Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Paddies day space adventure.....

That was a relieve that it wasn't poisons still it didn't make any more easier where the cat had made its feet grab a hold of. Giving a wide eye looked to what he wanted to do to get the creature off of me. All she could be thinking was he really right of the way of getting the creature off her. Yea he must know what he doing, sense he deal with them before, Right?

Okay on the count of three

As she paused for a time.

Are you sure this is going to work

Hearing the words form his own lips again before she got herself ready as she counted down to the fact that they was going to force push this cat off her. Okay when we do this lets make sure he not hurt, catch him in the force.... ready ..

As there was a force push but her body must have gave some kind of idea something was about to happen as she felt as she pushed it off that it claws came into her soft flush under her shirt. Then came the sound of ripping of cloth as what followed still she had that care for the creature. Landing softly on its feet.

Ouchhhh this hurt like a .. like llliikke a lot..

Looking down at how the cloth had torn from the front and some little blood was being soaked. Turning to face Ronin as his own eyes but also as she looked down. As there seem to be a very unspoken words as if either one new what to do next.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

"Okay on the count of three."

She then soon said and no sooner had she done so tentatively placed a hand onto her shoulder.

"Are you sure this is going to work?"

Then once sense she was ready gather as much force he could hold to. Then channel as much of it into himself and hold it off till reply back one last time.

"Am sure...worked the last time......"

He cut his words short in order not distract her with any more worry or doubt than she'd already had. As the countdown began.....

" Okay when we do this lets make sure he not hurt, catch him in the force.... ready .."

Then no sooner had they barely gotten thru two that he could sense bit of distress. Both from the creature and her but given no other choice as thought the plan on spur of the moment. That they went thru with the plan albeit some the slight consequence that followed. That he kept silent soon they got three and gave it all he got....channeling much his concentration to the plan and not to the rip sound. That sort play an image in his mind that well could not be helped but just same no sooner it all was done. That with bit splash then pitter patter of paws on wet sand that he figured the cat had been dealt with.

"Ouchhhh this hurt like a .. a lot..."

Then he hears her say at which time grow bit concern for her that he without second thought. And shy away from well looking he instinctively took off his outer cloak and wrap it round her. Before eventually run fetch the med kit and come to her aid. But paused mid way as come to speak.... as from the distance the cat seem have recovered came back and was now perched over one their ship wing. Stare at them with still great deal of curiosity.

"Well guess seem still have much learn about deal with those darn cats at any rate let me help you ...figured kit might have something help dull the pain and well....patch up those claw marks?"
In was seen in her eyes of the situation that lay before the both of them, as she let herself bit her bottom lip. Even as she chewed a few more times before having to face what was going to happen next. Even then as she met his eyes at the same time of hers. Could this be such a moment she had wanted to run, run far away from. As her face wrinkled up in some more pains.

Do what must be done, just be quickly?

It was all she could do to say those little words, as she was by far any where wanting him to see what lay under now the shred shirt. Even so she couldn't help but see how he look at her, she being all she could be. As she let out some gasp slip through her lips. Finding now that her own eyes looking away only to feel working quickly. mean.. you done now... right?

As she felt his hand being gentle upon her cheek. Looking at him as she did so. Thanks you for doing what you did, please when and if we get back please don't speak to anyone of ..well what you seen...

Hearing what he spoke to her only caused her to look up at the cat as she knew know they had to get a fire going. Knowing that she and him would need. As all she wanted to do was go of by herself to cry over what just took place, not just the ship almost crashing but also, with having to do some doctor on parts she cared not to think about him seeing.

As if he could feel what she was going through feeling his arms around her now as if trying to make up for what just took place between the two of them.


[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

It was then as he stood there caught between sneak a glance at her and look away. As hear her words and seeing wounds cause by his seem his somewhat half baked plan left him well. A bit guilty at it seem it had been well twice in a row that he sort screwed things up between them. Where seem at every turn something bound hit a snag where in instead of nice fly cruise they almost crash land. And instead of aid her seem he'd caused her harm instead. Then to top it off thru the tear on her tunic made things sort well not good. As thru them one could help see bloody marks of the claw and bit of skin.

"Do what must be done, just be quickly?"

To which as time wore on due to either emotion or situation made the hue of her skin all the more prominent. At which case take deep break as he listen her speak and he in turn replied.

