Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Resist and Disorder

Denon/Seven Corners District
Late Evening/Cloudy


The mess at Sakedo tower was unacceptable, a disaster brought upon the people of Denon all because of ideals and misplaced faith. Xan supported Anakin all the way despite her hesitation of doing things peacefully. And where did that get them? Several arrests, deaths, injuries, Darkwire getting labelled as terrorists, their entire fight reduced to ashes. It was the final straw for Xan, the last attempt of doing things differently.

It was time to remind the Corporate rats of their fate.

Xan studied what happened closely, identified faces, flaws, and ultimately came to the conclusion that more drastic measures were needed to get the corpos to listen properly to their population... but she couldn't do it alone, as much as she wanted to. She was going to need a few friends from all walks of life to bring these people down. Sure, the GA caught wind of it and everyone suddenly cared about the atrocities committed. Pretenders, brandishing smiles of false modesty. The Jedi couldn't be trusted. If they didn't draw their blades against the CAD, then they were no better. But one face at the protest drew Xan's attention more than the rest. A face that deserved a personal visit.

Hence the loafing in the respectable apartment.

She was nonchalant about her entrance. Window quietly cut open, quiet footsteps and movements to not alert the bodyguards outside, a very covert entrance to not alarm anyone... until Xan caught wind of the caf machine and accompanying brands. She stood in place for a long time as she contemplated her choices. "Kark it." Her hat and eyes lit up and her mask was set aside on a counter in the kitchen as she started to brew some caf for herself. The sounds soon grew in intensity as the HRD went about finding the sugar and milk while the machine churned and sputtered. At least she pulled out two mugs.

Her involuntary host was likely going to need it.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
"If you weren't so considerate, I'd have shot you dead on principle. Helping yourself to a girl's cafe machine without asking. Tsk tsk."

Ivory's voice floated up in sing-song from behind the masked warrior who'd entered her abode unannounced. When Xan Deesa Xan Deesa chose to turn around (hopefully bearing two cups of steaming hot cafe instead of one), it would be immediately clear that Ivory had only just woken up... and that she was not the type who believed in dressing for sleep. She had thrown on a gray silk bathrobe - as she obviously would not have wanted blood-splatter coating her as well as the walls of the small apartment kitchen - but wore nothing else.

In her right hand, a Spice Runner Special was aimed generally in her visitor's direction, but it seemed an afterthought.

Ivory had recognized Xan from prior interactions (the fellow Shadowrunner was not hard to miss, literally & figuratively speaking), and upon glimpsing the Cyber Ninja through the kitchen door, she'd all-but forgotten the cheap blaster as a greeting.

Violet eyes, alert and sharp as razors, eyed the augmented woman cautiously. "It's so hard to find good help these days." She muttered under her breath, clearly in reference to the two heavies she'd (incorrectly) assumed could do their jobs well enough to give her some peace-of-mind.

She lowered the blaster hose and slid into a chair which butted up against a small table in the kitchen. There was enough space for the two of them to sit comfortably. The raven-haired rebel laid her weapon down on the table, facing away; now just a simple decoration instead of a threat. She kept it close enough to reach, but she didn't think Xan wanted her dead... Yet. Ivory pulled her robe around her a bit tighter, covering her body from view.

And waited for Xan to offer her a cup of cafe. The truth was, she needed it.
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The Shadowrunner paused to look at the woman speaking behind her. The technicolour eyes studied her for a long moment, though it was quite obvious that she was staring more than studying. ”... huh? Oh... the guards. Yeah, I wasn’t exactly in a mood for a loud entrance.” She quipped, pouring the caf into the two mugs before setting them on a tray along with the sugar and milk.

The tray was set on the coffee table and Xan politely handed Ivory a mug. ”If it’ll make you feel better, I can go alert them and bust through the front door for ya. But that’s just expensive and unnecessary.” She smirked at the woman as she picked up her mug and sat back, one leg crossed over the other. ”And go put something more modest on, choom. For real, you’re makin’ me forget what I came here for.” Flashing the donna a wink, she took a long sip of the quality caf. Some flattery always went a long way in situations like this... and it was certainly not just a white lie to gain brownie points.

