Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Pregnancy and Prophecies


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Really? You think I should sleep first?" She looked at him for answers this time. Valery was exhausted and it showed with the bags under her eyes, and the way she slouched around. But at the same time, she felt like they were so close to unraveling the reasons why all of it was happening in the first place. Finally, she felt like there was light at the end of the tunnel, and she wanted nothing more than to keep pushing forward, even at her own expense.

She... was also quite stubborn.

"We can guide you whenever your wife is ready," the Vianist tried to assure Kahlil. "Our people have an aptitude for showing people the greatest needs they desire. Even if they don't realize it yet themselves."

Valery sighed and leaned into her husband's side, "You think my greatest need right now is sleep, love?" she asked only half-jokingly.

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Kahlil stared down at Valery with what almost looked like a pout. She hadn't been able to sleep for days, weeks. He knew better than anyone just how tired she was. And if they were going to handle whatever this was, she needed her sleep for certain. "You're sleeping first, love. A good night sleep. Then we can handle whatever this is. But first, sleep."

It was non negotiable.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery swallowed and looked up at him when he gave her
that look. The defiance in her own eyes began to fade, and her body seemed to relax a little. She was incredibly stubborn and difficult sometimes, but she knew when to pick her battles, and when something wasn't up for debate with him. Even as his wife and equal, she felt a rush of heat in her chest whenever he showed this kind of concern that just made her listen, rather than fight it.

It had been one of many things she needed in a partner.

"Okay, but you're sleeping, too." She could use his warmth, and the gentle drum of his heartbeat was always soothing to her. It made her sleep like a baby.

"Please?" Valery then added with a loving smile again.

"We have a room ready for you two. But Master Jedi?" the leading figure of the Vianists asked when he turned to Kahlil. "We can help your wife overcome these visions, but there is a risk. When drawn into one's own mind to see your greatest needs, it is possible to get... lost."

"There are always temptations to take what is just a manifestation of our imagination, and force yourself to believe it as reality. Your guidance should help her, but I wished to mention this risk."



A risk?

Kahlil's brow twitched. This wasn't something that had happened with the triplets. If anything, they should've been their own issue with this, but they weren't. The only difference were these people, and now there was another risk just so his wife could have a good night sleep? "It's sleep. She hasn't slept for weeks because of this, and there's a risk for her to just enjoy a night at peace? There's nothing you can do, despite it quite evidentially involving you? This is our fifth child, and you and your people are the only difference."

He forced himself to smile, but it certainly didn't reach his eyes as he glared down at the man who was speaking to him. "I will do everything I can to ensure she has a good night sleep. I can expect the same from you and yours, right?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery blinked.

She knew just how protective he was. How much he cared about her well-being. But she hadn't expected him to be like this towards these people. He essentially accused them of being the reason for her visions, and while that could be true, she didn't know for sure. Maybe they were only part of her visions because of their connection to their son in the future.

But it was odd that none of this ever happened during her earlier pregnancies.

"The risk only occurs when we show her those needs. When we connect with her after she has gotten her rest. If she sleeps tonight and sees those visions again, it is not because of us." He looked down at Valery's stomach, as if he tried to say that it was because of their son.

But he wouldn't voice that aloud to a clearly frustrated father.

"Babe..." Valery took his hand and looked up at him with a pleading smile, "I'm really tired. Let's just go sleep, okay?" she offered him a little smile, and the man seemed to agree.

Still, something felt a bit off in the Force. A strange tension.



Kahlil took a deep breath before he looked back to Valery and smiled. A real smile, at that, as he nodded. Sleep was the most important thing for her right now. He reached down to squeeze her hand and nodded. No matter how he felt about these strangers, he wasn't going to let her be stressed about any of this if he could help it. "Alright. Let's go sleep."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

After being shown the way to their room, Valery stepped inside and perked a brow. Rather than one large bed, there were two separate ones, spaced apart far too much for her liking. Pregnant, hungry for jelly and exhausted, Valery waddled over and started pushing her bed towards his.