"Umm yeah sure......just...just don't move..."

He then reach over with bit strips of bacta strips in one hand. Ronin slowly and carefully let his hand hover over wounds. Patch those close to her chin at first before well moving down lower carefully.

" mean.. you done now... right?"

She then adds while with great care he let his hands hover slightly close as he could. Opting make as minimal and soft dabs put some the patch over the wound. That his hands seem barely felt by her till he was all done soon replied.

"Yes...i guess that well.....last of that....and should do the ummm....."

At which time he then puts the kit away turn back slightly feel a bit it seem something about her....the way she stood and sight of her there stir something in him . That he well couldn't quite understand as it was all to new or something he felt so new to him. That no sooner had she spoke while he turn round reach over to take second look over at his work. Which seem innocent enough was more out of concern for her rather than anything else.

"Thanks you for doing what you did, please when and if we get back please don't speak to anyone of ..well what you seen..."

That he then could all but nod before seem about to speak and instead pause mid way.

"Well one will know...."

It was then soon after while he stood hovering close to her however much he resisted the thought, Something brush his consciousness....a thought....emotion....that before he knew it. He'd carefully reach over let his arm rest gently over her shoulder in attempt to comfort her. Before eventually take her hand he'd then lead her back to camp. Once there opening the door to the tent he leads her halfway in before pause.

"Best you rest up and let wound heal....i'll take care of keep the fire and check up on it....will be just outside....keep watch and all.... so if you need know....i'll be just outside the door."

He then pause wait on a reply from her as he'd wanted to somehow reassure her. And make sure she was able have some time alone to process or mend. Before day ended as slowly but surely night sky slowly crept thru over them push back the light of day aside.
Giving him a look, as did she just hear what he thought he heard coming from him. That he would respect her enough to give her the the shelter for the night. In that moment of silence was all that it took from her to not be able to understand that there was maybe more to him that she wanted to admitted to herself at this time. Even so she couldn't help or was it her mother own nature coming out in her. There was it as she turn her head towards her, there laying a soft but quick kiss upon his cheek, of her gratitude.

Ronin, this means a lot to me, to give me some time and space

Making there way back to base camp, as she knew that they would have a long day tomorrow, if anything she needed to rest. Before she did turn in for the time. She looked at him in a way she never did before. Giving him a soft smile upon her lips.


There she place her head to sleep as she drifted off to sleep reflecting what all had taken place upon this day. Knowing that she couldn't have even dreamed or wrote a story like been unfolding. Knowing tomorrow she would have to write some more in her joural pad. Strange as it may be, it was turning out to be a good thing maybe just maybe she needed to get herself a way like this from the only thing she felt security in.

Much later on in the night her body took on a cold sweat one that felt uneasy as it was her dream of what took place in the ship, as she started to mumble in her sleep, only to cry out in her sleep.

No no I don't want to die , we going to die..

Her own heart was racing wildly now as if she couldn't control anything as if everything that happen came down on her at once like rock falling on her chest not able to lift them off. Waking up as she tried to remember where she was still waking up from a deep sleep very disoriented. Where was she at why wasn't she in her bed, this only cause more of her hear to beat faster. There was this voice a voice that came in smooth.


[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

It was then at that moment would seem that for one reason or another seem out of character. The once rambunctious youth Ronin was in her presence at that time became seem quite reserved. Become ever so mindful and respectful of her in ways so few others had seen. That i moment of silence it took him somewhat by suprise that she then turns her head towards him and then quickly but softly lands a kiss upon his cheeks seem in gratitude before reply back.

"Ronin, this means a lot to me, to give me some time and space."

At which time he couldn't help but beam with pride and something else seem indescribable that. He could all but unable hold back smile that came across his lips.

"Well i reckon its least i could do for all the trouble i've caused you....beside it's the right thing do...."

As the two then slowly turn round to head back to camp. With him all too mindful yet quietly keep watch of her from sideline till they eventually reached the tent. And only then did he peel off to the side but not before steal a quick glance her way. As she then seem turn and their gaze met if but unexpectedly.