Xan looked around the apartment for a moment. ”Not bad actually. Can tell you’ve never had a missile launched in here... what’s the pricing like for a spread in this part of town? The Suicide Slums are becoming a bit much for me these days.” She asked with a genuine curiosity to her voice, though the stalling was painfully obvious.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Ivory laughed musically, accepting the steaming mug with both hands and bringing it to her lips. The hot, tasteful beverage warmed her immediately and sent a tingling impulse of caffeinated joy into the freshly-woken reaches of her brain. "Oh, that's really not necessary..." She replied in reference to Xan's offer of a redo. "I'll be handling that personally."

Whether Xan knew it or not, The Donna was not the type to accept failure. Depending on how this conversation went, Xan might even get to see her make good on the promise.

"I'm not quite sure yet if I'm going back to bed... Besides, it's comfortable in here." The truth was, Ivory didn't mind the attention. She had a feeling Xan didn't really mind, either.

"Mhmm." She hummed, taking another sip of the quality caff. The Donna might have once grown up in poverty, but she'd grown older, wiser, and tended to spend credits n the finer things in life. "It took some negotiation, and cost a pretty cred, but this unit was one of the few that didn't require a total refurbishing to make it livable. It's not much..." She said, looking around the kitchen and, generally, the apartment. "...But it's home. For now."

She set the steaming mug down beside the blaster, eyeing Xan Deesa Xan Deesa with a level, impassive gaze. The amusement seemed to disappear for the moment as she gave Xan an honest look up & down.

"It's not as-if I don't appreciate the visit... but I was under the impression you're not the type to make social calls." In fact, Xan had a bit of a reputation on the streets for being a lethal, ferocious killer. She folded her hands, resting them beside the mug and the blaster at once. The dichotomy of readiness symbolized her own internal razor's edge...

She'd next either reach for one... or the other.

"What can I do for you?"
A chuckle rumbled from Xan as she took another sip of caf, making herself comfortable in the luxurious seat across from her host. ”Oh darling, you can take me down any day.” She quipped, setting her drink aside. Ivory went on to explain how she procured her humble abode while Xan looked at the windows. ”Yeah... in all honesty, with how things are going now, a crappy shack in the Slums might be safer soon.” She muttered, the bright lights outside holding her attention for a long while.

"What can I do for you?"

Her gaze returned to the woman as she sat in silence. ”... Plenty, miss ‘not a Jedi’ by the look of things. Finding out who you are was a chore, I gotta be honest. Those records were locked up tight and buried real deep.” She pulled her datapad from her pocket and held it out to the woman.

On the screen, Xan’s face appeared. Her real face. ”Now I gotta be honest, the only thing more attractive than your looks...” The figure on the screen gestured to a number of files, clips and images scrolling past.

”... Are those records right there. Now, before you try and empty that blaster on me, hear me out. You were at Sakedo. Right in the thick of it. You were fighting right beside us. So I have a proposition, if you wanna hear me out.” Her body spoke up again.

”Also I’d like to know who said I don’t do social calls. They turn out to be a real blast if I drop in.” The datapad spoke before both Xans snickered like identical idiots.

”Okay, that’s enough messing around for now. Here’s the deal.” She sat forward her focus entirely on the woman. ”I wanna bring every cloud cutter a bit down to our level. Sakedo was more than enough proof that the peaceful option ain’t working anymore. The DireX didn’t want the silver. It’s time they take the plasma option.” She stated rather bluntly.

Sitting back, she picked up her caf for another long and audible sip. ”Whaddya say?” Her voice echoed from both her mouth and the speakers of her device.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
The amusing display of nearly identical voices brought a grin to Ivory's beautiful lips, and a starry sparkle to her eyes. Her gaze flicked from the datapad back to the woman seated across the table from her, and for a moment, she was very still... The Donna did not like knowing her secrets were in the open - it had already happened once recently, but she figured in that moment that if she reacted in a similar fashion with Xan, things would not end so neatly. For either of them.

