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Project Sigma | Jormungandr-series Naval Composite Beam Siege Cannon


Jormungandr-series Siege Cannon
A Unique Composite Beam Siege Cannon to be installed on a future Super Star Destroyer Submission

Von Sorenn IndustriesPrimary Investor
Astraeus Naval OrdnancePrimary Manufacturer / Designer
Trinity ManufacturingSecondary Manufacturer
Affiliation:Von Sorenn Industries
Confederacy of Independent Systems
External HousingInternal ComponentsAdditional Materials & Components
Carbon-Durasteel ArmorCoaxiumFocusing Lenses
Quadanium SteelKyber CrystalDolovite
LaminasteelMagnite CrystalDoonium
AlusteelEnergy CrystalChromium
TitaniumPhrik-ASiege Cannon Components

Classification:Direct-Fire Composite Beam Siege Cannon
Size:Extremely Large
Weight:Extremely Heavy
Ammunition Type:Charged Composite-Beam Pulse
Ammunition Capacity:Extremely Large
Effective Range:Extreme
Rate of Fire:Very Low
Damage Output:Extreme

  • Isotope-5A Reactors - Multiple secondary reactors provide additional, sustained power which is fed through tributary emitters as a means to support the primary reactor of the weapon.
  • Tributary Beam - Much like many other Composite-Beam weapons, the Jormungandr has a series of tributary emitters that feed into the main Composite-Beam when the weapon is fired.
  • Exhaust Breech Ports - A series of exhaust ports line the weapon at key intervals along its primary lateral axis as well as at various points along the tributary emitters; acting as a means to ensure that energy can be bled off and does not cause damage to internal systems.

  • Kyber Crystals - The primary beam of the weapon is fed through a large Kyber Crystal that acts to intensify the strength of the beam before it is fired through its primary focusing lenses.
  • Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor - Equipped with Isotope-5A Reactors as secondary power sources for tributary emitters; the primary source of the Jormungandr is a Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor which utilizes highly unstable, unrefined Coaxium as its primary source of fuel rather than the more commonly utilized Tibanna Gas. This use of Coaxium is what ultimately provides the overall damage output that the weapon is capable of delivering.
  • Ionized Electromagnetic Pulse - Much like the Electromagnetic Pulse which is given off when a Nuclear weapon is detonated; the Charge Composite-Beam Pulse that is delivered by the weapon also produces an EMP upon striking its target. This pulse has the potential of acting as a "super-charged" Ion Cannon - shutting down primary systems, destroying unshielded electronics, or even disabling entire vessels adjacent to the primary target.

  • Rate of Fire - It takes time to prime and fire a weapon of this caliber; even with the decision being made to utilize the weapon. Unlike Turbolasers that can maintain fire with blasts delivered in relatively short succession - the Jormungandr is incapable of maintaining successive bursts outside of its limited firing pulse.
  • Recharge Rate - The power-cells, systems, and internal workings of the Jormungandr are delicate, with each working in synchronicity. To avoid potential damage to the inner workings, everything from priming the fuel chamber, and ensuring that the various crystals are aligned, takes time. The weapon is otherwise incapable of firing more than once per day [once per thread].
  • Tributary Beam Emitters - Six such Emitters converge to a central focusing point to discharge the weapon; in the event that one or more of these emitters were damaged or destroyed, the overall Damage Output of the weapon would be greatly diminished. Not to mention the potential of the energy causing further damage if it is not purged or has no other means of exiting the weapon.
  • Exhaust Breech Ports - Though designed as a means to ensure that any built-up energy - from either the Isotope-5A Reactors or other incident requires - could be purged or bled off from the system; the Breech Ports, when opened, provide a direct line of fire into the inner workings of the weapon itself. If utilized in this manner - such as managing a lucky shot via sinking a proton torpedo into the breech port - the possibility of the weapon being damaged or potentially destroyed is a high likelihood.
  • Super Star Destroyer Mounting - Model after the smaller Thor Naval Cannon; the Jormungandr-series design and ultimate construction was focused on its eventual mounting and housing within a Super Star Destroyer. Thus, to this end, the weapon is incapable of being mounted onto any vessel smaller than those classified as Super Star Destroyers (10,000km>).

The Jormungandr is a colossal undertaking with a primary focus around the development of a weapon that is to be utilized as the main gun and primary armaments of a Super Star Destroyer. Modeled off of the smaller Thor Naval Cannon, the Jormungandr utilizes a Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor as its primary power source to feed energy into its firing channel - with additional, Isotope-5A Reactors feeding energy into a series of tributary beam emitters. In lieu of the much more commonly used Tibanna Gas, the Jormungandr utilizes Coaxium in its Reactor - the resulting beam is then fed through a large Kyber crystal to intensify its magnitude before being fired through its primary focusing lens. The primary downside of this weapon, however, is its inability to fire in rapid succession, only capable of maintaining a sustained pulse for no more than a couple of minutes. Likewise, the process required to properly prime the reactor, tributary emitters, and overall operation and maintenance of the weapon - including a low recharge rate of its capacitors - restricts the weapon from being fired only once per day.

Its primary strength, however, is focused around an intensified composite laser beam - which as mentioned - joins tributary beams before being fed through a Kyber crystal and then its primary focusing lens. During the process of firing, this composite beam also produces a similar Electromagnetic Pulse that is often experienced when detonating a Nuclear Device. The initial pulse - which has the potential of wreaking havoc on the target - can also result in the destruction of unshielded technologies, or even disable vessels altogether within the immediate vicinity of the primary target. It should also be noted, that the intensified composite beam has the potential of tearing the primary target asunder - and much like the Thor Naval Cannon - can often result in splitting a Star Destroyer in half when fired at its highest setting.

In the event that one of the tributary beam emitters is damaged, the weapon was designed with a series of breech ports that can as a means of venting off built-up energy to prevent damage to the internal components. These ports, when in use, however, provide a direct line of fire into the weapon itself, which can be utilized to further damage, disable, or potentially destroy the weapon entirely. Likewise, though the primary firing chamber of the weapon is impressive on its own - damage to the tributary beam emitters greatly reduces the overall effectiveness and destructive capabilities of the weapon beyond what is normally achievable.

Overall, the Jormungandr is not a weapon that is meant to be utilized in a similar manner as a Turbolaser or Ion Cannon; rather, it is focused around a singular concept of potentially ending a conflict before it begins - with a singular shot. Or, as is much more likely, intended to end a conflict with an exclamation mark - utilized in a closing salvo between two engaged fleets.

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King of Pumpkins
Submission Name: Project Sigma | Jormungandr-series Naval Composite Beam Siege Cannon
Link to Submission: [HERE]
Reason for Archival Request: Created for a faction that is now defunct

Submission Name: Project Rho | Phlegethon II-series Thermonuclear Device
Link to Submission: [HERE]
Reason for Archival Request: Created for a faction that is now defunct

Submission Name: Phlegethon series Thermonuclear Device
Link to Submission: [HERE]
Reason for Archival Request: Created for a faction that is now defunct

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