With her flash a soft smile his way all but endeared her the more to him that. Mind raced with thought that he had to look away no sooner had she turn in and close the tent door flap. At which time he could help but slightly yet silently shake his head as though play in his mind. And he after a quick sweep make sure the surrounding area around the camp was secured. The tending to the fire and feed it enough wood to keep it afire at same time dragging enough extra to the side for later. Then soon after after all was said and done he then move to position himself. Between the fire and the tent then slowly turn his concentration inward. As he went into a kind of meditative state he'd learn close his eyes as he then reach out with the force. To keep watch of the camp ground while rest his body for tomorrow task at hand.

When all of a sudden in corner of his mind eye he sense feel something brush against his subconscious. That which was of a familiar presence.....of deep sense of dread or forbode afterthought. That no less worried him so that it woke him out his meditation as he then rush over to the tent. Fear something untoward happened to her and yet seeing the area appear be undisturbed. Thougt tempted he opted not to disturb her slumber at same time feel bit unsure. If given her state what or how her pheromones left unchecked would affect him. As such though with much restraint he instead opted stand his ground by the door. And thru the force brush gently thru her thought in light whisper call out her name. As he soon inquired to ask if she was alright and if she'd had need for him enter.
In the moment of a few minutes she was feeling around, only to cause her to stop where she was in the fact that she felt someone outside. Fog of her mind not working at all, did she just have a bad dream. Knowing that with out a doubt now just by the smell that she wasn't on Voss, as she became more full awake. The present of another brushing her mind as if to say that she been okay that one was here to protect.

Letting herself now slowly remember, about the island then the rush of the one that had crushed them here, Ronin. That was when she let herself reach out to feel something more, that present outside. Wondering now what to do she was scared out of her mind what that softly came to her mind, something that should made her shiver but it did the opposite to her as her breathing slowed down. Now came the sinking reality of their situation. All alone with no way of getting off this island.

Ronin..... y...ou ther..e?

Even just speaking the way she was still trying to catch her breath. As if that wasn't the only thing as she was very scared to be all true to herself. Knowing she scared out of her wits of the fact what was understand that even her mother didn't know where she was at. Coming now as she felt him wanting to enter but something keep there.


There it was she was scared more so now then she had been in her past that she gotten herself into, knowing that she had some control over knowing that she could easy slip away and back home. This situation she didn't at all. She wanted to go back to the safety of her own bed, in her mothers arms, the home she called Voss.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

It was then from behind the close tent Ronin waited somewhat impatiently on her reply. For in the back his mind he could help shake the guilt and some the burden in regards to the whole situation. For on one side he could have just taken the easy route with take the shuttle. But then he did not and instead taken the foolish route of take his ship thought he knew the risk. Throwing caution to the wind he took the gamble and seem lost though not a whole lot. As for the most part they were although stranded were still alive....and in that moment place his hand upon the door flaps of the tent.

" Ronin..... y...ou ther..e? "

He could help but sense the deep dread and fear from her that all the more drew him worry. To the point his hand no less hovered over the door end flaps. As the temptation grew to flip it open and yet barely catch his composure at the very last second. He instead ball his fist and replied.

"Yes.....i...i'm ...I'm everything alright.....?"

He ponder and at best draw in from what little training he could recall. About being patient and mindful of his surrounding along with the other being around. Which in this case included her .... for whom for whatever reason. Could it been just a product of her pheromones or something else drew him to her he never seem had felt for any other. At which case as his mind contemplated these thought that been play in his mind that she came replied back.


At which case her words and the emotion he could no less feel flow thru the force from her. As by that time thought he'd train hard alongside some the other Master in the Temple. There seem be some aspect of himself that had eluded him. That of being how to best handle balancing his emotion and somewhat reckless impulse to act. For it seem despite his somewhat youthful appearance there were no less deep scars from the past all but lost. That had left their mark and influence him still though unknowingly at best. That in moment hear her words all but force him to act unable the temptation of not knowing ate at him. That in split second he then flips open the tent door flaps and enter in haste. To then rush by her side and for moment wrap his arms round her as held on to her tight. As he at best tried comfort her as much he knew spur of the moment while he spoke.

"Don't be....i'm here and i won't let anything happen to you...i promise....we'll get home somehow....soon...."