Xan was right, of course. She was more-than willing to raise the black flag and start cutting throats. If there hadn't been a concern that extreme violence would have been dropped on the heads of innocent discreets, she probably would have been even more brutal toward their CorpSec adversaries... But, at the time, she'd been more concerned about innocent lives. Less the Corpos and High-Class shoppers, and more the lives of the people that (to her, anyway) really mattered.

Ivory sat back in her chair, reaching for the mug of steaming cafe, retrieving it, and bringing it to her lips. Then, she stopped.

Rising from her seat, she crossed the kitchen to one of the cupboards beside the refridgerator, opened the top section, and removed a slim bottle of amber liquid that was mostly full. She returned to the table (taking care to not bare too much of her nakedness, but not really bothering to conceal it either), opened the bottle, poured a healthy serving of whiskey into the cup then offering some to her visitor - pouring if she accepted.

She returned to her seat, lifting the cup of spiked caff to her lips and sipping.

A few moments of silence passed, until:

"I'm Not a Jedi."

Her violet eyes suddenly seemed very dark... haunted, even. The flash of melancholy seemed to pass quickly and she took another sip. Then she returned the cup to the table and looked directly at Xan Deesa Xan Deesa . A heartbeat later, she grinned... a wolfish, toothy, animalistic smile.

"What happened at Sakedo was... unavoidable. CorpSec wants pawns, wants the sheep silent and naked while they make off with the wool."

"Darkwire... does it's best. But you and I both know it's only like putting a piece of duct-tape over a spewing coolant leak. They have numbers... They have credits... A nearly unlimited supply of Credits... but that strength is a weakness."

She shifted in her seat and leaned forward, her face extending toward Xan, fully engaged. A look of passion crept into her face as she snarled: "I'm furious we couldn't do more!"

The flash of anger was white-hot. A Jedi, she was not.

She returned to a relaxed state and lifted the coffee cup to her lips once more. A long sip later, she sat it back down then looked toward the neon woman with a satisfied (almost smug) smile on her face.

"We're going to need people... Credits of our own... Reconnaissance, Transportation, Weapons. Much of that, I can assist with." If Xan had taken the time to look into her ancient history, she figured the woman had also taken the time to at least aquaint herself with Ivory's association with The Family. The Crime Syndicate did not have any direct ties on Denon, but Ivory's occasional presence was enough. There were still a great many capabilities she possessed which only members of her Family would be familiar with... but she was careful to show such forces. They operated in secret and preferred to keep their operations completely under-wraps.

Ivory was, in fact, powerful in her own right: rivaling some Corpos, in fact, with her ability to wield influence and control. She was not, however, the type to subjugate others. That was something The Family only did to people who lived a similar lifestyle, and even then, The Family would rather kill an enemy than enslave them.

After a few moments of consideration, she nodded an agreement to Xan's proposal. "Okay... I'm in. Where do we start?"
There was a long silence as the two women pretty much stared at each other with a mug of caf in their hands. Ivory made the first move, rising from her seat to bring out a bottle of whiskey. A grin formed on the Droid's face as she held her mug out for the Donna to pour some whiskey over. When she finally spoke up again, Xan's smile only broadened at the words and sight of her eyes. Yeah... this was the right call to make.

Xan nodded slowly as the woman vented, taking a sip of the spiked caf as she listened.

"Okay... I'm in. Where do we start?"

"We got a lot of work to do first. Get more people on our side, recon areas, high value targets, the works. Your people will help a lot with that, and I can get some contacts roped in as well. The mistake the corpos make is their reliance on their invulnerability. Yeah, they got creds, security, cameras, all that jazz... but they don't know their playing field. The amount of neighbourhoods on this planet that won't give them an inch of space, especially not after Sakedo." She gulped down the caf and set the mug aside, a daring grin adorning her lips as she watched the Donna.

