. He sensed Sithspawn and other beings up ahead. Pulling his lightsaber from his belt, he activated it, holding the oversized blade at his side like a lance as they plunged into the unknown...


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