It was then with quiet curiosity another pair of dark eyes peer at them from the corner of the tent door. As did a light purr ..... for it seem the loth cat having shaken off its earlier encounter. Now came back to inquisitively eye them from a distance. While at the same time being so close to her and seem not clearly thinking. With each breath that his mind began to slowly grow clouded as he held on to her.
The moment that the flap open as felt Ronin present it was his action that took her off guard. Not like it was welcoming, as if hadn't needed it. It was the fact that would he see her as someone weak. Puzzlement set in all of the happening to the fact that why would she care what he thought of her. This very odd feeling swept over her like there was fog all around her she couldn't see clearly what was happening to her.

Feeling of his arm wrapping tightly around her she laid her head on his chest at that moment in time. I had a nightmare ...I dreamed we never get off this island.

Only to hear his words once again in her soothing giving her hope. Wasn't that her job to give home when it seem hopeless what was with Ronin. Hearing those last few words.

You promise to never let me go, Ronin.

Even after that last word, his name slip from her lips, couldn't help but feel the present of another creature, only the feeling felt the same as the one they had ran into in the forest. Even so it was purring as if it was more curious or maybe knowing nothing about the creature took a liking to them. With out even raising her head. Whispering. I think little guy back, please just make sure it dont...welll..

she didn't have to speak any other words, to have Ronin understand what she was getting at. Even at that very thought it seem to inch closer to the to of them, Having found her arms wrapped around him. She wouldn't let go, as time seem to slip by as it seem that her very eyes seem to get more heavy again with sleep. Still finding that she was keeping a very tight grip upon Ronin. Feeling safe in his arms was it just the moment or was there more to this special moment that they where sharing.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

And it was then caught in the moment of feel her head lean against his chest and that with each breath. The scent of her fill his lungs and seem draw him in closer in wanting hold her ....close feel warmth of her felt so intoxicating. That he could help but truthfully speak that which he kept in his heart or mind at that time. Being so gentle at same time protective of her that he seem not care one bit as to what other or she might say of her action. Had it been too bold or forward of him to just burst into the tent like that unannounced ? He dare not care as all that mattered was her at that time...

"I had a nightmare ...I dreamed we never get off this island."

Her words seem all that mattered as two them held each other close. As she then continued on speak...while he listened.

"You promise to never let me go, Ronin."

To which as even soothing presence of her so close lull him to sense of calm that he replied back.

"I rest and i will stay with you for the rest of night. If it would help belay those fears and dark dreams....."

He then with a smile on his face lean close to then stroke her back gently as if in reassurance. When from the sideline he could hear purring and seem familar presence. To which she too had as in faint voice thru the force in seem hopes that it would not hear she spoke.

"I think little guy back, please just make sure it dont...well..."

And he think on his feet remember a small piece of ration bar he had kept in one the pouch of his belt. Which he grabs and toss over to the side in hope the cat would least follow which it did. Give him enough time to with the force close the tent door flap behind it. Before turn to her in the relative dark security of the tent. That he then gently leans over plant a kiss upon her cheek as he then slowly guide her back to lay down with him beside her. Uttering a reply as he tired fend off the sleep from his own eyes.

"We should be fine....and don't worry it'll never come near you to harm rest...sleep .....and know i am here hold you close."

Bu which time the two then slowly drifted to sleep within the tent till morning came.....and new day dawned.
Reaching was all she felt herself doing with him, not thinking how could she do such a thing. Falling a sleep did she dream again yes one would be a fool and say she didn't at all. These dreams was much easier on her mind. Standing on a high cliff looking over a great sea, as she felt her hand in Ronin as if there was a whisper with in the force. It speaking to her as she stired awake. Only to feel the warm coming from Ronin.

Not forgetting what happen the night before, she only wished not to wake him up as she let herself kept from moving so. Her dark eyes came open feeling a softly brush against her own cheek. Reaching up with her own soft hand to brush her own fingers. Morning, Ronin, I think..

Letting herself stop speaking as his own locked upon her owns. Now it was her unable to speak as they both just stay where each other. Finding her eyes closed again as she didn't know how to handle what happen. Not that nothing happen, just that the strange feeling rushing over her as if she enjoy being in his present. Could it be that there was more or was she letting this one get so close to her with out backing away from him. Wondering if he was thinking the same thing or even what he was thinking himself.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

It was then no sooner had sleep taken him that Ronin consciousness began drift away. Freed from the confines of his mortal coil that his full consciousness could slowly show thru. That if but for a moment in his mind's eye he could see himself standing in a field. That felt so foreign yet familiar in a way and as his gaze turn round he couldn't quite help feel sense of someone else being there. And when his eye turn before him that he notice a figure standing there. A stranger and yet as their eyes met that he couldn't help be take back. For eyes stare back at him was his own....then in fleeting moment it all went dark. As he close his eyes only to open them see it all change. Where he seem be standing near a cliff looking out over a vast open sea. With figure standing just beside him who even though she had her back to him.