"Ya know, I've lost my taste in Jedi after my ex went dark side. Thank kriff you ain't." She rose from her seat and casually walked over to Ivory. Without hesitation she bent down and planted a kiss on her lips, the smug look on her face unwavering. "The Galactic Alliance might be a problem, but that's a hyperlane we'll cross down the line. For now, our target is the corpos and whatever makes them bleed." She stopped by the open window and turned to face the Donna. "My deets are already on your comms. Shoot me a ping and I'll be on in a sec. After all, you've seen what I can do." She winked as she knelt down to exit through the window.

But she halted for a moment. Her technicolour gaze returned to the woman. "You gonna get some sleep or do you need me to tuck you in and sing you a lullaby?" She teased.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
"We got a lot of work to do first. Get more people on our side, recon areas, high value targets, the works. Your people will help a lot with that, and I can get some contacts roped in as well. The mistake the corpos make is their reliance on their invulnerability. Yeah, they got creds, security, cameras, all that jazz... but they don't know their playing field. The amount of neighbourhoods on this planet that won't give them an inch of space, especially not after Sakedo."
Xan's astute observation set off a memory in Ivory's clever mind - a quote by a famous, ancient Atrisian Warlord: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt. If you know the Land and the Heavens, you may make your victory." Ever the tactician, she was already formulating a scheme: a way to get Darkwire better prepared for the battles that were sure to come.

She was staring at the neon-colored rebel, considering the quote, when Xan stood up. The woman's bright clothing and neon eyes were the most colorful decorations in the entire apartment - as Xan approached, Ivory's mind went from considering a quote on War to how, perhaps, she'd need to get some more color in her own life. For a split second, the Donna thought Xan was merely going to snatch the bottle of liquor. That assumption was incorrect.

The kiss came from out of nowhere, but Ivory didn't move away. As Xan pulled back, mentioning the Galactic Alliance, Ivory licked her lips with an expression of surprise on her face.

The taste of whiskey mellowed by premium cafe, cream, and sugar mingled with something indescribable. For an android, the woman's lips certainly tasted real.
She stopped by the open window and turned to face the Donna. "My deets are already on your comms. Shoot me a ping and I'll be on in a sec. After all, you've seen what I can do." She winked as she knelt down to exit through the window.
"Wait." Ivory said, violet eyes meeting the rebellious warrior's own technicolor gaze. Excitement and amusement sparkled in her face as Ivory stood up, meeting Xan Deesa Xan Deesa at the window. She reached past the woman, taking the top of the window and closing it firmly - missing Xan's metal fingers by an inch as the heavy barrier slid on greased hinges. Ivory turned toward the brightly-colored, heavily augmented woman, reaching out and snatching both of Xan's metallic hands in her own.

"I have an idea." She said, tugging Xan back into the kitchen. Toward the door which led deeper into the apartment. Toward the bedroom. If Xan resisted, Ivory would only tug harder, a sinful grin on her face.

If Xan followed willingly, Ivory would lead her back toward the bedroom - the door only slightly cracked open, easily pushed aside. Her bedroom was small, but actually quite clean and minimalist: a large bed dominated one wall which was unkempt, an open closet filled with numerous outfits of every style (but mostly neutral colors, as she didn't share Xan's fashion sense), a curio cabinet which contained numerous multi-colored gemstone shards, a metallic gun cabinet which was closed and secured by a biometric lock, a small desk, a dresser, and a cream-colored fuzzy rug. A few pieces of art hung on the walls; all of them abstract and colorful depictions of Force-knew-what. The room was dark as the blinds which covered the singular window in the room were drawn, but as Ivory entered, she flicked on the overhead light. The room lit up in a deep purple glow. Suddenly, all the paintings in the room came to life - glowing in a similar neon to Xan's own clothing. Xan, herself, lit up like a glow-stick. The moment they entered the room, Ivory began to talk, the words pouring out of her mouth:

"If Darkwire attempts to fight CAD by CAD's own rules, they'll lose every time. You're absolutely right. We can't beat their credits, their man-power, or their weapons in open combat -" Without a sign of hesitation, Ivory shrugged off her robe. She was, indeed, entirely naked. If Xan wanted to tease, Ivory could beat her at her own game - whether it was serious or not. Her entire body was covered in tattoos of every imaginable color and shape - including a handful that appeared to react with the ultraviolet lighting. As Ivory tugged open her closet and began to grab clothing, she continued: "But, we may have a chance if we can unite the common people under our banner. The citizens outnumber CorpSec easily, and most follow the rules out of fear of reprisal, not because they agree in CAD's laws. If we start by showing the people we're here to fight for them, it won't just be about fighting fire with fire. We need the support of the natives. Without it, we'll be whatever CorpSec says we are."

