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Von Sorenn Industries



Corporation Name:Von Sorenn Industries
Affiliation:Confederacy of Independent Systems
Headquarters: The Astraeus
Operations:Holding Corporation
Financial Services
Investment Corporation
Additional Locations
VandelhelmRimma Sector Headquarters
FondorBassadro Sector Headquarters
Yag'DhulBranch Office
Bestine IVKooriva Sector Headquarters
TrendivarFrontier Sector Headquarters
NabooCapital Sector Headquarters
EriaduBranch Office
GeonosisMaramere Sector Headquarters
RodiaArkanis Sector Headquarters
MandaVylmira Sector Headquarters
VandorMara Sector Headquarters
Nexus OrtaiBranch Office
TriffisBranch Office
EnarcBranch Office


Von Sorenn Industries was founded at a time of great turmoil in the Galaxy that shook the Confederacy and many Galactic Institutions to their very core. Originally, the corporation was developed to ensure that the interests of the Confederacy of Independent Systems - specifically in the critical manufacturing sectors of Shipwrights, Vehicle, and Repulsorcraft - were not adversely or otherwise critically endangered by the reactionary and potentially retaliatory efforts of corporate entities that proclaimed their departure from the Confederacy of Independent Systems upon the establishment of a universally decried and apparently controversial declaration that would put the needs of the Confederacy and its Citizens First in all matters of Galactic Politics, Military Efforts, Economic Ventures - which culminated in the Confederacy recalling all forces to their established home territory within the Southern Systems.

The corporation stepped into the void left behind, picking up numerous employment contracts and employees that had been abandoned by previous employers - and ensured that Citizens of the Confederacy of Independent Systems had a priority in hiring. Having been a proponent of the Confederacy First Mandate, Von Sorenn Industries had closely aligned themselves with the Government of the Confederacy of Independent Systems - with the majority of their production capabilities focused on manufacturing goods specifically for the Confederacy; this attitude had even gone so far as to see Von Sorenn Industries reject or otherwise decline contracts from entities residing outside of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Originally the corporation had a focus on the production of Vessels, Vehicles, and Repulsorcraft - which saw it establish itself on prominent shipbuilding worlds such as Vandelhelm, Fondor, and Yag'Dhul to mention a few. In more recent times, with a shift in Confederate policies and changes within the overall political spectrum of the galaxy - Von Sorenn Industries has also shifted its operational spectrum from being a purely manufacturing corporation to a Holding Corporation and Financial Institution that supports the founding, development, and growth of other corporations.

Though the Corporation has changed drastically in the last decade since its original founding it remains dedicated to providing a safe work environment for its employees - ensuring that all safety measures are met and then some, not only in their Corporate Headquarters on the Astraeus; in all of their facilities that they personally control and those of their subsidiaries. The Corporation remains fair to its employees, providing a living wage and ensuring that promotions and hiring for new positions are done so first internally, and then externally if the needs have not been met - thus ensuring that citizens of the Confederacy are always provided a means to thrive.

Upon the outset of what was an apparently universally decried and controversial declaration of a Confederacy First Mandate - Von Sorenn Industries was founded - as the Confederacy saw first to the needs and security of its people and the Southern Systems rather than the needs and security of the denizens of the Galaxy as a whole. Though it had been established - and thought abundantly made clear - that Corporate Entities would not be affected by the Confederacy First Mandate - the reaction from the corporate sector was one that was less than favorable, with a multitude of corporations shuddering their facilities and holdings within the Confederacy and ultimately leaving the Southern Systems in protest of a Mandate that was only established to ensure the security of the Confederacy which had recently been attacked internally.

Enter - the then Grand Marshal of Naval Command of the Confederacy [since retired] - Amelia Von Sorenn, who sought to stem the tide and stepped into the void that many of these corporate entities had left in their wake. Establishing Von Sorenn Industries first and foremost to secure the vital manufacturing sectors of Shipbuilding, Vehicle Manufacturing, and Repulsorcraft Manufacturing - to ensure that the Confederacy would not find themselves lacking in a means to produce new vessels or equipment that would be needed to ensure their own safety - the corporation also sought to take in those Citizens of the Confederacy of Independent Systems that had recently lost their jobs due to the short-sighted and bullheaded attitudes of those corporations that fled from the Confederacy and left their workers high and dry.

Maintaining close ties with the Government of the Southern Systems - and to an extent the Military, specifically the Confederate Navy - Von Sorenn Industries rapidly produced multiple new series of Capital Vessels and Fighter Craft to bolster the - what was an arguably - aged Naval forces of the Southern Systems. Though the Corporation has a history of manufacturing and shipwrights - it has recently seen a shift in its operations as facilities are being reorganized and reestablished under newer subsidiaries. With the massive Project Epsilon | The Astraeus - being the last product manufactured by Von Sorenn Industries - the relocation to their new Corporate Headquarters on the station has seen the company shift into a Holding Corporation and Financial Institute that invests its wealth and reserves to support the founding and development of newer subsidiaries and provide a safety net for those smaller corporations.

With its reorganization - many of its former facilities have been redesignated into local Branch Offices - while others - such as those on Fondor, Naboo, and Bestine IV [to name a few] have been reorganized into Sector Headquarters based off the Confederacy of Independent Systems' internal Sectors.
Last Updated: 07/17/2021

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