He couldn't help but be draw to her in such a way that his hand instinctively reach out for hers. Followed by a seem whisper in the force that slightly stir him awake. In far different way that he'd use to be as instead of s deep sense of dread all he could feel was a deep sense of calm. A soothing presence that made him not want stir awake. And not really care much about the slight cramp confines of the tent as felt lost in the moment.

Till eventually his mind slowly awoke and he couldn't help look down at her form. Note how a strand of loose hair fell upon her face. Made him reach over with his hand and brush it aside to feel warmth softness of her cheeks. That was soon followed by her dark eyes come open and her own hand reach out . Gently brush her own fingers over his as she turn speak.

"Morning, Ronin, I think..."

That soon made him smile and gaze back at her in way that seem made her pause mid sentence. That he replied back in return in seem light banter. As from outside a slight sound from the cat sort made its intention know that it was still out there.

"Well good morning to you as well....sleep well i hope.....and yeah think it just might be....if only....."

At any rate no sooner had sleep left his eyes by that time that his gaze began wander round. Take in the sight of her there in his arms in the confines of the tent. With her tunic top slightly torn and barely covered by his cloak draped over her. For moment made him nervous yet he tried hid it as slight wave of embarrassment mix in with confusion came over him, For seems in one few moment that he could recall that he had actually slept thru the night. Without the dark nightmares and shadow haunting him for once. On top of it for some reason her words about pheromones and how it elicited certain reaction she had yet learn control over came mind. At which time note how she then close her eyes again and some that had transpired the previous night came flood back to him. As cat outside ruckus sort brought hint it back that only then could he let out sigh of relief.

Knowing as far he knew other than perhaps sleep thru the night nothing else happen between them. That is as far he could tell seeing how things were in the tent....but just the same it all felt so oddly strange and new to him. For much time he knew...he had never been one to really be open or close to anyone. Thought it was not to say he was anti social but fact matter was he really wasn't much of someone who kept social. Unless times needed him to be in order survive....the rough and unforgiving landscape outside the seem relative safety and security of Voss.

But still not wanting lose her trust nor her friendship if this was what he assumed she thought of him? Just a friend? A comrade? He wasn't sure.....but whatever it was seem felt nice....being around point despite their unfortunate circumstances. He was sort glad he had her be stuck in this which lost for words his thought turn to his grumbling stomach.

"......and i guess nice breakfast be in order before we get back try get back?"
Each soft breath that came out was another minute that she spend looking at him. Even so she wasn't going to speak first, beside what she had said to him. There came the rumble, was she saved by Ronin stomach. This only got her to smile bigger and laugh, "Yea, maybe should get up, plan for the rest of the day, like maybe try and fix that beacon.

In a way she didn't want move she felt so at easy, why didn't she want to shy away and flee from the situation that they was both in. Slowly she unwrapped her arms from him, why did she like feel his warm so close to her. Maybe it was because it was feeling a chill in the air, that he was giving him his warm to her.

"Hey you doing okay?

As if she could feel something coming from him deep in thought. As she knew that he had respected her enough to not want to push more from them. This is something she like about him, a real gentlemen for the night, came to her for smooth of her nightmare. Time was everything at this moment she didn't want to mess up the moment.

Please don't think Looking at the tent that they had just exit. Knowing that had calm down after being in his presents for the rest of the night. Doing the only thing she could do that was to let something natural reaction. That was to reach up with her arms wrapping them around his neck, then pulling in to kiss him on his cheek.

Thank you

That was all that was said she couldn't bring herself to speak in more. As after this she had to look away what had came over like that. It wasn't like she should be shying away making sure that there was enough space wanting to run far far away not look back. But something keep her where she was planted.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

It was then seem out of sheer embarrassment and nervousness in situation at hand that . With his stomach grumbling seem on cue as it did and elicit a smile then a hearty laugh from her as she spoke.