Ivory was hurriedly getting dressed, tugging on and buttoning a pair of black, skin-tight leather pants. A black tank-top with the words "Burn Corpo Shit" covered her torso, and Ivory reached back, tugging her hair from her back. It fell freely down to the center of her back, one side of her head shaved and decorated by similar body art. "Darkwire has already been declared a Terrorist Organization. The time for peaceful, subtle resistance is over - we all know it, even if most don't want to admit it. CorpSec will never live & let live - they won't stop until we're dead."

The opposite section to Ivory's closet flew open and she produced a pair of heeled boots with metal caps over the toes - footwear meant for stomping skulls, not for a visit to a gala. A long dark purple leather duster joined the boots - the patch on the back looking like the DW "Eye" and glowing faintly in the vibrant lighting. Her butt landed on the side of the bed and she sunk a few inches - clearly she preferred softness to the hard rack of a starship or the cold, firm mattresses of a back alley dive hotel. One of the many luxuries she afforded herself. The Donna clearly had money, but possessed a street-fighter's hardened self confidence.

"We need to send a message. A message to Darkwire, and all of Denon, that says we're not marching with bare feet anymore. We're ready to get hit and hit back. If we do it right, members of Darkwire won't have any choice but to support us - the message has to be something nobody can argue with. Something everybody wants."

She finished lacing up her boots, then stood, crossing the short distance to the gun cabinet on the opposite wall. She was silent for a moment as she reached forward, allowing the biometric scanner to read her palm print then punching in a short five-digit code that might have been too fast for Xan to track... but if the woman's extensive augmentations were worth their salt, she would have caught the numbers. Ivory didn't seem to care.

Inside the cabinet was a small armory. Long blasters and sidearms, a few knives, and a box of grenades were visible in the small light which clicked on within. Ivory began stuffing her pockets with an assortment of items: A knife slid into her boot. Three small black orbs stowed in a pocket of the jacket, followed by a larger silver device. A blaster pistol of unfamiliar manufacture. A metal rod stowed inside a sturdy section of her coat's inner lining. A silver ring which was slipped on the middle finger of her left hand.

When she turned toward Xan again, Ivory looked dressed to kill. She stood saucily with a hand on her hip, flashing the brightly-colored Rave Warrior an excited grin. Her violet eyes sparkled with amusement and arousal.

"Let's get the fuck outta here. Whaddya' say?"
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Xan halted as Ivory got up and moved towards her. She blinked with surprise as the woman closed the window and grabbed hold of her hands to pull her along towards wherever she wanted to go. "Oh my, am I gettin' a private show tonight?" She teased as they entered her bedroom. As the woman dressed up, Xan planted herself on the luxurious bed and simply watched with a combination of amusement and other inappropriate thoughts.

Her gaze wandered for a moment to take in the curious paintings as well as her own neon style, glowing in the blacklight of the room. It brought back a lot of fond memories. Spending a few minutes to spray herself up with neon paint before she went out to fight the corpos, strike at them where it hurt most. The "good old days" as some would describe it, when she still knew her mission and it all seemed so simple. Blow up a train, shoot a few Seccers, then go out with Cartri to get dinner and maybe watch a movie. When she still had a body...

And a fear of them tracking her down.

"We need to send a message. A message to Darkwire, and all of Denon, that says we're not marching with bare feet anymore. We're ready to get hit and hit back. If we do it right, members of Darkwire won't have any choice but to support us - the message has to be something nobody can argue with. Something everybody wants."