"...stupid..." She grumbled along with some other words that barely left her lips but still projected her frustration.

Once the beds were together, Valery plopped herself down at the edge and patted on the sheets next to her, "So... You really don't like them, hm? Or is trust a better word?"



"I've no trust for people who won't help a pregnant woman at least have one good nights rest. They speak as if we need to solve whatever is going on for them before that."

No, he did not trust them. Nor would he. But he did trust Valery, more than anything else. He let out a heavy sigh before smiling towards her and motioned to the bed. Whatever he had to do to make sure she had a good sleep was all that mattered right now. Truly all that mattered.

"For now, we sleep, though."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I like it when you're this protective. It's very cute." Valery's voice had lowered in pitch a little, and her eyes were glued to him with playful teasing in mind. "I do think they're trying to help, but... I see where you're coming from." They were perhaps too eager to have Valery go into more visions with them to see her 'needs', but that wouldn't help with her exhaustion at all.

She needed to sleep first.

"We'll handle the visions tomorrow, hm?" She leaned in closer to kiss his cheek, then shifted back towards the pillows. She lifted the blankets, crawled underneath and waited for him to join her. Both for warmth and the comfort that allowed her to actually get some decent sleep.

"Everything will be alright after tomorrow," she whispered, before giving him another kiss. "I love you~" With that, Valery's eyes closed and within his arms, she'd start to drift off.

In the early hours of the next day, as the sun began to rise, rays of sunshine lit up the room. But when Kahlil's eyes finally opened, he'd no longer see his wife inside the bed with him. The shape of her head was still imprinted into the pillow, and the sheets had been ruffled as one would expect from a person crawling out of bed.

But especially now, it was unlike her to just walk off.



"I love you too, Valery."

There were few people in the whole galaxy he'd be as protective of as Valery, and it was limited to their family. He smiled faintly as he held her close, all so she could sleep properly for the first time. He followed in kind, though not before setting up some runes to make sure there wasn't any unwelcome visitors. They were on a stranger's world in a stranger's home.

He wasn't taking any chances.

When the morning came and he woke up without Valery there, though, he frowned. She was safe, given that his bond didn't alert him to any danger, but he didn't like waking without her beside him. He stood up, stretched, then made his way outside to where he did feel Valery. Hopefully she got some good sleep.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Good morning," Valery said from her position at the balcony railing. She was dressed in some bathrobes tightly wound around her body, and brushed her hair while she looked across the valley. From where she stood, she could see the monastery, the mountains and even a little beyond. It was beautiful, and as a gush of wind blew through her hair, Valery almost felt as if she stood on her homeworld again.

"Did you sleep well?" She turned around with a smile, and already, she looked much better. Like night and day compared to yesterday.

"I uh, had another dream last night. Well, I think it was a vision." She walked over to him and pushed herself up on her toes to give him his morning kiss. No matter what, she couldn't forget about that.

"It was a happier one. I saw us with our son in our arms. was here. At the Monastery."




He was far more worried about her sleep to focus on his own. And he wasn't going to hide that from her. She'd know anyway, given their bond. But he smiled, leaned down to return the kiss rather happily at that. He didn't need a good night sleep if she was, in fact, able to sleep herself. A vision, though? Another one? Again? He stuffed down his annoyance given they'd said she wouldn't, only because it seemed to be a good vision.

"That sounds more like it'll take until he's about born to figure this all out. I'm not too keen on having him born here, but I do want this figured out."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Uh uh," Valery teased with a grin, while she tapped her index fingers against his lips. "I saw that. This vision isn't because of them. I saw us in this place, but I saw none of the people. It wasn't like the ones with that girl we saw." She knew it'd probably mean very little to him — he was tired and already annoyed with these Vianists.

"I think it was just a sign. That our baby might be coming very soon." She reached for his hand and pressed her lips together to stop them from trembling. If it happened here, it wouldn't be ideal, but she was still incredibly excited to have her little one born. To hold him in her arms, kiss his little head, and bring him home.