"Yea, maybe should get up, plan for the rest of the day, like maybe try and fix that beacon."

And he in turn with a sheepish grin on his face replied back to her in a light banter,

" Umm yeah .....that....the beacon and plan for rest day....."

At which time just as he seem was get comfy and feel slight contentment in have her as close she was. That she slowly move to unwrapped her arm from him and seem to then tentatively move off. To head outside and as she open the tent flap doors that faint cool chill ocean breeze. Brush at her from sea yonder and while he stay there for moment. Briefly eye her from afar that she turn round say.

"Hey you doing okay?

An he just lean back there for moment lost in thought that no less did get notice by her judge from her response. Which left him bit distracted from his train of thought that he somehow had a somewhat quizzical look on his face. As she then noticed as well cause her to add....

"Please don't think."

And he in turn with his head cock to one side replied.

"Umm i'm ok.....and umm what? Think what ....?"

His tone and words coy while seem unexpectedly.....he feel her arm wrap round his neck and was soon followed by her pull him close to land a kiss upon his cheek.

"Thank you."

That for once left him speechless and like dear in headlight stood there. Seem lost for words as he watch her move forth. Then feel something brush against his leg made him look down just in time. Take notice of the cat now purring and brush against his legs. As if asserting a notion of wanting or offering friendship of some sort. Or was it just being coy he couldn't tell for sure.....but just the same he play along with it and didn't move for moment. If only seem distract it and keep it away from slowly but surely he began plot and plan to prioritize what need be done for rest day in his mind. Before moving off to follow her soon the cat move off.
Looking at him with curiosity more then anything else did her very simple action with playing it was a kiss on the cheek cause him to stare in space. Even then she couldn't help but smile at him looking down at the cat that seem to take a liking to his leg. Maybe just that simple thing cause the cat to take a liking to him, not her for the time being.

Even so she busy herself around the fire, making some boiled, and finding a little bit of herb in her pouch on her hip. To make some light tea with. Before like it was ready as she got a the tin looking drink cup pouring some into the cup as she took a deep smell of it. It made her think of the garden where they been but yesterday. Even so she looked at him, handing him the cup first to drink out of it.

Lets hope he behave himself or maybe we need to think about cooking him up for dinner.

Now for her to do something like she couldn't as oddly enough she taken a little bit of a liking toward him, which was odd as she thought about the liking part, looking over to him, waiting for him to speak about the herb tea. Finding herself wondering now more about him wanting to know him more and more.

After some time after both of their belly was full, she went to work on something she wanted to do for the day as she watch Ronin get to work on the beacon along with his ship. Looking up at the suns wondering just how hot it was going to get on this island. Didn't have to wonder to long before she started to take the cloak off then her shirt leaving her sports bra that showed off a tattoo. Being from her mother own people, it was a right of passage, but instead of doing it on her mother home planet, her and her brothers had done it on Voss deep in the forest. Skills hunters the lot of them. Even so she would need the tools to do some hunting.

I guess that answer my question of how hot its going to get on this island.

Her own work on the long shaft took shape after a while there was a sharp pointy end. As she continued her work, left her with one thing as she let another branch she had taken from one of the near by tree take shape.

We got any string maybe something that gives a little would be best..

It was in Ronin eyes that said it all, that he was a bit curious what she was making for them to use, even so she wonder at the same time how he was coming with the ship, and its beacon. It was after all their own hope, wasn't it. Wondering more towards herself then anything else.

Hows the fixing going?

[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

It took a while but eventually by what other reason the cat soon stop and arch its back for moment. As if stretching itself before moving off in blink of an eye towards the crates. At which time having made up his mind to see about get the beacon set up a once look over. That Ronin moved off head back towards the ship and let her be for moment. Though all the while mind swirled with thought of her which for most part he figured be due to the kiss she'd given her earlier. To which he seem drew inspiration from as he set off pick off look thru some the crates for salvageable parts. As he set about make quick inventory of what he had on hand work on.

When slowly but surely under the slowly rise sun above that the temperature rose. To such that midway thru working he had to loosen his tunic top a bit to let it instead. Hang and freely drape on him while he work. Till such time later that he sense her approach him with one spare cup filled with some sort beverage. That smell new and inviting ....somewhat unlike what he seem be use to. For the most part life wandering as he did in his early years had been tough. That so for most part he'd taken to down the occasional booze in the bar or some low grade pseudo juice he recon it be on cheep end of the spectrum. And so reach over to accept cup she'd handed him with a smile as she in turn spoke.