The words slipped from her mouth as she stared at one of the paintings. Her gaze shifted back to Ivory as she unlocked her safe and finished her dress-up. "I'm almost sad to see you dressed up." She joked, hoping to evade the odd moment of weakness in her eyes. As the self-proclaimed "Demon of Denon" she lost the privilege of weakness. She lost the privilege when her body was taken from her and the debris of a space station came crashing down because of her.

"The people of Denon are tired. The fire is there, it just needs to get some fuel to burn the whole planet to the ground. If we can win them over, the rest will take care of itself. A web of spiders, crawling in the shadows. They won't be able to stop it once that ball starts rolling, they'll only make it worse if they clamp down." She explained calmly, looking back to the paintings.

"Let's get the fuck outta here. Whaddya' say?"

"That was my line, last time I checked." She teased as she got up and casually nudged the woman. She turned to look around for a bit as she exited the bedroom, unsure of which direction to go for their exit. "Aight, so... door or window?" She asked her host as she picked up the bottle of whiskey for a healthy swig.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Ivory smiled, her back turned as she unlocked the safe and began gearing up. She couldn't agree more with Xan's further statement... All they had to do was show the People the truth.

Ivory followed Xan out of the bedroom, approaching the table as Xan picked up the bottle of whiskey. She reached out, picking up the SMG lying on the table and tucking it away in her coat alongside the blaster pistol. Then, she held out her hand for the bottle, taking her own healthy swig. The powerful spirit warmed her insides and ignited a fire in her core - fuel to burn.

(Killings Strangers, Marilyn Manson)
"Aight, so... door or window?" She asked her host as she picked up the bottle of whiskey for a healthy swig.

"Door." Ivory said, matter-of-factly. "I have something I need to do."

She set the bottle back on the table, turning toward the front door. She approached, unlocking the deadbolt, then opening it; waiting for Xan Deesa Xan Deesa to step outside onto the concrete landing outside. Night had almost completely fallen in the time between Xan's arrival and the current moment - the air outside comfortable & inviting for Night Owls such as they. Ivory's apartment was in a third-floor corner of the small apartment complex; a U-shaped building surrounded by an urban jungle. The landing continued to the right, where the pair could exit down a flight of stairs. At the top of the third floor stairwell stood a burly human man; bald-headed, covered in tattoos, and in his mid-30's. He was dressed in a white tank-top and black pants which were covered in chains.

Ivory shut the door to her apartment firmly, tapping a button on the frame which triggered an electronic lock. She glanced casually at Xan then took the lead, walking toward the stairwell. The big man at the top of the stairs had been leaning against the metal railing, but straightened up as Ivory and a person he didn't recognize exited the apartment he'd been hired to protect. Ivory walked directly toward him, stopping in-front of him... The man stood a full head taller than she, and outweighed her by a good hundred pounds.

"Um.. Ma'am? Who-" Her demeanor must have concerned him, because he stopped speaking. Ivory stared at him, her jaw set and violet eyes cold as the dead of Space. She said only two words:

"You're fired."

Then reached out, placing her hand in the center of the man's chest, and casually pushed him backward.

His lower back struck the metal railing and he flailed, but could do nothing to stop the inevitable. His scream echoed off the walls of the apartment as he tumbled three stories to land in a pile of debris and trash below.

The landing now empty save for the two women, Ivory turned toward Xan with a smirk, then led the way down the staircase to the first floor. When they arrived, a muffled groaning sound could be heard behind the staircase... The man was still alive, but likely in pain. As Ivory led the way toward the front of the building, she tapped a small communicator on her wrist - inputting a code on the wrist-link.

"When's the last time you rode a bike?" She casually asked, falling into step beside her brightly-colored companion.

The debris-littered streets outside the apartment indicated they weren't in the best part of town... but Xan already knew that. Strangely, however, as they stepped outside the perimeter walls of the building, a pristine speeder bike sat, its engine purring. There was space enough for both of them to sit comfortably.

Ivory swung her leg up and over, sitting astride the DH-17 Speeder Bike - who's console immediately came to life. She didn't bother with a helmet.

She waited for Xan to join her, toothily grinning.
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