Valery then let out a sigh and squeezed his hand, "Maybe if we get through whatever they had planned, we can make it home before the baby is born?"

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Kahlil's expression softened as he nodded and reached over to squeeze her hand in turn. She was nervous. More than he was. He knew that much, but it still gave him pause to see it so clearly. Or just feel it in her trembling hand. She was doing as much as possible to stay calm after everything that happened and be strong, be excited for their child to come.

They'd get through all this together.

"I will get you home for your birth, don't worry. We'll solve this."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

There was a brief pause where the wind was all she could hear flowing around her. Fiery eyes were intensely focused on him, seeking and finding that comforting warmth in his gaze. Their entire journey together — from that meeting on New Cov to this very moment — flashed before her eyes, and a single tear fell down her cheek. She smiled, raised her hands to cup his cheek, and pulled him into a soft, gentle kiss.

One where she lost all sense of time.

"You know, sometimes I still can't believe all of this." She chuckled and pulled his hand up against her own cheek, just to feel his thumb brushing over her soft skin.

"Let's go dive into these visions one last time, alright? We handle things here and go home. Maybe on the way back... we can figure out his name." Her loving smile changed as trembling lips twitched up into a grin. She was far too happy right now, and all she wanted was to get this over with.

So they could go home and welcome a new Noble.



He'd already reached up to hold her cheek when she reached out to take his hand, just so he could brush away her tears. Even if they were happy tears, he still wanted to brush them aside. They'd figure all this out, together. He smirked, though, and nodded once. A name. They certainly needed to figure out a name for their son. "Let's figure this out, then yes. A name. They outside waiting for us?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery leaned into the warmth of his hand, and couldn't help but smile when his thumb brushed over her. The tears were swept away, and he'd be able to tell that she stopped trembling. They had this, together. She knew they would always pull through when it concerned their children, and this very much felt just like that.

They'd figure out these visions for their son, and determine his name.

"They are, so let's face them. And..." she reached up and pulled the corners of his lips into a forced smile. Just for her amusement, "Try not to look too angry at them, please." She snickered and let go of his face before she took his hand instead. Valery then guided him outside, and unsurprisingly, the same man from yesterday was waiting for them.

"Are you both ready?" he asked with a smile, as they met in the courtyard. "If so, please sit down. Take your wife's hands, and try to connect your minds. We will guide you from there."

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"No promises there."

Which, he still chuckled about. At least he wasn't too angry this time around, even as she took his hand and they made their way outside to greet them. He did his best to smile, but it was obvious he still wasn't pleased with them. They had a hand in this, and he certainly wasn't keen on trusting them yet. That didn't stop him from helping Valery sit and sitting himself beside her so he could get this started.

The sooner they were finished, the sooner they'd be able to welcome their son into the world with a clear mind.

"Our minds are always connected."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


She tried her best to look threatening, but the smirk on her lips was impossible to wipe away. His whole stance against the Vianists was extremely amusing, and because she knew where it came from, it meant just a little more to her. It was him being protective, and no matter what, she'd never make him feel that his care and protection wasn't appreciated. She loved him for it, and she wanted him to know.

With a bit of help, Valery sat down on the ground and held onto his hands. Their minds were always linked as he said, so with her eyes closed, Valery needed no effort to let him in.

"Then this will be easy," The Vianist leader said, before he raised his hand. The Force around the two Jedi began to swirl, and they were drawn into a part of Valery's mind.

"...this looks familiar," Valery said, as they suddenly stood not far away from their home on Niv Hani. It looked a little different, though not in design. Just decorations outside, some plants here and there. Inside, they could feel the familiar presences of their children, but they felt stronger.



".. Well, whatever we're going to see, I guess we should get to it, right?"

Another vision. He'd expected something like that, but he didn't expect to see the future again. Still, he smiled, looking down towards Valery to extend his hand for her to take. If this was what they needed to face, then they would together, as always. Once they finished this, they'd have to rush home.

"We got this."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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