" Lets hope he behave himself or maybe we need to think about cooking him up for dinner."

After which he could help but slightly smirk and lightly laugh as he in turn replied.

"Yes let's hope little fella seem probably just lonely or spooked ....and didn't mean to attack you. As far i hear Loth Cat's are not usually hostile unless provoked or say teased...But just the same this tase new to me and is nice."

He then sent slight playful glance over at her direction as a joke. Before try few sip of the drink in the cup.

" But tell you what....i figure it will go well with these..."

He then pull out to ration packs which out one crate and small pan from the other. At which time take one the canteen he then proceed pour the powder from one the ration packs onto the pan. Before douse it with few drop of water from the canteen. As soon seem like magic it then began form and grow to produce a loaf like item onto the pan. Which he takes and break into two before handing half to her and take the other for himself. As the two then walked over to sit under one the wing of the ship to eat. At which time as they ate that the temperature slightly rose bit more that.

"I guess that answer my question of how hot its going to get on this island."

At which time with their belly full their thought seem drift to the task at hand. Where in she moved of back to camp while he stay behind. To work on the ship and beacon , instinctual and having not give it much thought he slip off his tunic top. Then place it over his head and tie the sleeves round to form sort head covering. As she in turn he noted look off began speak....

"We got any string maybe something that gives a little would be best.."

As he glance to the side into one the crates reach in he grabs a cord. Then move off to where she was hands it to her saying.

"Well we got this.....think it'll work?"

He asked at which time seeing her there way she was and hold to strange item in hand. Left him somewhat curious at same time somewhat unable look away. His gaze seem taken by her and the object at hand as she came seem soon notice then speak.

" How's the fixing going?"

And he in turn could all but nod in reply seem unable find the words.
Looking up to here she had since planted herself as she finished making notches both top and bottom, as she reach out to take the slender string. Looking at it for a bit before testing it in her finger tips. It might do, we soon seek now, to find some feathers...

Causing her to pause for the longest time. Feeling that he wasn't answering her for some reason. Until her eyes looked up, only did she get very quiet. It wasn't because he was looking at her in a way. The way he looked with out his tunic on. This causing her to fumble with the string for a few second.

Then getting hotter then was already. Before shaking it out of her mind, looking away quickly to where it had landed softly into the sand. Finding herself more and more with out a doubt that there some kind of spark there but could she do something or say something with out messing it up.

I hoping to make a bow, well just in cause, the battery in those guns of yours give out before we ...well before....someone comes ...along to get us off this island is all,

Did she over step her self by not telling Ronin what she was up to, either way there it was again. I messed up, didn't I should have told you..first what I was thinking of doing, with giving us a few more weapons..f


forgive me if I over step myself.

As she let her head fall and her eyes looking into her lap where her hands now laid with the rope.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

"It might do, we soon seek now, to find some feathers..."

Ronin hears her say as he absentmindedly picks up one the synth cord he finds loose in one the crates. While he was dig in for the usable part and hands it to her giving an all but brief reply. As his mind was momentarily distracted by making good on the task of getting the beacon up. If only it could make up for some trouble he'd caused her. In regards scare her seem half to death with the somewhat rough stranding them here on this island....and get her attacked by the loth cat weigh heavily in his mind enough make him guilty. That his gaze sort turns towards her at one point that with the way sun ray show around Freyia. That he apparently became speechless and for once could all but stare at her direction. Nod his head in quiet response which no less seem prompted her turn round. Catching him as he gazes at her from sideline way he did. Which at some point with two them standing there gaze at the other. That she then came break the stalemate as came forth say.

"I hoping to make a bow, well just in case, the battery in those guns of yours give out before we ...well before....someone comes ...along to get us off this island is all."

Which with a momentary pause as he assumes done or left on purpose to perhaps elicit a response from him. At any rate, none seems forthcoming as all he could muster was smile as a hand raised slightly to stroke the back his neck. While he quizzically gazed at her his head cocked to one side while he all but tried muster a reply back. As he noted how her skin seemed to look a tad bit flustered for once while she gazed back at him.

"Well umm....."

He yet again paused as his mind seemed all that oblivious to the fact behind it and the swirling emotion stir within. As she then continued to then reply and add on her words earlier....

"I messed up, didn't I should have told you..first what I was thinking of doing, with giving us a few more weapons...f...f...forgive me if I overstep myself. "

At which time he then note to see her head fall and with her eyes gaze turn downward her lap. Where the string he'd handed her earlier now lay to rest. And he seemed compelled by what other reason came forth to simply walked over. Knee down onto the sands before her and lay his hand over her while he spoke. And then come grab hold them ever so gently while stroke them as he spoke.

"Nah...don't worry about all right there nothing to forgive as it is I that should be well... you know....besides hell figured it good thinking on your part.Though I hope it won't take it that long but who knows?"

He then shrugs his shoulder and with reassuring yet playful tone adds.

"We could be found sooner than later, though, either way, I probably gonna get an earful about this little escapade of our from your mom....and my Master...."

At which time he then paused midsentence unable turn his gaze away from her. Nor disconnect from hold her hand way he did. As he then seems to try to sway him break off from the train thought as continued on speak....

"....and oh.....seem we're in luck found a few decent replacement parts for the engine. ....maybe get the Beacon up. But gonna take a bit of time......have to wait to try to turn it back on see if it'll do the trick."
Couldn't help but smile a little with a grin upon her lips. Wondering if there was something more to this look that he was giving. This only brought her to stop from looking away as if they was with out a doubt look upon each other. Even then there was a greatful look to her face. Once again she spoke to him, it what came out that got her, was she trying to flirt a little with him or make light of there situations.

Oh really now what if those parts don't work, mister fix it, It be alright the ship is safe.

It wasn't as if she wanted to make light of the situation but something more inside of her wanted to just tried and....

Really now was there something more to her words, more to the fact that she wanted to see what he would do next. Maybe so as she put a coil to her lips. Beside maybe I grown fawn of your, beside who going to keep me safe from loth cats I come across.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

It was then noted the smile upon her lips that soon turn into what appeared him be a playful grin. A slight look of wonderment came upon each as they gaze at each other. As seen but chance either one seem unable to look away and as if by then without a doubt the attraction coupled with a hint of curiosity. Slowly linger and blossom with each passing moment as with seem grateful gaze.That she then began speak in ways that seem drew him in more to her or was it something else. A playfully coy response or simply her warm up to him now that the ice seems melted in a manner of speaking between them. But just the same he no less fell silent and listen....for seem once in his life he actually was able still himself long enough listen to someone other than his Master.

"Oh really now what if those parts don't work mister fix it ? It is alright the ship is safe ?"

He then with a nod and sheepish grin then a wink came reply as he slowly passingly glanced back at the ship.

"Well....guess that something will soon find out when I start the ship again. That is far I know should be safe...."

At which end somehow as he listened to her that Ronin couldn't help shake the idea. How abysmal his words may have seemed for her to apparently come across as seem try to lighten things up. At any rate, she no less having put a faint coil to her lips spoke back.

"Besides, maybe I have grown fond of your, besides who going to keep me safe from Loth cats I come across."

At that time seem on cue the Loth cat slowly strolls over on the sideline just barely a few arms length from the nearest crate. Come to hop then perched itself onto the ships cockpits open canopy....purring in a light tone before lay to seem to watch over them as he spoke.

"..... that and apparently standing in as your night sleep buddy company ...... I apparently seem to be not doing that badly after all I hope. That could at least make up for bad starts on this trip....and wouldn't sway you from well...."

He then with his head cocked to one side adds.

"......going off to another foolish adventure with me or better yet be the voice of reason. And tell me off when I just get too over my head sometimes....But yeah Loth cats as far I can think or say can make sure keep you safe from..."

He then seemed with the slight rise in temperature from the sun or was it from within. That he couldn't help feel bit strangely drawn to her in ways he'd never been with anyone else. That he could help but decide to slowly pull back a bit as unbeknownst to him that in the heat of the moment. Mix in with her seems unchecked pheromones was getting to him bad. As restraint he had so carefully and diligently kept in check was slowly waneing a bit. That before it got any worse he'd hope to cleverly work something out as he came speak. As he playfully nudged to notion off to the beach at the same time while he spoke.

"At any rate, say....seem to get a bit mighty nice take swim....that is if your up to it?"

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